"" I jl ll!UljlipliWliiPilllll " THE COOS BAY TIM ES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1910-EVENING EDITION. 4 i ': M h TI3LLS OP 13. II. MI3ADK. milfohh hall lyon. Rev. Mllfonl H. Lyon, tho evnnKollnt, will begin n series of meeting nt tho tnbornnclo to-dny. Services will bo hold nt 11 A. M. nnil S P. M., nud alio In tho evenings during tho week. Four of the churches of the rlty hnvo Joined In tho union rovlvnl. Thoy nro the Methodist, Chrlstlnn, Prcsbytorlnn nml Baptist chiirchoR. Evangelist Lyon Is from Whoaton, llUnndcomoii highly recommended an n forceful sneaker. AT THE CHURCHES (Minister and otli'-ru nro request ed to hand tho Sunday church no -ticca not Inter tlinn Friday evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) .MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC Clinton. Rev. Father DALY. Mass will bo celebrated In Mnrnli "ilold Sunday morning nt 10 o'clock by lho Hov, Father Hugh Oallagher, C. i S. C, of Columbia Collcgo. . 4 NORTH rend CATHOLIC - CHUHCH. Hov. D. P. Curlcy, pastor. ) Mass will bo colobratod at 8 Story Regarding Mnnngcr of the Margaret Hen Company. A press telegram from Alturas, Cal., gives an Interesting story re garding 13. II. Meade, manager of tho Margaret lies Company, who Is well known hore. Tho company has glvev performances a number of times In Marshfleld nml tho members bcenmo well acquainted with the local people. Tho story Is as follows: 13. II. Meade, manager of tho Mar garet lies Theatrical Company, has discovered that Daniel Hong, for whom the Hoag Mlno In tho Bldwell mining district was named, was his grandfather. Mr. Hong was Inst heard from by his family In tho early CO's. about the time of tho Civil War, nnd had not been heard of from that tlmo until Mr. Meade's recent trip to Dld- well, when In conversation with somo of tho old settlers his nnmo enmo up, nnd by comparing notes Mr. Mendo discovered tho relationship. Mr. Hong was well known nil through the Uldwell section, whero he rendered valuable servlco as a scout during tho Indian troubles. Thcro has been In tho pnst a great doal of discussion as to how Hong vng killed, somo clnlmlng ho wna shot by tho Indians during n raid on tho Indian cam)?, and others claim thnt ho was shot by one of tho sol diers, on account of his work In scouting and locating Imllnn eninps, which necessitated thu soldiers koIiik out after them. As winter wns tho best tlmo to cntch tho Indlnns, tho joldiirs hnil to undorgo a great many hnrdshlps. As Hong was shot In tho back of tho head while tho soldiers wore charging n camp, It looks ih though tho theory of his boing killed by n soldier, nnd not by nn Indian, Is tniccn as the correct one. Mr. Hong, nt tho tlmo of his death, wns n partner of Mr. Whltmorc, who after Hoag'H death, n( heirs having been found, succeeded to tho entlro business, which, from tho fact that Whltmoro wns rated ns a wealthy man, must hnvo been of considerable vnluo. Ocean View to North Bend. Deed. Con. $10. August 13th, 101. Crnwford Point Land Company to A. M. Alexander. W& of lot i In block 7, Crawford Point Add. to City of Coos Hay. Deed. Con. $200. A. M. Alexnnder ct ux to Coos Bay Grocery Co. W& of lot 1, blk 7, Crawford Point Add. to City of Coos Day. Deed. Con. $32S.4L I Henry SengstncKon ct ux to unnnus I A. Smith. Parcel of Innd In Sec. 28, W 27 S.. n. 14 W. Deed. Con. $1. i August Ultli, 1010. ! J. F. Bode to Simpson Lumber Co. .... . .. . n-. . .1.1 1. VnMlti Lot -J, U1K i, rant auu. iu .