TWiqWEymfrffP1 "W"1 '-)r",r" ' THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910 EVEMING EDITION. k COOS BAY TIMES filtered at the postofflco at Marsh fold, Oregon, for transmission ttroukJ tbe mails aa second cImb nail uiaitor. Ad drees all communications to . COOS BAY DAILY XIME8, lt;rahflcid :: :: :: :: Oregon W I T H T H E t I TOAST AND TEA : ifi. O. MALOXKV Editor and I'uh. AN B. MALONKY News Editor i ' An Independent Republican news Vper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by "Owi Cooo Bay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho sorvice of the poplo, that no good cause shall lack ciiainplon, and that ovl shall not thrive unopposed. GOOD EVENING. Trouble lessens as It takes Its flight. Then why do I clip Its wlng3 by holding trouble In my heart? Selected. THE SEVEN WONDERS OK THE WORLD. Tho Coos Day Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall And Tho Coos Day Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho tlrst dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times Is Its Immediate sue censor. euwticmiTioN hates. DAILY. . Ono year ... $6.00 For month 50 When paid strictly In ndvanco tho inscription prlco of tho Coos Day Tlmos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months, WEEKLY. On roar II. CO Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSIIFIELD. JHECHAXICAL L1GHTKEEPEHS. Woman. Il Woman. III. Woman. IV. Woman. V. Woman. VI. Woman. VII. Woman. "Mr. Rockefeller finds It hard to give," says a headline. And it looks so easy. If Mr. Hoosevolt ever becomes a farmer tho cows will have to march homo on time. A determination to practlco what wo preach keeps us from doing too much preaching. Massachusetts suffragists aro to conduct a campaign from balloons. Look out below! Most of tho men looking for work cannot. do It In a satisfactory manner after they find It. Inclusive, blk 35; lots 0 to 1C inclu sive, blk 37; lots 2, 3 and 4, blk 38; lots 3, 4, 5 nnd C, blk 51; lots 9, 10, 11 and 1J, blk 55; lots 12 nnd 13, blk 5(S; lots C, 7 and 8, blk 57; lots I to G Inclusive, blk 78; lots 9, 10, II nnd 12. blk 79; lots 1 to 5 Inclu sive, blk 10; lots 1 to 5 inclusive, blk 15; lots 1 to 5 inclusive, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31- nnd 32, blk 34; lots 10 to 17-inclusive, blk 39; lots 11 to 17 In luslve, blk 53; lots 9 nnd 10, blk 77, nil In Coos Day, Plat B. Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4 nnd 5, blk 7; lots !, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1C and 17, blk 18, In Coos Day, Plat C. Deed. Con. $1. Nicholas Paull to Augusta Paull. Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, blk 11. Midland Add. to North Dond. Deed. Con., Love and Affection. IIOW'H Tins? Wo offer Ono Hundred D-llnr Koworit for Any cueof Cntnrrh that ennnot lie cured by IUU'CalHrr.i cure. V. J. UIIKNKY A CO., Tolulo, O. Wo, the uniW.fRnol, hnvo kit mi K. J. Che nar for tho Init 15 (it, nml believe htm et fectiy tiotiomtile In alt business tmiimctlonn anil financially nbc to carry out any oullgif ttoua niado by hU firm. . Wai.dimi, Kinnam fc Maiivin, Whol rale Drugglnta, Toledo, O. lull' Catarrh Cure li taken Infernally, act In directly upo i to blood and mucnui mir fmei "f the atat m Teatlmttilali font free Prlit' 73 emta tier bottle. Sold byall l riifrKfats ' Tak. Halt's family Mile for coiiatlpatluu. HOW WILL YOU HEAT YOUR KITCHEN If You Put in a Gas Range? I u-a-n-K-a-a "Kondmnnlgughln," tho cuss word In Esperanto, Is ornamental but tod long for practical uso. MUCIJ of tho romance of tho Boas wits shnttorod by tho steam whltftlo that Hhrlokod tho doom of tho Balling vessel. Now modern Inventors hnvo Jeopardized tho posi tions of