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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1910)
.(iHPMiWff'Pll'WWP BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1910-EVENING EDITION. 4 THE COOS BILLIARD PARLOR SOLD. Itobert Mni-sdcn, Jr., HoiirM Out By Knstern Oregon Man. Itobert Mnrsilcii, Jr., lins Bold Ills cigar Btoro nnd billiard room, wlllch 13 known ns Dob's Billiard I'nrlor, to Edwnrd Itlchniond of Eastern Oregon. Tho salo wns nindo n week or two ngo but lins Just been nnnounced by Mr. MarBden. Tho new owner Is a cattlo man of Eastern Oregon nnd will bo hero nbout tbo first of the month to take possession, Mr. Mnrsden will tako a vacation for a tlmo nnd later on expects to embark In another lino of business In Mnrshflold. Ho has conducted tho billiard parlor for quite a long, tlmo nnd established n good business. WILL WED TOMORROW. Two Young Lmlles JCnoun IocnlIy Will Ho Mnrricd. Tho marriage of Miss Agnes Qui uveon, who formerly lived in Mnrsh flold, takes placo tomorrow at tho homo of her parents In Portland. Sho -will bo marled to Willis Hubb. Miss Muriel Qrlsson, who was hero recently to visit Miss Mnmlo Mnhon oy, nnd who Is known by many In tho city, will ho mnrrled to Earl Wright tomorrow at tho brldo's homo In McMlnnvlllc. IX)K THE QUEEN OP THE HAY, CEE EA8TSIDE. His Attorneys Are Endeavoring to Secure Bail For iheir Client. W. 11. Perry, formerly of Conl'nga, Cnl., who wns promoting n consolidsi tlon of tho weekly pnpers of Coos rounty, nnd who wns arrested on n telegram from that city Btatiny that there wns against him n chnrg" of embezzlement, wnB taken to Co'iulllo thlB morning by Sheriff Gaga. Ho wns confined In the county jail Mr. Perry's nttorncy, E. L. C. Fa'Mt, If making an offort to sccuro bond for him, but has been unsuccessful &nd consequently Mr. Perry had to spoiid last night In tho city Jail. dcorgo Fnrrln, of tho firm of Fur rln nnd Fnrrln, stated this morning that Mr. Perry was at loss to know why thcro should bo n warrant nglnst him "unless It wns due to splto work." E. L. C. Farrln ac companied Sheriff Gago and his prisoner to Coqulllo this morning, llonil 8 100. Tho bond In Perry's enso was fixed at $400 and his attorneys nro nr rnnglng to glvo tho bond nnd hnvo hint released. ulu ffiuftura nf (Buns fflay: I desire to nuuniinco that I lme Just opened n Hue of llio VEHV LATEST STYLES In PATEHN AM) TAN LOKED HATS, enilmiclng all the Full nnd Winter idiow IngN in the Enxtei-u millinery center. Tliey are now ready for jour Inspection nt the LADIES' EMPORIUM. Also htjllidi lint itiadu fiom your owi materials. Mvs. Itriglfi IJrtiurlrtnr STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE First; Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY, MAK8HF1ELD, ORE. June 30, 1910. IlE80UnCE3. Loans and discounts . . . . $ 07.73S.53 Overdrafts 711.84 Bonds and securities ... 2B.SS9.36 Hanking house, furnlturo and fixtures 56.S20.G0 Cash on hand and duo from bauks 87,330.01 Tolal J2C0.4G0.24 T LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. ..$100,000.00 Surnlus and undivided profits 4,240.221 Deposits 105,220.02 Total I2C9.4C0.24 Wo Invito your attention to th strong condition of this bcrnk at chowo by tho abovo statement towlt: Cash reserve 52 I)0r cont ot deposits, Itosorvo required by law 15 per cont of deposits. Rcsorvo In excess of legal requl rements 37 per cent ot deposits. OFFICKHS AM) DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, Prosldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN O. HOGEr.S, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER. WILLIAM GRIMES. DR, C. W. TOWER, M. O. HORTON. Vleo President nnd Mnnager. . DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. VOl'B BUSINESS SOLICITED. I V ? a i u THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK Wells Fnrgo Nevada National Hank, San Francisco, CL