ryv ,Ml;piJ'v T" T "TTW3r TWfUfHWWT' rir- '", THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. mpjrv- , V 1 COOS BAY TIMES sintered at me postofllce at Marsh Wld, Oregon, for transmission JVrouta tho malls as second class satll matter. Addtexa all communications to COOS IJAV DAILY TIMES, itVshflcid :: :: :: :: Oregon ML O. MALONKV Editor and 1'uli. WAN K. atALONKY News Editor An Independent Kepuollcan uews fper published every evening except Monday, and Weekly by Tho Coon liny Tim oh Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho service of the peoplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evl shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times represents a onsolldntlon ot tho Dally Coast Mall nd Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho Qrst dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times Is, Its Immediate sue cesser. 'commenced tho manufacture of steam boilers of a superior grade, and now v.vnnoo boilers arc sent nil over tho world. Others Installed a plant for mak ing brass tubing and the products of tho tube works nre shipped to nil countries, as well ns to every part of the United States. Other lines manufacturing luivo helped to make Kownnee a conspicuous city. Tho pub lic spirited and brainy business men of Kewanee determined to build a city and they worked together for that purposo with a persistency sel dom seen. They know no such word us fall. Like Napoleon, who snld there shall be no Alps, they said, vir tually, Micro shall be no natural dis advantages In Kowaneo and we will supplement tho opportunities we have with efforts to manufneturo nnd advertise a hotter quality of goods than nro mado elsowhero, and so Ko- wnnco hits forged ahead and ilia-J tnnced many moro favorably situated cities. Now consider what might be ac complished on Coos Day with Its many nnd varied resources. Coos Day has tho greatest transportation outlet anywhere In Its fine harbor. There nro extensive conl mines that will furnish cheap fuel, there nro great forests with their tremendous supply of" virgin timber, then thero nro tho fertile fields that furnish fruit and food. It has n splendid cllmnte, $3.00 Framed Pictures For Only 98c. To customers buying $2.00 worth of goods. $3.00 Framed Picture given freo to customers buying $20.00 worth of goods. Seo our window and ask clerk for coupon. THE BAZAR Quality Store Phone 32 ti-tt-tt-ttw:-M-tt-8-K-tt-n-tt-n- SUUSCltlPTION HATES. In Advmico, DAILV. On year 6.00 Six months S2.60 Lis than 0 months, por month .60 When not paid strictly In BdTnncojh(lnUhfl, nnd cnJovnblo. ,t mnny w. i.r.cu u"..kmUu ol luo ! chrchc and tho but of public uay iimea is imiii i-k.ii imii, !8Chools 111 Oregon. With all thejo nnd WEEKLY, j other advantages, Coos Day should On year II. CO n,ocomo ono t the grent seaport clt- ' nwiTTTT. 7 A . i It's of tho Pacific Coast. On tho other Oniclal Paper of Coo. County. .. ,. ., , , . IlltlllU, II illU II',V,J,IU IIVhlvl.i Kr OUlfcU tho opportunities at their doors, nnd CIT3Tj triiBt too much to tho theory thnt a I largo city grows with Its own mo mentum, tho census of 1920 may not show that 25,000 or 60,000. popula tion nnd tho material benefits that wo no.w reasonably look for. OFFICIAL PAPER OP TDK OK MAHSHFIELD. RAILWAY OFFICIALS VISIT. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC offi cials huvo como nnd gone They met n number of proml nont Coos Day cltlzons ofllclally and Boclnlly, but they loft no dellnlto as surnnco of an early solution of Coos Hay's railway transportation problem. Thoro hns dovolopod In some mnnnor n wholly unwnrrnntod assumption thnt tho people hero nro hostile to tho Southern Pacific. They nro not. Tho peoplo hero would gladly wol como tho Southern Pacific and oxtond nil possible advantages nnd courto- bIob for Its coming whon convinced of Its cnrnostnosB. This, nlso, dosplto tho fnct that thero nro hundreds of pooplo In tho Coos liny section who foul they hnvo not bcon falr'.y '.rented by thnt compnny. Those poiplo wrre Invited nnd Induced to como to Coo liny by (ho posltivo nssurnnco of tho Boutliorn Pacific Company thnt thoy would build n lino to Coos Day. Tho rond was stnrtod nnd much money apont nnd thon all work abandoned, Nothing hns been done since. The Southorn Pacific hns n record of bot tling up dlfforont soctlons nnd lotting thorn romnln In that condition until thoy got rondy to pull tho cork. Coos Hay has wnltod patiently many years for tho use of that corkscrew. Thnt aomo pooplo hnvo grown n bit Im patient Is not romnrknblo. Thoro Is no feeling of resentment, however, nnd tho glnd hand of good fooling Is nowhoro moro open or oxtonded In lionrtlor fashion thnn on Coos liny. Tho Southoru Paclllo or any other rond thnt Is seeking nu entrance Into thla section so marvellously rich In NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPHOVK. MEXT 110NDS. Notice Is horoby glvon that seated proposals will be recolvod by tho Finance Committee ot tho Common Council of tho City ot Marshtlold, Coos County, Oregon, at tho olllco ot tho City lltfcordor of said City of .Marshtlold, in tho City Hall ot snld City, until A o'clock P. M. of TUES DAY, tho 30th dny of August, 1910, for tho purchnso of street Improve ment bonds to tho amount ot $14, 190.47, nnd of sewor Improvement bonds to the amount ot $4,112. SO, ot the said City ot Marshtlold, Coos County, Oregon. ., All of said Improvement bonds to be In denominations not exceeding $300 nnd bearing Interest nt tho rnto of six por centum por nnnum from dnto thereof, payablo soml-anniintly; snld bo-ids to bo dntod the day of Is suance nnd to mnturo In ten years thoreaftor, with prepayment option thereon at face valuo and accrued In torest to dnto of any semi-annual coupon Intorcst porlod at, or after, ono yonr from tho dnto of said bonds, upon giving notice by publication In n newspaper of goncrnl circulation printed and published In Coos county, Oregon, Bitch notlco to bo published not less than twlco during tho month preceding such soml-nnnunl porlod nt which such prepayment thereof will i n n i u n i a i n t i a a i V xt i n u t a i n a i n i For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilised Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage .$ FREE DELIVERIES H A. M. mul 2 P. M. Phono 7.1-J. A $1.00 Worth Of Electricity ONE CAN GET MOItE VALUE FOIl THE MONEY OUT OF A DOL LARS WORTH OF ELECTRICITY THAN ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN DUY WITH IT! HERE ARE A FEW OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ELECTRICITY WILL DO: FIVE ORDINARY SIXTEEN CANDLE-POWER LAMPS WILL DURN ONE AND A HALF HOURS EVERY DAY FOR ONE MONTH FOR ONE DOLLAR. IT WILL FREEZE FIVE GALI ONS OF ICE CREAM EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH. IT WILL RUN A HLACKSMITH'S FORGE DLOWEIt FIVE HOURS EACH DAY FOR A .MONTH. Mr&H , IT WILL LIGHT THE MEAT MARKET AND CHOP 1,200 POUNDS OF .MEAT EVERY WEEK. fag . THE GROCER CAN DURN FIVE LAMPS FOR AN HOUR A DAY AND GRIND 500 POUNDS OF COFFEE EACH MONTH. IT WILL RUN THE WASHING .MACHINE WEEK FOR SIX MONTHS. FOUR HOURS EACH IT WILL DRIVE THE SEWING HOURS. MACHINE FIVE HUNDRED A TWELVE-INCH FAN CAN HE RUN NIGHT AND DAY FOR FIF TEEN DAYS FOR A DOLLAR. IT WILL HEAT THE DATH ROOM ONE HOUR A DAY FOR A MONTH WITH AN ELECTRIC LUMINOUS RADIATOR. IT COSTS JUST A DOLLAR TO DO THE FAMILY IRONING WITH AN ELECTRIC IRON FOR TWO MONTHS. THE HEATING PAD CAN DE USED FOR THIRTY NIGHTS FOR A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ELECTRICITY. -H-B-tt-tt-S-H-H-K-tt-U-U-tt-n $13.50 For -an All Wool Suit At the FIXUP IT WILL LIGHT THE PORCH LIGHT MONTHS. EVERY NIGHT FOR SIX Ask our New Business Department about it. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co, NEW TRANSFER LINK. m, iv. .Mnguiro nas stnrtod a now transfer lino In Marshflold and ar ranged for prompt sorvlco for all kinds of hauling. Ho will have his stand at "Tho Busy Cornor" drug store or parties can reach him by telephoning orders to 298. TELEPHONE 178 A NEW HUNCH OF STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE Classy Fixtures1 rst Trust and Savings Bank bo mnde. Tho right Is oxprossly ro natural rosourcos will llnd a cordial '80rml t0 roJect nny nnd nU b,ds nml wolcomo horo, The pooplo of Coos Hay woro glad hnvo oven this brief visit from to ineso prominent olllrlals. It will glvo them n moro Intimate knowledgo nnd n moro vivid view of tho Coos liny country. Whllo reticent to tho point of Bllonco on the mntter of now con struction, thoy woro vory freo lu their expressions of aurprlso nnd fa vornblo Impressions of Mnrshllold. Thoy remnlnod only ovor-nlght, but It wns sufficient to got n gllmpso ot tho city nnd aomo ot Its cltlzons. Tho Tlmos trusts tho trip Is as significant na Indications would seem to mnko It und that hopes long deferred for a rnllwny to Coos Hay may bo soon realized ns a result of this visit of tho men who build stool highways, G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshiteld, Oreon. Parlors, inn South .Id St., Telephone, Dny or Night, tfW-J. upon all or nuy ot such bids, or pro imams, ui'iiib rejecieu, u tnero snoiilu . ii'iiitiiii mi uuuiiu uiisuill, wio saiu J , r r f i bonds may bo thereafter sold nt prl- HaVC that KOOl TlXed vnio snie ny said common Council of said City of Marshflold, Oregon; but In no event to bo sold nt loss than pnr and accrued Interest. Said bonds nr0 nuthorlzed by tho laws of tho State of Oregon and ordinances of tho Common Council or tho said City of Mnrshllold, Oregon, Assessed valuation of snld City of; Marshflold, Oregon, Is $1,701,549. llouded Indebtedness Is $54,000. Population Estimated at 5,000. A certified check for 5 por centum of ninount of bid, or proposal must accompany each bid to be forfeited ' to said City of Marsljfleld in caso bid Now See CORTHELL PifON'R ino-u llUEAKWATKIt HOTEL, Front St., Mnrshfleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by dny, week or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. Just arrived, at prices to suit. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELKOTUICIAN8. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. Our Work is Our adver tisement OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT-ISF.VCTIO.V. OF COOS DAY, MARSHFIELD, ORE. Juno 30, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . .$ 97,738.03 Overdrafts 711.84 Bonds and securities ... 25,859.36 Banking house, furnlturo and fixtures 50,820.50 rash on hand and due from banks ......... 87,330.01 .$209,460.24 LIADILITIE3. Capital stock paid In. . .$100,Ott.H Surplus and undivided profits J.HI.H uupusiis i03,iy.ii Total $26Mm .MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEA.M LAUNDRY. Mnuzoy llivi.. Prop, Phono 220-J. HOME LAND Co I Qaa lid n- I ........ U nrenntad nml l.l,m.r fll t f "" 'Hi on U009 n.i . Vni" .:; .:. : ::. ' :::, , . ,r. i uay- 0 guarantee "" ,w I.-....-., iv, r.uu uuim ur,l nnr nvl j bonds, covered thereby, within ton J iiono 711. ' owner's price to AV1I.VT .MAKES A CITY? T IS GENERALLY bolloved that n ilnya from date of acceptance of said eiiy must uo posiusked of na- bid or bids. tural ndvnntngiw and resources I Kaeh bid or nronosal aulimiito.i n ud good transportation facllltlos. lu; designate tho denominations of said order thnt it may attain pro.emlnonco bond or bonds doslrod. Wong commetolal and manufacturing nids or proposals rocelved for any ,lno8' (Amount of said bonds; small bidders It Is true that theo things are being given