'I n"K wv jrtr ? THE COOS BAY TIME'S, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1910-EVEIIING EDITION , 4 i 1 i! B . I T DISAPPtAH liUUNIilL MS i HUI m HOI DEBATES sis loom Leaves For Portland This Aft- Much Anxiety Created When ernoon With Carnival Com panyOther Pasengers. (Continued from page 1.) Tho Btcnmer Ureakwatcr left nt 1 nnother warm discussion in which the ability pf City Engineer Snndborg was questioned by Councllmen Colcc, Two Children Mysteriously Vanish From Home. GOLD REACH, Ore., August 22. Hennessey and others. Tho matter o'clock this afternoon for Portland. Tho disappearance of two children wng brought up by Hugh McLaln, Hhn hnd over one hundred passengers, from tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam-1 . ., Minf ,, ...nn.f,,t ,, know - - - erB, of ,,cl A,,,u8 nt whal; ,s knon, ns Sko0:' definitely as soon as possible whether tho carnival company. Tho ponies, 'kimi Hoiiso I'ralrle, created a good tents and properties of tho carnival .deal of excitement for a time. Tho mo co"c" vw" l ' - company wcro nlso taken on tho (children are aged eight and ton said h0 was right to tho point wncro fitentnor. Tho following woro tho out- years and nro orphans, who arc be-jno wanted to know pretty quick, going passengers: jlng raised by Mr. nnd Mrs. Adams. .Councilman Powers, said that ho P, Bcnnlnghavcn, L. Hackman It. Tho foster parents have given tho 'nnd tho other members of tho council Jncobson.W. II. Unrry, Ed. Richmond, 'samo enro to tho children that they l),n(i looked It over last week and thnt Mrs. Harvey, Miss Quick, G. Stem-.would to their own nnd were niuch10 was In favor of tho proposed grioved when tho Httlo ones ulsnp- cnnngo If it could bo legally done. He pearod. lloth Mr. nnd Mrs. Adnms Hnj thnt practically all tho people In woro a short distance away from tho that section woro In favor of It. It. T bell, Mrs. C. N. Slcgcl, D. A. Shaw, houso and when they returned tho'gtrect, wno wn8 present, snld that JFred McCormac, J. A. Davis, Mrs. J. children woro gone and most of their ! whllo ho hnd not directly opposed II u I . . . . . .-.a K nnvlA Mrit. H .1 llnwn.nl. II. U. rloMlIntr WflS lllBn irOllO. .Air. AUnillH nt Hint Hmn tin a turn lini! tnlknrl with . " t - -' r - - . c ' lit tinik viihw) iiv himkv ............ v .. . . . , .... Wilbur Mrs. Wilbur, J. Muclr, H. 'rino had also been taken. City Engineer Snndborg, who had as- '. to nx ins sower wumn u . Kemcr, DolJIo Gilbert, Mrs. G. W. j It was thought that there was Hliml i,lm tho sower would work o J months, It not Having uecn put m lusher, Juniata Fisher, Loyd .Fisher, .something wrong hb tho children liuil 'uitlior of tho Btrcots equally as well, J A. Johnston, C. V. Mnddox, Mrs. disappeared In such n iiiyHtorIoiis'j,t thnt as City Attorney Goss hnd J. II, Rutherford, Esther Rutherford, 'iiinuno Hnd tho sheriff's oflleo wan mated to chango It might Invalidate Mj. II. Iluthcrford, .1. It. ltuthorford, .called upon for assistance. Tho chtl- thu whole system, ho didn't believe C, A, Dudo, M. C. McAllister, L. Au-drou were flnnlly found In tlio woods. it would be good policy to chango. eolmo, Mrs. h. Anselmo, Miss Uortha.They hnd concluded thnt they would jje vn, thnt ho thought Snndborg Wllklns, Mr. Herendien, Mrs. Huron- run nwny nnd loft the houso and hndwng th0 man whoso ndvlce should be ! Iiurn, O. J. Irby, Ed. Sogwln, O. J. Chorals, W. Ncfzgor, W. M. Grant, Sjllss Hall, Miss A. M. Dodge, Geo. Iio- block from where it was originally located. 