WPP jw "Tr ' 'Wr CflflB Sltma ADS. NEWS ,SB8' "i. GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS JAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TERSELY 1 OLD : :: t : I,t. THAT IT a " "- ten IJY SDW10" " ..ni-sES h IVA " : MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1878 an Tlio Coast Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 33. IfiOlH. BHTERS IN HO DANGER III DESPERATE DUEL IS FOUGHT BATTLE WITH Wf tow ARE FIRE BAD IN flies! iPP FOREST i II 0 GDUNTY BY PROMINENT CALIFORNIA MEN h '1 Ms ally the Work of Man Is vercomfng Fire and Wind. o III LIST WILL BEACH ONE HUNDRED. AH of Missing Rangers loughl to Be Lost Are Saved. ((Br Aiioclatcd Pre".) Small Fires Between Vancou ver and Stevenson, Wash., Fanned to Fury. (By Associated Press.) VANCOUVER, Wash., August 21. A K.-ilo .that sprang up about 2 IKANE, Vnli., August 21. o'clock tills niuriihiR linn fanned tlio j banners of forest flres con- im,ltlljI(lo of Urutsh and lnclplont tlm L advance through the nioun- ,)0l. ltfg i,utwoon Iu;ro ftm gt0voiiBon (Idaho and Montana, but moro lt() ft flryi UonoitlJ rocoVOd at noon I lad It Uhclleved the strategy jl0.tIll). mIc(0 tho damage to saw- , blb ha trliimphod over tlio ... ..,..,..,.. ,.im. ,,. .. jioo.ooo. (; flames mid wind, in Mon-1 . .,-.- m,l0r can. Inlo has fallen ami more , , tofmorc. in Idnlio tlio nopeu "u - . . n. . L,, not materialised, but tho run us much or more tlinn hair r iid ranches are out of danger, "'Minn dollars. Three iilnran nr llirimii'iu'U, ilium, muni num uuu Mill Plain. The most serious 11 ro Is one raging" at Larch Mountnln, near CnmiiH, This Ik tmld to have u I ready tt aeiii to-day camo from Suiiil coiihuiiioi! vnlua.blo standing timber I ' ' ....1 ...... ...111.. MM... ...I...I ...,.,.... I U.K. Idaho, to tlio effect tltnt tnu """ l"" """D- "" """ t the upper end of Tend d'Ore- '" iu mu .mmi mm .u m,n mu iwnilK. Klro on Indei.on- Mc wns loss than nix miles from rrv u nnnranclilne Athol. Camas nml rapidly approaching. Over li now threatened from two ill- lwo hundred men aro fighting. Ilnck tw I. nli a nrainoctlvo ot lo ,,or" uiur nnoinor nro in Iflarki nf l.eon In the moun- tll3 "InndlnB timber. Still another Ih nirHi nnncnr iinim !,, boon threatening Sunnysldo, a sottlemont it since Saturday with a small fo!" "'" fro, Wnshougnl. In tho Imen. Thry were wVklng on neighborhood of Yncoll llro Is In tho Ij Fork of Coeiird'Alono River. Wcycrhnmor timber, and In tho vl- Cablnct, two llro fighters wore clnlty of Mill Plain thero Is a big flro to death nnd one nt Tuscan wmc" " monncmK mo House- ihi miui. k Four neRro soldiers nro still Plrlo. Tho smoko Is bo denso In it. md two Jnnniioao who nr- Vancouver it is necessary io ubo uru- I at Avery this morning report '1c'n' "ght. I their comradcH perished. "" Damage So Far Estimated to Be $50,000 and Blaze Spreading. Regarding tho flro In tho Umpqua forest, tho Itoroburg Review snyB! To-dayB report Bnys thnt n forco of ono hundred or moro men Is now battling with the big lire In tho Ump qua Nntlonal Forest above Tiller. Of that number, about fifty aro volun teers sent from this city by tho local forestry bureau: tho remainder In .mado up of settlers In that region and county bridge building nnd rond re pair crews, who were requested by County Judge Wonacott to loud all 'assistance possible toward combntlng tho droit. , W. C. Jackson, the forost rnngor of tho Tiller district, who wns In town Sunday, said tho lire-swept district covers twentv-llvo miunro nillos nt tho - -- , lonst