HWW" T wr-" Wxmm ADS. NEWS CK THAT IT PAYS 19 EVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BX HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALj THE lIMJU TENSELY 1 OLD .: :: :: t: tt 0lHBXcE HV SUCCESSFUL 11USI- MErr- MOWER OF ASSOCIATED PHESS EmtnblislKMl In 1H7H ns Tlio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1910 EVENING EDITION. XSXIH. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull M-. on niul Cooi liny Advertiser. 0h ISEVELT IS GREETED By F RESULT IS IN LARGE CROWDS I E Ti KILLS HIMSELF AT SALT LAKE WPJVWWC (&am S S I M ns I S , Takes Part in the Celebra tion of John Brown Day. AS BEEN BUSY MAKING SPEECHES. eoplc Gather Around His Car and Shout to Hear Him Speak. (Dy Associated Press.) oSAWATOMIE, Kns., August 31. owner Stubbs of Kansas Jolnoil it Roosevelt party nt Osngo to-dny I. ...I...I Itlm 1inifi In tnlfn 111 ICCOIIlliaim.ii ii"" y ...... lift with him In tlio cclobrntlon of icbn Uron iln. Enthusiastic crowds , Kansas kept the Colonel busy mnk- hfipcecbcs until lato last night. Tito bin li falling, hut tlio crowds nro not cterrca. rruni mo u ui m - lul hero this morning until lie wiih fcorlcJ to tlio Masonic Temiilo, thO 'olonol remained In his car nt tlio utlon whllo a largo crowd of moil id omen wero outside shouting to llm to speak. Tlio Colonel wanted i talk with Governor Stubb's party I id It fell to n number of Senators sd Congressmen and othei'H to talk the crowd, They told whnt a tat man wns Hoosovolt, nnd Hint ho hi carrying out John Hrown'a work. tocierclt appeared on tlio platform ft minutes mid told tlio pcojtlo ho at glad to bo In tlio sunflower State. Leaving tlio private car, Colonol BooicTflt was escorted by tlio Fif teenth Cavalry, U. 8. A., to tho Ma- a!c Templo, where for nn hour ho wched tho citizens of tho town. -At lie conclusion of thlSrccontlon ho feat to tho State Hospital for Insane putt luncheon was served. Lntor previewed the military nnd other ionizations. Then going to tho nark N!de tho city which wns tho scene ft the famous bnttlo of Osawntomlo, colonel Hoosovolt took part In tlio Nlcatlon of this ground ns a Stnto frt named for John Drown. Roosevelt's speech wns roKnrdod l those who heard It ns n studlod FUratloa of tlio nrlnclnloa for hlch ha stands, sinco his return m Africa two months ngo ho hna ka silent regarding hl vlows on I 'JWHe Issues of tho dny oxcopt In n sea In hlch ho has spoken of IWIru!ar local Igttiina. lint Mm fnrninr JwUent broke hl3 sllenco to-dny. "mme no direct roforonco to tho. t- ln laist-at tn. although h ov-1 jw4 h'slens emphatically on n arT of auctions with which tho ""-r a '.., been doallng. ' OBI LEAGU E BALL SCORE Nand Wins From Los An- Odes and Is Slid In Lead. AA T . . 4 '' O P.O. .500 " .544 ,520 .510 .493 TIIP.V STAND. . Los, 50 OS 71 72 77 SO Oakla,. ib sin .: hl - fancisco..77 ernnn u8 1. .:, ''a ;?,c:aiawo...54 .378 T A. . ' V P0Ri?50cIfltetl Pre.88.) leis,..:?.0?- A8"t 31- - ' on - Coast Lea.guo 8tavt. UBi " Bew Eer' yesterday. Port n wi.i Los Aneeles with easo Um... .! hcr ed lead In tho W'; Jh0 cls' percentage.. leterip., , tranctsco'open their ' games fniin,. CLRTLAXD- ' R. . Sft1;;::::::::::: 5 I !a7"UAXD- r. h.: ''cnfto-.l 4 8 vu" I IS :i. S. Kaufman Thinks It Too High City Council Pro ceedings. The cost of paving and specifica tions for laying It, street mutters, new sowers and other phases of muni cipal work Inst night wuro finite thoroughly threshed out by the Mnrshlleld city council and nt tlmos DISCUSSER resulted In rnthor nnlinnted discus-.valued Um- j.MIss Ethel Mny Davis of Chlcngo, Tho pnvlng mattor was brought up ware stolen from n stateroom on tho by I. S. Knufman, ono of the Aniler-(Knlsor Wllholm III. Friday morning son uvenuo property owners, nppoar- on the voyngo to 'this port. So far no lug before the council and objecting arrests have been mndo. to the suggestion mude at tho lnsti meeting of the council Hint the roll-1 lug of the surfneo of the bituminous paving with n live or six-ton roller be' dispensed with. Mr. Knufman showed letters he hud from other cities ami quoted engineering authorities to tho effect that bituminous paving should always be rolled with n hoavy roller to Insure It lasting n rcnsonablo porlod. Ho nlso presented specifica tions for hard surfneo paving In