vrTpivrwr''''""T' "" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. .iiwiiiwWwwwww pinimnuiiiiwijtfjniinjriiirii& tes jC)L)fe ti 2 ft? w e e Have a Millicoma Li THE BEST $3 Hat i yMiwp"w',piw(WiW(W COOS BAY TIDES. AUGUST HlgU water Dnte. Saturday 27 SUNDAY 28 A. M. h. tn. 5:24 7:11 (t. G.O C.G P.M. h.m. 5:17 C:24 ft. "8.3 8.2 He claims that In making tho nil on WflRTU RENTl PJEU7C Shorman avonu0 his building at tho HViVin DLVHf 1NE.VYO corner of Sherman and Oregon was wrecked. Mrs. G. A. Dlngman has been quite 111 of a complication of diseased the AUGUST Low water A. M. IN AMERICA Fall Styles Now Showing Tfi WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon Date. h. m. P. M. Saturday 27110:54 OUAUAl L'SI U!33 ft. "3.2 0.8 12:06 . ft. 3.9 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Sunday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending Deal for Kinney Holdings. It Is pnat week. understood that Geo. F. Averlll, pres ident of tho Coos Day Traction Cor poration, Is In Portland conferring with Major L. D. Kinney relative to the possible purchaso by tho com pany of tho Kinney holdings on tho Uay. According to reports. Major xt ...i. i...n... . .... . I""" w """ "'" willingness 10 nml 8B,,Bd for Sau Pedro uucept an oner rrom tlio company for his property. C. A. McKellips of North Bond Heights, Is making a business trip to Coqullle and other Valley points. Tho Encoro finished taking on a cargo of lumber at old North llond I Are You Going to Dye Next Week? Tho most Important thing In connection with dyeing is to bo suro )ou gat tho real Dyes; another very important thing Is to b0 suro that you get tho kind of dyes that Is adapted to tho artlclo you In tend to dye. THE BUSY CORNER carries a complete lino of tho famous PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dyes that you can ubo for either Wool, Silk, Cotton or Linen. Wo alio carry all other Dyea th at will holp you dyo successfully.' Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Prescriptions Accurately compounded, Till: BUSY CORNER. PHONE 208. at 4.43 P. M Aug. 2G, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government tue- teorologlcal obsorver: Maximum , G7 Minimum CO At 4.43 P. M 02 Precipitation Nono Wind, Northwest; Clear. Gunio Will Suffer. There must bo great suffering among tho wild gamo to-day. Yesterday Senator Jim Baltics, Landlord McKeown of The Chandler, J. It. FInletter of Arlzonn, and Frank Lalse, armed with a full complement of repeating Howitzers and enough ammunition to frighten the nerviest black bear this sldo of tho Coast Itango stnrtcd on n hunt thnt would mnko Thcodoro Roosevelt turn green with envy. Their friends are expecting all records to bo broken when the full results of their trip are known. Miss Uroutn Jennings of Portland, who Is visiting on tho Bay, will bo tho guest over Sunday of Miss Lillian McCann. tmmm:n:mmmwm:mtujtwmmr' Personal Notes w4mm:wmm:jjmm:m;m:jjmwmjH DR. M. BISAILLON of Beavor Hill is visiting In tho city. W. E. DUN'UAN mndo n business trip to Coqullto yesterday. MISS NELLIE WASSON of Emplro Is visiting Mono's In town. MUS. ALEX SANDON of Mlllingtoa was in town on business. Buys Saloon. J. P. Wcatherly has bought the Owl saloon In North Bond and will make some repairs In tho place. CLIMATE APPEALS. Will 1 Stage Passenger. B. O. Klnzcr and wlfo nnd P. F. Clemens wore tho pnHsengers on tho outgoing Robo burg stngo this morning. Sold UN limit. Harry Bradflold has sold his gasollno launch, Tho Pi ker, to Charles Wllllnms. Mr. Brad Hold will buy another boat. Eastern Man Writes That Ho Come to Coos Buy. Harry Bradfleld Is expecting his brother, Dr. S. G. Bradflold, a dentist at Nowata, Oklahoma, to nrrlvo in Coos Bay soon. Dr. Bradflold has heard so much about tho country thnt he has decided to conio horo nnd look It over nnd probably to locate. In n letter, ho says: "I certainly was sur prised to learn of tho low summer (omperaturo and flno cllmato that you have on Coos Bay and I am greatly Itov. J. 