The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 29, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    f""IIU I WJHWUIHIMI WC ""'' Wl"11 -fjJiwwFTf'"'- ' m um, pwwi.1 irnjr ' ' --.. w
3HBHaMHiHMMttHlHAHiMttPMMWmtW"VK. MBBBvatwr .. . """W"
rjiwwrr"wpra,t-r-"w' ' ' " fTffWf W w ii ' ry T "" " i,t muyiiw ' """
..i-aiVHSS IS SLOW, Al
(Ham Sag Stones
TERSELY 1 OLD v: :: tt :t t
Established In 1878
ns The Const Mali.
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull jQ 37
nnd'uoos liny mivcrusi-r.
Lpresidcnt Calvin Says He
Is Surprised at the Development.
ill Go East and Report at
Headquarters Regarding
thn situation.
I "' WASHINGTON, August 2U. Tlio. - "" """ ' " "
....m. ini..i ' .... .. nf i-nnnlinra wliii worn liiirnmc urilBll.
The four Soiiineni rncinu uim..iu Government weather omciais tiiinK u ". - , - - --
1, l.ltcd Coos liny loft Sunday ; wollll, 0 n WMl0 of wonoy t0 explode The law provides lint no Ares aim 1
00 " ........ rr.l. - . . ... ' in atnfnit fnr lllirnllll! lirllSll Or llOlUS
ornlng by '' ,r", 1,,u' ""'" tho big guiiB 011 tlio I'ncmc whibi 111 1 " - - - - -------
0 an In-iwctlon trip nnd worn h(J,c- 0, producing rnln. In ,cspono"ltloi.t I l from n rtro wnrdon,
... o.w.,.1 ,iiv iiu mill .. .......... .i.. .1... 1. botwoen June 1st nnd October 1st.
llSCd tor I""", "I""" ""' U) llirwiur ruiiuunio nun inu nib h"ii , r ..,,.
LhtlD Msrshfleld. Thoy will go to 1)U ,,. tll0 WnP Department asked With tlio now order from tho Go
'"'"" . ... 11.,. . . .. . . . .. 'urn. nnfinitu pnn 1111 civnn under
:. York nt once nnu 0110 m uiu Ul0 weather Bureau ror nn opinion " T, , " .,n
" .. ... .i.. 1.. 11. ..... Immv nli-niiniatiiiiroa until further 110-
..rpoK.0 MnnKiiB uo ".." t0 tho .rolmoio 011 cioncy. umo : " ;"" " ,, ,lrvnMI 0, lho
Cultrn olneo or 1110 compunj- willls L. Monro replied tnnt 1110 oniy - - - - , "" " " .,.
ake up the matter of tlio branch to r08lllt W()lllll probnbly bo to "crento country nnd 10 n flrc8
.... ii..i.. 11... ..inn . .. . i.... Hiirnnii nu nt thlH tlmo of tlio year.
That Was VVhat the Weather
Officials Thought About
Exploding Guns.
lllv Ausoclntcd Proas I
WASHINGTON. August 20. Tlio
Dr. Crippen and Miss Leneve
Are Brought Into Court
at London.
(By Associated Prima.)
LONDON, August 29. Dr. Crip
pen nnd Ethel Lenovo wero nccuscd
of the murder of Doll Elmoro, the
former's wife, In a formnl chargi
rend to them In tho Bow Street I'o
llco Court to-day. The Lcnove woman
lo charged also with hnrborlng and
maintaining Crippen after tho crime,
Acting Governor Wires Instruc
tions to Fire Wardens of
the County.
No moro fires must be started by
ranchers or others until further no
tice and no permits must bo given by
Are wardcnB. Acting Governor Jay
Uowcrmnn sent telegrams to A. II.
Powers and L. J. Simpson nBklng
them to notify all tho fire wardcnB
thnt no permits must be given for
ainrtlni. fln until further notice.
This Is tnken ns a precautionary knowing he had commiticu (it. ue
mcasuro ns many of tho forest fires foro thn proceedings, Inspector Dow.
Salute of Cannon Welcomes
Him When Train Pulls
Into City.
hnvo been stnrtod by tho smnll nros
Colonel Roosevelt Receives a
Warm Welcome From
People of Wyoming.
(Dv Associated l''C.i
CHEYENNE, Wyo., AllgllBt 29.
