THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. "'irf) i LYON LAYS LAW DO! We Live in Age of Lawlessness, Says He Splendid Ser mon Last Night. i jBEUf BHf BKiVn (Uy Rov. G. LoRoy Hall.) LYOX HITS ll.lltl). "Sny, monl If your wlvos woro guilty of tho habits ninny of you lmvo you would Biio for dlvurco." Lyon. TAHKUXACLK PROGRAM. TO-NIOIIT. 7. 45, Mr. Lyon will apeak on "rrofnnlty, Snbbnth ,HroakJng and Murder." Kill DAY. 10 A. M., Neighborhood mcot InBH. a P. M., Afternoon service. 7.15 I. M., Kvculng sorvlco. f LYOX xuckjhts. people obeyed their parents, but now It scorns to have been reversed. A pastor was going to preach upon tho rulo of the home nnd sonic one snid, "You better preach It to our chil dren; they run tho ranch to-day." If vc had better homes we would not have tho need of evangelists. Why do girls nnd boys go wrong nnd be gin tho drink habit? It Is because they havo no homo Irnlnlng. Judge Llndsloy says ho puts the pnrents in Jnll when tho children go wrong. In Schools. "The pupils seem to get tho notion they will run tho schools as they want thef to be run. .Many schools are run by moral suasion. I tell you most of them to bo run. Mnny schools are run switch hung up over the motto: "1 need thee every hour.' In Society Generally. "Wo hear so much to-dny about 'personi liberty.' Tho great boor guz zling Bonk will stand up before the bar and swngger back and forth and talk about 'porsonnl liberty. Why, bless you, he would not know the declaration of Independence If ho should see It ncross tho street. If 1 should tako n big club and start down tho street sonio day and swing It about every way 1 myself choose to, because I thought 1 had 'personal liberty,' I'd get pulled up mighty quick. My personal liberty cuds whore your porsonnl good begins." Xo Otliee Gods. "With this introductory considera tion, let us look at the Urst command incut, 'Thou shalt havo not other gods before me.' God says wo are to havo no graven Imago cither, nothing which wo make for our God. Wo nro to havo no Idols thou. Some people worship their children. Some wor ship Intellect. Some worship culture. I tell you this will not bring uvorlnsi lug life. Some worship their clubs. Clubs arc nil right If you havo time for them. Some worship fashion. If come women paid as much attention to what they put Inside their heads ns they do to what they put on nnd outside their bonds thoy would bo a great deal better on. Some worship appetite. If the men nnd women would oxchnngo tho habits of life, sny the tobacco habit for Instance, how would you niou like It? Some men will Htlck to n drink hnbtt. A man nnd his dog go Into a saloon; after n time they conic out. The man stag gers about, tho dog walks off straight. You novor saw n pig put his foro feet upon n bar nnd drink! What Is your object of worship? "Yc ennont sorvo God nnd Mammon." Tho Illble does not sny It's wrong to nerve God mid Mammon, but It says It Is an impossibility." M S xi:ighhohiiooi mketixgs. INIBIELD (Continued from pneo 1.) prlatlon for something which was not recommended by the engineers Presi dent Tnft would havo vetoed the whole bill, which he canio near do ing nnywny. "The appropriation thnt I hnd the honor of getting this tlmo was near ly twlco as much as was ever given by tho government to Coos Day before and amounts to nearly half of nil that was over appropriated for the har bor. I nlso got $50,000 for tho dredg ing of tho harbor channel. 