calculation nnd ho estimated tho ' no time (laniago nt $no,uuu. Small Fires in Different Dis tricts Being Watched By Fire Fighters. Small forest fires nro reported from different parts ot tho county, but it Is not believed thnt nny arc so far dan gcrous. It was said to-day that thoro wna a lire at Danlols Creek, ono nt Smith Bnsln nnd nnothor between Coqulllo nnd MnrBhflold. Thero Is also known to bo a flro on tho north fork of (ho Coqulllo River. Mr. V.nughan, of tho Vaughnn &. Daniels' Loglng Camp, reports n COUNCIL RAS HOT DERATES Street Improvements, Sewage System and Engineer's Work Are Discussed. Tho Donnelly nvcniio Improvement, tho West Mnrshflold sewngo system, il... ll .. la..nul ataa1 n .1 mtlllltin I rather heavy flro In tho timber of Jns. other municipal matters last night Kerrey on tho north branch of tho furnished tho subjects for sonio of Cdqulllo. This Is nn especially lino; tho most animated discussions tho . ... .,...,,. ,... ,, .. city council has had In n long time. ' For a llttlo while, It looked as though refused an offor of ?120,000 f3r t at T(jm C(j.AQ n(l n T Strcol mlght cnr. ry n ratner uittor oxennngo 01 ruimi- Citizens of King City Shoot at Each Other With Fatal Results. ONE KILLED AND THREE ARE WOUNDED.. Frederick W. Becker and F. Tognazzini Are Principals in Fight. (By Aasocintcd Press.) GREENFIELD, Cftl., AugliBt 24. During a despernte duel last night In which Frederick W. Docker and F. Tognnzzlnl, both prominent and well to do citizens of King City, woro tho principals, and a shotgun and a rlflo woro the weapons, Iloekor wns klllou M human life no longer thront Ihellrc fighters are able to mnko rcctlr upon tho forest conlln- -i thrmiolvcs. Tho most un- ii'-. :ry a miner umor oxciiiihku u mu- ... ... . , ... ... . ,,,-,,,..-. A..Mi- !.; ...... ,,,. .n... ,.hn. i,ntnil Mrs. Becker and her father, W. Tho flro front, he said. Is over Hvo .. '"" w" " "' '"v TWB ! "' ,T ' .Z' , "- . nP..; Fowler, woro wounded. The trngo- ...li.M ),!.. ...,.i nvf...i. i..nk a iiho ,tJ tniIB cvor ,non8mo lo ,re' '"'" .""..': . " "' , "Z "." ...ta,ily occurred In n shack In which Tog- dlstnnce, rendering work of flro fight ers dltllcul:. To mnko tho situation moro forlous n stiff breozo blew yes terday and tho air was literally filled with smouldering twigs and branches, which In tiomo Instances were carried for sovornl hundred ynrds. The flro, which prior to Inst night was confined to tho I'mpqun reserve, hna spread upon private holdings nnd consteruntlon prevails among tho Bot tlers In tho threatened districts. A pnrty of hunters arriving- lioro S 01 W1U tuumai. . n .. . ... .. .. , .., ..... ..-. Bldotrackod thoin. For a row nunuioB -,, ., . ,. being sent out to different localities " ookd " J0"8 lu In or "d nsleep. Becker Immediately bo te keop down tho siiial. tiros and pre- " ! lt, rm" CnB,nCr' . shooting the flr0 being quickly , m, 1,. i i- a n. in returned by Tognnzfclnl. Many BhotB vent tholr spread. Thoro npponrn. bo Things Btnrted w Hon 1-. J S. Do, ,, In Wflro oxcnnnROlI tll0 8hncls boln8 com.. far to bo no danger In this county. behalf ot tho property owners In Don-1 . T nnsxn t,10 only Heavy Smoke. "' """ prosonted a o" , q mt boon There , a heavy smoko Burround- rrrgiu Ir'eguS !,r rro.t.d nnd charged with murder, lug tho city to-day, and as tho north. dovntoI1B , tho ,nlI,r0vomcnt of thnt j wet wind wns very hot some think- )iorouKlifaro o Ba(, uvt t,10!, TO BOMB.OOO.ooo. that It Ih blowing from some big for- Btrcut hn(1 )u)t J)pen RrI,01 f