rirwwBW!aiwi wmiilRPPipiuwi 4. 1 ' " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. -rmami 1 iF 'tummKuutmumummmmmsmtm Personal .Notes It, IL OLSEN drove tip to-day from Empire. GEO. A. GAGE, of Itlverton, was a Coob Bay visitor yesterday. JlOY E. FOX of Coqulllo was Marshflcld visitor yesterday. HABBY EDLIM Is laid up as a result of an Injury to his hand at thogtato Oregon, at tho close of bust Smith mill. 0,.i.. , ,nm. IRIS ELHOD returned to-day from CoQUllle, where he went yesterday on business. WARREN P. REED, of Gardiner, Is In tho city to-day on business, the city to-day on business. MAJOR TOWER, tho collector of dia toms nt Empire, has ono up Coos River to join tho campers. LOUIS NELSON has moved Into ono of tho Donnelly cottngca on Fourth street south of Hall avenue. A. A. ADAMS of Los Angeles, who has property interests here, Is in tho city for a visit of n week. WM. CANDLIN of Coqulllo will lonvo shortly for Chicago, whero, It Im rumored, ho will bo married. N. S. OLSON and wlfo, who aro go ing to AHtorln, will not leave until Monday, when they will go via Elkton. MR8. R. W. GETTY of San Francis co Is expected on tho Plant. She will visit her brother, Otto Solici tor and family. MISS THERESA CLARK, who tins been In Portland on business, re turned homo on tho Rrcnlcwator to-day. JOHN It. HERRON lins left for hl homestead In the Tioga cquntry. Ho was nccompanled thero by Wllllnm Murray nnd Cnrl Schroe dor. WILLIAM N. UNI), a former resident of Forndnln, was over from tho Coqulllo, whero ho Is now malting hlfi homo, yesterday, to visit friends. MRS. G. W. LOGOIH nnd two daugh ters, who liavo visiting In the city for tho pnBt two mouths, will lonvo to-morrow for their homo In Boll Ingham, WaBh. A8SE8SOR T. J. THRIFT arrived homo to-dny on tho Breakwaler. Ua has been away seeking relief for tho rheumatism. Ho wns nt St. Martins Sprlnga for n whllo nnd then moved tn Collier Hot Springs. Mr. Thrift Is improved, but not ns , much relieved ns ho had hoped. C. F. FARRISSvndl7. E. Motzlor t North Rend hayn loft by way of tho Coos Bay wngon road for Roso burg, wlioro thoy will work at tho enrpentor trade. MARION REYNOLD8of North Bend has decided not to return to college ns wns announced, but will put in tho year working nnd will liner re sumo his course at college. MISS ELIKABETI I DONNELLY Is ex pected from Portland, where she has been staying for n few months, Sho will miiko her homo with her sister, Mrs. Mary Enrly. MRS. REDECCTSTUMP nnd daugh ter, Catherine, will lonvo on the next trip of tho m, F. Plant for California, whero they will spend tho winter with relatives. GEORGE ROSS of Catching lulut U a Mnrshllold business visitor to day. Ho reports that his father, 11. F. Ross, tho well known ploueor, has fully rocoveiod from his recent Illness. DR. nnd MRS. I). E. SCHOONMAKER nnd children nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, John A. WnlUer hnvo returned from Coqulllo, whero thoy wont In Dr. Schoomnnkor's auto nnd spout Sunday, A. B. SANDAHL, who has been em ployed at tho Red Cross drug store for somo time will leave to-morrow for his old homo In Minneapolis. Eu loute, ho will visit nt the prin cipal cities. MRS. HARRIETT TvAGNER nnd sons, G. A. and C. II. Wagner, who hnvo been visiting G. W. Arils nnd other relntlvos, will lonvo an the steamer M. F. Plant for San Fran cisco and will go from thero to their homo In Los Angolos. MRS. O. V. St7HELEN nrrlved this weok from Eugono to visit nor sis ter, Mrs. E. L. Roborts, with whom sho expects to spend a few weeks. This Is hor llrst visit to Coos liny and she expresses herself ns great ly surprised nt tho beauty of the scenery as well as the deevlopment -of tho country. NOTICE. All who have presented bills to tho Coos Day Deep Water Carnival Com mltteo will kindly call at First Na tional Dank and receive payment. All others having any bills against carnival committee, please present at No. 7-175. HEPOIIT OF THE CONDITION OF The first National Bank of Coos Day. at Marshflcld, In the UUaOf aUJJlVillUUt XDlt J. WAV. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $87,001.07 U. S. Bonds to sccuro cir culation 2C.000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 260.00 DondB, securities, etc.... 00,364.49 Danklng houso, furnlturo and fixtures 4,101.40 Duo from National Banks (not reserve agents) . . . 