thottsnnds of llghthouso Itcopors whoso occtiiintlon is almost ns romantic ns was that of tho old loop wntor sailors, nnd which ante tlatcH tho htrth of Christ three cen turies. It Is a far cry from tho bea cons of burning wood In tho time of Workmen who soil their tlmo to their employors nnd then kill it nro worso than tho loafers. It Is oaBy to see how Indians oanio to bo uch groat consumers of whis key. They were driven to drink. "It Is snld that' n hen can lay four times her own wolght In eggs In n your." Perhaps she can, but she doesn't. FREE DELIVERIES H A. M. nml 2 P. Phono 73-J. ----M--- 8 I 11 t 14 H i a i a i a i a i t: i i a i a i a a a i a i a t a t a a a a i a t a i a a a a a a a t ? a t a - I? la I A H I a la t a t a -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ta-a For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage SI. Aftor a man has reached the ago of tho Pharaohs to tho automatic gas jl no uooant tniim mucii ot tno buoys Hint aro government sign-posts I,,1l,! tllt t,loru ' no fool llko an old fur Riillfira 111 tiimrlv iii'on linrlinp lmr 1 OOI. .'"..".- ...... V..,, ......'.'., ..... now Invention hint gouo further. An ncotylono lamp hits been perfected that will mako tho work of human llghtkoopcrs. tiiiportluous. The new lamps need replenishing only once n yonr nnd may receive only occasional vIiIIh from Inspectors to mako sure that tholr rollectors aro iindluimodi nnd that nil tlto machinery Is In smooth working order. TI)o mochnnl cal offect of llgjtt rays Is used to per form automatic marvels. When dark ness falls, tho llgtt goes up. When daylight rotuniH, .tho artificial beam ceases. Tho daylight acts upon tho vnlvos that do this work. Tho Invention may do away with most of tho expense of constant at tondanco upon more than 3,000 light houses In tho United States waters nlnno. Though most of those lights nro on tho mainland, many nro prac tically Isolated. Several such aro nlong tho North. Pacific const. Among thorn, the ono at Pnpe Arngn, where V. H. Denning liven clow to nature with his family. "Knch 'American oats eighty-two ' pounds of sugar In n yenr on an aver-1 age." That's where some of them got their grit. . A girl needs a full moon to appre ciate having a Coos Day man mako love to her, unless thoro Isn't any, when sho can do Just as well without. REALESTATETRANSfERS I Dally Heal Kstute Reports Furnished ' Hy Title GunrunCeo ami Abut nut j Co., Henry Sviigstackcn. I $ 1 3.50 For an All Wool Suit At the FIX UP THIS MAY SEEM LIKE A PROBLEM TO YOU, BUT THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE, A KITCHEN HEATER CAN BE ATTACHED TO ANY GAS RANGE AT SMALL EXPENSE, THE KITCHEN HEATER BURNS GARBAGE, REFUSE, COAL, COKE, W00D-ANYTHING THAT WILL BURN, YOU CAN USE IT FOR COOKING PURPOSES JN -THE WINTERTIME, IT RADIATES HEAT LIKETHE TROPICAL SUN, THE KITCHEN HEATER HAS BEEN ON THE MARKET ONLY A SHORT TIME, IT IS SOMETHING NEW, BUT IT HAS PROVED A GREAT SUCCESS, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR GAS RANGE AND' YOUR KITCHEN HEATER, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 200 STOVES AND HEATERS. A ASK US ABOUT THEA1. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. TELEPHONE 178 A full lino of TUNGSTEN and TANTALUM LAMPS Just received. August llllh, 11)10. Holt Lino Hallway Company to ll.uvlna Kluuoy. Lot 2 nnd the ll'.