tos ADS. 002 NEWS n1lEV IJU8ISESS 13 SLOW, Al JiSlSK. THAT IT PAYS 18 EVI. GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALo THE TIME TERSELY 1 0LD .: :: :t :t it iSoiOt'SKS EVERYWHERE MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS fflMt Y0fc . ifwiiiLS Established In 1878 ns Tlio Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1910- EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos liny Advert Lscr. No. 36. rune H. A Arrive at Myrtle Point in Auto ana Reach Marshfield o i VISIT COOS BAY To-Ni MADE THE TRIP UP THE COAST. Vice-President E. E. Calvin Is One of the Party of Four. E IS Four high ofllclnls of tho South rB raclflc estem will arrive In Jljnnflcld this evening nliout C o'clock. They nro this afternoon In bc Coqullto Valley. The Southern Pacific olllclals .wlio are In tho party aro as follows: E, E. Calvin, vice-president nnd general manager of the Southern Pa cific. E. 0. McCormac, vlcc-presldont of the traffic department of tho South ern raclflc. 0. Hhondw, gonornl superinten dent of motive power of tho South ern Pacific. V. S. Palmer, genor'al manager of the Northwestern Pacific. The railroad men arrived nt Myrtle Tolnt la an automobile. They ciunu np the coast from Crescent City nnd wched Myrtle Point nboiit 12.30 P, M. They Intended to como by way of Bandon, but the road was reported tot to be suitable for tho auto and the road from Port Orford to Mjrtlo Tolnt Was taken. At Myrtlo Point tho ollleinls were net by C. J. MIIIIh, general mnnngor of the local railroad. On a special train tho party was talton to Coqulllo and after a visit at the Heaver Hill coal mine will be brought on tho apo dal to Mnrshllohl. Tho party will itop at the Chandler Hotel to-night and will leave to-morrow morning for the north, golug out by way of the Drain route. It as reportod at first that Chief Engineer Hood was with tho party, bat Information from Coqulllo this afternoon Is to tho effect that ho Is not one of tho party. Mr. MIDI was non-commlttnl re tarding the purpose of tho, visit of the officials, it Is understood thnt they are here on a tour of Inspection. The lslt of tho high olllclals of the road at this tlmo, Is believed to bare much significance, nnd It Is thought that It may mean thnt tho ork on tho Drain rond Is to ho re lumed. These ofllclala hnvo novor before been lit this locality. It Is their first trip to tho Coos Hay coun try and they camo up tho coast through Curry county whero tho company has made a survey. T- II Letter From Congressman Hawley's Secretary Gives Encouraging News. v (Ttt Tho Chamber of Commerce has re ceived a letter from tho prlvato secre tary of Congressman Hnwley written from Salem, Tho letter Is In answer to nn Inquiry regarding the dredgo Oregon. Tho secietnry quotes a let tor which was received by Congress in, .n Hnwley from tho United Stntcs engineers' olllco nt Portland stating th n't the Oregon, which Is now nt Grays Harbor, can be spared from thnt work soon nnd will probably be towed to Coos liny during September. Mr. Hnwley Is coming to Marsh field nnd u uinsH meeting has boon callod, for Tuesday night at tho Cham ber of Commerce rooms, whon tho citizens nre Invited to bo present and honr what the Congrcismnu has to say regarding the harbor Improve ments nnd other mnttcrs. HOLDS C0NT00L OF NEW MILL IS THOUSANDS MADE HOMELESS II Hume Estate Wins Injunction l"013 w- M00UK """" COMPANY WELL SATISFIED Suit Against the Union Fisheries Company. Herbert Ilunio of Wcdderburn, who U In tho city, repo ts thnt tho In junction enso of tho Hume estate against tho Union Fisheries lino boon decided by' Judge Hamilton in tho Circuit Court, The Hume estnto so cured a temporary injunction In the county court, which was mndo re turnable in tho Circuit Court. Tho temporary Injunction was mado per manent by Judgo Hamilton. Tho Union Fisheries Company Is re strained from anchoring In the river to fish nnd from trcspnsslng on tho Hume grounds. Mr. Hume says that WITH THE NEW PLANT. BY THE FIRE DEVASTATION Government Has Been Asked to Give Assistance to the Helpless. BANDON, Ore., Aug. 2G The new mill which was recently completed by. tho George W. Moore Lumber