riff"" 'W'P ll " "f . - trwin 'THfttV- "W,,," "? "Pj)HHyP!!WT'"f THEC06S BAY TIMES, MAftSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910 EVENING EDITION. gdb e cr was built at North Dead ami has bceu sailing from this port for some time past. I'lles Petition. Attorney II. G. Hoy has Hied his petition for the nomina tion of county judgo on the Republi can ticket. North Bend News Miss Pearl Shearo will leavo Satur day for Portland. SB r TOE Wfl Lola Couklln, who has been 111, Is Improving. BAY TIDES. SEPTEMBER High water Date A. M. 1 M. fi i&T 1 HO 1PI1 COOS I new ran amis g Mrs. C. J. Van Zllo of North Bend. Is very ill at her homo. h.ui. ft. h.m. 12T09 12:38 1:07 It. "7.C 7.9 S.O Friday 21 Saturday.. 3i The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. II. I. DIers is quite ill. SUNDAY.. 4 1 0:19 8.0 Was Umpire. Arthur McKeown waB called to Qardluer last Sunday to umpire a ganio "between the Schollcld Giants and the Gardiner team. Grange Picnic. Tho Coos Day Grange will give their annual picnic nt Enegren's Grove Saturday, Septem ber 10th, to which all members of tho order and nil Interested In their work are Invited. Cashed In Skins. Rube Brnlnnrd was In to-day from Ten Mile. Ho brought in eleven wildcat Bklns which ho cashed for $5G. Tho eats wore killed by Brulnnrd ami Hurt Cox. They used Bralnnrd's'dogs, which ho says are tho best varmint dogs in tho county. SEPTEMBER Low water A. M. P. M. Date. I h. m. ft. I h. m. ) ft. Friday 2 5:39 0Tc"G:49 2 Saturday.. 31 0:170.4 0:31 2.0 SUNDAY.. 4 CiG2 0.0 7:09 1.8 Tho two little dnughtors of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Russel are sick. 20, $25 i4''kLi lit vSkatA. CkWNbUMn . fc BTC v t T.. 'TEW a V J $15, W.-I !&.'..- i gJlS Correct in material; style, color and workmanship; if they wer en't they wouldn't be in our store Sold to you via the Mill-to-Man way the shortest pos sible route from the maker to thewearer. THAT assures you the best possible value at either price: $15, $20 or $25 An examination will show you that you ought to buy HERE Tv J "MilMo-Man Clothiers" WOOLEN MILL STORE Marshfictd' Oregon. THE WEATHER. (Hy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Saturday. local temperature hi:- pout. For twenty-four hours ending at 4.43 P. M Sept. 1, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me- teorologlcal obsorver: Maximum GG Minimum 47 At 4.43 P. M G4 Precipitation None 4 Wind, Northwest: Clear. Will Go to Charleston. Tho mem bers of tho Motor' Boat Club will niako an ofllclnl crulso to Charleston Bay Sunday morning If tho weather is pleasant. Everyono Is expected to tako their lunch, but there will be n .big pot of hot coffco for evening. Tift cruise win start irom tno uont iioubc at 8 o'clock In tho morning. liit'itl'liCtitll ffitfJIftPrlffrr Entertains To-Nlght. Miss Maudo Painter will entertain a number of friends this evening at her homo on Broadway. Labor Day Picnic. Tho momber of tho American Womnn'B Lcaguo will hold a basket picnic at Cooston on Labor Day, Sept. G. PmichliiK at Cooston. Preaching services will bo held at Cooston at 3 P. M Sunday. Mr. A. O. Walker will conduct tho services. ORGULATU Compounded front favorablo proportions of Thyme, Eucalyptus, Ollvo Oil, Camphor and other best medicinal Ingredients known to medical science Combined Ingredient's chosen for their omollent and soothing elTect. A remedy for till throat and lung diseases. Price 50 cents m Wmm Poll SALE AT THE BUSY CORNER. PHONE )H. Lockliart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Lost His Dog W. J. Smith, tho night pollcoman at North Bond, lost a valuable bull dog. Tho animal was polsouod and nothing could bo dono to help It. Miss Ellen Anderson will leavo on the Breakwater Saturday for Port land. Mrs. L. P. Falkonsteln, who has been very ill at her home, Is improving. Mrs. E. J. Klttrlng and niece, Miss Pearl Shcare, who havo been