cnn,,.,,!,, i.,.KNintuiv Pnmi-es For oat flro far distant. I . .... ... . .,.i ri. ' ,i,,. in,, i.'ttwiviiimi. At lln ndoii the smoko In tho city width along tho Merchant nnd Wnl the BIk Exposition. A pnrty of hunters arriving- horoj At Unnilon tlio bihoko in mo city tor,8 .)rol,orty tlmt BOino 0f tho lum- (By Assoclntod Prws.) this morning from Diamond Luke, In, wns thick to-day and camo from flros b(jr wng not u Q w 8)(lcjnoj Bjzo, I SACRAMENTO, Cnl., August 24 tho oxtromo eastern pnrt or uougias in tno vicinity. Umi Qa hQ top of tho hin tj10 Brn,i0 Governor Glllotto yestordny callod nn county, roport thnt a timbered nroa Tho Smith-Powors Logging Com- ,in(1 bcon cut t00 ,,,1,, nnd tho plank- extra aesslon of tho Legislature for Bald to bo about forty miles long In jinny hna ono hundred mon nt work md (o b(j b,ocUe(1 ,, nn,i Uint September Gth for tho purposo of thnt region hns been burned. Super-' lighting flres In nddltlon to thoso Bont twonty.ponny instead of thirty-penny raising G,000,000 by bonding tho it dam u n iinKinnni rr f nn mnnim it iiv thA nuaAtinrinn. i ... . ! .. m... . ... ... - ... i . WASHINGTON SAFE. (Cr Associated Press.) p)KANK, Wash., August 24. fujton may lo taken from tho I Jre-affllcted States. Clayton la iialio It Newport where yester- i cre burned to death. Vnrl 'thcr imall towns which havo threatened, aro out of danger. la the Colvlllo reservation aro cr Importance. TWKNTV BODIES. (Ur Auoclated Prea?.) ERY, Idaho, August 24. Tho E IS ill IN E Xatlonnl Forest, Is In thnt locality. GETS DIVORCE. (By ARSoelated Proas.) KANSAS CITY, August 24. Ton minutes after sho took tho stnud, Mrs. Jnck Cudnhy wns granted n di vorce from J. P. Cudnhy. Papers In tho enso were filed yestorday, Incom patibility of temper being alleged. Mrs. Cudnhy was given $1 ullmony. Flro In Curry. 'nnllB hnd been used In putting down Stnto for tho bonoflt of tho Pnnnma- Thoro Is n lind blazo botweon Lang- . . . . n . . . n ,,, allI1, . rogB ,i01JKnn(UH Frnnclsco as tho lols and Port Orford. Tho atago com- ..' na ,,,, .,, lirnn0rtv owners oxDOsltlon city. lug up to Bnndon hnd to go out of . , . , ., , l. . ....... 1 u .1 h.1 .!! 1 .it Ili. nAlno II1U llnlllU rUilU lllltl UlfSUt ui iiiu Jiwivo For a Time Ladd Residence Threatened By Fire in the Timber. 'Flro In tho woods nsar Klttyvllle, tho Eugsno O'Connoll resldonce, looked bad for n time yesterday and BAD FIRE NEAR EMPIRE foilenty employes of the for-:, irt h..i,. i im tnnniitv woro nc icre found within a radius nto oxci(0lj. Tho Lndd residonco t BllO CIl Setsnr PraoV vodlnr. ! ... . . .. . i. ....... -- yestor-i v.-n in n,n wort iinnuor. It wns re- fra icarchlns party headed by nortod ti,nt ti,0 h0U80 ina been burn ed, but thnt wns a mistake. No dam ago was dono to any of tho resi dences. Thoro Is n gulch between tho flro nnd tho Lndd house, so there Is nqt much dangor of tho flro spread ing to tho houso; but for a tlmo yes- . 1... .i. . ..!. .i.ka flulnff nn,l p Shtrlft Sullivan nnd"- Bns- "l tared other bodies will bo -n the Marches aro corn- Timber in Neighborhood of Old Cemetery Burning and Many Out Fighting It. This afternoon It Js reportod that tolophouo company woro paying for. HiiRh McLaln, who haa tho con tract for tho work, was Immediately nn iii foot nml dcclnred Dow was of tho burned. Bail Flro nt Pulrvlew. A bad flro Is reported nt nairviow. m,8tnlon, IIo BnIll tlMlt on tho hill A iiarty of mon has been senf thoro ... ....,.... wero llt to light It. (, ... lin,i j.ir.i nion to wheel In dirt nnd All In tho Btreot properly. Ho