v m?; THE COOS BAY TIMES,. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1910 EVEMING EDITION. Gardiner, whore ho will won samo capacity. ' ' M ft m COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tno postofflco at Marsh fold, Oregon, (or transmission iVrouta the mails as second class nail matter. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, Mstificld :: :: :: :: Oregon e Id. O. MALONEV Editor and Pub. AM K. MALONEY News Editor i An Independent ltepuullcan news paper published every evening except Pnnday, and Weekly by IThe Coos liny Tlnicn Publishing Co. News of Nearby Towns Dedicated to tho service of tho people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovl shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times represents a oonsolldatlon of tho Dally Coast Mall And Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The eoast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Day Times Is its Immediate successor. MAKE MACK (in mm Judge McGinn Charges Assem bly With Being Illegal Seeks Injunction. PORTLAND, Ore., August 27. Tho Tolegram says: To prevent M. C. Georgo and E. V. Llttleflcld from signing arguments fa voring tho assembly ticket as chair-1 , man and secretary, respectively, of! w R MnvU WflB ,, fnJm Dandon ho Republican State central commit- om. , v,B,t wUh frlen(8 tec, Judge Henry E. McGinn, Georgo ,. M,nMnB Joseph and W. S. U'Reu aro on tholr f ivm Onlnm ..! .. .. .. .. k .. I uj iu tjiwiiii 11 uij.jij lur u Juri'i'limi visitor nt tho court house Georgo Gould of a.. ... ",,tsanT .. j aifnr nt f m n..i ' PftI rr ' oarsi! bringing over n few wild cat WIUUII I1U u ty bounties. which he secured tho sn . . u& ... . .. ""- na .? - U. MYRTLE POINT NOTES. News of the District ns Reported in the Enterprise. 8UMSCHIPTION HATES. In Adyunco. DAILY. Ons yoar $5.00 Six month $2.60 Less than G months, por month .60 Whon not paid strictly in advanco tho prlco subscription of tho Coob Day Times Is $M( PEIt YEAH. WEEKLY. Una yoar $1.60 Ctnrenco, son or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong wap unfortunate in falling from his blcyclo near the Dnld Hill school house Tuesday and break ing his arm. Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPEK OF THE CITY OF MAHSIIFIELD. WHAT OF THE HAIII1ATH7 WHAT shall wo do with tho Sab bath? It scorns to domand of us something dlfforont than other days. It stands in our calendar as n day that Is dlfforont. Timu has given It traditions that nro dlfforont. It is n spneo botween tho dnya that aro gone nnd tho days that nro to como. It is a apaco botweon tho labors and trials, tho Joys nnd griefs, tho hopes and dospalrs of a week that is past, and thoso of n wcok that Is Just nhend, It la a tlino of rust nnd relaxation fiom n fight that Is united, for an othor Hint is about to begin. It is n tlmo of qulut nnd calm between utorms that would ovorcomo hut for Its haven. What shall w0 do with theso hours botweon that wo call tho Sabbath? Tlioro Is much ground for disagree ment among those who nook an nil Bwor, but there Is also u bit of ground for agreement which tho very nnturo of tho day Btiggosts. To ovory man, no matter what elso It may moan, tho Sabbath should moan at loast a littlo period of calm thought and rotloctlon upon tho things that have bcou In his 'Injunction from Circuit Judge Gnllo I way. Theso arguments liuvo been sent to appeaMn tho political pam phlet which tho Secretary of State is Issuing through tho Stnto printing of fice. If successful in preventing tho publication of this argument in tho manner In which it Is signed, tho men bringing tho suit believe that everything tho assembly has dono or Is trying to do will bo declared llle-l gnl, as in contravention of tho law, I at least until