1 nm much Interested In tho plnco nnd this is only started. I have only begun on n plan which, if I ntn returned to Congress, 1 hope to work out. 1 can not give you n railroad, but I can bring about such harbor improve ments that tho railroads cannot afford to Htny nwny from Coos Hay." OtherWork In Congress. Mr. Hawley said that for other pur poses in IiIh district ho hail secured appropriations amounting to $470, 000. Ho hnd helped bring nboht the passngo of a bill which provides that tho old war debt due crOgon be paid. He nlso had much to do with tho defeat of tho Lafeau apple box bill, which was so designed that It would lmvo brought n great loss upon tho npplo growers of Oregon. Mr. Ilnwley spoke of tho llvo stock Inter ests in this Stnto and said that the farmers and fruit growers were to lus assisted by the government so that tho agricultural Interests could bo ad vanced as much ns possible. In clos ing, Mr. Ilnwley said Coos Hay had a great country behind her and thnt the time would come when this would be a great iteaport nud would bo re ceiving millions of dollars auutinlly for handling the Imports nnd exports. RESULT IS IN DOUBT Primaries in Idaho Close But Not Known Who Is Nom inated. tfly Associated Prrea.) SPOKANE, Wnsh., Sept. 1. Forty hours nftcr thoclosc of the prltnnrlcs in Idaho the roturns fnll to dccldo whether Governor Brady has neon rcnonilnntcd or defonted by the thou sands of second cholco votes cast for Paul Glagstone. D. F. O'Xoll of Wal lace Is apparently beaten. COOS RIVER APPLES GOOD County Inspector Finds Fruit in Fine Condition and Yield-Large. Stafford's Ice Cream That's tlln ntilv M-.i -. linndlo oxcont pii... Crca8ti nlthoiich tho iirini. .i! Creaa- Inff llm wnr.1 ln .. . ''ler ill .tlaemcnt. Mnv ho i, t '" such n hot proposition that i! not need Ice. " i Ptirn lc. rrniim to .. . . . " "- b""U I00d, hi. more tlinn n ninrn i!n9.n.i .. . US - """' IN.. la v.. easily dlKestod. whni,.n.. . '.WI,I .,,.," ' -""iiiui Of tho most. nitfrlHni... .... ' ,UB lo0(j . easily digested.,. '. "-"viin nnn nourishing. Stafford's ice crej? STATKMKXT XO. 1. Why all this fight against State ment Xo. 1? Is It not right for tho voters of Oregon to sny through the ballot box, whom they clcslro elected to tho United Stntes sennto? 'If It is not right, why Is It not right? Why tho determined purpose to elect n ti II M.ill-f fiuli tltn nnimfv frltlt Inspector, ban returned homo from "Clny,j'"ro to Product, t nn Inspection trip up J.o south fork , 'c"po j'" "f110"1"1 of Coos River. Ho-says that tho ap- or Icf crcnm w,th Stafford pies are ripening fast and thnt there '"''"i' fr0ZCn crCim 8tencd j is a flno lot of fruit on tho river ranches. Ho found vory llttlo dis ease. Mr. Hnll-Lcwls brought down sonic samples of tho Grnvenstclu ap ples on the Anson Rogers farm. They nro of n flno color nnd proper ahiipo and size. Thoy nro on exhibi tion at the Chamber of Commerce rooinB. .Mr. Hnll-Lcwls says thnt In tho Coos Day district of the county alone this year the yield of Graveustclns will bo probably 5,000 boxes ni thnt tho total crop of all varieties of npples this year In the Coos Day dls- flavored. legislative assembly that will so amend tho direct prininry law ns to Itrlct will be from 12,000 to 15,000 . LAKKPOHT XHWS. Xotes from the I'lorcs Lake Hau lier In Curry County. Mrs. Hrwhi Stott returned last Sat urday from u trip to nnudoii. John Currnn nnd J. W. Coruforth of Ilnndon were In Lnkeport Monday. "Sonio people nro too stingy to slug Old Hundred nuy more; they want to king It nt 09." "When the church was poor It wns pure." "Some