SttttM ADS. NEWS 'IICSISESSM SLOW, Al ,c ' THAT IT PAYS IS BVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS XJAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TEHSKLY 10LU .: :: ii it ? 7rPl) III SUCCESSFUL , noCSBS BVKKVWUB 11U8I- HERE tt MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1878 us Thq Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos liny Advertiser. V0fcX." No. 43. ID AND BULLETS FOUND IN EASTSIDE WAITING 101 GREW OF EliNtO VESSEL SAVED'ENGINES IN GASOLINE BOATS lelieved That Roy Perkins Was Murdered in the Ferry Station. ODY HAD BEEN DRAGGED TO WATER. learch For Remains in Bay Will Probably Be Made By Officials. nfcowrlmi innde Into Mils attcv LYONS SELLS All of the'Persons on Board the Burned Vessel West Point Have Been Rescued. (By Associated Preim.l LONDON, Sopt. C. The rescuo by INTEREST MARRIED SUNDAY NIGHT Disposes of Coos Bay Steam Laundry to J. D. and J. C. Jones. J. E, Lyons, president mid owner of the controlling Interest of the Coos kail to tin hclh'f ,,mt ,,l''oml n ,I,ny Slcftm Lnundry, has disposed of ....... i....i..liiu whs murdered III liftt lntimlrv IntercKtR In .T. f!. .Toiioh. joniit J - "- - r -' itounlllnR riMiiu of the ferry nt uio Wn0 for B0Vora yonrs, hns boon con ndof Hie Ioiib Iiuif U Enilslde. In- ,1L.cted with tho plnnt n8 tt minority ........ II lllivlllir lll'l'll kllU'd l,.n.l.n.n.. .. .1 1. 1.. l,.nlUH T II BflllOIHl'l """ " . niuiiiwiuiuui, mill mo uiunn-i, .1. u. . . 1 lltiwifl uilllllU ..... .. .. . l here iwvc ihtii iimhki. ..."" " jones, mriuoriy 01 iinKorsuciu, cat. I .... (In. fItlOl1 all(l WIlllS Of rnt... ,,,.,,. ,,,. .... nimnnliin I BfC lOllllll " ," I w llv.i viinuin i.ivi ihe place nntl It It believed tliat 1 er- ci,nrg0 t0.tjny. j, jj, jonos Is return- tuniil tll(YI llllll lll'lllIUed I.,.. I. rnlir....ln .... II... nlnniiin. lllnlil I LUHlKI' num.. ' illfe lu wiiiliuimil "" iiiu oivuiiiui . i. ...i- j jonn to the end of the ferry llp and t0.dny t0 nrrnngo his business nffnlrsl .a i... ....! fwint 4 lifitj . . . . I ratrlfil In iHH'in or iiw " preparatory to returning ncro nnu uxUuiik in ine hjm. nccoming porsonnny nciivo in mo o' Tho uscoery of the llotl in mo crt0n of tho plant. ... ..'.u mil. In' .Turk KIlUI- ti. r ........ i ...n i. ......... .... n i....i UlUnj; n'Ul'i n " .111. I.Ullts IB wuu illiuiill un ll uiini- ... .-.I AI..V llllll. TIlO Wllltilll! ...... I.. 1I...I.Anl,l n.l.t lin. Iiniin P1 "" ." " Ill'BB lllllll III .liillBllllV.IU IIIIU IIUO UlUI nximlin mimII frame niilldluir next ,icntncil with tho laundry for some! tor to Flniingnn'H oil house. It Ifl tIllu ,,, j0 m8 mnnJP fr0nds audi . .I... I.. M..I.I.. ... . . .... I tfMnm cut uscu e.i-riiiiiii4 n inririi eireoi or ncnuniutnnccs in uoi u hwiIkt, so consequently tlio fact UlB c,ly ,, Norlh nontl nml lmH ilutatmKedy linn tniten pinco uiero bc0ll 8UCCCssfuI In hln conduct of tho .. ., nniipi.ii hofore. Planaunn i ,., itn i,. nt v..i .in. n.9 II". .......... ----- - IUIIIIUIJ liuiavilli .v lllia iiwv Mfc ii hippcncd to go 4ito tho waiting room c(j0(1 ,mon j,B fturo pinns and Ib not L. iii. ii. .11 .....1 unit ln. Itlniul. . .. . a ... t-... khhj- iui mm "" ' certain wncincr or noi no win ivuvu I !.. j.killlllllfltlllll KlinWril tlUlt ff t.f11.f 11a ...Ml I.a 1.nist fni. n .i iv- - .iiiiroiiiiuiu. .iu niu uu iiiiu Ihn-c btillctH hud bveii Hwd the Umo nt cn8t Uj ,B futuro plans wm mm iiiia huku ......... . aro ilctoriiuncii. UomI luid been npllled. , JUrtlwl Carter was not tiled and went to Iiiithlde. Worhliif? tin tho throrr Hint (IiiitImiii eoimnltted tho muruVr, It N iH'llevrd that ho fol lowed lVrklns until tho latter -had rmtlied the wnltlnir room. The hlo)d . imili liiillrali (but. I'eiUI.'IS lH lav-' lag dim n imtl wan irobahly idiot whllo lla llut noslileii. The threo bullet