-nuiiu Bend, or parcel of land located in Park Addition. Deed. Con. $1. August 17tli, 1010. Ailn A. Slinrn to fJortrudc V. Shnri). Lots 12 nnd 13, blk 37, North Dend. Deed. Con. $1,200. II. s. nf A. to William Cnmnbell. 'sEtf of SWtt nnd SWW of SEW, Sec. 7, Tp. 2C S., It. 13 W. Pntont. j C. 13. Lcnnnn ct ux to Coos Dny (Timber Company. Parcel of land In Sec. 10, Tp. 2fi S., It. 10 W., contain ing ICO acres. Deed. Con. $1. August IHtli. 1010. W. It. Hnlncs ct ux to Arthur Hi Snndohl. Lot 27, blk 14, Townsite of Enstside. Deed. Con. $140. I IHwett Trust Company to Security 'itenlty Syndicate. Lot 4 In Sec. 21, 'nnd lots 1 nnd 2 In Sec. 2fi, Tp. 22 S., It. 13 : nlso lot 7 nnd lot S. In Sec. '30, Tp. 22 S., K. 12 V being the lots j bordering on Clear Lnko and Edna i Lake recently nurchiitd by tho Ben- nett Trust Company. Deed. Con. $10. Dennett Trust Cninnnny to Security Realty Syndicate. Lots 7 nnd S nnd n strln nf Innd 20 ft. In width extending itho full lengMi arrow tho 13. end of , lot 14 In block 10 In tho town of Marshfleld. Deed. Con. $10. Thomas D. James et ux to Mary W. fliftOo bwio-waA .At COM wJiW W JMMML IWltuj ySjf MmmSku If $fb P, o'clock Sunday morning by the Row Pather Hugh (lallaghor. 4 8KYENTII DAY ADVENTISTH F. Q. HUNCH, Minister. ! -r-r-rTTTTTTTTTTTTT T y Sovouth Dny Advontlst service mto conducted every Snturday at tho Lutheran hall as follows: Sabbath school at 10 n. m. preach ing servlco 10:45 a. m. You nro cordially Invited to attend, M TIIK LUTHERAN CllUltCII. M Rev. J. Richard Olson, PaBtor. M 0.4 G A. M., Sundny School. 11 A, M., Services couductod In Swedish, No evening servlco. At North Rend Tho North IJenil Sunday Sohool and congregation will assemble for an outdoor worship In the park. Aftor iioon lunch will bo served later. CHRISTIAN' ClU'ltCII. A. O. Walker, Minister. ' Illblo School it 10 A. M. Y. P. 8. C. 13. service nt 7 o'clock. Union service at Tabernaclo at 11 A. M. nnd S P. M. o FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH. Rev, 0. I.oRoy Hull, Resldenco 502 Sixth street Phones: 4 Residence, 2RC-J, Study, 2S9 L. NORWICOIA.V I.UTHKRAX. i H L. RASMUSSI3N. Pastor. ,, KPISCOPAL CHUltCII. m. Horsfnll, ArcluRncon. Rev. Mr. Raker of Rosoburg will hold services nt tho Episcopal Church on Sundny at 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. ' 4 UNITED IIRKTHRKN CHURCH OK NORTH REND. 4 Herbert V. White, pnstor. 4, Sunday School, 10 A. M. Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Junior Endeavor, 4 P. M. Mrs. D.i L. Footo, superintendent. Senior Endeavor, 7 P. M. Topic, "Tho (lospel In Asln." Loader, II. L. Footo. Evening servlco at 8 P. M. .Morning subject, "Working Out Our Own Snlvntlon." Evening subject, "Princca nnd Sor- vnnts." f 4! NORTH REND I'RILSIIV- 4 TI-.IIIA.V CHURCH. ' Rev. J. C. Llulngor, Pnstor. I If tho ubiquitous, nnd supcrfluoiiB, rnnilldnto for political honors and pelf, would tnko nn hour off nnd weigh himself on someone's scnles, wo might bo rid of a lot of trouble, nnd ho would ho spared from slaugh ter, nut It's n free country, thnnk Heaven! Anybody enn butt In; oven though thoy bo hutted out later. A. M. Sep II &56-0vft'V'fttViV5VX Services at