'C. Llnlnger, who has been preaching in tho First Presbyterian Church, will lenvo Monday for Pendleton. Miss Ollto IUchnrd of Sumner re turned thero yestordny after a week's stay at tho homo of Mrs. Jennie Lan drlth on North Coos lUver. Rev. Horbort White, who hns been hero filling tho pulpit of tho United,, Brethren Church, will preach here Sunday and will leave Monday for Philomath College. Mrs. J. W. Hendricks and sons, Robert nnd Curtis, of Grcaham, who have been tho guests of tho Robt. McCann homo for tho past two weeks, will leave for Bandon to visit friends. i. 0. 0. f. notice: J. S. .MASTERS of Coos Rlvor was in towu on' business to-day. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM was down from her Coos River ranch to-day. J. J. CLINKENBEARD of Coos Rlvor was a Marshfield business visitor to-day. MRS. A. E. SHORT has roturnod homo from Coos City, whero 8h has been on a visit. MISS PEARL WATKINS left to-day for Coqullle. Sho will teach In ouo of tho county schools. W. MITCHELL and Dr. Walter loft this afternoon for Haynes Slough for an over-Sunday deer hunt. MRS. R. D. HUME of Wcddcrburn la In tho city on her way to Portland. Sho will leavo on tho Breakwater Mouday. a-tj.-n-n--n- --- n-n-B-B-a-B-B-a-B-B-B-B-a- Wont Hunting. H. J. McKeown, John Flnlotcr, James Baltics, Claudo Nasburg and Frank Lnlso havo gono out on n hunting trip. Laundry? Cleaning ? Dyeing? Pressing? THE VERY BEST. BOTH BUY AND STEAM. I Clihrlcston Hero. Donald Charles ton, tho government onglneor, Is In tho city. Ho has boon In tho north ern part of tho Stato and was or dored to conio to Coos Bay on govern ment business. Mombors of Sunset Lodge, No. G, I. O. O. F tiro requested to bo present at a special mooting to bo held in I . n .. .... .. m I i...,,,..i 1.. ...i. t 1 t .!. i " n'i on iucsuay evening, , frnm Htn lltnrnlnrn tv-MM. I.n. I.nnn AllgUSt 30tll. BEST IMPORTED TIC DYES.. AND DOMES- Plan Outing. C. R. Pock, II, K. Booth, A. K. Pock and Mr. Kondall ( leavo to-day for tho north fork of the 'Coqullle, whoro thoy. will onjoy a ' short, outing and, somo of tho gret R lulling that "Boy" Bootli tolls they 1 )u to bo found thero. 4 Ri win iinllii linn A trnsnllno from tho lltoraturo .which has beon sent mo. If I can boliovo what I road, I am suro tho Indications nro that you will havo a groat city In tho noxt ton years. Tho pcoplo In tho East all havo a tendency to go West and got away from tho crowded country. Tho tompernturo hero Is 9G to 104 degrees In the shade and I am getting tlrod or It." Dr. Bradflold states that tho cllmato of Coos Day appeals' to him so strongly that ho thinks ho will try to sccuro a small farm In this locality and conio horo to live. F. B. CLEMENS, of tho Douglas County Bank at Rosoburg, is la tho city nnd Is a guest at tho Chan dlor Hotel, Grand. Master Thos. F. Ryan will GUY CHAMBERS has takon a posl- bo in attendance. Sojourning Brothors cordially In vited. R. E. GOLDEN, N. G, I. LANDO, Soc. tlon In tho ofllcu of C. F. Mo Gcorgo, agent for tho Intor-Occaa Transportation Company. HUGO QUIST arrived on tho Nann Smith last ovonlng from San Francisco, whoro ho has boon Bpondlng part of his vacation. DID YOU KNOW? That David A. Jones, tho BY A SPECIALIST, AND IN A HURRY, TOO, IF YOU WANT 1. J" Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE B7J. J. E. LYONS, Manager. K'B-a-u-n-n-n-a-B-a-tt-a-a- n-a--o-a-8-n--a-n-n- 'schooner -will b built by CqpL phrls- n tonson, Fred Schlllng and R. II. 01- 8 son. Thoy aro now at work cutting K the frames. The boat will bo fifty foot long nnd will bo oqulppod with 1 a gasollno englno and sails, ! I ' 1 I 1 Hh Typhoid Fever. Carl Walkor B of this city, who was Injured whllo l . i . ' t , WANTED. Chef nnd second cook. Hotel Chandler; seo stoward. ud.m. silver wutcli.. Owner can have sanio by proving property nnd Paying for this notice Call at Peo ples' Meat Markot. NM8ALE. Farming, fruit nnd tim- oer land. Inqulro of C. W. Sanford, Marshfleld, Oregon. 