"" RpW9 ""'"WflfWW'WWW" "tYtpb rT?yT i iiiunw.mt.HWmiMW"!1 .-r, MuiiMjpiwiMiuin'i i.'inwywwwpw'y KC THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. $1.00 Worth Of Electricity ONE CAN GUT MORE VALUE FOR THE MONEY OUT OP A DOL LAR'S WORTH OF ELECTRICITY THAN ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN 'l)UY WITH IT. HERE ARE a'fEW OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ELECTRICITY WILL DO: FIVE ORDINARY SIXTEEN CANDLE-POWER LAMPS WILL BURN ONE AND A HALF HOURS EVERY DAY FOR ONE MONTH FOR ONE DOLLAR. IT WILL FREEZE FIVE GALLONS OF ICE CREAM EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH. IT WILL RUN A BLACKSMITH'S FORGE BLOWER FIVE HOURS EACH DAY FOR A MONTH. IT WILL LIGHT THE MEAT MARKET AND CHOP 1,200 POUNDS OF MEAT EVERY WEEK. THE GROCER CAN DURN FIVE LAMPS FOR AN HOUR A DAY AND GRIND 500 POUNDS OF COFFEE EACH MONTH. IT WILL RUN THE WASHING MACHINE FOUR HOURS EACH WEEK FOR SIX MONTHS. . IT WILL DRIVE THE SEWING .MACHINE FIVE HUNDRED HOURS. A TWELVE-INCH FAN CAN BE RUN NIGHT AND DAY FOR FIF TEEN DAYS FOR A DOLLAR. IT WILL HEAT THE HATH ROOM ONE HOUR A DAY FOR A MONTH WITH AN ELECTRIC LUMINOUS RADIATOR. IT COSTS . I UST A DOLLAR TO DO THE FAMILY IRONING WITH AN ELECTRIC IRON FOR TWO MONTHS. THE HEATING PAD CAN HE USED FOR THIRTY NIGHTS FOR A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ELECTRICITY. IT WILL LIGHT THE PORCH LIGHT EVERY NIGHT FOR SIX MONTHS. Ask our Business Department about it. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. TELEPHONE 178 --8-H-tt-n-H-tt-u-u--tt--n a a I a I i i LITTLE TALKS ABOUT TOWN :: i a it A GRIST OF COOS HAY GOS- I RIP fJATIIUIIRIt IIIMM.' A VII I THERE ABOUT THINGS nv ? V INTEREST. -U-U-H-tt-tt-K-H-H-tt-H-a-tt-M I WITH THE I t TOAST AND TEA X xxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOME TIME. "I tell you Hint I cortnlnly had an experience Inst night Hint I don't want ngnln In n hurry," reninrked Mr. Hyde of Port Clost Call lit lnnd yosterdny, niter Forest Fire, his roturn from the Vnughnn & McDon ald logging camp nt Daniels Creek, which hnd Just been destroyed .by fire. "That lire enme in so quick on the boys that mnny of them hnd nilghty narrow csenpes with their lives. It caino so fast that the chick ens could not get nwny Irom It and many of tho fowls were hurncd nllve nnd gome hnd all their feathors singed off. Ono old rooster that sur vived was pretty nndly singed and persisted In crowing nil tho time nftcr tho fire wnB over. Tho Cllnkonbcnrd InTul Smith families deservo great credit for the wsslstnnco they gnve the peoplo who wore burned out. They took us nil down to their homes nnd fed nnd did their bcBt to mnko us comfortable, it wnB my first ex perience with n forest lire nnd I don't enro to repeat It right away either." A NEW HUNCH OF Classy Fixtures Jutt arrived, at prices to suit. Coos Bay Wiring Co. KXI'KIIT KLECTHI CI AN8. Reipectfully ask your pntronngo. PHONE 237-J. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE ! first Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS BAY, MARSHFIELD, ORE. June -80, 1010. Our Work is Our advertisement 01,1 WANANTEK IS YOUK SAT- ISFACTIO.V. H-lRSIIPiKUt HA.NI) AND STEAM LAl'Nimv. J'uy Ilnw., 1',-op. 1l0no 200, III RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . ..$ 97,738.63 Overdrafts 711.841 Bonds and securities ... 2D,8r.9.nO Hanking house, furnlturo and fixtures 5C.S20.503 Cash on hand and duo from banks 67,330.01 LIABILITIES. Capltnl eusck paid In. . .4100,O'00i0 Surplus and undivided profits 1,24032 Deposits aCD,220jC2 E HAVK PLACED IX PU1JLIG SERVICE Bus to Meet All Trains Mil also niako calls on telephone Wers. ."oneisoj. ii,infu. baKCai?a nn t ,. i I,, v th8t w,u caU fr and eHver ., ' bassage nnd light freight. fun private hack to Roseburg. L. H. HEISNER L'very and Feed Stnble. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building JTONE 214J Total 12C9.4C0.2 Toiai i4,u.4uu.z tVo Invito your attention to th strong condition of this bank as ehowr ty tho above statement to- wlt: Cash reserve 52 Pr cnt of deposits. Reserve required by law 15 per cent of deposits. Reserve In excess of legal requirements 37 percent of Aopoalts. ' OFFICERS AMI DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGBTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, i DORSEV KREITZER, Cashier. sV. S. CHANDLER, ' WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. C. W. TOWER, M, C. HORTON, Vice President asd Manner. I)OK A GENERAL HANKING AN I) TRUST BUSINESS. vorn business solicitico. THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A CO" IMERCIAIj BANK Wells Fargo Nevada National TUnlc, San Francisco, CL ( The United States National Hank, Portland, Ore. llraWS Tl0 National Park Bank, New York, N. Y. Drafts xiio Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 111. j OH Tho Bank of Scotland, London, England. riu Credit Lyonnnls, Paris, France. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking centers In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia. China, Japan, North, Central and South America. Personal and commercial accounts kept budJmc to check. Certificates of Deposit Isf led 8afe Deposit Boxes for rent. 4 I a o i 0 I a I a I s i a s i "None of us fully appreciate tho great harbor wo hnvu hero on Coos liny," remarked I. S. Kaufman to-dny. Continuing, 3jo said: Coo Buy's "I Jinvo Just received Omit Harbor, a letter from G. W. Tomplu, formerly a ruiildont of Coos Ray, who lins sluce mndo n tour of .Europe), jmtl In It he wrltos of n comparison of hnrbors Uiat Is Interesting. In hU letter, Mr. Temple suys: "Ono thing, I made a .special effort on my European Hip last yeur to examine very carefully nil thu liuportnnt harbors wherever I went, to bcc what thoy hnd, nnd whnt wiih csscntlnl to the commoreo of each great mlt)"H wnntM In tho lino of harbor imjirovomouts. I found Ham burg, tho groatcst port In Germany, did not Jinvo tho .harbor urua that Coos Bey would luivo If tho whole channel ctr harbor ait vCoos Day uvna dredged out to n depth of thirty feet or more within tho lines now estab lished by tho Kovornmont. Neither had Genoa, lErtuftfort, ABistordam, Rottorduuv, Antwerp, London, Glus gow, Bolfnst, Dublin, Kingston or Holly IJeall. Gl&ijgow, Scutland, is tho grmtest shlpluilldlug jwrt In Eu- ropo ax.il .hna .mur 800,000 popula tlon, vith an Intmeiuo shipping busi ness, anil sho hns 3iot tho harbor area that Coos Bay will linvo when dredged as above 3n'dleateU." AITKItWYAKEU .POWER. STKAMK1I IM.'nrwv.. JJJ PHOSI SAX FRANCISCO FOR rn 'm' 3IAKE HKSKHVATIOX 'HANI.FRK.fiHT. ""er-Occan Transportation Co. l P. McGEORGE, Agent. KU-EUllY'S FISH MARKET, 8lmonflnfntEvery Descrlption. ana Deep Sea Fish In Season. re'. Market 264J. Fot of Slarket Avenue. i FLANAGAN & BENNETT mi. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank In Coos County, EstnWlHhed in 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus, JjiHO.OUO.OO. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the Rank of California, 8an Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover National Bank, N. Y.; First National Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Man sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe, Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock .boxes ror r.. J. W. BENNETT, JPreeJdcnt. X, F. WILLIAM, Cashier. J. H. FLANAGAN, V.-Pres. GEO. E. WINCHESTER. Asst. Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Men From Grants Pass Investigate un Coquillu River. Men from Eastern Oregon and Grants Pass havo been Investigating .water pnwer .on .tbs) south fork of tho Coquillu River, according to tho fol lowing whlqh appeared In tho Courlor of Grnntn Pass: ,M. J. JtiiUorflon, Geo. W. JJonnoll, Fred Williams, of Grants J?ass, and G. W. Johnson and W. L. Vnudor- htool of 1-iistern Oregon, havoTecent- ly returned from a visit from tho nouth fork of tho Cogulllo RIvor at n point nbnut thirty miles southeast of Myrtle Point, whom they havo been oxnmlnlng a voluablo wator powor site. This power was Hied upon loj tho purju'Bo of furnishing olectrlc power and light to tho coast cities, including Mnrshflold, North Bond, Unndon, CoqcJllo City and Myrtlo Point. Pnrt of tho engineering on thltj proposition has already been done, and the balance will bo com pleted during tho present month. Thoro is snld to bo from C.000 to 10,000 horsopower at this point, nnd ran ox j.uuu icei in mo uisuincu ui ono mile, making this ono of tho cheapost powers to dovolop to bo found on tho coast. Somo time, when nil life's lessons hnve been learned, And sun nnd stars forevermore havo set, The things which our weak Judgment here has spurned, ' Tho things o'er which wo grieved with lnshcs wet, Will fltiBh before us out of life's dnrk night, As stnrs shine most In deeper tints of blue, And wo shall seo how all God's plans wero right, And how whnt seemed reproof wns lovo most true. And If, somo time, commingled with llfo's wine, Wo find tho wormwood, nnd rebel nnd shrink, Bo suro a wiser hnnd thnn yours or mlno Pours out this potion for our lips to drink; And If somo friend wc love 1b lying low, Whcro human kisses cannot rench his face, Oh I do not blnmo tho loving Father Bui lionr your sorrow with obedi ent grncc. And "you shnll shortly" know thnt lengthened breath In not tho sweetest gift God Bonds His friend, And thnt sometimes tho snblo pnll of death Conceals tho fairest boon His lovo can send. If wo could push njnr tho gntes of lire, And stand within nnd nil God'H working see. We could Interpret nil this doubt nnd strife. And for ench niyHtwy could find n key. But not to-day. Then bo content, poor "heart: God's plans, llko lilies pure nnd wh'lte, unfold; Wo rnnst not tear the close ahnt leaves npnTf; TImo will roven'l tho calyxes of Ktfld. And II Uirougli patient toll wo reach tho land Wlrnro tired feet, with sandal looso, niny Tost, When ivcRhall clearly Ttnow nnd nn- 'flerstnnfl, I think that wo slin'll Bay that God 3mow best." GOOD FUTURE FDR COOS BAT Rev. Father Hugh Gallagher of Portland Surprised By Development Here. The Rev. Hugh S. Gallagher, C. S. C, of Columbia University, Portland, In Catholic institution for young men and boys, arrived on tho bay thla week from thu Rose City nnd lntonda to remain a few weeks. Ho expression himself as highly pleased with tho present flourishing condition of Cooa Bny, nnd agreeably surprised at tho nmnzlng progress tho city ban m&da since his visit three years ago. Father I Gallagher 1b well acquainted with tho cities of tho northwest, and though ho Is reluctant of compnrlng,. ho never theless thlnkB Coos Bay comes-noxt to Portland In Indicating tho pronont prosperity of Oregon. Columbia University, of which ho In vice-president, looks to tho coming; year with enthusiasm. It drawn ntu dents from Alnskn to California nml na far East as tho Rockies and bouio tlmes further. Since Its founding by Archbishop Christie nine yenrn ago, Mnrshflold hns been represented. a'l tho Inst few years sho enrolled a goodly number from Port Orford to Gardiner. Father Gallagher, whllo attending to the rellgolus work of tho parishes of North Bond nnd Mnrah Ilold, will at tho snmo time bo plenuoil to confer with thoso who look to Co lumbln University ntr a good Institu tion In which to plnco tholr sous. COUNTY SEAT NEWS. Doings of Coiiilllo Peoplo n , Told In Thu Herald. A panther measuring sovon foot nl no Indies wns killed by Horburt Johnson near Fntrlvow tho first of thu wcok. Mrs. C. M. SkcelH who Iiau boon in falling health for soma timo, stnrt ed for Portlnnd for medlcnl treat ment Tucsdny. Sho was taken by way of Roseburg by automobile Shu was accompanied by Mr. Skools. W. II. Schroeder has rocolvod word from tho United States patont afllcu to tho effect that ho has boon success ful in patontlng n folding bodstond (u which ho and Ed. Elliott nro equally Interested, which promises to bo a grnud success In every particular. Lyon is coming Sunday, Aig.28tli. Try The Times' Want Ads. 