Marshfleld every Sun day morning nt 10.45. Sunday school at 10. In North Rend our services nro hold at tho M. D. Church at 2.30 P. 51, Sunday school at 2. a MrmomsT episcopal i X Rev. II. I. Rutlodge, Pastor. M Services at tho Mot h oil I t EdIfco pal Church wl'l be held as follows: Sunday School nt 10 A. M. So servlco morning and evening. Sundny School nt 10 A. M. Preaching nt 1 1 A. M. Junior Christian Endeavor at 4 M. Sonlor Christian Endeavor at 7 M. Evening servlco nt S P. M. i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. it ', The Christian Sclenco will havo services nt their linll. 327 Thini , street North, Sunday at 11 , Subject: "Christ Jesus." 4 V444'4 LIIIRARY NOTES. On iievt Saturday moruluz, tembor Sit, nt the library, beginning nt 9 o'clock, there will bo bold r "story hour" for children under ton years or nge. Tho librarian will Ml and read mhuo stories to tho children and siiKicest some good books to uud. All e'llldren under ten nro welcome. Tho followluu Saturday the hour nil! bo for children front ton to tlfteon. Please bo punctual, ns tho door will bo closed nt live minutes after nlno. A shlpiuout of nearly three hundred new books has been received this week. About seventy-live nre adults' fiction, nnd nn equal number nre children's books. Tho remainder In clude muny of tho newest nnd best books on various subjects, especially psychology, education, uconomlos and literature. Tho fiction Is now ready for elreulutluu; others will be classi fied as rt as possible Hero are a few suuKostlvo titles: "Rratn nnd Personnllty," Thomson; "Law of Psychic Phenomena." Hudson; "Llfo of the Roe," Mnoterllnok; "The Ideil School." Senreh; "Religion and Md. olue (Emmanuel 31ovmeut), Wor cester; "Tokology," StoekUnm; "Improvomnt of Towns and Cities," Robliisou; "Tariff History of tho Uni ted States," Taussls. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Dally Real KMnte HoportH Furnished Uy Title (iiiaranteo nniL Abstract Co., Henry Seuuitackeii. Augiiht .M, 1010. Evn M. Doll nnd husband to A. J. Drews. Lots 21 nnd 22, blk 01, Rail road Add. to Mnrshlleld. Deed. Con. $10. Oortrudo L. Horry to Georgo J, Rrniilff ot ux. Lots 24 and 25, blk S. Central Add. to North Demi. Deed. Con. $150. I R. W. Mnrshnll et ux to Hilda , Wcthorlll. Lot 4, blk S, Plat A, Di vision 1, of Townslto of Coos Hay; 'una. M of lots 3 nnd 4, blk 65, Town of Empire City; lot OS, Wheolor's .subdivision, rosorvlng nil merchant able timber 011 lot OS nnd right to remove tlmbar; lot 21, blk 10. Pleas ant Valley Add, to City of Senttlo, Wash. Doed. Con. $1. Martin Wollor to Joseph Houser. Cud. Vi Interost In lot I, blk 4, Town of Ferndnlo. Deed. Con. $500. Andrew McClellnnd et ux to Q. W. Knufmnn. Lots 14, 15, 10, 17 nnd IS, blk "11," Weatorn Add. to Mnrsh lleld. Deed. Con. $10. August itil, IOIO. Enst Marshfleld Land Co. to Vir ginia O. Ward. Lots 3 and I, blk 32 Townslto of East Marshfleld. Deed. Con. $350. John H. Coddnrd ct ux to Harry R. Moore. Lots 24, 25 and 20, blk 5. Portlawn Add. to North Bond. Deed. Con. $10. August nth, lt)io. Isabella Ferguson et nl to Thomas F. Mlllor. Lots 5 nnd 12, blk 3, of Hay View Add. to Marshfleld. Deed. Con. $10. Edwnrd Marsh to Home Trust Com pany. Lots 3 and 4. blk 14. Hall. road Add. to Marshfleld. Dood. Con. $S50. August (llli, 1010, Morris Brown et ux to Linn nnd Lane County Timber Coiupnny. SV4 of NWK , Sec. 15, Tp. 25 S., R. H W. Deed. Con. $10. August Nth, 1010. Jas II. FlnuuKau 0t ux to A I Oagnon. Lots 13, 14. 