preference of purchnse. helpful In tho life nnd growth of a Proposals, or bids, with certified city, but thoy nro not IndUpeusabl. cheeks, to be enclpsod In sealed plain A caso In point Is tho olty of Ko-! envelopes without distinguishing wnneo, Ills. Hero Is a city that had' marks or writing thereon, except the no natural conditions considered os-1 words "Rids for Improvement Bond sentlnl to a olty's growth. Situated 'of th City of Mnrshfleld Orozon." i .. i ---- iu u luui'tf in run prairies on quo uue of railroad with no largo river and with no timber nor uilnornl sources of wealth, and yet It has bocome a largo manufacturing city, nnd Its rep utation for tho excellence of Us ware and commodities Is world wide. A fow ot Its enterprising cltUeub Dated this 19th day of Auisust. 1910. P. HENNESSEY, A. H. POWERS. CARL ALBRECHT. Finance Committee of Common Coun cil of tho City of Marshflold, Oregon. 904 Front Si, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rR. J. W. INGRAM Plirniriiu, and Snrgeoa. OBIce 20H-'JOf Coos Mulldlnf Pbopes Qfflcti maisKeslaeno 1KZ) J- IV- HENXIfTT. iMwyvr. WE HAVE PLACED IN PUI1LIO SERVICE A Bus to Meet AH Trains Will also make calls on telephone orders. Phono 120J. ihono 13flJ A baggage wagon has also been added that will call for and dollver trunks, baggage and light freight. Also run private hack to Rosoburg. L. H. HEISNER Livery and Feed Stable. Total We Invite your attontion to th vo strong cundltlon of this bnk U ihowp 1 the abovo statement to- wit: Cash reserve 52 por cent of depoilti Reserve required by law 15 por cent of depoiiu Reserve In excess of legal requirements 37 por cent of depoiiu miiv o OFFICERS AND IIIUKCTOItS JOHN S. COKE. President. JOHN F HALL DORSREYSKnPCKEN' fl?S?iIBN O. SboBRS. UMM ?am 21 "' Ca8b,er W. 8- CHANDLER. W ILLIAM GRIMES, DU a w T0WER ... . " a "ORTON. Vice President nnd Manager. HOW A GENERAL HANKING AN I TRUST HUSIXES9. YOl'II lll'SINESS ROT.TDITRn. THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY nv .. fTmoiLV A C:IKRCIAL nANK neils laruo Nevada Vniinn.i n.nir a- tx..n.fi.n fiL I DraffS U "nl ed 8u,e9 NtloBi Hank, Portland, Or.. ? Drafts )S' ',,,ona, 1ark "k. New York, N. T. ? - )VW Corn Exchange Nutlonal IUnk. Ohle.Ko. IU. The Hank of Scotland. London, England. In .iJm dU Ljr0nnBta' Par,s. Franca. Europe Ash? I?ri?IWi dr.aft,8 on nU Pnclpnl banking eent.ri la South Anterfca' Au,tra,l. China, Japan, North, Central vA PCr7 1.?' comme"Ial accounts kept subject to check. inures or Deposit Isr jed. Safe Donoslt Boxes for rent. Turkish Baths!! 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK Oldest lw- "A"aFlBLD. OREGON. Vm i. rSi", CooSy Established in 1880. , , "' " 'UIUII t OOlte over Fiannuan Rank. Marshneld, H biiunctt Or w JI. S. TURPEX Architect Ovor Chamber of Commerce STEASIKU HEDOXDO WIM, SAIL SOOX FROM SAX FRAXCISIO FOR COOS 11AV. .MAKE RESERVATION' FOR PASSAGE AX1) FREIGHT. j Iiiter-Ocean Transportation Co. ! O. F. McGEOltGE, Agent. of Cae,?fottmtae,Desraan KS?' b - ? FJt First Nrttlnnm ni, HZ"..:i ."" "anover wauonai uu. - -- burg. Ore Th i , .a 0re" F,rst National Dank, mwj- f i AUo sell's Jhid0n JnlDi Stock Bank. "d.. London. England. T fnd?v dia, and o0oUratnf th ,,r,nC,paI c,t,;s of Ct Baf. 'i deposit lock boxes fS ,a flCCOUnt8 kopt BubJect t0 cneck- t J- W. IIEXVFTT p ., 0FpICERS: J. H. FMxSav VF?'nU ' p. WILUAJ IXTEDFST PaY,",1 JJ?.- 0EO- E' Wt i.l.i.ST PAID QV tmiw DEPOSITS r.itn nnoUlnw ,'INCHESTER, At. Cub. I ELLERllY'S FISH MARKET, Ed. T. lbilcli. Prop. Shell Fish of Every Description Salmon and Deep Sea Fish In Season Tel. Market 264J. Foot of Murket Avenue, Coos Bay Roseburo- Stace. Line. IO ITal ,S,aK l?WCen urg and Marshflehl, coiniuencW " JSrS r, llIf,dany BMd Su1ay at O n, m. Fare ?O.Oo. tMARKl;:1' tARKET AV., Slarshfleid. I'UONE U O. P. HARNARD, Ageut, ROSERIIRG, OB& -.W.