:ooi Day. E. H- Calvliu tlio vlco 'n n(,1(J w yonrg l0 como for cliurtnns
)fildnt and general manager of 1110 invB a nionmiro tho snuctlon of
road, was 1iIk1i1 pleased with tho tllu BVornment for their oporntloim,
onalry and wns hopeful of tho com- t() m.oy ,, tno crcdullty gf tho public
icy taklnB fnvornble action on tho nml gocm.u both public and private
repwli that will be mnilo rcgnnllng 10Venue." Mooro ndda that under tho
locality. In talking, he was nl.,ilor.. f Conurcss tho Agriculture
..iv. mr.ln.t nn tnnklnir nnv BtntC- . -...... 1 i,n. 1''.flnfl In
I&.UV1 buai..v.. w . IJUUtll 11IIU11I. lino urt,.....-w.. t--
rfntai to when the road would ho ,omunr,Hng tho cloudB with powerful
IijIII, tut to C. .1. Mlllln, H10 local 0XpiORtvuB both In dry and humid cli
mates without effect.
i.nrMPntatlvo of tho company, cv
rrwicd himself na being hopeful tlmt
tic report of whnt wns lenrned horo
uld meet with favor with tho com-
Pln-t Trip Horo.
llr. Calvin wns interviewed by a
lifprcscnlatlvo of Tha Times Saturday
Little Communication With Dinning
District of Piigt't Hml.
1 itv Atbui'iui'o l'rH 1
SEATTLE, Wash., August 29.
Breakwater Leaves On Her
Last Trip of the Five-Day
Tho Hrcakwator arrived Sundny
n.lm l.fniirrlif tlm nrUnnOrR
..,.... f....n.ln lii ( rml iipoil nvliloilcn to r...i.... nvlniolnil lo Pnlniinl ItnoRO-
show thnt Crippen contemplated sul- vojt Saturday tho ilrst of a Berles of
cldo while at sea following Ills flight demonstrations planned for him In
from this country. Crippen wns tn0 fnr West. From all over tho
quoted as declaring that Miss Lenovc gtnto camo ,non ftnd women to Join
knew nothing ot mo irouuiu uuu in- n welcoming tno uoionei duck w mu
woman protested her Innocence. The country 0 became ncquulnted with
couple wero rcmnniicu iiuin ouiuuih- n (unrter or a century ngo. mu "-,
ber Cth without ltnvlng plcndcd or onei wnB n,t.t nt tho stntlon by Govor-'
making comment In ' reply to tho nor ur0oks and Senator Warron of
charges against them. Wyoming, and Senator Uorah of Ida-1
ho. Drawn up In front of tno station
wbb tho Ninth Cavalry, tho coloiod
regiment which co-operated with Lho
j Rough Riders In Cuba. Tho parade
through the atrcotB was bonded by
Rooievelt and wbb depletive of N st
ern life. Cowboys, cowgirls, Indians,
bronchos and buffaloes being In line.
1 After tho parado Colonel Uoosovelt
wns taken to the Inter-Ocean Hotel,
whoro ho lunched with Urook, Wnr-
n. : nnrj nonor! nfi That '". ornh nml Jamc8 " anrnh1.
Dr. Ready wagers aouu inai AUcr lMIlc,ieont Colono, Koosoveu
Southern Pacific IS Only "'l Prty wero taken lnnn auto to
tho frontier grounds whoro thousands
Trying tO Scare Othd'S. of spectator had gathered to hear
MEDFORD, Ore., August 29.-Col- h,m k' , ,. nnimll hv lll0
T,-..,. Tl... ...! II, 1 1.1 UoilllV DOtlllttUll".!"" - - - -
OI1U1 1TUI1K IUIJ "liu Uli M,
i.iK-nnf Tli,TlmRRntiirdny. SEATTLE. Wnsll.. AUgllSl :. T110 HrcaKwaiur urnvuu oiiMMiw
'""k -" - - ... - .1 .. . ... , .... i .1.1, . r.- ..1. u,.. n...i n, I 1.1. llniliiv u...w." -- . .