-s of Lut :i, blk 59, Townslto of Coos liny. Plat 11. Deed. Con. ?10. Holt Lino Hallway Company to Elisabeth J. Evorott. Lot 4 and 'is of lot 3, blk 59, Townslto of Coos llav. Pint II. Deed. Con. $10. CONSERVATION I.N (MI.II'OIIXIA. j , ScoU x , Jo,m p , ,I.ot l, blk 35, Western Add. to Marsh- IT HAS boon lusUlod by nnlllngor Hold. Deed. Cou. $10. ot nl that the conservation August tMili, IDUI. , juovoinont was entirely uaatoru1 Annie M. Larson to William Iloock. in orxauUutlon and Idea. Private In- Lots 5, d nnd 7, blk -i, North Head, ioroats In tho oasl had obtained com-.Deed. Cou. $2,600. ' ploto (Miitrol of nil tho uatlvo re- Holt Lino Hallway Company to Hourt'os. Thoroforo thoy could afford Uleorgo W. Kitchen, trustee. Lots S, to blockade prlvato Interests In tho far 9, 10, blk 5; lots 13, 14, 15 nnd 10, , woat which woro working to gobblo'blk 29; lots 13 nnd 14, blk 45; lots uch resource as were at hand. Tho'l to 5 Inclusive, blk 4; lots 2, blk S; primary elections In California hnvo lots 3, I, 9 and 10, blk 17; lots 3, Fine Chickens For Sunday Dinner, nnd full lino of tho flnost of Fresh Sleats, Deof, Pork, Mutton, Veal. The People's Market Got In your orders for ronowala for fall ns tho days grow short you will need them. Coos Bay'Wiring Co. KXPKHT KLKOTIU CIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHON'K 237-J. STATEMENT OF CONDITION' Ofr THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY, MAnSIIFIELD, ORE. June 30, 1910. RESOURCES. I LIABILITIES. ' Loans and discounts .... 97.73S.53 I Capital stock paid In. . .100,OOO.H overdrafts 711.84 'Hoods and socurltles ... 25,859.30 Banking house, furulturo and tlxtures 06,820.50 Cash on hand and due from banks 87,330.01 PIIO.VK 17(1. Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL Our Work Our advertisement IS om OIWRAXTKK IS VOUU ISF.KTIO.V. SAT- ISurpIus and undivldod profits 4,1((.II Deposits 1J5.S1M1 MAHSIII'IELD HAND AXD STEAM LAUXDUV. S:uuzcy llivs., Prop. Pliouo 2201. 1MOXK lilfl.1, HUKAKWATEIt HOTEL, Fn)itt St., Mnrchllcld, On?,, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 11ns boon thoroughly ronovated and nowly furnished. Rooms reason- J5, 0, 7, vS, U, 12, 13, 10, 17, IS, blk nble, by day, weok or mopth. ; 41; lots C and 7, blk 4; lots 1, 6, 7, Mrs. J. II. O'DONNELL, I Klvon tho Ho to that contention, Sovornl of tho largest of tho forost rosorves nro In California. Water S, 9 and 10, blk 0; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, " -1 power, Mill undovoloped, has for a 7, S, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, IS, 19 nnd 20, HOMIL LAND On Turn tlim. I.a.,n -nt.ini.... ti.n ........i..., in. i! .....i t l.ii. ar. i..t ,'T Uillll VV .'..f .... .,vv. i. HIV, int. IIIU iiiiiiiiiib lll , iui. IIIIVI I, UIIV !, It'lB I, of many California promoters and J$, 9 nud 10, blk 30; lots 1 to S lnclu llnnnco manipulators. Somo of tho ulvo, hlk 4rt; lots 1 to 20 Inclusive. HtriMinuind rlvors havo nu Iiiuuenso'blk 47; lots 1 to ,20 Inclusive, blk poti-ntlal. vnluo for Irrigation mtr- 4S; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 45; lots 1 poai'H. and ptivuto groups would like and , blk 23; lots 5, 0, 7 nnd S, blk to luivi' settlers and farmer pay thorn j; lots 9 and 10, blk 7; lots 1 to s rorttal for the service. A few square : luclusivo, blk 10; lots 1 to S Inclu milfs unexplored by the oil prospect- 'slve, blk 11; lots 1 to S Inclusive. rs are still under the government ' blk 12; lots 1 to 20 Inclusive, blk Prop. Seo us for Investments on Coos Bay. Wo guarantee owuer's price to be our price. Phono 7-iL. 204 Front St. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , title and there aro a few1 tracts of land In the possesslou of tho Indians. If pure greod controlled the whole of n community It would bo In Califor nia to-day. The prlmnry elections prove that Uio conservation movement Is strong In tho State. Tho llalllugors nnd tho llopburns nro In a clear minority. Cnllfornlnns ronllzo that tompornry ndvnntngo, which might bo galued by Immediate, development under prlvato capital, can bo foregono In order that tho greator advantage- of a wlso pub lic development may bo harvested. slve. blk 30; I T 10 to 20 ln-J 13; lots 1 to 20 luoluslve, blk 14: lots 1 to 2-0 Inclusive, blk 15; lots 11 to 20 Inclusive, blk 10; lots 11 to 20 Inclusive, blk 34; lots 1 to 20 Inclusive, blk 35; lots 1 to 10 Inclu slvo, nud 13 to 1G lnelusl lots 1 to 5 inclusive and elusive, blk 37; lots 1 to S Inclusive and 13 to 30 Inclusive, blk 3S; lots 13 to 20 luoluslve, blk 39; lots 17. IS, 19 and 20. blk 36, all In Coos Bay Plat C. Alsp lots 5 to 9 luolu slve, blk 11; lots 5 to 9 Inclusive, blk 14; lots 19, 20. 21 nnd 32, blk 30; lots 5 to 14 Inclusive aud 19 to 23 ryi. J. W. INGRAM - I'lw'oUu uid Surgeon. WE HAVE PLACED IN PUBLIC SERVICE A Bus to Meet All Trains Will also mako calls on tolephono ordors. Phono 120J. ii,0ll0 138J a Daggago wagon has also been' aaaed that will call for and deliver trunks, baggago and light freight. Also run prlvato hack to Roseburg. L. H. HEISNER Livery and Feed Stable. 10tnl 1209,460.24 I Total ,..269,UH Wo Invite your attention to tho strong condition of this bwk u ihowr 1 the above statoment to-wit: Cash reserve 52 por cent of depoittt Roserve required by law 15 por cent ot dep0iia Reserve In oxcejs of legal requirements 37 per cent of depoilti JOHN S rni-P n VWKlVi AN .Hi:CTORS IOH.N S. COKE, President. JOHN p Mrr HENRY SENGSTACKEN'. Jt I ."-L vDPiwcn :.... ."r.. u. uuuKua, ........ .r., LHsnter. -w r. CHANni.nn. GRIMES. nn , n ""' lOF ivn KRT0N'- Vl0 President and Manager. lOI A OI.MvRAI. BANKING AND TRUST IIUSI.VKSa OVU BUSINESS SOLICITED. DORS BY WILLIAM i M I n It a I tt I a a n i u i i u t THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY iv ., ,VTn,C1 'v A "U I.MKRCIAL I1ANK T. i, . rK N'?vn,,a nI 'k. Ban Francisco, CsL Draws 1 1, ' lule,i 8,a,e9 XMJonal Hank. Portland, Or.. Drafts w ! J:!.0,:?I !'ark n"k' New York, N, Y. t ... ,,wwnR National Bank, Chicago, IU. no ?" ! 8co,tan London. Enitland- Hie Credit Lvonimiv n... ' In nririiti iio, trance. Europe; A S AtrlS" V. a1 Pr,c,pa, bank,Dg eent,.rt.S South America Australia, China, Japan, North, Central cZm C0,TtCM RCC0Unt9 keP' object to eheck. Certificates of Deposit Is, ,.d. Saf nnn.f !,. for rent. I 00 i li Turkish Baths!? 2 10-2 13 Coos Building if PHONE 214.1 ' FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK Oldesi iton.. ,. AKSIIPIRLD. OREGON. Paid S,, '?. CT "My. ltabllslKHl In 1880. A"setJ,,o,''U'.l."rS 0,01.0.00. an.l V ,'"" "IIIIUl'S. Ofllce 208-20.') Coos Building PboresOfflce laai; Residence Ht W. UKSSY7YT. iMwyvr. Office over Fianngan Bank. Marshdeld, ft bsunstt Or-- wM- S. TURPEN Architect STEA.HER REDONDO WILL SAIL SOON FROM SAX FRANCISCO POR COOS RAY. .MAKE RESERVATION POR PASSAGE AND FREIGHT. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. C. P, McGEORGE,, Agent. of Cal ffnrnU Bai PrSSi?8 hV$wn nnd draws dra8 0D ,he "V Pirn N.SinlTn0' FB,': Hanover Notional Dank, X hurg, ore ; The LonlT Wl 0re : F,rst Naonal Dank ?T A. c se'Vs JxehanA0" .W S.tlick P?V "A- London, Engl.- Bit Over Chamber of Commerce ' KLIiKlllIVS FISH MARKET, Ed. T. Brtlch, Prop. Shell Fish of Every Description. Salmon and Deep Sea Fish In Benson. Tel. Market 264J, Foot of Market Avenue, individual and corooninn t'wucipai ctuea oi cmK. deposit lock boxp, tnl Ioi.n "counts kept subject to check. J. W. BENNftt i. ,, 0PFICERS: H. PIaINAo 7 's'd"t- WILLIAMS Cashier. . IXTERFST ImV..Px. iKO- E- WINCHESTER. AL Cs "'M.ST PAlli nv th DEPOSITS. Coos BayR.osebnr5r Stare Line. Dally sta lw.,r.... .... f ... Jo I'ntiy stage lM'tvi.p. t... rr. . - .. inJaa r n,.-, V !. ThH. AKpt. O. P. BARNARD, ittRKB?Av;,sis; n i a i a i i n i n i n i Agent, ROSEBUKG, OF I rONE 11