15 and 10 jblk 1. Hunker 1 1 til Add. to Maishflcld Oed. Con. $10. Kdwnrd Caurtois et u to Leroy nowdlsh. Lot 6, blk 7, Town of i Ocean Vlow. Deed. Con. $1,000. J. E. Short to Mnrv A. Shnr t ,. U, 12, 13, 14, 23 and 24, blk 6,1 I Thompson, Lots 0 nnd 10, blk 19, .Tntvn it VrtHtlt ntitl Hnrt.l ,. 1 "ll 'i tiuilil &JUtll4 Ul'l'lle Wl'llt y ThomnB H. James ot ux to .Mary 13. Thompson. Lots 0 nnd 10, blk 40, In Town of North Bend. Corrects 53, lit!,... JO llnn.l "".... tin T Tl InliM.nti .if .... IA M. ttr ... ... MWIIIIBWJI L-l l. ill Willi l . urnmrors. Lot 10, blk 18, City of North Hcnd. Deed. Con. $10. Slmpunn Lumber Coiupnny to O. W. Ornndors. Lot 20, blk 28, Town of North Bond. Deed. Con. $5. John B. Doddnrd et ux to Loyd L. Ollstrap. Lots 21. 22 and 23. blk 5. ttnil.. m & . i-urunwn Ami. 10 .-Norm uond. Deed. con. J 1 0. AugtiNt mill, into. R. A. Copplo ot ux to Ronnctt Trust Compnny. Lots 19 nnd 20, blk 31, Rnllrond Add. to Marshfleld. Lots 8, 0 nud 10, blk 10, Western Add. to Mnrshlleld. Deed. Con. $2,000. A. J. Orlflln et ux to Ancellno C Olnzler. Lots 13 nnd II, blk 9, Plat A, City of North Bond. Deed. Con $10. George W. Wrlnkler ot ux to II. J Isaacs. Lets 1. 2. 3 and 4. blk 30. Pint C, Coos Dny. Deed. Con. $300 w6. homeCoveh,:- Mij- m ahz In t$i& van In, foeaLk,& w& fW& you- yood 4mtuc 4,fA tft& flood -monetf- uoa aW& ctj. juinUuhe ju4t tti& &ams a6 tfrfoe aH do-ffih-etU (juaCithfa oj 4-Hoed. wz fiaw tfw pod fekid oj janltao. mm vto ml &&ow you tfot things- ww wid JA tjocA ftome thib faCC and vtinM GOING & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers XsissnsHsaiK jZoK. N M , r Cdton 5ct Oil - Olco SnP vmmmBB lifene is maJe largely of pure veetatle oil and suffi cient selected beef fat added to secure proper consistency and make it A Perfect Shortening Califene is the best sub stitute for lard that Has so far been put urion the market. Its quality and wnolesomencsa are fully guaranteed. U. S. Corrmaeot Imputed i hit's Your Gnirutte WESTERN MEAT CO. Sin Frsnclico, U.S. A. Ill BARGAIN Small Farm Tract DESCRIPTION. . ACRES, it MILES FROM .MARSHFIELD. AROIT ONIMIALF HOTTO.M LAND. GOOD, .NEW l-ROO.M HOL'SF GOOD WATER. IIKXCII LAND. LEVEL. T?;"L !"!""? ' U1T w.viftT. v ' l'.. I'. 111.11, ON COUNTY ROAD. it yf:f Price, Only $1800 t T T,!!SI";,?"I1T'TI,ACTS A"K yK"V SCARCI3 AND HARD TO vVirMv. "hCOMM,:X, T,IIS OJfK AS A FIHST.CIi.lSS IX- I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. STORE ANh OFFICE FIXTURES TO YOUR ORDEU AT THE SHOP OF QUALITY ?fn-n.t r.. ... ."-'- au l XI I II ROADWAY, SKJS.tW; Aft fcfSiS??- oVfiSSJiffiS IIItKAKWlTPi. i. 1'ioiit St., Marshfleld, Ore I'NDER NEW MANAGEMENT 'las been thoronchiv .-. 1., and newly furnished. Ron': -- We. by day, week or month Mrs. J. h. O'nn.WTM r . . """"ii i rop PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rU. J. W. INGRAM -' PbyH'"Jiin aud Sorgeoa. HOME LANDCo See u. ror Investment, oa Coos beVPrnteeowner,8pr,coto Phone 74 L. o.. -, "" 264 Front s Office 20N-ao Coos Building Pr-oi'e Qfflpc icai: Rostrtenrc l'jj J VV. UENNKTT. Lawyer. Olfltj over FiannKan & faeunt Bank, ' Marehfleld, Or' WM :. S. TURPEN Architect Over Chamber of Commerce