other cities nnd cited tho price. He claimed Hint Rosoburg nnd Eureka nro get ting their paving much cheaper than Mnrshlleld and nlso Hint Portland prices nro nway bolow what Is being charged In Mnrshlleld. Councilman Albrccht called ntten-i Hon to the fact Hint Contractor .Me dina had always used tho hoavy street rollor In preparing tho ground for hnrd paving, whllo nt present nn effort is being mndo to dlsponso with oven this. Mr. Alurecnt niso stnteu that Mr. McCnun did paving nnd hnd offered to do more considerably tliitfiiwtn Mititt lm iifnannt rntna 1IVII'J tilt l Wiu jiiwawii imivui Alvn Doll nlso called tho council's nttontlon to tho high piico of hnrd paving here. E. F. Morrlssoy, of tho Coos Bay Paving hnd Construction Company, said that they wero not making a big thing nnd declared Hint thoy would toll their plant at cost to any one who wanted to take It. Mr. Powets said that the council's Idea In dispensing with tho heavy rollor for the surfneo wns to snvo inonov for tho nroDorrS' owners ns money tor tno property uw.nurs ui- . , , , . . ... the conductors If required to furnish ! Ut h, nnd lo Utf hay It nre likely to add the cost of the IS the disease havo be; , Uo.atr-d. rollor to the Joba to bo done this fall. II0 snld, however, If tho property owners Insist on It, tho council would give It to tlioni. Alva Doll said this) wasn't right ns tho contractors shoul 1 be equipped to do the work right and j not mnko a fow pny for It. Finally It wns agreed to lot the mnttor go over until bids nro received for the work. The surfaco rolling will then bo decided nbout. Tho council approved tho equaliza tion of tho assessment, the assess ment being $C0C por froiU foot for ench lot, excluslvo of tho cost of tho interescctions. Sevi it Woi U. Peter Mlrrasonl brought up tho question of changing the sewer from tho nlloy in West Marshflold to Four teenth street. City Attorney Goss ngaln Informed tho council this could not bo done without endangering the ouHre assessment, and the council de elded to leave It nlone, Chris Peterson and Alex Anderson' presented kicks against being as sessed for the sewer because part of tholr lots, they allegod, was lower thnn tho sewer. City Engineer Sand berg wns Instructed to run a level on this property and so0 whethor it was ns lepresented by the ownors. SnnillHTu Wins Out. City Engineer Sandberg reported to tho council that Contractor Whltmore had refused to take any orders rrom him relative to work and ,be(8and berg) wanted to know whether or not ho hnd any authority In tho matter. The councllmen individually express ed the opinion that the engineer had supervision of street woik and It was up to hlra to Eeo that- tho specifica tions were compiled with. Council man Hennessey said It was certainly iip to the engineer or somebody else, Former Treasurer of York County Savings Bank Cuts His Throat. (Dy AshiiciiKcd Pre.) BEDFORD, Me., August 31 A nearly suscccsfiil attempt nt sulcldo wns mndo Into yesterday by Illcli mond II. Ingcrsoll, former treasurer of the closed York County Savings Hank. Ho cut his throat. It wns announced that the bank's sliortn. wns about $350,000. valuaiim: jewels stolen. Chicago Woninii Victim of Robbery on Itounl a Vessel. (Il Ahucih!hI I'rt'K.) NEW YORK. AiiKiist 31. Jewels nt $1,000 nnd tho nronorty of STUBB8 IS Elected Head of Republcian State Party Convention By Unanimous Vote. fly Associated Press.) TOPEKA, Kns., August 31. Gov ernor W. R. Stubbs was elected chair mnn of the Republican Stato party convention yesterday nftornoon with out n dissenting vote. Tho action wns preceded by n sharp bnttlo- of words, In which Senator Curtis, Con Bressmnn Murdocknnd others partlcl I"" "8 lo l" ,,,k' ' " !'"' CtvUHiv, Tho election of Stubbs wns taken to Indicate an effort to bo mndo to rostoro party harmony. CHOLERA IN HEHLIN. Fifteen t Ciim'M Hvo Been Itcportctl nnd Ono Dentil. BERLIN, August 31. Fifteen cases of cholorn or suspected cholorn havo been dlsoovored In different sec tions of this city nnd tho suburbs of Snnda. Ill Berlin proper, thero wns ABOUT TRIP General Manager Says Calvin Was Only Looking Over Coal Mines Here. Tho following from th0 Portland Orogonlnn will bo of decided Interest owing to the many surmises hero as to the real significance of the visit of