Company will be one of tho best In this part of the state. It has proved to bo better than was anticipated when It was built. Tho Hecorder quotes ono of tho .members of the company rcgnrdlng tho mill ns fol lows: "Last week was tho anniversary of our big flro. Wo hnvo rebuilt nnd been running tlireo montliB bIiicc that catnstropho, nnd naturally wo do not feel ashamed of what we havo nccompllshed. The new mill hnw proven ltsolf capable of n greater output nnd n better qunllty of mnntt facture than tho old que, nnd Is un- FLYING TRIP IS ABANDONED Aviator Baldwin Does Not At tempt ot Go Up Because of Bad Wind. FIRES ARE NOW UNDER CONTROL. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, August 27. Captain Dnldwln abandoned his at tempt to fly across the Golden Gato in an aeroplauo of his own invention to day becnuso of adverse air currents. Ho will try to-morrow. One Party of Rangers Sup posed to Be Lost Not in Danger. this practically bars the company doubtcdly, ono of, If not tho speed- from doing any fishing In tho HoKiiollost mill In this country. In proof River. The defondnnt mndo nnswor i of this Btntcmcnt we ndvnnce tho cut I tiin.l.i iii TtKiafl'i v nt lnat U'fmlr? 1XR to the Injunction, but thero was no' n g ,10ur8 Thg( B0 f(U. n wo nttorney In court to represent tho de fense. Mr. Hume says thnt had any of tho company or cmployos been on tho ground they could hnvo been pros ecuted fur contempt of court ns, no- RAISE MONEY can find out, Is tho record for hand ling and snwlng small logs In this country. The C. A. Smith mill Iuib handled 435 logs In 10 hours with two bands, ono doublccuttlng, nnd n bnttcrv of flvo resaws. whtlo we cording to the holding of tho Circuit ,inlllllcil ollr 188 wItn ono 8Kk.Cut Court, they would bo in violation if, ting bnndmlll nnd ono resnw. Also tho river slnco tho' nil tho turning wns done with a Slmonson turner which Is ospeclnlly HACK TO OLD SCHEDULE. Htvnkwnter Will Hereafter Leave For Portland Every Sntitulay. The steamer Breakwater, nfter tho first of September, will go back to her old schedule of making one trip every week. Sho will abandon th five-day servlco and through tho win ter months will lenvo Coos Bay for Portland every Saturday. mv Associated Press.) SPOKANE. Wash., August 27. A 'dispatch from St. Maries Hays thoro are no winds nnd fires nro being brought under control. Tho forest .service lias dismissed Its emergency men nnd sent them to Spokane, A 'dispatch from Iron Mountain from !n members of tho Halm party says nil nro safe and uninjured. Tho Spo knno council last night pifssed a reso lution nsklng tho national govern ment to render nsslstnnco to tho thousands of peoplo who have boon mado homoloss nnd holploss by tho fires. they fished in county court Injunction. A Jury decided tho enso of Dr, 13, Mlngus against tho Hume estate Dr. designed for largo logs; tho Smith mill hns n Slmonson nnd several Hill FOR BONDS Citizens of North. Bend Discuss Coos Bay Traction Cor poration Proposition. FIRES ARE REPORTED 00T A mooting of the North Bend citi zens wns held last night at tho Com mercial Club In thnt city. About two hundred nnd fifty wero present nnd Col. Brlghnm presided. Tho purpose wns to discuss tho Coos liny Traction r. .mnt !.... .iwnitnalflnn If. fill 1 1 f I nn VUriVIHUUU IHIH.VOH.W,. ........ .... 'electric lino nnd sell bonds. I It wns stnted that tho company wanted North Bond' to tnko $50,000 worth of the bonds. Eugene Robln- 'son, engineer for the company, made n stntcmont rognrdlng tho route. He snld It was tho Intention to extend 'the rond from Coos Bay to Grants Pass as n mnln lino nnd thnt .thoro would bo n branch to Bnndon. J. II. Somers, who represents tho real ostato department of tho company nlso spoko. At the meeting, subscriptions wero taken for $25,000 worth of tho bonds and It was stated that tho other $25,- 000 would bo subscribed to-day. It was glvon out nt tho meotlng thnt $35,000 of the. bonds hnd been sub scribed already at Myrtlo Point. Mlngus sued for n inodlcnl. feo of turners which nro n short nnd smnll $1,450. The Jury allowed $725 Which log nppllnnco. Moreover, for tho wns nt tho rnto of $50 a day while ' benoflt of tho Incredulous, It may bo tho amount sued for wns at tho rato, stated that tho 435 logs wero of tho of $100 a day for modlcnl sorvlces samo slzo aa tho ones wo sawed, vn durlng tho final Illness of tho Into R. rylng from 12 to 30 Inches In dlam D. Hume. Tho business of this term fetor. Tho kind of wood in ench of tho Curry county Circuit Court is "case wn8 cedar, red nt Smith's and pniipimloil nnd court has adjourned. whlto hero TL BALL .MAY BUILD A MILL. CORES GOLD BEACH, Oro., Aug. 20 Charles H. Burfiott of Apploton, Wis., hns been hero looking ovor tho country with n vlow of securing n sultnble location for n saw mill. It Ib stated that If n suitable location can bo found n sash nnd door fac tory will bo built in connection with tho mill. COTTON TAKES A BIO JUMP Utile Damage Has Been Done to Timber Interests in Coos County. F,nES ARE S--es favorable reports regarding tho come ln from nil parts of tho nty. The many blazes did not do fly serious damage to the timber. e loss at tho McDonald-Vnughan P. here the buildings were burn- y8 the only big damage. John a Mountain, the Sixes River, Eckloy "I Southport districts wero all free from ares. 1ll:l AT WEDDEBBUKN. COLD BPAPir t . ., ...... thT n agd thlrt'-8lx yea. died at e "ay View Hotel ln Weddorburn a! Trk" nhQun,at'sm of the heart a the cause and the death was ' audden, it not being known that toowUDs man was m "nt,l ,l wns th! re t0 help h,m Mr- Sm,th wns 'n of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Smith 01 Hunters Creek. Price Goes Up Suddenly Es tablishing a New High Record Mark. i rr Associated PruuO NEW YORK, August 27. A now high record wns established for this season In tho cotton market to-day when August contracts sold nt $10.90 or 30 points above tho closing last night, and $4 n balo nbovo tho low prlco of yestorday morning. The sen sntionnl gain was duo to covering by bolnted shorts. I BIG PROFITS ; IN DAIRIES Portland Wins a Game and Is I Still in Lead of I League. HOW THEY STAND. Won. Los. P. C. Portlnnd 72 59 .549 Oakland 78 C7 .538 San FrnncUco..77 09 .528 Vernon 73 71 .607 Los Angeles.. 71 74 .500 FALLS INTO DITCH. TI TI, tho Chlneso boy, mndo a llttlo excitement this nftornoon by falling into tho bay. He wns noar n float nnd n man hurried down to tho flont nnd pulled tho youngster out ot tho water. -., n ' l ii ' r i Sacramento ...63 SO ,381 Sale of.Capt. Harris's Ranch , ' Indicates Rise in Value i Price of Milk. i NEW PLANT HEADY. Myrtle Point Soon to Use New Water i Workx. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., August 27. Tho building of tho now water works system has so far advanced that It Is thought that tho pipe will im wtaiiv to turn the wnter in borne tipio next week. Meantime the pump is being run almost continuously io overcomo tho leakage in tho old wooden pipes and give the people a supply of water for household use nnd for Are protection. NOT READY T0REP0RT TO-DAY'S GAMES. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, August 27. The fol lowing aro tho scores of to-day's games: AT PORTLAND R- n Portland j) San Francisco 2 AT OAKLAND K- " 7 12 Oakland ' l l!bs Angeles AT VERNON R II( o 5 Vernon " Sacramento Investigating Committee of Congress Will Hear More Indian Contracts. (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Mo., August 27. Tho members of the Congressional committee which has been Investigat ing the Gore bribery charges ln con nection with tho Oklahoma Indian contracts, passed through hero to-day en route homo. Tho committee will make no report until further hearings are hold ln Washington in November. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND. Oro.. August 20. Portland won yesterday from San 'Frnnclsco. Tho scores of the gnmes Tho salo of Capt. Harrls'a dairy wero as ioiiowb: ranch nt Sumner yesterday to L. F. AT PORTLAND R. Prlco & Company of Kansas City Is Portland . : 6 another Illustration ot tho rapid ad- San Frnnclsco . 0 vanco ln values of this class of prop- AT OAKLAND R. orty and calls attention to tho big Onkland 0 profits In It. Capt. Harris sold clgh- Ios An'geUm , . . . . 