I curki are ll"lu and one of tho bid CIRCUIT COURT William Ford of San Francisco and Miss Stella O'Con- nell Wedded. Tho ninrrlngo of William S. Ford of Snn Francisco and Miss Stolln O'Connoll was soleuiulzed Sunday ovoulng nt 7 o'clock nt tho homo f tho bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. En gone O'Connoll nt Klttyvlllc. Tho cer emony was performed by Itov. Father C-allnghor of tho-Catholic Church. Tho wedding vntf n homo affair and only monibors of tho family woro nroscnt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ford left to day on tho stenmor M. F. I'lnnt for Snn Francisco, whoro they will reside. .Mr. Ford Is with tho Pnclllc Hnrd waro and Steel Company nt San Fran cisco. Ho formerly wns cqnnoctcd with tho Pioneer Hnrdwnro Company In this city nnd Is widely known hero in business nnd social circles. Tho bride Is tho youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno O'Connoll, nnd Is ono of tho most popular of tho Coos liny young womon. PTOMAINE POISONING. The llttlo son of Mllo Plorson nt Ton Mllo died several days ago ns n result of ptomnlno poisoning. Tho burial took plnco yesterday. WILL Irli nlilch liiiii npllt was cut out m i , ,,,.., -,,.' Further Adjourned Term Will Convene, cumulations revealed the fact that wni.rn,.. nr Rpnnlar .he body lmd been d.Wd from tho TO-MOI TOW ana KCgiliar j nltlnx room down the ferry nllp to . jQm BQgjns Monday. , th.i ttnfjiH'u ilfii iiitit ifONt friii ml ! tlood sinus which Inillrnteil that tho Tho adjourned term of tho Circuit Mr Iwd lieen laid down on tho edgo Court opons to-morrow with Judgo ot the klip. (iuitlM)ii Is known tiCoko on tho bench. Tho regulnr lerm luie fctoUu a row boat which wnnJo. tJiQ Crcut Court wm begin Mon- imi near lie mi. who i mo "k , . : , . , . ...,, ii,n i , ..,.., .. .1.1,. r dny. nusinoss hold ovor fiom tho ibfillp Is in!.mK and It Is thought Inst term will bo disposed of nt tho that this was used by Garrison as n j adjourned tou' ,innnwuWwMVM f!glit nnd that the body of Perkins rZ? tu takn, n. tiui ,. iiimc. or towed Garrison Is still In tho city prison. GONVENETHEY ALL i nrnnrn nrr Dtuueu urr Men With Excuses Lack Fore sight, Says Lyon No Meeting To-Night. an (irojijK'd into the water. A It hns lieen learned that Garrl- Ho wna bndly frightened for a time .,,i until Mint if Perkins was found a n wis wen icarneii iiiat " "" , ... ., in. 1....1...1 nt i .!.... iinmi bo had nothing to do with it -m iuiiii.u III ill. Mail' llllll llllll Bl k I -- - .11 I ran l tlwall,tltshouhl,iotboadif-,but supposed ho would bo hanged MtTiutter to locate the body, s It anyway. Ho will not talk about the i.h.iw.i.1 ..... .... Jnhirn now. but asks nulto frequently JMVW r-istMil.. and the stave mill "it Perkins has been found dead. Some t - tt a ll. . ntnHlna lift llflf (Dy Rov. G. LoRoy Hall.) TAUEKNACLE PHOGHAM. on the Mnmhllelil sldo of tho bay. Jiarklwl Carter untitled Coroner of tho details of tho stories ho ha told do not hang togother very won No nicotine to-night. TUESDAY. 10 A. M., neighborhood moet Ings. 3 P. M., Mr. Lyon will eponk nt the Tabernacle on 'Ivi .K Thy First Love." $ 7.45 P. M., evening service. -."i.ii.i, inner uoiiiiea i-uniiii-i , - - ftWfiiwul also sent word to Sherllt and tho olllcors think that ho mnj GJK', who bad Just returned to Co- confess If ho la guilty, flollle, and It Is likely that tho bay I About two months ago Go trr son "HI lw UniBRwi nt once. owed Perkins somo money. hethei CwlsonimH not yet been told of 6r not this has been pnid Is not the discovery tlmt has liwi made. It known, but nt any rate tho two mer uiwllernl that when ho Is told that had somo trouuio nuuui. m "w 'cwlll confess. Search Kept Up. Mystery still surrounds tho dlsnp Pearance of Hoy Perkins, nnd tho of fers are convinced that ho