11. T. Street said that according to his understanding, nothing could be dono now ns the city engineer had in formed them thnt to make the chango in tho sewer might Invalidate the wholo assessment. Furthermore, ho said thnt If anything was wrong, It would soon show and that the city engineer would have to bear the bur den of It. M. E. Whltmoro said thnt ho want ed to Inform the council that If tho flush tank was moved as tho engineer proposed thnt they were going to kick vigorously. Finally it was agreed to let the matter go over until City Attorney Gobs returns from Portland Saturday morning, and mennwhllo Contractor McLaln will have his men work on nn other section of It. Other IliiHlneos. Contractor Ullvcn was instructed to postpone planking tho big 1111 on Highland avenuo for u few months until it has tlmo to Eottlo. Tho usual number of bills wcro allowed. linns Asplund, who hnd protested to n member of tho council that ho didn't wiuw to pay for a. second por tion, Mabel Horendlon, Master Heron- wandered about In tho woods. dlcn, Mr. Tiirpln, Mrs. Turplu, Mrs. Ilrndford, Mr. Urndford, Mr. Hnys, Mr. Strang, Mrs. Strnng, Chas. Simpson, Fred Marco, Mr. Me- Collugh, Hob Klllnm, Tom Fay, Jack .Thompson, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Lur- on, I). Morris, Mr. Kutchor, Mr. Nols, Mrs. II, Dognr, II. Degnr, Mimlur . . - .-. r, .. 1 uognr, An uognr, jjori. anun, v. .. , tho ,i()(m ,,0 POHnlry Uivon, .Mrs. uwon, ueo. iiinuruuru, Mr. Rucknor, Mrs. Ilunlcuer , John JMoody, Win, Lewis, Mr. Gnrlleld, Harry Fletcher, Mr. Iloyt, Mr. Addis, Mr. Ttnnn. fr. Ilppkor. Mr. T.nnilnn. O. .- ...., -... . ., .... . ... ... JiRny, W, Lnundy, M. Hagguno, F. "Crnwford, A. Adah), II. Harris, 11. Hand, A. Hand, J. Itlco, Itoy Wheeler, Mrs. Ww. Kyle, Win. Kyle, Mrs. Chapshnw, Miss Chapshaw, K. ,1, Pur &y, E. 0. Flanngan, JnR, Mastcg, Mrs. Win. Polcy, W. M. Poloy, Mrs. M. E. Cralne, Dorthy Lohnher, Hello Urnd en, Euln Ilradon, J. Ilaulon, M. Pollu slor, F. F. Guthrlo. :finds more ; bid fruit .Countv Insnector Discovers t San Jose Scale on Big Ship ment of Fruit. I M. Unll-LewlH, county fruit lu ll spoctor, hns cnndenined quite u lot oranges nnd lemons which ho found ";tto ha infested with San Joso scnlo. ji ;noy woro snipped in nero irom unl- II Torn In and arc held at different xtoro ,ln tho city. All of the boxes which had been opened, Mr. HiilM.owl took charge of mid put coal oil on tho con tents bo thnt tho fruit could not I fused. There nro In stock a Urt number of unopened boxes of lemmiH nnd oranges of tho sumo shipment. iTliono represented quite n large1 In- jvo'tnipnt on tlu part of tho local doalors. Tho Inspector says ho dl not want to Incur too grout a l0b upon tho dealers so he Iins nskd ( ttwtnto Inspector for permission to sM- these unopened boxes back to Call- pomln. "hTo trouble Is." snH Mr. Hnll- ll.owis, "that there will bo difficulty NEWS OK ALMUMXV. ALLEOANV, Ore., August 2.1. Mr. nnd Mrs. ICkiiiioIT returned tin flint of the week from n week's visit .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gagu wunt to MarMhllWd Thursday. 0. L. Gould and Dick Fryo loft o u hunt n few days ngo. Mrs. G. A. Gould and Mrs. Tour (elloutt woro Marshlluhl visitors last week. Mrs. G. h. Gould and daughter, Eunice, were stopping in Marshlleld Wednesday, taken In regard to It, ns ho was the only high priced export on the Job, Councilman Coke snld that the city onglneer'H olllco was too high priced deep enough to allow for the present grading of the street. Inspector 1 rib boy assured tho council that In ensea of this kind he didn't charge for u permit. .Mr. Trlbbey snld ho thought tho ntiin who dug Asplund's dlteh wub to blame and not the city onJ glneor. It wns stnted that the gove-'-dredge will be here In 8R or 10 days to III! North Front street for paving. iiiiiiii in ? that It had cost one-thlrd of the I Tho property owners want to have Look for tho Senl on i tin, rjin. Tjnlifeno it MADE IN CALIFORNIA. An ideal shortening There is no purer food product than the selected beef at ob tained, from flpccially selected cattle. There is no more whole some substance than an absol utely pure, doubly refined getable oil. 