night. When asked about his trip Reports from the scone 01 1110 iomu mm l'ortiuuu anu i B... i - v '"'""" "" -; ""'. Now York Evening Poat brougnt
terebe.ald: llrcs In Pugot Sound district are In-'nrternoon, sailing at I o'clock. Th l,aVU wagered fiOO m the , rosiilt .of from hm
Mr. Mlllls Is our press agent and complete ns many wires are iruwu u uio last irip nnu w. Biv,..,.v. ..... lUu ... ,......-.. -....--.- - ,1JuBt w k,nd of nttncR x CXpCciou,
lemsrhato something to say. Hut 1 l.tho vicinity where iho ttres nroIIinko on-ti,0 flve-dny schedule, as & Western Rn 'rondrb.0'"cl" " fg ho ,aW. "Just as soon as a practical
.. . ........... n.l. !. rnnilirn nf lll 8 t- .'In. ,ln flrB, nf tllO lllOIltll SllO KOOS KOtltllOril PnClflC COlOnOl Rn BaS ...... , .l,.. Ill
nuch. This wns my llrst trip' Into ntlon this morning Is tho absence bnclt t0 tt,0 ono-n-week schedule nnd
thlt part of tho country. I Intended of wind. No rnln 1b In prospect
toning about n year ngo. When Mr.
Crimes and others wroto about tho
railroad, Mr. llarrimnn wroto to mo
tilting mo to como up here, but I
n taken 111 nt tho time nnu couiu
tot rlik making tho trip,' and I have
rer eottea mi hero until now. Wo
itirted from a point sixty miles from
mb Francisco nnd wont through Fort
Bragg and up through Eurokn, Cres
cent City and Curry county to Coos
Bijr, c wero nlno dnyB In tho auto
mobile." Ulu-d the Country.
When atkeil If ho did not find It
rough travelling and ratlior a wild
on of a country down tho const, Mr.
Cimn said: "No, It Is a great coun
irjf and I enjoyed tho trip
will snll from Coob Day every Satur
day. Sho will sail agnln next Satur
day. Incoming Pnnnengorn.
Tlio following aro tho pnsBongors
who arrived from Portland on Urn
! TIiob. G. Ryan, F. Adams, John
Waltha, J. If. Zlmmers, Mrs. Zlm-
.mnrB .inn. Gownnloclc. A. C. Lender,
Southern Pac.flc Colono. Rny says J - nnd dM0Mjr ,
tho company Intends to but d ho f
rallrond. Dr. I.; says It Is slm- "uw '"
rcai t .
niv nnothcr blu" 'o care away
builders, and e. j mC up thulr as-'
gortlons with tho .nri' -! .
Dr. Reddy says; "It i -m-tai-
tempt to keep otherB out of mo n""i
Tho Southern Pacific IB following
old tactics mnklTg a bluff of nctlv- j
Ity when any ono elso Is ntfomptlng
to act nnd scaring them off.
"Tho Hill people nro reported to
I...V.,, -- . I t (till JIVUI..U - -. , ,
R. W. Gownnlock, N. Rosonblnd. u j purchased the old Draper sur-
..,, r .W. Hill, L. Hill, Frank Herman, MUB A third party Jb nt present In-.' portand Wins Another Game
CatdieS Fire at the Wharf and Richardson, S. Vanderberg, 88tore8tlnK capital m the- construction . .
UtU ' snnii I?. Hnzon. Mrs. Hnzou, A. Arnw-1" .', nitv rniirond. hence From San FrandSCO at
Rnn. E. Hnzon. Mrs. Hazou, A. Arms
l burg, Mrs. Armaburg, A. G. Arma
Iburg, II. D. Hall, W. A. Healy, J.
i ... .,ia Mn I'nrrv. Ira Nelson, E.
Tim cnsollno launch Peggy, owned j0 Fnnagan, M. Dahl, John-Elde, A.
eat coun-1 Q and JncU Flanagan, wnslGnrrott8on( p. Garrettson, Mrs. Mag
1 want to,.' . ..... !. Tho en-l i ,vn ohllrtren. C. Manossn,
Is Sunk to Savn
' ---..-. - ,. ,. cntnriinv evunuiK. w"
I1T lha 1 U'flo n.nnll.. u.i,ii,lanil n, ,llO . ul" lvl w
.-..-... ..Ha.UVIJ HUIHHVU M. .
deielonmenl ivn fnnml horn nnd nil
ol the rt'ier gentlemen woro too.