said thnt the chango to twonty-punny nnlla had been nindo bocnuso ft was found tho. thirty-penny nnlls woro too long and would split tho lumbor. IIo enld that tho work was A-Number-1 nnd that It looked to him ns though Dow wns taking a Jolt nt tho' con tractor. Walter Condron, who did tho grndlng, snld that along tho Wil-j SPEEDY BOYS MUS I CUT IT COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES HOW TIIEV STAND. Won. Lost. I,-'U ...nnnrii' n Hiiln llrt. hnd been City Council Plans tO Put an loft at tho request of Dick Walter to protect tho hedgo nnd nlso nlong the End tO Scorching On Our Morchnnt property. IIo said tho city onglueor had agreed to this on condl- ailUUlb. Portland 70 08 Oakland 77 05 j San Francisco.. 7 (5 C7 Vernon 71 .70 Los Angeles. v.72 73 Sacramento . . .52 84 P. C. .547 .542 .532 .503 .497 .382 Tho Mnrshflold city council Js plnn- tlon thnt tho ownora would romovo It nt their own oxuonso If nt nny tlmo thero is n bad flro In tho timber near ,g to'put down tho Iron bee, of tho H wfo, u,d . : , -dirt .hould 0XK l'NI)Hi:D l)E.j). ' 'By Aiaoclatcd Prna. OKAVp w u leniay mo bihuub cm 'h " '. "n,h''Aleust 24, - wn8 nocesanry to carry water to sava .-uureupcreoniiiroliiiown tye Utuhl hous0 from catching. Peo- "' Prlihf ll In !,- l.li. n W.. .... ... i. ..., tuv iuuuu iiiv, (j,j0 0f t,0 ncigiinoruoou lougui mu several government crows nro all dav vostorday. Tho flro Is In tho woods nlong tho county rond botweon tho rqnd an1 th0 bny. Yostordny morning ther was but a llttlo blnzo, nnd In n short tlmo vtho wind fanned It Into a fierce. flro. Tho tlmbor wna dry and tn? flames reached tho tops of tho trees and mado conditions look rathor alarming for a time. Tho danger to tho" residences In that locality, how- t'vor. Is now passed. , , , tho old cemetery Just north of Em- jnw good and hard on tho auto plro. All of the mon In Empire nro scorchers nnd Joy riders, who ac- out fighting tho flro. An effort Is bQ.COrijjng to stories told at last nlght'B -- n-'v.Miuuu vidua ""counted for, but they nro "wiencea men and Jlttle fear ?reeJ as to tlulr safety, ' Hi, itnpoiiTKii. B.v Aisoclated Press.) "JACE, Idaho, August 24. ' ..uajent rorn.fn i . Rhrrd'c:tiios---iSor - iv ua tare. ' - IRU' IS SENT. liJUI'lHlbtl 1.1 . . 1 ihiv: . """-' - :P(rr::'AUBl,st-4 Fi"y let v. ' u, Ogden- forest ito, ""' eraered to MIs , WpB AT ASM LAND. inis i...". ... ,v .-iVi word From E. , T,'at nt SeforeitV . receivea wril hS '"Artlapdre KjfiJr? threatened the water lng mndo to get moro men to help. Tho flro Is so near to Empire that somo of tho residents fear for tho safety of tho city, while otherB bo llovo that thoro Is no danger. Tho flro Is In the plno along tho county road and It is Impossible to rench Empire over tho w-agon road. LEAVES FOR WEST;, removed. Mr. McLnln furthor said that his contract waB on tho unit sya. tern, thnt Is, ho would recelvo bo much nor ynrd for tho dirt moved, so sebslon, nro making llfo miserable for much per lineal feet for tho curbing, the pleblnna who havo to go afoot or!- -nuch for tho planking and aide- In tho old-fashioned horso and car-;for nnythlnR ,10 m not i0. ' rlago. Besides this, tho council pro- b ., ,,,m,i Mini lm llil not i' . a. wun uwihivm ...- ..- ----- -- - poses to put an ond to youngsters . t0 refloct on tho (By Aaiociatcd Press.) PORTLAND, Oro., August 24. Portland won from San Francisco yostordny and 18 keeping up her standing. Tho scores of yestorday'B gnrnes follow: AT PORTLAND R. Portland San Francisco 1 AT OAKLAND R. Oakland .' . . 