has been Nurdered, but so far they hnvo been "able to And any trace of bis body. He lelt Sumner last Wednesday on 't 'or Marshfleld and. has never bn seen slnco ho passed tho Black ranch three miles from Sumner. Gar f'wa was seen a fow minutes behind lm' Perkins loft at Sumner all of hU clothing and possessions and tho cers point out that this, together "h the fact that Perkins has never "own up in Marshfleld, is onough to w that ho is dead. In tho minds I the officials, there Is no doubt but 6at Perkins was murdered, but they re at a loss to know where the body Cln be found. . A"r it was learned that Garrison "'e a row boat and crossed tho bay "Wnesday evnin iont nil Porklns was working for Garrison digging clnms and hnd about J100 coming to him for wages. Tho story told by an Enstsldo man is that about two months ago Perkins nsked Garri son for his moneyland that Garrison beenmo angry nnafpulled a gun on Porklns, Thero Is nothing for tho offlcers to do but try to find the body of Perkins if ho Is dead. In tho meantime, Gar rlson mny confoss or Perkins may turn up alive. It is not thought thnt tho latter will happen as tho ofllcers i, Mint Perkins would bavo heard of tho arrest by this time if ho was Only ono small cluo has been found that would lead to tho belief that Garrison had beon through tho tim ber along tho road.. Near Iloss Slough, about sixty feet in from the ni wna found two slips of paper. They woro evidently pages from an tho liner Mnurctnnln of the captain and nineteen of the missing members of the crew of tho burned steamer West Point accounts for tho cntlro crew of the burned vessel. Sixteen others hnd been picked up by tho Dovonlan. LEAVES FOR SAN FRANCISCO Steamer M. F. Plant Sails From Coos Bay This Morning. Tho steamer M. F. Plnnt left for Snn Francisco this morning at 10.30 o'clock. Tho following woro tho out going pnsscngors: J. I). Jones, Mrs. Jones, C. J. Uoylo, Mrs.'-lloylo II. P. Hnrrlson. J. W. Goldstein, P. Holzmnrk, E. T. Lnngo, Mrs. Geo. Nowlngtou, Mrs. II, L. Stump nnd child, Mrs. Wagner, Paul Johnson, O. A. O'Brien, C. A. Wag ner, G. II. Wagner, Mtb. II. McGraw, Miss L. Itcincho, Mrs. C. W. Mer chant, Violet Stnuff, Miss Davis, Mrs. Fred Curt, Chns. Jordan, J. Ilust, W. II. Conkln, Mrs. Conkln, L. G. Irwin, M. U. Yocum, Fay Whlto, C. F. Can tor, C. II. Bourlott, L, C. McForson, H. a. Grllllth, Alex Fink, J. Powloy, C. K. Ilorg, Geo. Eldrldgo. GOVEHNMENT MAN HEHE. Chief Owner of North Bend Box Factory Dies at San Francisco. Edward F. Nlohaus of Snn Fran cisco, nnd hend of tho Coos Dny Man. ufacturlng Company operating tho box factory at North Bend, died at Snn Francisco on September 2d. Ho was sixty years of ago. A complica tion of diseases caused death. Mr. NIohmiB hnd beon in falling .health for somo tlmo past. Mr. Nlohaus was widely known through tho enst and tho north ns a lumberman. His lumber Interests wero moRtly In Snn Francisco, whero he owned a hardwood mill. Ho also was a timber owner nnd wns tho chlof owner In tho North Bond box fnctory. Will lie In Charge of tho Coos Hay Harbor Work. Frederick E. Leeso, who Is to hnvo chnrgo of tho government hnrbor work on Coos Bny has arrived In tho city. Mr. Leeso has beon at Tho Dalles and In thnt neighborhood. NO DAMAGE FROM FIRES John Herron Reports That Homesteaders Have Escaped Ravages of the Flames. John Ilorron who, nccompnnled by Carl Scbroedor nnd Jordan Shaffer, hnvo beon visiting Horron's homo stoad In Township 25, Rnngo 9, hnvo returned homo. Mr. Herron says that ho found ovorythlng In good shnpo at his homestead and says that tho tim ber In thnt district was not damaged Whllo they could DSABLED OCA GRUSE E.F. U PASSES W Dr. Burmeister Paddles His Launch to Keep Away From Bar. ONLY TWO BOATS OUT OF SEVEM Manage to Keep Going and Tow the