fflons ADS. tmtB NEWS Lpv I1CS1NKSS 18 SLOW, Al ff"B5r... ......IT ,-r, PAYS IS BVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BIT HEADING THE COOS 'JAY TIMES. ALL .THE NEWS Al.u THE TIME TEItSELY TOLD .: :: t: tT t VfS iff SUCCESSFUL 1IU8I SallOUSKS BVKltrWllBnB l MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1K7H nH Tlio Const Mall. IV1ARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Count Mall nnil Coos Bay Advertiser. XXXHI. No. 40, VOL. BUILDING IN SEATTLE IS DAMAGED BY DYNAMITE 5 Under Construction By Prin cipal Open Shop Corpora tion of Northwest. Lone union man EMPLOYED ON WORK. Had Been No Special Manifes tation by Union Until Re cent Hostilities. mt Associated Proas.) eeirrM' Wash.. Sent. 1. The filed I.otia building, under con itriictlon by the principal open shop iilldlng corporation of tlio Pnciuu Strthwcst, wag damaged oy nyiin Ln.iiiit nlcht to the ninount of $2,- m. The cxnloslvo was placed In it electric wire conduits under the .'cvitor diaft nnd exploded by thu ueoUcap and fuse. Not one union nn hai been employed on thu Job, Fit tncro has been no special muni- beiUtlon by tlio union ol Jiomiiiiioh pKeotly. HAWLEY SPEAKS IN MARSHFIELD cnxsi's rlttrns. (Dy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 Tho population of Brooklyn Is 1,- (11,351, an Incronso of 107,709 ilnco 1900. I STRIKE ON IN SPAIN Situation Becoming Alarming and Men Are Clashing With the Police. (Dy Associated Press.) DILI1AO, Spain. Sent. 1. Tho ttrlU situation Is alarming. Tho 'Mai of tho men nro oxhuuated nnd tl strikers aro In nn uclv mood. Collisions between tho pollco nnd "nworeakers occur constantly. In State of Siege. Tie government to.dnv ilonlnreil Bilbao In astato of sIcko. Buslnosa great extent has beon suspondod M claihes between tho strikers nnd "icorltles continue. COL. ROOSEVELT IAS A BUSY DAY BISE AGAINST GOVERNMENT Ends His Kansas Visit and Starts on Speeches and En tertainments in the State of Missouri. 'By Associated Pr? KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sopt. 1. Colonel Roosevelt ended his Knnsns visit with nn address nt Knnsns City, Knnsns, this morning nnd then crossed tho Knw River to plunge out ILL ADOPT OREGON PLAN Members of the Nebraska Leg islature Are Signing State ment Number One. Illy Associated Press.) OMAHA. NVi, o., , ... .... 1 w tho canvass of tho votes nt e receut primary elections on tho JJ of the two lu-uses of tho M nl ,howa that th0 0res wui be almost cortnln to carry ' ID i1o.h .. .... . ' Seutn i l a united Stntes itftHi' 8ucceed Sonator Durkett, cftko. "'" ,u"ncni compioxion S . egl8latUro' OfthoDem- aZT!!1 "l0 tu,rt': ntr ::","w" lor ino senate, nnd 'dates f th ono nundretl can" "ftttemS v? "?.US0 are 8,Bors PQbUcan m 'lo 0n tho R" illat " , ' thrteon Senatorial can- sjj,.hf a.na 'orty-seven legislative 3 have taken the same pledge. "CHAXGE STAGE OFFICE. ce 0f : r Sel'to"ber 1st, the tSl?0. Ba Sta witri'-Bt u unn Hansen's Stn- K..'l OtOrO In It.-Ln-ij , uckfts -"'"omioiu, wnero irraagempaj' b obtalned and whero Krtatlon. ma" b0 mad0 for traDS- Tells Audience of What Was Done For Coos Bay in Congress. Congrossninn W. C. Hnwloy nd (1 leased nn nudlonco Inst ulglit at tho Chamber of Commerce rooms. Tho nudlonco was not as largo ns might lmvo bodii oxpoutod, but this wan duo to somo oxtont probably to tho mis understanding regarding tho mooting tho night before. J. W. Ilonnett In troduced Mr. Hnwloy im a Congress man who hnd done for Coos liny more than any other man In Cougross and who wnu n candidate for ru-cluc-Hon, Mr. Hnwloy explained how It hap pened Hint he did not reach Marsh lleld thu night before, when n tnooU lug hud been announced. Ho thought hi was going to. get. to .Myrtle Point In time to cntch tho train for MnrHh- llold, but tho auto In which he rodo I from Roscburg had troublo nnd ho 1 was too Into. Tho speaker said that before ho touched upon local affairs ho would toll something nbout what Congress had done. Ho Bald It had i been stilted that tho last Congress n ml done more tnan tiny session since tho civil wur. Mr. Hnwloy recited somo of tho bills which hnd boon passed nnd explained thulr bearing on .tho nffnlrri of tho peoplo In gonornl. 