None ol us had boon In horo beforo
Wd Ve were urentlv RiirnrlEoil nnd
glno was flooded and In nn attempt
to burn out tho gasollno tho boat
caiiEht flro. It was
nlc trln. Tho freight
A. S. Manossn, D. L. Manossa, Mrs.
of a Crescent City raiiroau, nonce
the Incorporation by tho Southern i'n
plflc oflldalB ot tho Grants Pass &
.Western. The Hnrrlman sysiom i
don't build branch railroads, don t j
. ,.. .!. nn.intv IinVP IllOVO lin- '
less forcod to, and as soon aa tho Snn i?ranCgC0 yeatorday. Tho other
.a . A .... In iltft . a . An rnltn Clltl.
pressure censes inoy cuubu, tuu' teams piayeu iwo buhico. wu..
From San Francisco at
spunojg ouioh
Dv Asooiatod Prosa.i
PORTLAND, Ore., August 29.
n..riinini nun another Ktinio from
He Takes Part in Bia I'arade
and Delivers An
fBy Associated Pr )
DENVER, Colo., August 29. A Ba-
luto of cannon welcomed Roosovolt
to Denver ub hla speclat train drow
in at tho Union Stntlon. A grout
crowd lind gnthored nt tho Btntlon
nnd set up n wild cheer as tho ox
presldont nppoared on tho platform
car. Aftor tho formalities, tho com
mittee on reception to recelvo tho
formor President, In a carrlago with
Governor Shaffroth, Mayor Spoor and
Prosldont Persons of tho Colorado
Live Stock Association, entered tho
parado In honor of tho distinguished
I Arriving nt tho reviewing Btnnd,
' Roosovolt witnessed the pnrndo nnd
I displayed great interest In tho vnrl
' ous divisions. When tho Inst organ
ization passed, Roosevelt entered the
; Drown Palace Hotel, whoro ho vai
given a great reception. Aftor ho had
escaped from tho enthusiastic crowds
ho went to Ills room to proparo for a
"chuck wagon" lunch given at tho
'Ovorland Pnrk by tho Donvor Pross
ninli In his honor. It was a great nf-
fnlr. Hugo wagons londod with
Btcnka and biscuits wero thoro and
from tills supply tho ox-Prcsldent Rnd
newspapermen and a groat crowd of
Invited gucBth wero at luncheon. Tho
Colono! iiIb steak and biscuits
from i tin nlato and said It wnB "Juit
tn." 1 hen ho mounted tho tall
-. rf ono of the wngons and do
IIvm . it short speech.
After tho "chuck wagon" lunch
Roonovelt wont to tho auditorium,
.whoro ho was given n wolcomo by
(nearly 15,000 persons, ninny of whom
wnlted hours In tho summer heat for
his coming and when ho Anally put In
an appoaranco ho waa greeted with
'"Hello, Teddy," and other noisy
fnrnin nf WOlcOIIlO. Until llO Bt0p10H
forward and waa formally Introduced
by tho chairman,
hla speech.
He then dellvorod
as6, W"? Brt'ftt,y 8Ur,,rlE0d nm lnnd It waa decided that tho only way
auch Pleaded with tho resources nnd ,"'",'t; B.' llonf lrom burn,B up
id in nn huuhuu a s. .Manossn, u. . .uw 'pressure ceases thoy cease, as in i". teams played two go
asollno tho boat jaippert, Chaa. Glppert, Martha Jess, cq Dny Drnln iio. I bollove they duy BCOre8 follow:
loaded for n pic- Annl0 p0teren, Mr. Relnhart, I,',hnvo n0- intention of building to at PORTLAND
ht was taken off Gottns, A. M. Baker, L. Knight, M-Cregcent clty( nd are simply trying PortiUd
i development and tho cities you
When asked If Mr. Hood waa com
lg or had over been hero, Mr. Calvin
Mil! "No, Mr. Hood has novor been
here I expected nnd hoped to be
Me to gpend four or flvo dnya. horo,
lten on to San Francisco and go(l,alred'
Nothing New.
J,r. Calvin was asked If he had
"ythlng to say as to when tho Drain
Hoe would be started nnd If his visit
r could be taken ns slgnlflcant of
'"umptlon of work. Ho snld:
"On that point I will 'simply sny
tMUhere g nothing now."
When asked different times about
! work on the Drnln lino ho Insisted
toat there was "Nothing now." Mr.
lvln was asked If ho nnd his nsBO
dates made tho trip over tho pro
ved coast nnd h0 said they did. In
posing his Interview Mr. Calvin said:
ou may say thnt I wns greatly
F-eased with the country and very
"torably Impressed."