Vice-President Calvin nnd party: "No significance Is attached to tho visit of E. E. Calvin, general manager of tho Southern Pnclfic at San frran cleco, to Coos Day. J. P. O'Brien, local head of tho Harrlman lines, said that he did not bolleve that Mr. Cal vin's visit was connected with any plans for tho resumption of work on the Coos Bay-Drain branch line, which was started soveral years ago and abandoned Inter. "Mr. Calvin owns some coal mining properties In the Coos Day country and operates from there a lino of gtenmors, tho Coos Bay. Roseburg & Eastern line," said Mr. O'Drlen. Theso carry tho product of tho mines from that country to Portland and San Francisco. They havo a small rallrond already to their mlnos. I am assured that Mr. Calvin and party went to Coos Bay only to look over theso properties, and thero Is no movement on foot at present for the resumption of work on that line." CHAIRMAN ! inmno th w UDncn irliu Use The Times' Want Ads. Brady Is Favorite in Race For Governor Nomination in Idaho. (Dy Associated Press.) SPOKANE, Wash., August 31. At IP. M Barney O'Nell's supporters nt Wallace, Idaho, his home town, con ceded his defeat for the Republican nomination for Governor. Tho Clng stono forces concede Drndy will lead on the first choice votes, but Clng stone declares when the second choice votes nro counted he will be dcclnrcd tho nominee. BRADY FAVORITE. (By Associated Press. DOISE, Idaho, August 31. In tho Idaho primaries the thrco cnndldntes for Governor on tho Republican tick et nre running n close race. Drndy seems to bo tho favorite, but nt pres ent It Is Impossible to estimate tho returns. LAZY DUES Harris, the Big Man With the Big Voice, Delights All With His Singing. (Dy Rev. O. I,eRoy Hall.) TABERNACLE PROGRAM. TO-NIGHT. 7.45 P. M., rousing song ser vice 8.00 P. M., Mr. Lyon will spenk on "Tho Ton Command ments." THURSDAY. 10 A. M., Cottngo Prayer Moot Ings. 3 P. M., Afternoon Sorvlco. 7.45 P. M Evening Service. ' CHESTER F. HARRIS. Has anybody hero heard Harris? H-A-doublo R-I-S. Has anybody hero honrd Hurrls? ' He has a smllo that won't como off. With nil he's proved himself a winner. Hear this great big tabernacle slnjger. Has anybody hero heard Hnrrli? You'll be the loser If you pass him by. Mr. Lyon spoke last night to tho christians nnd his remarks wero so to the polnl that many In tho audience felt ashamed, of themselves. His text was; "None of those things move me; neither count I my life doar unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy," the words of Paul to his brethren of Miletus who en deavored to dlssuado him from going to Jerusalem because they know ho would bQ killed. Mr. Lyon said in part: "Paul In those words represents n typo of Christianity. His boldness was emulated by the early christians. It H grand to march to battle with strains of hiubIc nnd glorious bannors flying, but grander still to work nlong In a quiet way, as did Paul, amid per secutions and harsh opposition, know ing that he was doing the will of God iiui.tiuuea uu putsu ' USHES W. C. HAWLEY III THE CITY Congressman Arrives at Noon and Will Speak at Meet ing To-Night. ' Congressman W. C. Hawley arrived In the city nt noon to-day. Ho enmo by automobile from Roseburg nnd reached Myrtle Point too Into lust night to cntch the evening train from Marshflold. . Mr. Hawley says that x throughout tho country much Is honrd of Coos Dny. Tho big lumbor Interests hore, ho snys, particularly bring tho place Into notice In the East nnd In mercantile cliclcs gon- 'ornlly. Tho Improvement of tho hnr bor, which Is to be mndo by the gov ernment, has nlso directed nttontlon toward Coos Dny. Speaking of tho harbor, Mr. Hawley snld: "I felt pretty well satisfied getting $400,000 for Coos Bay. That Is a pretty good ,llco. The monoy Jls available now and It Is up to tho en gineers to do tho work. Tho dredge which will bo used with tho $50,- 000 appropriation is to bo brought hero very soon. Tho fnct that tho govormuont Is to mnko these Im provements causes pcoplo to tako no tlco of Coos Bay. "I havo heard n good doal of rail road talk. Somo think that Hill Is Intending to mnko this plnco a sea port terminus. Tho fnct that tho harbor Is to bo Improved Is ono of tho best drawing cards for a rnllroad. Tho roads must hnvo n deep sea har bor for n const terminus, and Im provement of tho Coos Bay harbor will hasten tho 'coming of a railroad nioro than nnythlng else." A meeting will bo hold at tho Chamber of Commcrco this evoulii" nt which tlmo Mr. Hnwloy v'i speak. Tho public Is Invited to n.i '-id and Mr. Hnwloy nays ho Is r-x' to mcot all tho pcoplo anil dUauw . Uh thorn tho noods of Coos !'