1,784.10 Duo from Stato and Privato Bnnks nnd Bankers, Trust Companies and Savings Danks Duo from approved Re- sorvo Agents Checks nnd other Cash Items 748.03 17,151.30 9G4.05 Notes of other Nntlonnl 9 Danks Fractional paper currency, nickelB nnd cents 505.00 3S1.00 Specie 10,521.00 Legal tender notes 100.00 10,021.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cetit of circulation) 1,250.00 Total J27C.1S1.7I LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $25,000.00 Surplus fund 13,500.00 Undivided profits, loss ex penses nnd taxes paid.. 2,316.45 National Bank Notes out standing 25,000.00 Duo to Stnto mid Private Bnnks and Hankers.... 0,391.07 Dividends unpnld 20.00' Individual deposits subject to check 195,157.31 Demnnd cortlflcntes of do poslt i 7,495.60 Cashier's checks outstand- 1H(J 1u0ui I Totnl .,....$270,184.74 State of Oregon, County of Coos, ss: I, W. S. McFnrland, cashier of tho nhovc-nnmed bank, do solemnly swear , Hint the nbovo Htutomoiit Is truo to tho best of my knowledgo nnd bollof. W. 8. McFARLAND, Cashier. Correct Attest: E. MINOUS, W. U. DOUGLAS, W. P. MURPHY, Directors. Qllltanflltnil mill iti'nrn tr ttrtn m this 2d day of Soptombor, 1910. I ANNIE SMITH, Notary Public. $13.50 For an All Wool Suit At the FIXUP Prunes for Canning This Week Better Order Some Bartlett Pears FOR THEY ARE SCARCE. WE HAVE A M'MliKIt OF BOXES OK GRAYE.NSTEIXS CHOICE OX THE ROAD THAT WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK. THEY HAVE PASSED lXSPEiTlOX .VXD ARE SELECTED STOCK. CHICKENS FRYERS FOR SATURDAY. PIT YOUR ORDER IX SATURDAY A. M. ALL THE VEGETABLES ARE LOCALLY RAISED .VXD WE HAVE THE VARIETY. "AT THE PLACE OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT." CHAS. STAUFF once to First National Bank nnd after they arc audited they will bo paid. AKTHUIt McKEOWN, Chairman Finance Committee. No. 157. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF 1Kb Flanagan & Bennett Bank at .Marshflcld, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business September 1st, 1910: , RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .... $293,7G1.G4 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 3,232.39 Bonds, securities, etc. . . . SO, 201. 14 Banking house, furnlturo and fixtures 45,000.00 Due from approved re servo banks . . 75,006.20 Checks nnd other cash Items 5.353.5S Cash on hand 53,382.05 Total $555,937.00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in... $50,000.00 Surplus fund 35,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses nnd taxes paid. 6,772.12 Duo to banks and bank ers . . 37.S59.S4 Individual doposlts sub ject to check 303,428.31 Dcmnnd ccrtlllcntes of doposlt 11,907.41 Tlmo ccrtlllcntes of do- - poBlt 100.S09.93 Certified checks 450.25 Cnohler's chcckH out standing 619.1 1 Totnl $555,937.00 Stnto of Oregon, County of Coos, ss: I, R. F. Williams, Qashler of tho nbovo named bank, do solemnly swenr that tho nbovo statement Is trtio to tho best of my knowledgo nnd bollof. R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Correct Attest: J. W. BENNETT, JAS. H. FLANAGAN, Directors. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 2d day of September, 1910. ARTHUR McKEOWN, Notary Public for Oregon. Ollivant & Weaver For the BEST Fruit and Vegetables Our list for Saturday will bo: VEGETABLES. (ireeii Com, Cnullllouei',. CnliltJige, Celery, Parsnips Carrots, Bcetw, Itu tnlmgUH, Given OiiIoiik, Lot lute, Had. inlii'H, Cucumber, Sweet Potatoes, FRESH FRUIT. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Plums, Fivhli Pineapples, Ciuita loupes, Watermelons, Heedless. Mils cut, Tokays anil Black Grupce, Black- iN'I'liON. Sweet Cliier on tap. The best of Olives mill Pickles, Don't forget mo hnvo Mason anil Economy .Jars ami Jelly Glasses. Phono Us Your Ordc , The Pure Food Grocers, CornirTlilrJ unit Central Phone 273 Perry, DAY ANSWERS .NEIL. EDITOR OF COOS BAY TIMES: In answor to Al. Noll's letter, published In tho Coos Bay Times of August 22d, will stnto 1 will box Al. Nell on any date he mny name nnd nt nny plnco, so ho will hnvo sulllclent tlmo to con dition hlnibolf, then ho will hnvo no complnlnt to mnko after tho contest Is over. Thanking you In ndvnnco for publishing this, 1 am, yours truly, JESS DAY. No C. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF First Trust & Savings Bank of Coos Bay, nt Marshflold, In tho State of Oregon, at tho closo of bus iness Soptombor 1st, 1010: RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts $120,510. 