churches think they arc tho cream of society, hut they nro so cold ns to bo justly called 'Ico cronin.' " "Many people lmvo n grout deal more enthusiasm with tho circus rldor than thoy do with tho circuit rider." "Tho bigger tho kitchen hi tho church tho Hiunllor tho prny- or mooting room." "They cnnnonUod some saints who should lmvo been eaiuion- iitioci. ' 4 "If sonio pooplo were afraid of Imperfection us of perfection, they would be vastly hotter off." "Toll 1110 where you phu'e tho emphasis In your life, and 1 will tell you what you ro." "Many people thluk more of their stomachs than they do of their souls." 4 Meetings will be hold In the follow ing homos an Friday morning from 10 to 10.30: Mrs, Mnrsh,xXortli First street. Mrs. W. 10. Smith, Coiumorclnl ave nue. Mrs. V., II. Joohuk, Klrod avenue. Mrs. It. :. Colgau, South Fourth struct. Mrs. Dutts, Hunker Hill. C. V. Woodruff of Mnrshflold Is visiting the Hawkins Drothers for n few dnys. Mrs. Mann nt Lnnglols nnd Miss McXnlr of llnudon, were In Lnkeport Monday. C. W. Wnlkur Is making preparn tlous to erect n two-story building on his lots on Second street. taiikhxaci.i: xoti:s. For sovornl nights KvaimeUt Lyon will speak on tho ten eonimandnionts. Last owning nt the tnblernnele tho 1lrst In tho fiie wm delivered. The text was Horn. 3:20, "Therefore by tho deods of tho law shall no lloh bo Justlllod In Hi's sight, for by tho law Is the knowledge of sin." "Wo pass to-night," wild Mr. Lyon, "from the gospel of tho lnw. I do not know how long I shall speak, but what I do not sny to.niitht I slinll j.ay to-morrow ulglit. Wo nro Indobted to tho law for tho knowledge of sin, According to tho toxt. Tho llttlo boy was told by his mother to go au'l wash his fneo, but he declared that Ills fnce wns not needing It. His mother told him to look In tho tftkaa, nnd behold, ho suw the dirt. Now that looking glnsa did not ninlo ut fnce clean. It revealed hU tilth. We need to havo tho looking glate hold before us. Wo need to cultivate tho condolence and wo on 11 bot do so through tho law. I nm not r pomIui let. but I nm frank to doolaro to you Hint on ovory hand wo soo tho spirit to disregard of lnw. In the Home. "Thoro was a tlmo when young A specially Hue sung book Is being used In the meetings, "Hymns For Ills PraUe." Hveryono should obtain a copy. The boys pass with them through tho uulen during the song service. Detorntors nt work In the Taber nacle yesterday did miioh to mnke the Interior mora nttrnotlve. A new roof also Iiiih Insured tho attendants against coining rains. The orchestra Is doing good work, but more recruits nro wuntod. Mr, llnrrls nud tho ohnrus are pre paring a special mimical program for Saturday evening. The afternoon meetlug are prov ing among the most helpful of tho entire kerlod. The attendance Is In-, creasing. 1C. A. Coblolgh commenced work on his now rosldence on tho upper 01. son place, which ho purchased from Mr. Olson last winter. Mr. Coblolgh Is also building n barn. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Gurloy Honk nnd two dnughtors, Mr. nud Mrs. Kmost Honk, Mrs. A. McXnlr and (laughter Wlnnl fred, Miss Grnc'o Dlshor of Haudon, nnd Venia Hnrton of Albany, are cnmplng at Sixes llrldge. dlspeuso with the Statement? It 1b .ot obligatory upon any cnndldnU to pledge themselves to tho same, they may Ignore It If they dnre, but they do not dnre, nnd that Is the rouBon for their desire to ellmlnnto It from the lnw. Xo loglslntor who takes tho "Statement" as on nntc election pledge cannot