after the primaries aro ' held. Tho contention of Joseph nnd Mc Ginn Is that tlioro is no provision in tho law whoroby tlioro can bo a fac tion within tho party, and, In fact, tho ,, , , . law Is Interpreted to prevent tho for- . ,Mr' nn'M"; ' J- l'tB return- mntlon of rlncs an.! t..nnl.l,. nrlnr n 0(1 yesterday from Elk river, Curry tho primaries. Further, that there Is ?0,mly h?r tlley !mvo boon cami no provision of tho law warranting a UANDON BRIEFS. News of Tlint City Taken From the Bnndoii Itocoruer. Mrs, Alexander Thrift, of San Jose, Calif., Is visiting her son, A. O. Thrift and family. . 4-0 COQU1LLE NEWS. 4 . . Facts of Intoivst Taken From tho Coqulllo Valley Sentinel. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Bender nnd Miss Mngglo Clinton havo returned from tholr trip to Portland. They drovo to Roscburg In their automo bile, returning In tho samo vehicle. 55. T. Johnson brought to this office Tuesday n twig of flno Gross prunes grown on n tree in his yard. Tlioro wore ten well developed prunes on tho ono small twig. Heed Gnlller went to the bay on tho noon boat last Saturday to take In tho close of the Carnival. Mrs. Nels Itasmussen returned from tho bay side Tuesday, whero she had been visiting foe the past two weeks. Misses Kato Rosa and Mary Marsh returned last Thursday after being away for the past two months. Miss Itosa having been at Albany, nnd Miss Marsh at Salem, attending school. J. L. Hervey of Oakland, Calif., ar rived in Coqulllo Friday last for a short visit with relatives. I Stovo Galllerof Dandon i, lllo visitor tho first of the : uallfor is very ini.m, , "ct4 slnco his roturn ft-., n.u. pt0,MI "" '"iiorn 1 1. says ho received entire relief, pnln at tho Bprlngs there. qu Mr Mr. and Mrs. Nels Osmnndson and Miss Kate Wiekham will leavo next Week for n month's trip through California. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hoyt and Mr. Hoyt's two sisters, arrived tte first of the week for a visit with M. O. Haw kins and family. iurs. juck iioniiam h ,. .' slowly recovering from nn mnei, anvnrnl U'mtlr'u .1 . . ''"' .-.. .. umimuii, Jack'.1 on tho street tho first of the week f tho first tlmo slnco their return!,, Roscburg, whoro they went ff ' Cnnina for medical treatment ' L. A. Tom Lane, who acted ub head saw yer at the local sawmill for Bovornl years, loft tho first of tho weok for Whereat. pU-ii .i. r -- uuuiniui. .. Min Innnl rnllwnv a....... ! "" ' i'ii several dim in Coqulllo last week running , II...... .. ll. ,.. . S l"' i.i.uo iU1 wio uuw rigni of way u, has practically completed the od now and tho entire mntter It Us J tho higher olllclala of tho railway. I FOIt THE QUEEN OF THE Im SEE EASTSIDE. ' faction indicating Its preferenco in the prlmnrles hold In that party. Tho asnombly organization has filed nn argument with tho Secretary of Stato In behalf of Its candidates, naming them as tho Republican party candl-, dates. Inasmuch as there nro many candidates seeking tho Republican nominations, tho contention Is that tho Republican Stato contrnl commit tee has no right to nnmo tho assem bly candidates, or any othor set of candidates, as tho nominees of tho Republican party. In other words, that Ocorgo and Llttloflold, in Blgnlug thoniBclves ns they do to tho argu-1 munt, nro exceeding tholr authority and nro setting themselves up as tho lug nnd fishing for nbout six woeks. Dovl brought back a crop of whisk ers that would run n mnttrcss factory for n wcok, more or less. He was much improved In health by tho outing. A. O. Hooton of Drldgo brought to town last wcok several very hand Bomo npplcs. Thoy wero nlmost as lurgo ns ordinary pumpkin nnd woro beautifully colored. They woro Joft at Hormnnn's Dazaar and wero plckod up by strnngors