9S Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 254. SG Bonds, securities, etc. . . . 20,900.10 Banking houso, furnlturo nnd fixtures DG.S20.G0 Duo from approved re serve bnnks 54,907.52 Checks nnd other cash items ;.. 024.81 Cash on hand 27.130.1S Total $293,551.01 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. .. .$100,000.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 Undivided profits, loss ex penses nnd taxes paid. . 2,995.01 Duo to banks nnd bankers 14,010.27 Individual deposits sub ject to check 11G.S3G.SS Demand certificates of doposlt S0.00 Time certificates of do- 1'oalt 32,229. 3 1 State deposits 6,210.03 Savings deposits 20.1SS.2S Totnl $293,551.01 Stato of OroKon, County of Coos, ss: I, Dorsoy Kroltzor, Cashier of tho abOVA nnmoil tinnh- iln enlnm.il. q.,-, - that the above statemont Is truo to tho host of my knnwledKo nnd bollof. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashlor. Correct Attest: C. W. TOWER, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, M. C. HORTON, Director. Subscribed and sworn to boforo me this 2d day of Septomber, 1910. CHAS. B. SELBY, Notary Public Your Sunday i DINNER will Iw u dellj-Iit If supplied with tliei nn-.iy of Rood and appetizing grocer-, les from this store. Wo will June n ' lnrp. supply of Fresh Vegetables Fruit mid emytliliiR that Is ou the market. Try us llrst. THE BAZAR Quality Store Phone 32 DO YOU KNOW? We sell the very choicest of Window Hang ings, and that you need not pay more than 60c or 90c or $125 to have artistic hangings on your window DO YOU KNOW? If you want real choice selections in Furniture, the kind that attracts by its beauty, you can have that kind at very low cost from bur 'store. We are the makers of beautiful, comfortable homes at low co.st Montgomery TRY MY VACUUM CLEANER. Don't mnko n drtidgo of yourself by beating rugs and carpets when you enn have It done more cheaply a 1 hotter with my vacuum cleaner. PI ono 203-.I. R. E. PINEGOR, Shop In Hew of Owl Furnlturo Store. SPRING CHICKEN TELEPHONE US OR DROP IN AT ONCE AND GET ONE OP THE FINE BIRDS WE HAVE SECURED FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER IF YOU ARE GOING CAMPING OR IF YOU WANT A LITTLE 30METIIING EXTRA NICE FOR BREAKFAST, GET SOME OK OUR HOME SMOKED BACON. IT'S FINE. FOR THAT PICNIC DINNER, OUR WEINIES ARE FINE FL'LL LINE OF NICE, JUICY, TENDER FRESH MEATS. Union Meat Market PHONE 3H. , - K - tt - n - n - :i - - a - n - .:: - - - n EVERY DAY .. ... Coriur In Sengstnckon's Addition, Corner In Songstnckon'a Addition, 110x100 tl.10.00- R 250 feet of cholco water front In Mnrshflold, for lO.IJOO.OO n New modern bungalow In South Mnrshflold 2,000.00 Choice comer In Chandler Hotol block fl.730.00 A 10 lots In Enst Mnrshncld, for ooo.oo ' Full lilnnlr li Pnl.l.l., .i.i. .. '. " 0 " "uwi mm commanding uny view; easy tcrl,1B 1,000.00 Business corner on Commercial and Cth; 100x100; big vnluo N, 2,200.00 M)is on second street; closo In; Title Guarantee General Agents EASTSIDE . au - n - u - u - utt - xi - u - ii - u - n - Beaver Hill Coal .nuu.-ST DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT The best Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster. Lime, Brick, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 810 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 201 I dsa STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails f,on, Aliinvorth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Sails from Coo Bay every Saturday at service of time. Reservations will not l,o held later than Friday noon, unless tickets nro purchased. W. F. MUIertgAst,. phono Mahl 35.h erasasiransaegs f25252511512 tn STEAMER M. F. PLANT J Sails for San francisco every eight days. BraEOTi'5,"!PT0T,"!-niVAIi OP THE ship. 1 K 1 In TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. & Co. aatyiw .. ffirnfr bm Duncan Undertaker Mnrshncld, Oregon, Pallors, J8I) South JW St.. Telephone, Day or Night, 1D.VJ. - .n.a.a.nu.t,., ..---- REALTY SNAPSI i n i ? a 84x100 i 4 mi if . aBC O.IJ.VV V i n i a i a i 8 I a i t each fiOO.OO and Abstract Co. Honry Songstackon, Manager. --- v--4 -- u - n - iZtt - u - au - t: - n - u - titi'n - ii I I Marshf ield Ore 8G. W ?i BS2SM25ES2SBSaS2Sasa!l E52RSZS.S52S85S IS52S2Si5aiS Ei