In Ban don visiting, returned to-day. John Weicks will leavo on the Breakwnter Saturday for Mount An gol, whoro ho will attend Mount An gel College Miss Ethol Van Zllo will leave oa tho Brenkwator for Mt. Angol, Oro- gon, whoro sho will attend Mt. Angol Collogo. WANTED. Young iium to work In grocery store; must bo hustler. Address R.. care of Times. Girl Shoots Deer. Hilda Llnil strom, a school girl living on Wll lnnch Slough, shot a deer last week. Sho is the first girl to bo credited with a door this year. WANTED. At Western Union Olllco, n boy as niossongor, ono who Is not going to attend school this winter. VOlt SALE Ono wife. Apply Times olllco. FOR SALE. Good noddle horse, cheap. Seo O. S. Torroy. WANTED. A piano, for us In tho Tabernacle. Roport to Dr. Geo, 1 Leslie WANTED. By n young lady, pon. tlon as a bookkeeper or clerk, I Apply 9CC South Broadway. To Attend Wedding. Mrs. T. S. Mluot has come from San Francisco to attend tho wedding of Miss Stolln O'Connoll and William Ford, which takes place noxt Suturdqy. Will Build Club House. Tho mom bers of tho Tslltcoos Gun Club havo decided to build a club houso on tholr grounds on North Slough. It will bo a four-room houso aud fitted sultablo for huntors. Excursion to Charleston . V t FOR SALE. Good bedroom bet, nearly now (bedstead brass); also lounge, heating stovo, Dno plcturos, etc.; a bargain, olllco. Canio In How Uont. John Olson, the flshorman, camo all tho way from Astoria In a row boat. Two othor ftthormou accompanied. Tho voyage was mado safely and tho sea wa calm. A small sail was used on tho boat. Likes Coos Buy. Roy McClallon has returned from Marshfleld whoro he spont tho post two weeks enjoying l'OR SALE. Boat house for twenty flvo or thirty-foot boat. I. S. Kauf man & Co. M B. "" II " ' ' l l'OR SALE. Two line shotguns, 11 Romlngton nutomntlc and a D. M. 1 Le Fevro double barrel, will bo sold ehoap to quick buyer. Address J. ! H. Kontlng, North Bend, Ore. i ml ., I " --" - iwiuiru ui nmv hg RnauaX vncaUon Mr McClallon roports tho coast towns-very busy at tho present time, building activity be ing evident on ovory hand. Rose burg Nows. If the weather Is favorable tho Bonlta will leavo tho O'Kelly waiting room at 8 45 Sunday morning, Soptnnbor 5th, for the great Charleston c"lc grounds. Get your luuches an I go along. .Round trip, only 50 cents. FOR HUNT. GoihI slv-room house on Balnes street. Phono 314X2 or soo Charles Doane. Go to Hosoburg. L. E. Motzler and C. T. Fnrrlss havo arrived In tho clfy from North Bend and will proba bly locate hero permanently.. Both gontlemon expross themsolves dollght od wIthRosoburg and surroundings, and think the plnco Is good onough to tie to. Roseburg Nows. a-n-H-u-rt.B-tJ.H. ---- i:-n-n--n---n-a-w-n--H- a Laundry? Cleaning ? Dyeing? Reixvit Sold. Tho schooner Ro- -"Ineat of tho Simpson floot has beon FOR SALE. At the IMiimilck resi- BOid t0 Honolulu Arm. Tho schoon- denco, west of tho old stavo mill, gentle work mare, buggy and liar ness. "the very best. "roth dry a.m) steam. Pressing? HI'ST IMPORTED AND DOMES- TIC DYES. BY A SPECIALIST. AND IN A HURRY, TOO, IF YOU WANT IT. WANTED. Grnvensteln apples for outsldo shlpmont. Phono 241. II. W, Painter. WANTED. Boarders by week; tnblo board. Address Times. line WANTED. Experienced coal miners und tlmbermen. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. WANTED. Two or three furnished rooms In good homo for house keeping, by family with two chil dren. Address f'Home," Times. It TUP I T flYn Varhtklil' popular Family I inn L.LJIU I)ote, Al, Ur,,iture pew Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE 673. J. E. LYONS, Manager. 1 n 1 1 :j anil clean. Velvet and Axmlnlnter carjieu In ever room. Four utoru- oj solid romion Ilatca redU'-ed to: dy.8Cv, 7io and 11.00, week, I20O to 15.00. AUo a ter linutf keeping apart ment with ga range. 