who wished to show tho fruit to frlondfl In less favored sections. K. N. Smith nnd family and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Doyoo loft yesterday Republican party In nn attempt, to fo"-"Ivoraldo. Cnllf., where thoy will deceive tho voters of that party. spend tho winter, nnd Any candidate cn have f'rlonds ''.T '"" They write nn argument for him to bo pub lished In tho pamphlet. Georgo nnd whoro thoy will drivo through nnd may visit tho Klamnth Falls country enrouto. Thoy nro Llttionoiii rnni.i i.nvn .!... . ..u ri. "uriiiuiy equippeu ior tno journey vatu IndlvldunlB or friend of tho as..11 nnUcl)nto nn onjoyablo outing. nimbly Mayor J. W. Mast goes up the river today whero ho will spend n wek visiting his mother at Leo. Jay Wodruff and family, Claude Wodruff and mother, nnd Mrs. Now man and children, loft Sunday for nn outing down the const. They arc oxpected back Friday. Mrs. L. C. Gibson nnd daughter Norn returned home this morning from San Francisco whero thoy hnd been for tho past six weeks. Miss Nora returns much improved In health. candidates, but In signing themselves ns chairman and secre tary of tho Republican Stnto central committee, tho objectors considered thnt thoy went too far. Tho com plnlut asking for tho pcrpetunl in junction unys "that certain members of tho Republican Stato central com mltteo conspired nnd confederated to gether for tho purposo of socurlng nn advantage on thu part of said assem bly candidates ovor tho candidates Prof. W. A. Henry wns up from Coqulllo yestorady and announces thnt ho has formed nn orchestra nt Coqulllo yesterday and announces Myrtlo Point nudlcnco In tho now thuntor on Soptembcr 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Hale, of Spokane, Wash., wore Dandon visitors Inst week, having traveled quite exten sively over tho statu this summer beforo coming here. Mr. Hale vis ited Lakeport while here, having property Interests nt thnt place. Miss Mary Marsh and sister Doro thy accompanied by their aunt Mrs. Dlnkely, of Lodi, Calif., and cousin, Master George Kronenburg, of Pnrk ersburg, left tho first part of tho woek to visit their parents, Mr. and Mra. Marsh at Port Orford. r llfo nnd upon tho things thnt ought who nro not assembly candidates by to bo. Somewhere in thoso hours bo-1 preparing certain arguments and twoon, ovory mnn ought to glvo n 'statements In favor of said uBsem bit of tlmo to tho runownt of his bly candidates." spirit and tho strengthening of hls Further, continues tho complaint: courngo for tho weok nhond. Somo-"Thnt M, C. Goorgo and E. V. Llttlo- W. O. Coopor returned tho first of tho weok from Collins Springs on tho Columbia rlvor, whoro ho has been taking n two-weeks' treatmont 1f mlnornl wntors. Ho states that ho feola very much Improved In honlth slnco tho treatmont. Ho vis ited Portlnnd enrouto. CURRY COUNTY NEWS. Notes of the Gold Roach People Taken From The GIoIk'. REPLY TO .MAJOR KINNEY. whoro botweon tho dawn and dark noss of tho day ho should tako a littlo tlmo to think of his real pur poses in llfo nnd to get Into harmony with thorn. As tho ship that makes tho harbor nflor rough buffetlngs fits Itself boforo venturing on another voyago Into tho sea outside, so men who como Into tho Sabbath havou from ono wcok'H trials should make thumsolvos ready before entering up on another, Whntover olso wo mny think and Geo. D. Woods Is now enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. A. W. Dar lnnd of Spokane, Washington. A C J f I 1 3Sa3 t SHOULD ALWAYS RE HIGH GRADE THE KIND THAT WILL PRO DUCE THE EFFECT YOU DESIRE. WE ILVNDLE ONLY THE 11ES1, AND YOU CAN RANK ON THfJ.Vt. HERE ARE A FEW, AND THE PRICES ARE NO HIGHER THAN SOME SELL LOW GRADE STUFF FOR: Colgate's VIolot Talcum Powder Mc Colgate's Cashmere Roquet Tal .urn Powder 23c Colgnto's Dactylls Talcum Powder 25c Mennon'8 Horated Tnlcum Powder 23c Mennen's Violet Talcum Powder 23c Mcnnen's Flesh Tint Talcum Powder 23c Williams' Violet Talcum Powder 23c Hudnut's Violet Tnlcum Powdtr 00c Squlbh's VIolot Talcum Powder. ..'