'Ho touched upon tho railroad legisla tion bill nnd tho postal savings bill. Tho Utter ho said would bring Into circulation from six to eight billion dollnrs, which It Is now bcllovcd Is I hold In hiding. Tho bureau of mines wns started for tho benoflt of tho western country, nnd Arizona nnd Now Mexico wero admitted uh States, Tmlir Worked Well. Tho tnrllt bill, Mr. Hawloy said, as n revonuo producer, had boon an itmiunllllod success and hnd It not boon for tho money derived by thoi now tnrlff bill tho peoplo of tho wost' could not hnvo boon given tho Irri gation projects. Mr. Hawloy spoko of tho Irrigation hill, tho whlto slnvo bill nnd tho monsuro making tho tel ephone nnd telegraph common car riers to provent tho transmission of news which may bo used for gambling in futures. Tho sponkcr nlso referred to tho now Inw providing that candi dates for ofllco must toll under oath whero tho money thoy uso In tholr campaign comes from nnd whero and how It Is expondod. In this connec tion, Mr. Hnwloy said that as for him self tho monoy ho was using In this campaign enmo ontlroly from his own rosourccs nnd onrnngs nnd thnt wlillo ninny woro assisting him In his cam paign, no ono. was backing It with money but himself. Harbor Appropriation. Rogardlng tho local situation, Mr. Hnwley, said: "As your reprosontntlvo In Con gross, iu.'I bollevlng In tho develop ment of tho country, I took part In tho passage of thoso bills which nf fected tho general good of nil of tlio peoplo and I nlso gnvo especial atten tion o tho Interests of my district. I had quite n fight In tho rivers and hnrbor committee nnd I got for tho district appropriations aggregating $S80,000, Of this ninount $159,000 cames to Coos county and $400,000 comes to Coos Bay. Of the $400,000 tho engineers aro to uso $350,000 for tho construction of n bar drodgo. I understand there Is somo objection to tho bar dredgo nnd thnt many would prefer to hnvo jetty work done. I think myself &fttoSol)ab,' tho Jetty would bo tho'oest, but It wns bottor to take the drodge than nothing. Mr. Alexander, tho chairman of tho com mltteo, adopted n policy of giving ab solutely no appropriations to any harbor that was not recommended by tho government onglneers. As you know, the dredge was recommended 'and If wo did not tnko that we could got nothing at all. I also know that had wo put Into the bill an appro WILL MEET NEXT WEEK County Commissioners Check Up Extensive Public Improvement Work. Tho County Commissioners will moot nt Coqullle noxt Wednosdny in tholr regular sosslon. Bond work and all otlior business of the county will conio boforo tho Commissioners and they will be In sosslon for about four days. Tho county has spoilt largo sums of money HiIh year In Improvements of different kinds. Tho money spent on roads, Including thnt which was ap propriated by the county, that rnlscd by special nsscssment nnd thnt do tinted by proporty owners, nggregntos nonrly $200,000. Thoro nro 700 miles of ronds in tho county nnd work of some kind hnx been dono on nil of thoco ronds. I'lio now bridge wns built over South Slough, a now steel bridge wns put In on tho south fork of tho Coqulllo and a 1, 500-foot bridge wns built In Bunker Hill. 'Bo sides, tho county did Its pnrt of the bridge? work on tho extension of Front strcot. Tho ropnlrs on tho court houso nt Coqulllo amounted to about $5,000. Mnny other expendi tures hnvo beon inndo by tho county. nn active day on tho Missouri side. The city is jammed with peoplo to-day and whqn Boosovclt arrived he was given n tremendous ovntion. Tho Colonel wns given n luncheon nt the Bnltlmoro Hotel here at 1 o'clock, ninde nn Informal talk thero and nt 3.30 o'clock addressed 1.C00 pupils nt tho Westport High School. Ho will bo n guest nt dinner nt the Commer cial Club to-night, nnd to-night wl deliver tho normnl nddress nt Con vention Hall. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORE Portland Leads a Close Race With Oakland For First Place. . HOW THEY STAND. . Won. Lost P. C. Portland 70 50 .503 Oakland S2 08 .547 San Francisco. .77 72 .517 Vernon 70 72 .513 Los Angeles. . .75 78 .490 Sacramento ...54 90 .375 SO OFJESSEL Lookout Reports Hornet Cross ing Out While She Is Still in the Bay. Did n phantom ship cross tho Cc,3 Bay bar yostorday afternoon? Tlinc Is tho question which is being nsked by thoso whoso business It Is to follow tho shipping and thoy nro nil nuzzled nbout It. Tlio facts wero that tho stonm schooner Bnndon and tho stonm schooner Hornet woro both In tho bay. Thoy wero the only stenm schooners hero. Tho Bnndon loft onrly yestordny morning ior San Pedro. Sho was seon to go out over tho bar and wns reported out to tho local oillco of tho Merchnnts Ex- chnngo. At 1.30 P. M. yesterdny tho lookout reported thnt tho steamer Hornet hnd crossed out over the bar. This was reported by tho exchango otllco to the Simpson Lumber Com pany nnd, tho men In that ofllco sent back word that the. Hornet had not gono out. Sho was still tied up as tho lumber mill dock. Ytt tho look out had seon tho Home eo ovor tiie bar, or at least thought ho had. To-day those through whoso hands tho reports go aro trying to And what did cross out. Tho Bnndon had gono early and that left tho Hornet as tho only steamer In tho bay, Tho look out had seen her go over the bar nnd yet sho was still tied up nt tho North Bend wharf. There was no other steamer In tho bay for which ho might havo mistaken the Hornet. Now Just what really happened no ono seems to know. It was a certain ty that tho Hornet was still safely In tho bay last night, so If tho lookout saw a steamer crossing out ho must havo seon a phantom, so some, of tho superstitious are claiming. Whatever tho facts are, there Is a good chanco for the unlimited exorcise of the sup erstitions of tho sailors, nnd the mys tery still remains unsolved. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., Sopt. 1. Port land won from Los Angeles yesterdny nnd still lends tho other clubs In tho stnndlng. OnlUnnd Is n close second. Tho scores of yesterday's gnmos nro nH follows: AT PORTLAND R. II. Portland -. 2 5 Log. Angeles 1 4 T OAKLAND R. II. Onklnnd 2 ? Sacramento . . . , 1 7 AT VERNON R. II. Vernon 0 10 Snn Francisco 5 0 EW 0 L E Rev. Robert E. Browning May Be Connected With Local Parish in County. eral years a missionary of tho Epis copal Church In China, will arrlvo hero this wcok to look this Hold ovor to dotermlno whether or not ho will accept a tender from Bishop Scad ding to this charge. Tho offer was inndo recently by tho Bishop, who Is desirous of securing a cnpnblo young dlvlno to hnndlo this parish In connection with Archdoncon Hors- fall. Tho Rev. Mr. Brownng will hold sorvlces, both morning and evonlng, hero noxt Sunday, Repairs Have Been Made in Building and New Appara- tus Purchased. Preparations nro being mado for tho openlug of tho Marshfleld Bchools on September 19th. Neoded ropairs havo been mado In tho buildings. At tho high school, an entirely now sot of apparatus has been ordered for tho physics and chemical laboratories. A class In chemistry will bo organized this year for tho first time. Tho book dealers havo put in tholr orders for tho text books which aro IN TIE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS S. P. IS TAKING A HAND May Be Making Move to Block Lane County Asset Company. Regarding tho Lnno County Asset Company road, which It Is proposed to build from Eugene- to Coos Bay, tho Eugeno Guard says: "Tho 'mysterious' surveying party at Junction Is no doubt n Southern Pacific outfit, nnd tho movement Is in lino with tho only policy thnt sys tem hns ever pursued. Evidently alarmed by tho steady progress of tho , Lnno County Asset Compnny In pro moting n rnllrond from Eugono to thu Sluslaw and Coos Bny, the Southern Pnclllc Compnny Is preparing to block Its progress by making a bluff at building into the same territory. It wns tho probability of n rallrond from Rosobtirg to Coos Bay nbout four years ngo thnt cnuscd the Hnrrlmnn peoplo to, make tho sudden bluff nbout building from Drain to Coos Bny, and tho move nt Junction Is a piny of tho snino kind. If tho Southern Pad lie Company wore renlly In onrncst nnd would build from Junc tion to tho const, It would bo a good thing In tho wny of dovoloplng Lnno county resources, but no ono will hnvo nny fnlth In their sincerity until thoy nctunlly sco a now road com pleted. Tho ono thing thnt tho peo plo of this county will rccognlzo now Is thnt tho Lnno County Assot Com pnny Is rognrded as worth tho atten tion of tho Southern Pacific, and thnt thoy hnvo found It necessary to mnko nt lenst n strenuous bluff In order to bond them off. Wo predict, however, . thnt It will rcqulro moro than a inoro bluff to accomplish