Others Safely . Home. Tho members of tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club wont to Chnrloston Bay Sunday for nn ofllclnl crulso nnd somo of tho members hnd a rather exciting time. Tho ownors of boats who wore moinbcrH of tho party woro unfortunnto In having their cushion brenk down nt the wrong tlmo. Dr. Burmclstor was particularly unfortunnto and for a tlmo his boat was In n rathor dnngorous position. Ho had no anchor and wlion his on glno Btoppod ho had to break away tho guards for tho sldo lights and pnddlo his bont to keep her from llontlng down toward tho bar. Ho Ho had often been on Coos Bay to was tho only ono who wns In any look nfter his Interests hero nnd wnSjUongor, uui nu oi mo oincro in iua woll known to tho business men. Ho pnrty oxcoptlng two hnd mishaps. wnH a nntlvo of Europe, but had beon Those who took their boats on tho Identified with tho lumbor Interests; crulso woro Dr. Bnrtlo, Dr. Burmols- of tho Pnclllc const for tho pnBt thlr-tor, Henry O'Mnrn, Rnlph Coko, I'.flvn vonra Tim fnnnrnl wnn bold ClinrlOS Wllllnms. LOU LOOIllls ttlld to-day and tho box factory was closed M. O. Coloman. Mr. O'Mnrn and Mr. until to-morrow. WILL RAVE NEW PLANT Coquille People Will Take Stock in New Johnson Com pany Mill. A movement Is on foot at Coqulllo for tho rebuilding of tho mill of tho Johnson Lumber Company. Tho scheme is for n stock company, tho purpose of which will be to build nnd oporato n mill In Coqulllo on tho slto of tho old Coqulllo Mill and Mercan tile Compnny plant. Tho plan has bocu formulating for somo days pnBt, nnd It Is reported now to bo practlcnl ly a suro thing. Tho company Is to bo under tho management of Alfred Johnson, Jr. Stock subscriptions nro beJng rccolvcd nnd sulllclont has boon subscribed to mako tho undertaking a suro thing. In rogard to tho planB, Cojoinnn woro tho only ones whoso bonis did not brenk down. Thoy both hnvo small boats but thoy mou nted to tow tho others up tho buy. Tho breakdown of tho engines of flvo of tho boats was a coincidence. Sov- oral woro duo to tho water washing; Into tho boats nnd tho other mlshapn wero duo to different reasons. At nny ratp, thoy nil got homo snfoly nnd no ono wns tho worso for tho crulso. BURIAL 11Y ODD FELLOWS. In tlin lniiHt'liv 11 ro. see from Herron's plnco many small tho Coqulllo Valloy Sentlnol snys fires burning nt a dlstnnco tho llnmos did not seom to rench tho homestead Rottlomont. They killed ono big buck. ... uui mm croHauu wiu vuj nv - - , were -uuesaay evening and slept all account uook nnu '"-- "" rw tno stave mill, lends to tho noma accounts- reb.'t - ""I that possibly tho body was Garrison was formerly a clam digger. h'W i tho water. The search of U Is thought thnt the pages ya-.o country between Sumner and. been from his account book. Graham, J Bay is be,ng kept up ln th0 U, taxidermist, says that tho writing Wsthat something may be found, 'is thai of Garrison. Sunday nt tho Tnbernnclo was a splondld day. Largo crowds wor shipped at each of tho three services. Tho chorus Is Increasing gradually each day, which tends to broaden tho smllo of tho leader, Mr. Harris. Tho concort by tho .Coos Bny Bnnd yes terday afternoon was n unique feature of tho day. Tho boys may well bo proud of tho organization, n3 Mr. Lvon was much pleased with their playing and hopes to seo thorn again. On Saturday ovonlng Mr. Harris nnd tho chorus surprised nil by ren dering a sacred concert aftor tho ser mon. Solos were sung by Mrs. Mc Crea and Prof. Harris. A mixed quar tette togother with choruses, made up a short but splondld program, and tho people wondered ns thoy listened, when tho chorus had found time to prepare for tho muslcalo. Altogether, Mr. Lyon's sermons havo been deep spiritual messages. Somo evangelists gain tho hearing of tho