1 ty-llve acres of bottom land, lnclud-. AT VERNON R. Ing tho buildings, dairy stock, etc., Vernon ; 0 for $15,000 nnd deducting tho value Sacramonto 3 of tho cows, etc., ho figures tho' land t at $152 per aero. Ho still retains nbout three hundred nnd forty ncros j of raw land, Including somo cran- i berry marsh, Ten years ago ho paid j $10,000 for tho four hundred and tome odd acres, and In this tlmo has Commander wilot wri m-g"".- mado many Improvomonts on It, but ' -'"i"" " " " . . Has also secured a good profit from ' " Booms liuoiy tnai u.e B,, on it.. iti., A Aim irtiitti rf til I rt- dairying by applying the modern "'"J"" "l "" ,.,,, ,'V . 7" methods , quiuo nvur inu- uo ,..u,. u, ...v government n ukvh w tho neonlo of Bnndon. C. A, Mooro RANCHERS GETTING RICH. HKV. LYON ON BREAKWATER. A mossngo has been received v that Evangelist Lyon and hU singer, Prof. Harris, aro on board tho Breakwater and If she reaches Marshfield in tlmo will hold services in the morning In the tabernncle. Services will bo held Sunday morning In the tab- ernacle whether they arrive in time or uot. v II. 7 5 H. o C II. 5 8 Lyon Is coming Sunday, Aug. 2Sth. MAY GET JETTY LIGHTS. MANY WILL CO TDJMEGE Coos Bay to Be Well Repre sented at the Educational Institutions. Many of tho young peoplo of Cqob Bay will bo lenvlng during tho noxt few weeks to nttend colleges at dif ferent places. Quito a numbor will go from thlu city and nlso from North Bend. Coos Bay will bo well reprosontod at the University of Orogon at Eu gone. Bon Chandler, who haB been spending tho summor horo, will re turn to Eugono to continue 11b stu dios. Miss Mnrjorlo Cowan, MIbb Bessto Coke nnd Mlsa Slgnu Holm will nlso go to that college, Sovoral of tho boys will go to Co lumbln Unlvorslty, Portland. Among them will bo Ed. Weldor, Leo. Mc Lnln. Jack Noblo and Joe Noble. Pat the people of Bnnaon. u a. ooro m w0 ag been tending secretary of tho Commercial club of I .,.. ... ..... thero tuU I.IIau M.r.l I - W .. i luuur iiuiu ' VI Gordon RnsmusEon will return 'o . -i i. ii...w.l...u euliillll l.n- Unnilnn linn rnrfilvotl n Milk Dm 1'ij; One Mouth. Commander Elliott who has charge ' Coos Bay dairymen are gottlng of tho lighthouse worK in mis "-Uw Orcgon Agrloultnral College at ..lot. Ppnimiiiv tlio lnrcest payment trlct. Mr. Elliott writes thnt the ... ... . ... Q,m, t.T.,i, ..o mn,i0 nn Mm nnv 'for milk for n llelitliouse at Bandon Is to bo chang- VV tW w ..w --- j single month, wns paid to R. A. ed to an on vapor ugni wnicn win Church, who milks about fifty cows increase Its brllllnncy. The mattor and sends his milk to tho North Bend ' of putting the lighthouse on the Condensory. His check for tho month south side of tho river mouth will of June amounted to $810.09. (require nn appropriation from con- Cal. Brldgea, Geo II.. Myers, Chrls-lgresB but If the need seems to exist i ii.mon nnn Smith and all ' Commander Elliott hna It In his pow- the other ranchers who nro sending 'er to place lights on the Jetty as an their milk to tho condensory are do-; aid to navigation. Ho will visit Ing proportionately well, according i Bandon soon to investigate mo mni- to the numbor of cows, etc. Tho condensory paid for butterfat for April 39 cents, May 39 cents, and June 40 cents per pound, and Mr. Keating states that they will guaran tee at least 40 cents per pound for tho balance of the year. This cer tainly Is fine for the dairymen and ought to greatly Increase the amount of milk produced here. iCorvallls. Miss Ruth Smith, Hugh Smith nnd Walter Asplund will also attend the Agricultural College thU year. Miss Lucy Horton will nttend tno University of Washington nt Soattlo this year. Albert Hansen oxpects to cntor tho Oakland Polytechnic School at Oak land, Cal. His sister, Miss Mary Han son, will also go nway to school this year, Miss Madgo Barry of Emplro has already left for San Rafael, Cal , whore she will attend school. ..... . Ralnh Coko of North Bond will go TOKO your nuautxi im.i.u ui - itiq.ui.v hi Pnccno ORCHESTRA. HESKUVE tables ... " " , "," ... , ,- ...iitivb i. minvi.' .Will go to uariiuioj, v.. 1U1 . " .,.. ter. Lyon Is coming Sunday, Aug. "Nth. Head the Times Want Ads. Pictures & framing. Walkers Studio.