Held a Meeting.
c J Mlllls says that all of the
ct"clals wero pleased with Cops nay
ttd Wem pnthticlniiitn nl.nuf tVin hnr-
' Possibilities. They met at the
'a"road office Saturday night with a
, huBlness men with a view of
'"ng the visitors facts concerning
Is actually produced In this lo-tality
Those nresent nf ,n niinir ware
. U DtUV viw " "-
was to Blnk her. A holo wits cui m ptrlck
w'hnvo no Intention of building to AT P0RTLAND R.
,,' Crescent City, nnd nre simply trying Portlnnd 3
'" .. .!. .v.lin nllcllt WOrlC Ollt D T7,nr.nlunn 2
WHO I" !. .... --
tho hull so that tho launch would
sink. The boat sank, uui jum u
Rogers, C.Horrlott.AdolHerroltt, R. 'to gcnr(j tjogo who m,Bt WOPk out 8an Frnnclsco
Hohonsco, Al. Hohensee, J. -; of tho fleld. AT L0S ANGELES-
patrlck, It. D. Lewis, C Helmlnfe, T. vnnxMNO GA:
immiin. fi. C. Chnso, C. Hnrrls, M.
. wt it wnruiiKon. Ira Nelson,
sink. TJie ooiu miiiin " -, " - "
biiik. , . ,,i ,,-n Mrs. Worrell. H. O.
foro sho wont oowu iu - jr., i. v. i...v.., . ......
been put out with a lire extinguisher. ., D smith. J. D. Earner, and
Tho launch will bo raiseu uuu .w .-
thought that tho damage can u
thirteen Bteerago passengers
Ontgolng Passengei-s.
Tho nreakwater leaving this altor
nnn nnk ono hundred and sixteen
passengers for Portland. They were
as lollowa:
j. D. Tucker, J. P. Kioran, j. r.
Gillespie, E. Open, Mrs. H. J. Kim
ball Mlsa Zlmmer, H. J. Kimball, b.
.. I. n K" pcpfii. .-iiru. v. -
tt. ill"""3' i v '-
People Gather to Get Sight of Hi-.
Crippen Wluirllo Lands.
(By Associated Press.)
LIVERPOOL, August 29. Tlio
tenmer MPgantlc, enrrying ur. wu . ,. e Gu,0VB0J( ,t
.... nn Mies Lenove. was slgntea oii.wrs. a. - p.l,i!h.lvw
:: ::: ;" Saturday. Great crowds , Helen uuiovson, -. -"----,. I ,, ffl. Rn
W1U ,.u. nwlnnnlV
which had gathereu . "---'
unnvivn flAMH.
,.,.ro.,A'rc rni! OUT.
1 Lob Angolea ,
R. G. Smith of Grants Pass Candidate joakland . . . . . . . . .
For Congress. i n
SALEM, Ore., August 29.-In a Los Angeles
letter to a friend In this, city, Robert Oakland . ' ;, '
G. Smith of Granta Pass, Joseph no AT SACRAJ
county, has Informally announced his MOI N NO GA.IU
Intention of making tho race lor w- -"-""
gresa In tho "t Congreslon., d.b- .Vernon - -trlct
unon tho Democrntlo ticket, ni
agatst Congressman Hnwley of this Sacramento
city, and B. F. Mulkey of Ashland. Vernon
Mr. 8mlth la the Arst uemocrav i"
(By Associated Prr.)
SPOKANE, Wash., August 29. A
dlsastor as appalling as that which
swept the region of Wallaco and
Avory a weok ago threatens tho wholo
valley of tho upper St. Maries Itlvor
In Northern Idaho. Conditions In that
roglon oxnetly duplicate thoso which
existed in tho territory where such
toll, of llfo waa exacted, and all that
lb neoded to fan tho llamoa Into a fury
which la bound to roBiilt In moro for
est horrors, la a repetition of tho high
winds of a week ngo which wrougiu
such deatructlon at tho Wallaco and
Avery districts. Seven hundred men
aro lighting Area In tho dlatrlct and
hnvo wnrnod out numerous homo
Bteaders, but It Is not believed all
will escape.
H. .immer, . "-w , ;u. oi" -
Tracr, Miss n. Jennings, S. Copple, conio 0lU as a candidate for Congress
(Continued on page 4,)
wnicn nuu bi -- - ,
... ... t.-..D nf Pttlnc a view of the
rlcadea which Bhu t J-- ""
stage. They w"7"',.