12.00 per month. Free bath Take buutt depot. MM- Bridge. Prop Mk A model for every figure. REPRESENTED EXCLUSIVELY HY US ft FOR T11K UUKKH Uf uun nni, SEE EASTSn)E. Magnes&Matsont TruitHfern Property. Rov. Fnthor E. Donnelly, formerly pnstor of tho Catholic Church here, has transferred part of his property to tho Dominican Fathers, ho having entered a Monas tery. Among tho properties trans ferred aro tho cottages on Fourth street south of Hall nvonuo. August Frlzcon has been nppolntcd local agent for tho now ownors. Moving Machinery. Wnrron P. Reed of Gardiner, who Is In tho city, enmo to meat n crew of Chinamen' who aro to work at tho cannery. Ho says there is a fair run of ilsh. Mr. Reed, when asked about tho rail road prospects said that tho South ern Pacific was moving nway tho ma chinery, which has been along tho routo of tho proposed Drain lino. Wisconsin Timber Men. DoWltt Van Ostraud, who Is tho head of n syndicate of prominent Wisconsin lumber men, with headquarters at Phillips, Wis., aud accompanied by( E. E. Jnndny and L. J. PInkorton, or Neonnh, Wis., aro on tho bay Investi gating tho future prospects of this section. They aro greatly Interested nnd havo already made somo Invest ments und mny do more. Goes to Snn FranclNCo. G, A. O'Brien, who has beon working on tho Chnndlor building for omo timo pnut, will leavo to-morrow for San Francisco. His brothor, W. F. O'Brien, will bo hero for nnothor month, Tho O'Brien brothers did tho brick work on tho Chandler build ing. Thoy aro well known brick mon in San Francisco and did a splendid ploco of work on tho building here Thomns Cnrey and family will leavo for Wcdderburn soon. Mr. Ca fey, who works at tho Cooo Bay Gro cery, Is having his vacation. Mr. A. W. Myers will speak on titer subject of "Tho Drama of Lifo," Sun day ovonlng nt tho Prosbytorlaa Church of North oBnd. Special music has been propnred by tho choir and orchestra and a largo attondanco l-expectcd. FUNERAL NOTICE. DID YOU KNOW',' Thnt C. D. Lnsh tho painter was formerly a locomotive- ongl- neor on tho Michigan, Lako Shoro & Southern Railway at the tlmo of tho A. Rj W. Btrlko? Thnt Frank 12. Ilnguo was cenernl freight and ticket agent of tho C II., R & E. Railway & Navigation Company undor tho mnnagemont of R. A. Ornham? That Elrod avonuo was at ono tlmo n courso? straight away raco That Georgo notnor formorly ran a big clothing Btoro at San nioito. Calif., and that F. S. Dow bought tho first suit of clothes ho bought on tho Pa- clllc Coast from him thoro? Tho funeral of B. D. Jones will boi hold at his lato residence In Emplro on Sunday at 2 o'clock P. M., Arch- deacon Horsfall officiating. ArngO Lodge, I. O. O. F., of North Bond, will havo charge of tho sorvlcos. Friends aro respectfully Invltod to nttond. Stenmor Rota aud a launch will leavo Marshfield at 12.30 and call at North Bend. I havo tho latest magazines mut papers on salo always; can nleo bo eure back numbers for you. Lot mo ordor any mnagzlno or paper for you at publisher's rnto. AUG. FHIZEEN, G8 Central Avo., Marshfleld, Ore. LYON IS HERE Havo you a BIBLE? If not, better got ono now. Wo carry tho largest lino of blblOB In Southern Orogon from tho smallest pockot bIzo to the largo family Blblo. It will pay you to look nt our lino of Blblos. Watch our windows. Crosby & Homer 1-1 1 CENTRAL AVE. NEW TRANSFER LINE. M. E. Mngulro has stnrtod a new transfer line In Marshfleld and ar ranged for prompt sorvlco for nil kinds of hauling. Ho will havo his stand at "Tho Busy Corner" druc stora or parties can reach him by telephoning ordors to 298, .t:--tt"-tt- -w-----3 --tt-H-n-tt-tt-H-n-n-ti-a--! We don't boast We have Quality Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour .--.. !- -.--- ln-8-n-B-HBtt-iw-tt-n-n- n-H-B-B-n-n-B 1 n n 1 8 I U I tt i a 1 tx 1 8 8 1 n 1 8 I n t 8 8 t 8 I V U I 8 I V ? 8 i 8 t-n-tt-u-tt-ttntt-u-u-tt-u-u-xt-a-tt-u-n-nntt-B-u UlW..! .,k .'. fojjt,',,.. laVlfa' t & -f 4it-