tho object sought, nnd furthermore, thnt If tho Southorn Pnclllc Company should go so far ns to nctunlly build tho line tho-r will bo two ronds to tho const from Lnno county, ono of which will bo built by tho Lnno County Assot Compnny." Former Provincial Governor Js Leader of a New Rebel Movement. BATTLE IS EXPECTED TO OCCUR ANY TIME. Is Generally Believed That the Uprising Will Not Prove Serious. irtv Associated Press.) MANILA, P. I., Sopt. 1. An upris ing ngalnst thu government Is re ported In tho provinco of Nuovo Viz znyu. A bnttlu Is expected hourly. Tho robol movement la headed by Simeon Mnndnc, formerly governor of tho province of llocos Nortouho, nnd who hns boon a fugltlvo from Justice. It Is generally belluvcd tho uprising Is not serious. THE WHEAT MARKET. fily Assoetnied Presi.) CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Wheat innrkot closed ns follows: Scptombor, 9Sic; Docomucr, 103'c; May, 10914c PORTLAND, Sopt. 1. Wheat un changed. TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 1. Whoat unchanged. OFFICIALS ARE BUYING LAND. SCHOOLS TO ! OPEN SEPT. 19 I to bo used and will be ready to supply ino VUI11S pi IUO Jiuimn, Try Times' Want AdB. EUGENE, Oro., Sept. 1. Tho Southern Pacific right-of-way men, following in tho wnko of tho survey ors who began working wost from Junction City n weok ngo, survoylng for a rnllrond from thnt city to tho mouth of tho Sluslaw Rlvor, aro buy ing land along tho routo of tho pro posed rond, nnd nro snld to bo offor Ing n high prlco for It, somotlmes of fering to buy n wholo fnrm If only a portion of It or onough for tho rnll rond cannot bo purchased. Tho sur veyors nro said to havo roaohod a point nonr tho summit of tho Coast rango of mountains. Besides this crow of surveyors, thoro nro two others survoylng nlong ns mnny routes to tho mouth of tho Sluslaw. Ono 1b employed by tho Lano County Assot Compnny, which la promoting an electric railway, and tho other Is working on what Is known ns tho Mounco proposition to build a steam rond from Eugono to Floronco. Llttlo Is known of tho Mounco project further than that tho surveyors havo beon working slnco Spring. Tho Assot Compnny nn- nounccs thnt it will bogln grading on tho Eugono-Elmlra division of Its lino early n Septombor, nnd oxpects to fin ish tho work of Inylng ties before tho winter rnlns set In. A big mnsa meeting to celobrato tho ovent will bo hold nt tho court hauso In Eugeno on tho cvqnlng of September Cth, nnd lmmedlntoly nfter thnt dnto th0 work will begin. Mnny men hnvo subscribed labor, nnd n number of sawmills along tho routo havo subscribed ties, so that part of tho work between the two points will not require a great deal of monoy. Tho company promises that early noxt year tho lino will bo rushed to com pletion, and It is expected thnt tho work of laying rails will begin In tho spring. Former Mayor, Sheriff and Chief of Police Held For Newark Lynching. (By Associated Press.) NEWARK, Ohio, Sopt. 1. A re port mndo to-day by tho Licking County Grand Jury plncos tho re sponsibility of tho lynching of "Dry" Detective Carl Etherton on July 8th on tho thou Mayor of Newark, tho Sheriff and the chief of pollco, all of whom hnvo slnco roslgned or boon deposed. Fifty-eight Indictments woro roturned In connection with tho lynching. DO TRIES SUICIDE Miss Vera Fitch, Believing She Had Made a Failure, Shoots Herself. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sopt. 1. -Tho sur rooiis sny to-dny thnt thoro Is a, chanco for tho recovery of. Miss Vora Fltoh, tho young Cnllfornln author, who in aflt of despondonoy becauso sho believed sho hnd mndo n literary fnlluro, shot herself nt tho Hotq) As tor Monday night. Tho young woman now hns a strong deslro to llvo, CHILD IS BORN. HEAD THE TIMES' WANT ADS. Miui Accused of Munler lb Father of iiiNew Sou, (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sopt. 1. Tho long expected birth of a child to Mrs. B. Clnrk Hydo, whoso husband Is un der llfo sontonco In prison for tho murder by poisoning of Thomas B Swopo, occurrod this morning. Hydo was not at tho bodsldo whon tho boy wbb born, hut nrrlvod two hours later, oscortod by deputy marshalla. After spondlng two hours at homo ho was'takon back to Jail. LATER. Tho boy baby born to Mrs. B. Clark Hydo, died this afternoon. .j&hfi