've i is nothing more than a carefully proportioned com pound of loth, prepared hy experts in a strictly sanitary plant under the watchful eyes of U. S. Government In spectors. Califcne is the ideal shortening. Ak Your Dealer WESTERN MEAT CO. SAN FRANCISCO U.S.A. U -" ;:rTT!W',ir '"7-- jealfefe llk CottonSeodOiK - OleoStcX J Or. A. L. Housoworth of Marshlleld and his brother, Dr. Ilouseworth, woro on a hunting trip nt Elk Horn last week. Geo. W. Steinmernuin was In Marshlleld Monday to consult n phy sician concerning IiIh ear which has boon giving hint trouble for some tlmo. city's entire oxponsert Inst month. Coke snld thnt ho fnvorod the change If It was not for tho danger of legal cnmpllcntlons. Ho snld thnt he didn't know nbnut the legal questions In volved, but ho know from common sense thnt the ehnugo desired would be n good one. Councilman lloiinosney wanted tr know If tho city engineer was ill whole show In tho mutter nnd If th council didn't huvo something to sa about It. Mr. Coke said that appar ently all tho council had to do was 'to pay tho engineer's bills. Councilman Savage, who presided In the absence of Mayor Straw, sug gested that there wns apparently nothing they could do about It and wanted to know If they were ready to adjourn. "Yes, for threo months," Intor Jected Coiincllmnn Powers, who wat growing Irritated by tho long discus sion. "Yes, nud lot Street and Snndborg run tho thing," remarked Tom Ccke. who added some other remarks that wouldn't look well In print. Street enmo back with a stinging ictnrt nnd Coko snld If ho didn't shut up h part of their properly flllfd at the sauio time, the dredge cutting down the "hog's-bnok" near the cold stor- s?,'r' '"'"' '"""okr ngo plnnt for It. North Front street t catHMretTRH i will probably be closed meanwhile a " rriffl$yifui'.''t. I unsafe. . M& I H.0DR M2JLS CO. ' NEWS OF AKACO AND VICIXITV. f AltAGO, Ore., August 23. MIsh Merlo Kadabaugh of Flshtrnp Is teaching school lii tho Strnng dlstih-r on Fat Elk. The sohool term begun on August loth. .NEW CASKS FILED. W w SiiIIh A iv StnHeil In Ciury Conn- ty Cliciilt Court. GOLD 11EACH, Ore., AuiH Vi A number of new cmmm have been llled In the Circuit Court of Curry county. About us many iiioio lmvo been eoiitluued oor from tho List term. The now cason tiled nro as fol lows: Stnto of OroKun vs. Joel llond. J. T. Piudy vc Olo Gljhtrt. Chas. A. Ilnj ton vs. II, H. Adolph- sou. W. K. Hurrrw vs. Sidney Horn. Tho Ladles' Aid Society met at j tho homo of Mrs. Frank Fish on Fat Elk Inst Wcdnoedny and did qui lot of work. Kev. It. G. Sununerlln Is holding meetings on Flshtrnp again. He Is only going to prench thoro until nfter . Sunday, beginning Wednesday, E -t'j i ty.,&. n n 'rjr- : Kij& ..U' rtV'.r !' riaTJa I- liI9i!l.WK i .Mkirn-'U"iiaTi wj,rti(lHtl Fr.miR 1 1 ' I? . l-Tj-l o Ov Flie Poor' en is often blnind when the ronl trouble l,es In .he bund of dour usc.1 in mnkliig ihe br. ml, blcult and pastry. Wo have found thnt our Snow Prlft Flour, inaili from selec'ed North western grown Illue Stem Wheat meets with the approval of most housewives, Of courmv our process of milling has a lot to do with It. Snow Drift Isn't a blenched Hour that's an advantage. ' It proves In the baking. H. W. PAINTER Agout, Mmtdillclil, Oregon. Miss Ellznboth Morlo Is going to leave for California noxt Saturday. 