voto for tho senatorial candidate Who will con- ttorvo tho interests or tno trusts ami combinations. He daro not break faith with tho voters who elected him. Ho cannot sell his Integrity for 11 few dollarH to tho "Interests" nud return homo nnd fnce his constitu ents, nt least as to tho matter of a United Stntes senator. Tho voters of Oregon have seen fit to name their choice for United Stntes senator, nnd to adopt n law whereby they can plcdgo their legislative candidates to "represent" them In tho election of such 0 Ulcer. It Is n neat plcco of legislation, nnd Is directly nnd wholly in tho Interests of tho common peo ple of the state. It Is like a red ling waved at a bull to all those who want unfair mlvnutngo In legislation. It Is u "bugaboo," pardon tho homely word, to nil who want to bo free to barter nwny, nud mnko mcrehundlse of, the welfnro of tho ninsses to nil who want to sco n "figure four," or sonio other figure, "and four ciph ers." Why Is it that there nro leg islators who are unwilling to do lint which the fundamental ptincl pIoh of our government requires them to do, viz.: represent tho vote who olect them? Doubtless trero nro sonio who nro nllllctod with the nn-tl-Stntenicnt Xo. 1 Imbecility who nro conscientious In their convict Ions, but to bo on the unfe side only those who nro willing to promise to do thnt which they ought to do enn bo snfoly trusted. And that Is the reason why votom ot Orogon will seo to It that n majority of tho noxt loglslatlvo assembly will bo pledgod to Stntoment Xo. 1. McMItinvlllo 'lelephono-Roglster. boxes. This Is exclusive of what will be produced hi tho Coqulllo Valley section. (wmwd'ti TWO STOHES 2.10 Front St -HO (ntral Af) maki: coon ti.mi:. OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos Day Oil and 8ml, Compnny under tho ninnngement ot J. W. Flnnngnn will continue to k tllu the Union Oil Company's gj. uie, iiismiaic, uonz'no nnd coal oil Accounts of th0 regatta at Astoria I "' tholr "" ho"80 nc"s tlio Bartj stnto thnt tho free-for-all Pnelllu Const Clinmploushlp Motorboat Itnce, 30 miles, threo heats, for $1,000 line prlzo, $500 second prlzo nnd $300 1 third, wns won by Wolf II, tlmo 30:00; Pacer II., second, 45:55; I Hnppy Holnlo third, 54:08. which place they havo moved ildr olllee. Phono 302. "li:t pixkgou do it. Let me llx thnt stovo, kltcheawirj or vossol, lock, door, window, fowl. Tho turoornnythlngyou hnve. ItateifM. Seattle, Spirit broke down whllo mnk- sonnblo nnd work guaranteed. Ing n run nround tho courso nnd could H. K. PIXUGOR. not pnrtlclprtte. Shop In Hear of Oh I Furniture Store. VKKU OUT OF SOltTS? FAT OXM OR TWO A. D. S. FRUIT-LAX TABLETS nnd you'll bo nil right In shortorder. KlUTr.LA.V is In tho form of n dnlnty llttlo lozenge that tastes bo gi ed thnt one Is tempted to tnko nn overdose. It's the host laxatvo for children, na well ns ndults. Tho re sults arc ns satisfactory ns tho taste. 25c per box. For sale only by BROWN DRUG CO. OltUH'ATK CIIKMISTS. "THK QUALITY STOUU." -tt---n-:i-::-u-M-H-:t-:i-a-n ---- ti-u-u-u u AUK YOU It ISA li Y? l!l CAXXKIHKS TO OPUHATH. Colby White left Tuoeday mornlug for his homo hi Spokane. Mr. White claims that Lnkeport Is one ot the best health reorts ho ever visited, us he gained moro than ten pounds In weight In loea than ten days. Oregon Coast Stivanin Will He llusy Places This Full. ASTOHIA, Ore., September 1. About thirteen salmon canneries ns well as two or three cold storago plants are to be operated 011 tho Ore gon const streams during