n , I The United States National Rank, Portland, Or. UraWS Thp National Pnrk Bank, New York, N. Y. UraltS xi,0 Cor Excliniige Natloual Hank, Chicago, 111. OH The Hank of Scotland, London, England. Tho Credit Lyonniils, Paris, France. In addition we draw drafU on all principal banking centtrt In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central and South America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Certificates ot Deposit Uf Jed. Bate Doposlt Boxes for rent. FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAR3HFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Hunk In Coos County, Established in 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus, $80,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a. general banking business and draws drafts on the Dank ot California, San Francisco, Cl.; Hanover National Bank, N, Y.; First National Bank, Portland, Ore.: First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities ot Europe, Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. BENNETT, President. . F. WILLIAMS Cashier. J. II, FLANAGAN, V.-Prew. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, At. Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Coos Bay Koseburg Stage Line. Dally stage between Itoscburg and Mnrsdifleld, commencing June 10. Stngo 1cmvc4 dally and Sun day nt O a. tn. Faro f O.OO, OTTO SOHKTTER, Ageut, O. 1 HAR.NAIU), 390 MARKET AV., Marshtleld. Agent, KOSEBURG, OAK. rnoNE 11 ' P VZjyn r SEND YOUR YOUNG F0LKSVF0 SCHOOL WELL-BREWED. M THEY WILL G0;A0RE WILLINGLY .1ND STUDY THEIR rrr , nnne pnifl afcttt a & LFOrtS ftFT mi. tk BLrMULe) dA UKLeGIU WLkk II PIRT OF THEIR JEDUCyjTION? ""'0URBT0RE iSjTHE CHILDREN S STORE OF THIS CITY. WE SELL EVERYTHING FOR CHILDREN AT A LOW PROFIT FOR A GOOD BUSI NESS REASON. CHILDREN BEC0AE GROWN FOLKS. VE WISH FOR THEA TO GET INTO THE MBIT OF C0AING TO OUR STORE WHILE THEY AKl YOUNG. OUR FJ1LL rrOCKOF EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY TO WEIR., IS FULL yiND NEW. VTRAGOOnW Our Extragood School Suits and Overcoats PRICE FOR PRICE, WE DO NOT THINK IT POSSIBLE TO FIND ANYWHERE ELSE THE EQUIVALENT OF THESE GARMENTS IN DISTINCTIVENESS OF FABRICS, MODELS OR FINISH. EVEN AT HIGHER PRICES THAN OURS IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO MATCH THE EXTREME DRESSINESS OF OUR GARMENTS, PRODUCED, AS THEY ARE, BY CRAFTS MEN WHO ARE THOROUGHLY TRAINED IN THE CREATION OF CLOTHES FOR YOUTHS AND WHO DEVOTE THEIR WHOLE TIME TO THIS SPECIAL WORK. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLOTHS AND COLORINGS IN PARTICULARLY YOUTHFUL EFFECTS ALL NOVEL. Ages 6 to 15 years, priced from . $3.50 to $7.50 for Strictly All-Wool Garments -K-w---n---n---M-jm-----n--u-K--K--R -.M---a---tt---a'nK-a-rt--n-n-n The Noted Cadet Stockings GUARANTEED AS THEY ARE AGAINST MANY OF THE IMPERFECTIONS OF ORDINARY STOCKINGS MAKE THIS BRAND SO POPULAR AND KNOWN AS THE BEST 25c. STOCKING SHOWN IN THE CITY. Boys' Footwear WE HAVE DONE MUCH TO PUNCTURE THE OLD THE ORY THAT BOYS' SHOES SHOULD BE HEAVY AND CLUMSY IN ORDER TO GIVE SATISFACTORY SERVICE. GOOD MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP U N I T E IN OUR BOYS' SHOES TO MAKE THEM PROPERLY LIGHT AND EXCEEDINGLY STRONG. THE MODELS ARE NOT WITHOUT GRACE AND BEAU TY. LOOK AT THE LINES. WHEN WE WERE BOYS OUR SHOES WERE A TRAVESTY-BURLESQUES COMPARED TO THESE. tt------------H---R---------ntt--tt----u-::-w--n--n--n-n-w-n-w--- Miscellaneous Articles OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE WITH NEW UNDER-WEAR, SWEATERS rffffr COATS, SCHOOL HATS, ETC.INSPECT OUR LINES AT ANY TIME? COMPAQ "oflR PRirFS . AND YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OUR PRICES AN D THE PR CES 1 teszrJit 111 r tM v jtSiI yCs JcLrJL 1 'Ca h it r ( Jvr l ---- ----- -- - ---- - Magnes Matson Front Street Marshfield, Oregon i v V k 'tti E&EH mm