0U SALE, Good second hand sad- ft Call 215 S. Broadway. ANTED. ijuij, foP fuwilshlng at any point on railway botwoeu Marshfield and Myrtle Point, 25, 3 afld 35-foot burnt codar tolo S'aph poles, with not less than WTen-lnch tops; bids must bo In by August 29th. O. Schettor, West- uutoa. SALE. An Estcy organ; bar Win If taken nt once. 135 2d St., opposite Chandlor Hotel. , Ply Times office. REXT, Soveu-room house, ne-; near In. Hall & Hall. 1X)II lipv-P T .. U1.A1,. Hve-i-oom cottage, on antral aVe., West Marshfield. Ap- "') nail & Hall. ' JfflCD,'-Por rent, a small house offlc ty SePt" lBt Apply TlmeS I'Olt SALE T.. n .. mington automatic and, a D. M. if evre double barrel', will bo sold neap to quick buyer. Addross J. " Keating, North Bend, Ore. FOR SALE OK RENT. A furnished four-room flat. Inqulro Tlmoa of fice. WANTED. Table girl, nt Bunker Hill boarding houso. FOR SALE. Toledo steel range, No. 8. Phono 252-X. ' working on tho Southorn Pacific, Is still In tho hospital at Rosoburg. Ho has not yet rocovorod from tho Injur ies he recolvod, and In addition ty phoid fevor has sot in. Ills sister, Mrs. A. Jenkins, Is with him. WANTED. To rent u typewriter. Ad dress 8., Times office. FOR RENT. Two pleasant front rooms. 252 S. Broadway. WANTED. Good milch cow, Jersey preferred. L. J, Simpson, North Bend, Ore. FOR SALE. Boat houso for twenty flvo or thirty-foot boat. I. S. Kauf man & Co. Would Suo City. D. Caffroy has sorved notlco on tho city officials of North Bend that ho will proceed to collect 13,000 damagos to his prop erty, which ho alloges Is duo him clothing man, was at one tlmo a Dakota farmer? That Capt. C. E. Edwards of tho Bteamor Alert, nt ono tlmo drovo an ox-team on a Kansas fnrm and was considered cham pion plowman? That Dr. J. T. McCormac's father was tho ploneor Episcopal minister of Oregon? That R. A, Copplo was for merly a prenchor? That John Boar was a nows papor reporter when ho wob a young man? Thnt Col. Wm. Grimes was at ono tlmo Unitod States Marshal and leading Republican politi cian of Oklahoma? YOUR INSURANCE CONTRACT. (Ail Advertisement.) This Is ono of tho most Important contracts you over muko, nnd ono of w N BKDLAD nnd n, E, Qutat loft this morning for an over-Suuday recreation trip at Golden Falls. Thoy said something about fishing, but somo of tho knowing onos sug gested thnt thoy woro going "doar" hunting. tho "nioat necessary. Upon R, at any tlmo, may dopond tho savings of years. It you don't havo insurance, your poBscslsonB hang on tho acci dental dropping of a match, tho slightest dofect in electric wiring, or tho caprices of a child or a niouso. If you havo Insurance you aro not HILLIS short will leavo In tho DAMASCUS CUTLERYJ WANTED. Experienced coal miners and tlmbermon. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. THE ROYAL THE PLAYHOUSE of QUALITY TONIGHT A Big Feature, "LIFE OF THE MAD MULLAH." or "LOST IN THE SOUDAN." (Seo the Camels, Horses and Arabs). "THE RUNAWAY DOG." "SCENES ON THE RHINE.1 Admission, 10c; Children, 5c. Wo aro now offorlng our splendid line of Damascus Cutlery. Steel blades of tho finest tomper, that will put the user In a good temper. Jack-Knives, Pocket-Knives, Pen-Knives, Carving Knives and Forks, nil warranted of tho best materials, best handles, and with edgos that are keen, and will keep keen for a long tlmo. Shears and Scissors of varied sizes for vari ous purposes. Naturally all aro of fered at "cut rates." PIONEER HARDWARE CO 330 Front Street. F. E. HAGUE, President. M. D. SUMNER, Vico-Presldent. IIUOY WILL NOT WHISTLE. Complaint Th Mado By Somo of tho Captains of Vessels. Complaint Is mado by tho roosters of somo of tho vessels that tho whist ling buoy at tho ontranco of Coos Bay will nol whistle. Tho matter will be taken to government officials. Tho buoy was repaired not long ago, but it often becomes clogged with sea- wood and It la probable that such Is tho troublo now. careful In moBt Important buslnoss mattorB If you do not know that your Insurnnco Is tho best; that your pol icy U correctly written; that tho com pany who makes this Important con tract U ablo and willing to carry It out at tho tlmo when your need l tho greatest. Wo niako,u specialty of represent ing companies and writing policies that PROTECT. Wo aro proud of our companies, and Jealous of our oxporl onco and caro In transacting this class of buslnoss. Let us write your Insuranco policy. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. morning with hta two flno vurmlnt hounds for Curry county whoro he will Join Leo Edwards and Hank. Wot 1b. Ho will make tho trip on tho launch Coast. Tho hounds will not run a door being perfectly trained for vnrniltits, ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Tho tug Gleanor from tho Umpqux Is In port. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to Tho Times are requeatod to uotlfy tho offlco In case of non-dollvery. ThU Is tho only means Tho Times has of gaining knowlodgo of Irrogular Ity in tho dollvery of tho paper and word of it will bo wolcomed, ospoclaliy during tho noxt few weeks, during which tho dollv ery routes aro being checkod up. Tolophono Tho Times, No. 133, If you havo any complaint. Tho steam schooner Hornet ar rived at North Bond and Is at the Simpson mill. 1 The steamer Bandon arrlvod at Bandon yesterday. Tho Flflold Is also In port thero and tho Nowport left Bandon Thursday. Tho Bchoonor Encoro Balled yostor day from North Bond with a load of lumbor. Tho schooner Echo arrived soveral days ago and Is loading lumbor. Read The Times' Want ads. mi I (Wn WartbfleM' popular family L.L.U1U note, A ,urnlture rott. and clean. Velvet and AxmtnUter carpetitii iverr room. Four Morlea of eolld comfort Rate reduced to; day, Wo, 75c ami 1.00, week, 12 W to $5 00. AUo a few iious keeping apart ment! with gai ranges. 112.00 per month. Free truths. Taku buss t depot. Mrs, Bridge, Prop Waiting For One at the Plate &s j3 " JBH Wo'ro putting grocery bargains ovor every day at tho plato that affects us most tho tablo plato, Goods delivered promptly, Fancy and staple groceries, vegetables and fruit. Phono or call. Anona Cash Grocery, BROADWAY, MARSHFIELD, Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. your :oal Order. $1.50 PER TON. Tho steam schooner Nann Smith, ' arrived yostorday from San Francis- Ti,r win t, nn opex AIR DANCE c0- s" brought uout ono uuuarea SATURDAY, AUGUST 27TII, corner tons of rfelght, which was Ujjgpj. Control and Broadway. GOOD music. ino sionmor win in on a rBi 01 lumuor irom mo ouuiu 111111, Take yorUNDAYiINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Spoclal menu and ORCHESTILV. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. READ THE TIMES' WANT ADS. ------- ----a--a -tt-tt-tt--H-8-tt-8-a-a--- i 1 We don't boast! We have Quality Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour U-H-H-B-B-B-R-n-B-H-H-tt-H- 8-R-8-8-8-R-8 a V tx 1 B I B I n B I I B I V B I B t n kMlm,, 1 kLgfttifeBfcaiai