.'. '. . 23c I.ohn & Fink Violet Tnlcum Powdor ....." 23c loin Talcum Powder 23c We havo everything for tho toilet, such ns fnco powders, face creams, tooth powders, toilet waters, porfumos, manlcuro goods, etc. COME TO US If you want to got tho KIND YOU CALL FOR. Red Cross Drug Store Will Moore with his big team Is now engaged In hauling lumber from Myers creek for Goo. W. Smith. field In consummation of said consplr-J KDITOR COOS DAY TIMES: I acy, and for tho purpose of giving hereby hand aomo facts and figures said assembly candidates an nppar- for ' benefit of your renders who out indorsement of tho Republican ""' navo rend L. D. Klnnoy's tele- ty. imrjy ui mo ainio or urogou, signed "" prinieu in your paper In which said Btatomont and arguments so ro- n cnllod mo a liar. This mannor of quested to ho published as follows: nhuso Is no nrgumont nnd should not 'Republican Stnto committee, by M. onilnnte from a man of L. D. Kinney's C. Georgo, chnlrmnn; E. V. Little-. standing. Hold, secretary.' Ho denies that tho property he gave "That cortnln members of said Ro- "r school district cost us $500 an publican Stato central committee nro ncro. There Is a fraction over four by renson of the facts hereinbefore neros In this tract. Tho district h Four timber crulsora arrived horo from tho east, last Friday evening to crulso tho Drooklngs Lumber & Rox Co.'s extensive holdings In this coun- bollovo nbout mnn'a uses of tho Sab- alleged, fraudulently nnd unlawfully l,nl'l out soveral Items of small nam nay, upon uieso tilings tnoro attempting to secure on bohnlf of said niuounts for expenses Incurred in nhould bo ngroomont, olao tho Sab-1 assembly candidates an apparent In-, clenrlnu this tltlo that cannot bo ac bath la no longer Sabbath, TO THE HHPl'RLIPAN VOIT.RS OF COOS COUNTY. M. W. Duncan loft here early yestorday morning for tho now gold field on Chotco river. Mr. Dun can Is an oxporlenced minor and hopos to bo able to find a good location that may yet be vacant. I horoby nnnounco mysolf as a can dldato to succeed myself, for tho olllco of County Survoyor, subject to tho will of tho Republican voters nt tho primary oloctlon to bo held Soptom bor 2-Uh, 1910. I have been n resident of Coos slnco a boy, nnd have followed sur veying and engineering the past seven years, and am therefore familiar with ovory section of the county. Yours for bettor roads and a squaro deal to all sections, A. N. GOULD, Present County Surveyor. dorstuuont thereof by said Ropubll- counted for. Rut we have Sl.S77.-ir can Stato central commltteo, and to thnt Is a matter of record furnished Seat. iiii'ieu luiaienu ami deceive tno eiec- "t k. .Mnyuee, clerk and treaB tors who may read said arguments urer of the district. and statements In said political pam-1 phlot, and who may vote at said prl-i Tho following Is tho list, of figures: ninry election, In this: That tho said To J. N. Shahan for mort- Mr. Lnrson of Port Orford made a flying visit to tho County Seat. Ho was looking over tho plaining mill at W.edderbum, and came across tho rlvor to take a look at tho County on tho bench, but owing to sickness In his family Georgo M. Drown, DIs trlct Attomoy, did not como; how ovor tho stato will bo well roprespnt ed by Doputy District Attornov Llljeqvlst. It Is rumored that u great number of witnesses havo boen subpoenaed boforo tho Grand Jury which means, "there will bo Borne thing doing." "NECTAROF THE fiORC m - - jw ru mmw i; JSBw t l rtmm