public by menus of sensational methods, but Mr. Lyon prefers to draw tho nttentlon of tho community through tho earnest but plain pre sentation of truth. He speaks to tho people who think. Last evening ho choso as his sub ject, "Excuses," nnd tho verdict of the audience wns In favor of bis di rect anneal. No man, thinks Mr. Lyon, Is bo short sighted as the one TWO FILE FOR 5 COHIS I0NER L. J. Simpson and C. S. Winsor Are Candidates For Office. L. J, Simpson and C. S. Winsor havo filed ns candidates for members of tho Port Commission of Coos Bay for tho primary election. Thoy nro candidates for tho olllces which nro mado vacant by tho expiration of tho terms of W. P. Evans and J. C. Gray of North Bend. Mr. Evans has tele graphed from Portland, whoro ho is now. that ho will not bo n candldato again owing to tho fact that his por- sonal business will take up. nil of his tlmo. September 8th Is tho last day thnt candidates can fllo their nominating petitions. HORN, i BERRY. On Monday, Soptomber 5, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Berry, of South Marshfleld, a daughter. Tho capital stock will bo $75,000, divided Into $100 Bhuros; It Is Intend ed to keop $25,000, treasury stock to bo used when needed. Subject to tho proposition of tho Coqulllo Mill & Mercantllo Compnny, tholr plnnt will bo taken In nt $1,500, freo of dobt. and tho booms and such ma chinery as enn bo used from tho John son Lumbor Compnny plnnt, nro to bo turned In nt $10,000, for which Alfred Johnson subscribes stock. Tho comnany will nlso hnvo tho right to tnkn a contract from tho Johnson Lumbor Company for tholr logs from Sovon Mllo Camp nt n straight prlco of $7.00 for flr and spruce nnd $12.00 for whlto cedar, Bald prlco to run un. til nil such timber Is removed. Among thoso who hnvo subscribed stock nro jtho following: Coqulllo Mill & Morcnntllo Co., by E. E. John son, $5,000; Johnson Lumber Co., by Alfred Johnson, Sr $10,000; A. R. Clinton, $1,500; C. M. Skcols & Son, $500; R, 8. Knowlton, $1,000; H. N Loronz, $500; R. H. Mast, $500; ; M. Aloxon, $200; A .N. Gould, $200; W. H. Mansell, $500;; L. II. Hazard, $500; A. J. Sherwood, $500; W. Cu- lln, $250; C. A. Harrington, ouu; James Watson, $300. Funeral of II. 1). Jones Was Held '.Sunday Afternoon at Empire. Tho funornl of tho Into B. D. Jonos was hold Sunday nftornoon from tho residence ln Empire. Tho 8?rvIco woro conducted by Archdoncon Hors. fall of tho Episcopal Church. Tho members of tho Odd Fellows had chnrgo and conducted tho ritual sor vlco at tho grave. Tho burial was at tho comotory near Empire COAST LEAGUE BALLSGORE Portland Still in Lead and Ver non Plays An Eleven-Inning Game. ' HOW THEY STAND. Portland 78 Oakland 83 San Francisco,. 7 9 Vernon .77 Los Angolos. ..77 Sacramouto . . .55 GO 03 73 71 79 93 Won. Lost P. C .505 .550 .520 .510 .493 .372 A' Tim nbovo Is tho standing of tlio onnm after tho Knmcs of Saturday. Tho result of tho Sunday games havo not boon recolved owning to tlio tact that tho wires are down. Vornon ana San Francisco played an elovon-ln-ninir came Saturday. Below nro glvou tho results of tho Saturday games as reported by tho Associated Press; WILL BUILD TWO SCOWS. nivnnN. Ore. Sent. 3. Tho ...... ... ---, Dlxlo and Samson aro on tho ways at fhn local shipyards this week, and as soon as they aro ropalred the yard's will bo cleared and work Immediately commenced on two largo scows tor uso on the river. Wm. McKay has chnrgo of tho yards at present. AT PORTLAND Portlnnd ..... Los Angeles ...... AT OAKLAND Oakland Sacramento AT VERNON Vornon San Francisco (Eleven innings.) R. . 0 O It. . 3 .11 Hi . 4 . 3 H. 1 3 H. 9 0 IL 8 8 MILLINERY OPENING. Thursday'nnd Friday, September 8th and 9th. nno lino of Fall Millin ery. Mrs. Esther E. Donaldson, suc cessors to Mrs. John H. Somors.