tho Fall bonson. The majority of thoso plants nro now running nnd tho most of them nro meeting with good succoss, for this early hi the season. The Fnll season on the Columbia will open on September 10th, nnd at least four plnnts on the lower river will bo oporntod. The Curry County Fair Aswoolntloti was organised nt Port Orford last Saturday. The objoot being to mnko systemntle exhibit of our mhiornli, and prodnots nt tho district fnlr which will bo held in Hosoburg from Sep tember 20th to 24th. Tho chnnco.for which you havo waited long Mny como boforo you lie down tonight Aro you rondy? o Hnvo you lournad your part, Is your win-ago strong, Aro your musclos hard, Is your nrmor bright, And your purposo sternly? Pacific Monumental - and Buildine Works IIMPI 1 I PIMM I " MARSHFIELD, ORK. All kinds of nionumcntnl work promptly nnd artistically exe cuted. Cull at our works on South Ilrondwny. 1 t tt 1 tt t c tt 1 t: t tx i M 1 a PltOGIHJSS. A few class- fixtures left. Thoy will bo sold at n vory low prlco to mnko room for n now slilpmont that U due. Como in nud soo thorn: the prlco will surprise you, THK COOS HAY WIUIXG CO. Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. your ;onl Order. $1.30 PKK TOX. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. Wo are sending word by wireless; We've n cooker that Is tireless; Tho Inventors nil are tlreloss In their efforts to Invent things which slinll bo both strange and now; Wo hnvo nlrshlps that nre gasless; Wo havo railways that are passloss, Hut a country that was classloas, Though we nil hate snobs llko poi son, would appenl to very few. Wo havo sonio rooms that nro boat- loss; Wo have dhinors thnt aro meatless; Wo havo wheat pits thnt aro wheat-loss, And tho day no doubt Is coming when the horse will disappear; Wo have wngons that are shaftless; Wo'vo n White House that Is Tnftless, nut n city that Is graftloss Seems to be n thing they hnven'l built upon this hemisphere, You have dreamed and hoped you have gladly planned, And tho ohniiye Is still that j on nooit, you suy; Hut could you grasp with n tlrin, strong baud If tho chnnco you lnck should appear to-day? thousnud others may watch and wait For tho chanco you cravo and ' tho chanco you need s-n-x:-n-n-n-nn-n-n-n-H-R- a-n-a--n -n-a-a-n-n-a- n-na Beaver Hill Coal . MOUNT DIAIJLO AXD JOSSOX CEMEXT f The best Domestic and Imported brands. i laster, Lime, Hrlck. and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 310 SOUTH BROADWAY mOXE 201 JC. Xoxt month, next week, It mny be too late, 4 v inougii your fitness thou may be fair indeed, And your purpose steady! S, E. Klser. 'aaa US J a a S SiSV-ShUBiSiScBiS-iSlS 2SWSiSeSZS2SltSZSWSZ5ZS2S?S2S MUm BREAKWATER a Sails s from AlnawoMl, Dock, PorHuiHl, t 8 P. 31.. every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Hay every Saturday nt soivlco of time. Reservations III not be held later tlmu Fr,tay J100f unlegg tJc,.c(g npo I)Urt.imscd. W. F. Miller.GAct.. ji i p K Phone Main 3S-L rj t&nttKttnsvzsmiasiststt Read tho Times Want Ads. Try Times' Want Ads. sESESHsacaasEsnaaeESEHer"' G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshilehl, Ortoii. Parlors, 180 South ad St., Telephone, Day or Xlght, 103-J. JaS2SasS?aSK2HSBSaSl!SaS2!riSaSja5E5HCT STEAMER M. F. PLANT j Sails for San Francisco every eight days. J'.,1KSE"Vi:i)Ul.IO THE AimiVAT, OP THE S1UT, t S iSi imr!8 WIUi UTi OAXCELLKI1 AT THAT TIME U V g LtSS 1ICKET IS 1IOUG11T. R S v .9s r. a" ." r. 1 rCT i a . xw, genr. iviarsiineia ufc g x foyn iiiBfi - -