F-'lj PELi 7 '. fiM f '"nil-1 i ... , mm. . ess dr&i1 l J M w i Wi n m rarv v yi -sav NOTICE. To tho Republican Voters of Coos and Curry countlcn: I have decided to become a candldato for nomination nt tho Primary Nominating Election, for Joint Ropresontntlvo for Coos and Curry counties und shall submit my nnmo to tho Republican voters for nomination under tho primary nomi nating election laws. HERBERT HUMp. Bngo agalust property... $650.00 To H. J. Isaacs and G.' A. Savage for lots they owned In tract deeded to ',lsflct $443.43 To nennett Trust Co., through Dank of Oregon. by citizens of North Rend. for deed of property do- noted to district i;r.n on 34S.00 Head the Times Waut Ads, Lyon is coming Sunday, Aug. 28th. 'of Oregon, olectora will bollovo that tho assembly candidates, being those cnndldntos In favor of whom said nrguments nnd statements nro requested to bo pub lished nro in fact the candidates for tholr respective ofllces selected and Indorsed by tho Republican party through said Republican Stato con- tral committee, whereas In truth and In fact said assembly candidates, as herolubeforo alleged, aro seeking the i Paid for abstract of prop nominations tho same as all other j orty given to district... candidates, and wero designated by To E. P. Drennnn for ser said assembly as doslrabl0 candidates, vices clearing tltlo and which nssombly consisted of delegates j searching records Irregularly nnd unlawfully designated (To Coos County for record ami appointed to attoud a pretended Ing papers and records convention or nssombly In tho city of nsldo from original deed Portland, Oregon, assuming the pow er and authority of nnmlug candi dates for tho olllcea created for tho government of the Stato of Oregon, and all municipal government includ ed thoroln." In oouoluslon, tho compjalnt de- olaros the assembly to have been un lawful nnd not authorized by tho law- Henry Colvln gavo up flshlnc for 'halibut and crabs at Harbor and ' returned with his launch Eagle last Friday evening. The Ashing bus! noss there would provo to bo profit nblo If tho transportation to market was better. of property $75.00 $9.00 The Arab Gamo Warden nrresti Wllllnm Thacker and John Hickman, city marshal of Coqullle, at Poison Lake tho othor day and havo them horo beforo tho Grand Jury. Tho former was arrested for huntino without a license and tho lattor for killing a female deer. Mr. Hickman pleaded guilty and was fined. Totnl cost In cash $1 S77.45 EDGAR McDANIEL," Editor Coos Day Harbor. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and tables Tho quiet disappearance of Char ley Doylo and Miss Sylvia Miller last week, caused no little wonder nmong tholr friends horo but the mystory was cleared away when the news came over tho wlro from Dan don that Father Curley had said the few words that mado them man and wife. The young couple left for Portland for n short honeymoon. ORCHESTRA. RESERVE for PARTIES by PHONE, Circuit Court Is attended thl by tho Inrgest number of Aiin,n.,. In many years. Judge Hamilton Is s year Doesn't compare with our SODA WATER Come in and try it ALL FLAVORS AND WE KNOW HOW TO MIX 'EM AND GET SOME OF OUR Pure Ice Cream A- H. LEWIS Broadway, Jlarshfleld. Are Lund's harness and shoes Entire stock of harness, the best ever offered In Coos county, lhrWB ci tn market at bargain rates no mulo -com for big stock of shoes. you have a horso or aro about to g one, be sure nnd see Lund's line. And talking nbout shoes, Lund' now lino of cushion-soled dress " nro a little bit tho swollest and most comfortable that you evor put )'" foot In. If you havo been bother with soro feet, try them. Every Plir guaranteed to glvo satisfaction. Shoo and harness repairing done promptly at moderato prices. O. O. LUND,