'GOLD FIND TUCH. Strike In Onry County Hrportwl iu Be Rig One.. In regard to the gold Hnd in Curry county, tho Gold neach Globo has tho following to say; W. J. Ward camo nji .from Harbor, bringing with him ovidonco of ono of th0 richest Jlnds iu freo gold-benrlug quartz over struck in tho northwest. Tho find ns mado by an old pros pector by tho nnmo of Bnkor, who has been hunting for tho lend for sov oral months. Tho lead can bo read ily traced for about three miles, and on tho surfaco Is of decomposed porphry rock. Tho lend is several feet yldo and tho decomposed roclc yields from twenty-flvo to ono dollar per pan. Mr. Ward took n double handful of this dirt from about eigh teen Inches below tho surface and punned It down to probably two tea spoonsful nnd It looks to bo twonty flvo per cent gold. This samplo, to gether with samples of dry dirt and rock, Mr. Ward has hero on exhibi tion, nnd it hns caused no little ox cltemont. It Is pronounced by min ing men to be tho richest strlko over found in Hio northwest. Tho ledge was found on Mt. Efmy, on tho wat ers of tho Chetco River, about twelvo miles by tho road and trail from Harbor. E. J. Lamb nd family, who hava lived nt Bandon tho past fow years, passed through town Thursday on their way to Gravel Ford, tho oil homo of Mr. Lamb, wharo thoy will visit for a whllo. They oxnect to atnrt soon for n trip to California In company with Mr. B. L. Hollunbock. Jerry Hartley, of tho Myrtlo Point section, Idled a large rattlesnake at tho Hood rnnch ono day last wook. It is supposed that It camo down from tho mountains, wharo tho rlvor heads. Many years' ago one was soon to pass Coqulllo on a largo sugar plno log- which wns known to havo coma from thnt section. Coos BayRosebnrg Stage Line. Dally stngo between Roseburg nnd Mnrsliflcld, commencing Juar 10. Stngo leaves dally and Sunday nt O n., in. Fnro SQ.Oo. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, O. P. RARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshfleld. Agent, ROSERURG, ORE. PHONE 11 $13.50 For an All Wool Suit At the FIXUP Take your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Spenlnl menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nosier returned homo Saturday fronijs trip east of tho Const Range. Tr vlBltod Mrs. Noslor's mother, Mrs. Miller, who now resides near Sodavlllo, Oregon. They toll us that tho old lady is be coming vory feeblo. Sho Is now 8C years of ngo and her recovory could hardly bo oxpoeted. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hito, Mra. William Hite, nd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hou ry Adams of Bandon, started last week for Southorn California by auto mobile It Is their Intention to sponil tho winter In the south, and might possibly decide to Iocnto. Thoy will bo Joined lator by Wlllam Hito, who romalned at Bandon for tho pro3ont. WILL DISCONTINUE DOUBLE SERVICE. Owing to tho closo of tho season, tho double boat servlco will be dis continued next Monday, after which tho Alert will roturn to tho old sche dule, leaving Allegany 7 A, M. and Marshflold at 2 P. 51. CAPT. H. B. EDWARDS. Lyon Is (Aiming Sunday, Aug. 28tl. TRY THE TIMES' WANT ADS, l'SE THE TIMES' WANT ADS. J. P. Kerr of Cunningham recent ly received tho sad nows of tho death of his aged mother, which occurred nt tho homo of her daughtor at Santn Ann, Calif. Sho leaves two sons, W, T. Kerr, formerly of this city, now n resident of Cornelius, Orogon; J, P. Kerr of Cunningham, and throo daughters who reside In Southorn California. Jonnthnn Snow nnd son Frank wont to tho Day Friday to catch tho steamer Plant for San Frnclsco, whoro they will moot tho Mesdamca Snow, thoy hnvlng started ovoiiand. preferring that route. They aro all headed for Southorn California, whoro the old folks expect to remain; whllo Frank nnd family will roturn nftor a visit. They will stop In or near Lo3 Angeles. Aw uL-m -i--.'-; Lv'iUjfcfatWLiVJ jtfsiy i "jfiWiiTiir --" " --"-dhi t