- I "You soo," snld Mr. I' Ijy, "I nm expecting to bo nominated nnd elect ed to Congress again so I am work ing nlong Hioeo linos nnd am propar Ing for future work In tho bollof Hint 1 will go back to Congross from this district." THOMAS HART! Sheriff of Douglas Couuly Is After Man Who Made a Deadly Assault, i ROSEBURG, Ore., August 31. Sheriff Fonton nnd Constnhlo Single ' ton, who have been conducting tho man hunt for Thomas Hart of Wtl ,bur, who is wanted in Roseburg an n charge of assault with a dangerous wonpon, havo left for tho country, whero they Intend to resumo tho search for tho fugitive. They took with them sufficient supplies to war rant them remaining in tho field for several days. In order to evade de tection at tho hands' of Hart's friends tho officers wont south, but Intendod ,to doublo back somo time later In 'order that thoy mny spond tho night watching In tho vicinity of Hart's i residence nt Wilbur. Tho officers bo lleve that Hart will visit his homo should tho opportunity allow, In an attempt to pursuado his wife to quash further pioceedlng. Such procedure i would provo fruitless, howovor, lnns ' much as District Attorney Drown : proved hlmsolf cunning enough to so ,ouro a sworn affidavit from Mis. Hart nt the tlmo tho wnrrant for Hart's arrest was issued. With this dqcu jment in tho district attorney's hands Mrs, Hart would probably find hor self powerless to aid tho erring hus band In escaping the courts. RUNIC OR David S. Murray Commits Sui cide By Jumping From a Window. BUSINESS AND FAMILY TROUBLES THE CAUSE. Widow and Daughter of the Dead -Man Reside in Los Angeles. (By Assoclnted Press.) SALT LAKE CITY, Until, August ,31. Dnvld S. Murray, former gen eral mnnngor of the Rocky .Mountain Bell Telephone tCompnny, took bin llfo to-dny by leaping hendlong to tho strcot bolow, BuslnoBs reverses nnd domestic troubles wero tho cause. Tho widow nnd dnughter nro residing In Los Angeles. HAINH BRING RELIEF. Fires Are Quenched In Heenl Coun ties in Wnxliljigton. f ' (Dy Associated Press.) SEATTLE, Wash., August 31. Copious rnlns In Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish counties Inst night quenched tho fires. WOLF II. WINS. Oilier Speed HontM In Astoria llnco Hivnk Don ii. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) ASTORIA, Ore., August 31. Tho spcod boat Wolf II. won tho raco hero. Tho Spirit broke down yesterday nnd tho Pacer broko down to-day and camo In two nnd ono-hnlt inlloa bo- hind th0 Wolf II. HAIN AT MEDFORD. MEDFORD, Oro., August 31. A drizzling mist and a lack of wind Is putting nn ond to tho forest fires. It no wind rises tho sltuntlon will bo controlled In twonty-four hours. Fa vorablo reports from nil districts nro being received. CENSUS RETURNS. (By Assoelntod Press.) WASHINGTON, August 31.- Tho population of North Yuklmn Is 14,182, compared with 3,154 In 1000. 81G5 DEATH Mrs. Buckingham of San Fran cisco Killed and Miss Rces Injured. (By Associated Press., MUNICH, August 31 Mrs. Roso 4 Buckingham, of Sn,n Franc'30.0 was .kljlod, npd Miss Agngs Reoso of. tho . same city, wns neverely nrod by n , runaway auto ns, tjioy warp leaylng tho theatre last nlghf. Thq runaway car ran Into the crowd killing Mrs. Ducklugham and injuring others. 'nv AfocH'rd Press ) SAN FRANCISCO, August 31. Mrs. Roto Huoklnghnni, who was , killed In an auto accident nt Munich, Is well known here, She Is a sister of Gcoga Luehslngor, prosldont of tho Humboldt Savings Dank, nnd Is tho mother of three children. ItECEIVED 1J" POPE. (By Associated Press.) ROME, August 31. Tho Popo, hi receiving SIgnor Gentllon, president of tho Catholic Eloctorul Union, to- day, Inslstod upon tho peril of mod ornlsm in countries and in all form VNDEII CONTROL. (Dy Associated Press. J OGDEN. Utah, August' 31. Tho VJg flro In tho Targeo National For est In Iduho has beon brought uudor control. RUNAWAY SOTO V J iContlnued on page 4.) A U JMwiw sv-titf1.