1 a r: i a i .. Cluk lina Imnit i.nAliliif ! ili ... I wouiii come across ami "get nun." ",,v "" "vi" "'"h " uiui , , Tho rest of tho councllmen broke in l-'lshtrap district, but sho has a longer; ? nud stopped this discussion. hrm to tench In California, so Is go-l Hero someone stated that the plans '"B there. for tl' sewer hnd been changed nnd j that It affected some of tho contrne- A nuiiibor of people In this vicinity tors wno llguroii on the work. It wan went down to Johnson s mill to clnlmed Mint tho plans originally pro- church Inst Sundny to hear llev. it. vlded for the .ower to be put thirty G. Siinuiierllii. He has been hoh'.lng two feet underground ono plnco nnd jneetlngB there for some time. The n-u--n-n-a-n-a-a--M--- n-a----n-n a-a-tt---a-tt M I C4RNIVAL REALTY SNAPS that later this' was reduced to nbout twenty feet. No plnns or pvolllo of the sewer are on Illo with tho Heoor dor, so this could not be looked Into. imiotlngs clojod Sunday evening with quite a number of conversions. Thee from this vicinity took their dinner with thorn, nnd In the afternoon went .: i a i a i a a i a i a i ! (Yrner In Sengstncken's Addition, S-JxlOO 9 iJT.I.Ot) Comer In Sengstncken's Addition, 110x100 (150.0(1 ru feet of cholco wntcr front in Marshfleld, for 10,500.00 New niodorn bungalow In South Mnrshlleld !i,0()0.oo Choice corner In Chandler Hotel block , n.730.00 10 Jots in East Mnrshlleld, for tioo.00 Full block In Enstslde, with commanding bay view; easy tPrn'8 r. . . " l.ooo.oo l).!lncs cornor on Commercial and Cth; 100x100; big vnluo .' 2,200.00 Lots on Second street; cloeo in; ench 300.00 Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. General Agents E.STSUE . Honry Sengstacken, Manager. Street wild ho opposed changing up ns far ns Mr. Newton's placo to tho newer from the alley to the street boon un .In the future It would mean Clareueo Miller vs. Union Fishorle twirlng up the paving, etc. Council. Company. .1. N. True vs. .1. 8. Lyons. Chos Hrnvn v. .lesnemlno llrnvo. Krud Hldltu vs. Louis Tnggtirt. M. 11. True Mini Fred L. Drohervs. Mary A. Hume. Culeuinn Cooley vs. DnvliI Crosby and Emma Crosby. Herbert lluiuo vs. Clyde Clutvo, man Powers said this would net be as exponslvo ns It would be to dig ovei i wont) teet for each eonuectlon to rtho kowor. Counellmau llennosfc'ey wanted to the bapth.lng. There were live or six ppoplo bnptlzod In tho river and three were sprinkled. They nil Joined the I'nlted Hrethren Church. I'NION MEETING Thursday eve ning In tho Christian Church. A gen ernl enmmltlee luentlnir nflut- i.nn. know what was necessary to change KOiUt ,.y0 . camliis noxt Sunday. .me w, i link uu rii uuKiuetT wimiiii not have to much power. lo snld he was got 1 1 ii tired of (he mistakes oi Clayton Mark s. I'aeltlo llrdwro UILIj I'KT coon. In getting these oranges buck Into California. They nro not so partlou- cmnv "" ""'fl"" "in uii I.Mu.,,,.,1 IK.tnrsn,, va V, h..iH a.. l.... .i.a.. I. . i ........ ...v...... . . ..... Hfii fi.uir, uui nilt'll 11 I'OIIU I ctiullng bad fruit Into the State limy ro eloso In the inspection. Theo ranges and lonions wero each tied p nicely In pnpor and thoro woro lonty of plcturos nnd lnlels on the jnxes, but tho fruit is badly infested Ith San Joso dUeaso whloh or If It over getB a rooting i. . nnd luuiiuey woodruff v. itim miviii...... ..,.,i ii,,i i,.. ,.,,, ...i .... -- '-",.... '..n.v ,ll, ...... IIV IMIIMUll I'll. I'neltle City Improvement Couipwuy. t that they could Imve eonlldeuce in CouuciliiiHii Albrocht wild that lu thought tho council ought to devo tuoi'tf attention to the projects in the onrly stages and see that they wen. all right. He said he did not think the engineer's olllco was too expen- F0U THE Ql'EKX OF THE HAY, IE KSTSI OK. I,)oii In coming Siindjiy, ug. 2S(h, ----------- .-4-- I n i V I a i n i u 0 I a t v M. I r i it i K t tz I n: i tn Have that Roof Fixed N0KT" coos ,UVKK iai.u , lJ0AT SKIIVIC1.. 