'clock and wero tnuen -
rectly to London.
iTifublo Along Rot- of Oregon Short
fTv Asoniated Press.)
OGDEN, Utah., August 2'
forest service here has received word
that serious forest Ares nave broken
out near I.I-d P.rk. on the V.Uo.
stone Park branch of the Oregon
Suort Line. The Are line 1 He.
!lf,ndbai worked back into the
heart of the timber belt.
,., rnvnnauch. L. A. Hlldebranu
uisa ' Ti-A.
Airs. Wllkowskl, Mrs. B. u. v, ,
Mrs R. Thompson, Mrs. M. '"'
Walter Blackmoro, TUlle Blackmore.
Mrs. A. E. Hale, J. A. Hale, A. II.
.. i p Onarles. Mable McWorter,
Magnolia Tate, Geo. Shelly, J.
Shelly. Miss L. Tangeman, Miss Anna
Schuett, J. S. Anderson, rs. -Bradley,
Herbert Bradley, Mrs. A. 1 .
..... a. p Pulkerson, Freu
jenklnson, Mrs. A. W. Relnhart. Mlsa
C Iloyt Miss G. Hoyt, mis. ui"-.
M'rs. Jas". Hughes. Agnes Hughes, J.
M. Maine. Mrs. Maine. rreur.
Maine, E. Kothe, A. B. Harvey, Mrs.
Harvey. Paul Harvey, Ruth Harvey,
N. L. Spring. Mrs. Spring. Rector
Spring L. Pederson, C. Nelson, A. J.
Thompson, C. E. Fletcher, H. Lag-
FavoraMo Repoi-ts Aro Received
- i v...... vis (iu in mini?
.i n Cmnl tvnni . ". j. rviui. 'mh
lUIOi viwwi M,..-.-.-- -.
I T.. tuanAinlnd I'rPfifl.l
Mrs F. W. Kronenborg, James is-ron- ) Duw
''" " ... 1 nnnmi l'n rpn AllCllBL 29.-
enberg. Mrs. Lyons, Itev. -, .---;- ",...
w Lutz V P. McNnmara, Mrs. ..ttepons irum i. " "7
, lAiiz, v. i. . cn..i.nrn Wnshlncton aro
Buoll Mrs. Thos. HoimeB, .Mrs. 1. .;mm " -
vans Mrs IS G. Schwelg, Vera , that tho forest Ares aro all under con
Schweig. Edwin Schweig, E. C. Vam-jtrol and can probably be kept. so.
Tun MaXWeil. U. " w"'i
(By Associated Press.)
OGDEN, Utah., August 29. A se
vere forest Aro la raging In tho Targ
heo forest east of Ashton, Idaho, at
ti,n nntrnnco of Yellowstone ran:.
Two hundred mon at Targheo and tho
rnngora aro being sent north from
hero to Idaho and Montana.
Aiini Prniiph. Jamea Glblln, A. i-an
dor T. Ralor, M. Bronersh, A. Miller, j
a vnnp T. O'Neill. S. Katls. E. C. .
Kahler, M. Polk, J. G. Wanhope, S. 1
Kalleb. J. Carney, C. A. Simpson, -.
Sampson, J. Goodman, W. Bassett, L.
A new lino Just received. Better
valuea never shown on Coos Boy.
Prlcea 00 cents to 92.00. See our
Reported That 11. V. Jones Will Op-
pose Judgo Hamilton.
ROSEBURG. Ore., August 29.
-...-., rannrta onVR that llOH. B. F.
Jones, register of the United States
Innrt omen In tills City, Will 00 ft
candidate for Circuit Judgo against
Judge J. W. Hamilton, wno is a
candidato for re-election.
irtu .nclilp(l PrP!B,)
PORTLAND, August 29. Trnck
prices closed to-day as follows: Club.
88c; Bluestem, 9Cc97c; Red Rus
sian, SGc; Volley, 90c: Turkey Red
CHICAGO, August 29. Septem
ber. 99 Sic; December, 104; May,
TACOMA. Wash., August 29. Mill
ing Bluestem. 9-icj Club, 88c; Export
Bluestem, 91c; Club, S5c.
iStjl iith hi i 't.-hu. ... a-.fa-.
. -).