1NOW See CORTHELL PHONK 100-U ' Steamer Alert leaves MnrshneliS dally nt 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. K turnlng arrives In Marshfleld nboir 10 A. M. and ft P. M. Alert gives special Sunday service, leavlne Mnrshlleld nt 8 A. M. Lnunch MllJIcomn leaves Allegany Se u (or Investmentfi on Cooa a ,. ... .' m. -" W..MW 'll.V J HOME LAND Co be our price. "'..lie H 2t Fiimr St. Lake. lert and MUllcoma nre both opoit for charter on few days' notice. CAPT. H. E. EDWARDS. i'tini Hall mill Ftvil .While Ilao IX citing limit lug Kterlemv. Tho hunting spirit In West Marsh- two per cent slvo considering the amount of work underway as It was costing only nbout Bcnle nnd that Is fluhl w"8 tho c,lU8 "f tho ,u,,uh nt Ul oshieor was not prosont s wo do 'not want here Mr. Jl,1" J(,sl,)hsoii's pet coon. Tho council could hear his side o otH u footing It will omm K0t aw?y fl0m ho,uo nn'1 camo ''h-versy. He said that honce Ho said ho was sorr.v I so the t the, ceforth BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES T THE WllliVl' .M.Hlvin (Uy Associated Press.) bke thousands of dollars to got rid " ko of Tom Hall's hunt- the onglueor should bo required to! Lf Jt." Iiik, hor. Mr. Hall went ti look for placo plans and protlles on tile Willi ' jus uog ami roiiiiu tnat tlio dog Had u tho ltecordor so that tho council I ,00011 treed. Fred Nolnio camo along would not be altogether In the dark ; about that tlmo. Fred has Just re- As to paying more attention to t!i j turned from Curry county whero ho work. Mr itdnnnum' ..i.i i... .u..,, i CHICAGO, August 2-1 Tho wheat wns hunting .deer with some other hnv tim ttm ...t iii.i,.-. i.ii, .,. ! Market closed to-day as follows: Sop- young men and his keen snortsnnm r.i .,r !,. nniin,A.. i ' ember. lc; Decembeiv 102 & 8rU llM )Wu Hharpeuod. A coon Inj Hugh McLaln said that whllo lu i VJl, .Mil)'. lOMdC. a 1 100 Was too nilinli for htm inn! lin.iH.I ... .... .. ..... ...i...,.i i.. .1. llMjrm Xr ... ... l ..! . ,"." .".i "Hill III 8UI tlll.M-ll.lU IUV I1IUI- 10UTLAND. Auguit -M. Whoat got his gun and tired two shots, Tho t,r. h thnnht i,,, ,.,....i. f.n.. ' klUhaUged. COOIl onilin down iloiul nml ilium inmii. l.,,.i 1... .....v..., 1. ! .1 COMA. Aiigimt 21. boat (nation it wns found to bo Mrs. Jo- an.i th.r i. ti,.ivi. i..i. ci.i. -..,.i ! llofoJ to-day ns follows: lllucstem. sonhsonV not. jiv., .,,,1 (.i, ... ...n , ..i lr.. n-. .-i.. 1. io..sn. " " -.. .injiioi mv iuihut . ...V, .'ll, V IUU, OJlHUli, . nmlnnl.l.. II. -..I.I .1.-1 ... .-- I v.. mi j. tit, Bum nun eunii.' ui me Phuno I. S. Kaufman & Co. vour uemiin ivnm iiii.,nt.iiii. tn n,.i..i.. 1,1.. Peud THE WKKKM' TlMIN M ;oa Order. 9I..10 VKU TON. .from coin, nhoa.i wit, m" Zl ,' 3Ur FUIENDS back EAST; fl.50 , caiwo ,ho onglncvr hm, ohanM. tfce r yeaf- . Iyi Is coining Sunday. Aug. "JSth. 'flush tank on he end of th civa- .. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF HELIAHLE BUSINESS HOUSES AND IJUSINESS MEV IV M.UIS11FIKM1 WHO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAN HE GUARANTEE!) v 57in PRICFS OR MEN WHOSE WORK MAY DE DEPENDED UI'OV it unr n.v ".. A1R PRICES OK r-nwi rTi - -,, ---13 . .. T PATU0X1ZE TnE! Miiw wwubbw Ba mtaa Mother, Restaurant is better prepared to servo you than iu-r bete re. CouiiiU'i'cliil AC.f bet. Front and ItroailM ny, Marlitleld. Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heating M MarshllMd, Ore., Phone 77 get Yon, jou p::ixt:x DOXE AT IDE TIMES OFFICE, letter H ads IliU Head, Envc lopis, CalliuK Cnids, t.tc. FOh GOOD PHOTOS go to STADDX Rogers IlulldlnK Droadwa,- nnd Central Avenue. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. I.. KOONTZ Mnchine nnd Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gils Engine Work At Holland's boat shop. Front street, Marshfleld, Ore. " ' "" "- - . .wivt VUV" mi