1 ' , " V ",enn ,n nny wny l0 re"" "" ' "in. Ancolea 0 staling free rides on the autos. !contrctor except that he did think ,L! 'KonC R Last night, no definite action was thj wQrk fln tba ,,, wnor9 tM0 pInnk. I ATJ LRNON- H. taken, but many complaints woro reg- ( mocked up Instead of being ! ernon ' " ,. i t.. i. .ioD ,.ininin,r ' l"h WUH ""..'.' , Sacramento 4 istered against tho nutolsts violating ... ,,, .,,, , ,11,, nnt ionic trood ,. x, . ,IUIU uu till! ",' .. " thospeed ordinanco. Councllmon Nol-ltQ hm noW0vor, ho said that ho son, Albrecht, Powors nnd otbors wnntod to )U0W how so mnny dovia told of various ones hitting up tho'Uon8 cou,(1 bo mn(o from Ul0 contrnct II. 13 3 II. 5 3 II. I 8 FIRE IX. MONTANA. nir Associated Press V BUTTE, Mont., August 24. Flro of unknown origin did $30,000 dam age In beej- Lodgo and for a time created Intense excitement here be cause of the report that the entire town wna bur$ljj$y0W8 that tho Are Was undor control arrived Just in tlmo to prevent the flro department here leaving for Deer Lodge. iFn.w..t-.i nt ITtli-ii nml Will Denart To-Night. .Ulgli places, anil tiugn .Mci.nin uuu nnd BpecIflcntion8 on a Job. IIo ninln- f By Associated Pr. E. F. Morrlssoy told of narrow , tJ)0 cont;nct wnB for a lump UTICA, N. Y August 24. Col. escapes they recently had. .' c,ty Rec0rdor Butler secured tho contract nnd It was for a lump sum providing the plana and speclfl- IIS SMITH Roosevelt spent the day with Ills Councilman Powora suggested that brother-in-law; Douglas Robinson. Ho tho Recorder fine each violator $25 e and fa under control late that unless Incendlar- SMOKE IN PORTLAND. leased . "mess mcendlar- faE l ou,brenk. thero was , (Sneclal to The Times.) hltnd r" H,s old-home Is PORTLAND, Ore, August 24. jtft!je' I a number of rela- Smoke from forest flres Is "denso In teed ' " ho was more or less Ithe city to-day. Ashes are falling and L .. " Ine TCnn.l. ,. I ., ... l y,a V',U1 emanating nro bo thlcK tnat tney uiu ju i. open windows. i kaves'for the West to-night. NEW PLAYERS FOR BAND. Two Good Miiblcluns Aililed to the Organization. ! The Coos Bay band has acquired two now players. They are both flrst class musicians and will bo Impor tant additions to tho organization. One is Edward Busby, who with his ;wlfe baa come hero to locate, Mr. Busby Is a saxojihone player. Tho other now player Is Thomas Batchol der, who comes from California and with his son will reside hero. He is a J trombone player. Tho niembera of the band say they are particularly fortunate in securing tho two new j musicians' for the band. for tho offenso and glvo ono-liair ' ton8 wer0 carried out. Tho nm" tho fine to the party filing tho Infor- ' rg of tb(J counclj expinjned that I mntlnn TI on 11 lm linronnnllv Wftllld I ..... x l 11 ... llitlkiwti u k iiw jiv- w .... give $10 to havo n certain "Beau Brummel scorcher" flned. Marshal Carter will probably keep a llttlo closer watch 'on tho scorchors and Invite somo of them to visit tho Recorder In the near future If thoy persist in trying to smash Barney Oldfleld'a record. Ho will also mako It merry for boys caught riding on tho rear of autos. Frost To-Day. Postmaster Curtis In settling with tho contractors it was tho policy to deduct for nny work not done, regardless of the Btnted sum. In this connection, Hugh McLnln snld he wanted It understood thnt he was doing only flrBt-class work thero. IIo said that while It would be easier for him to finish tho planking now. but In order to Insure a bettor street for tho peopjo. ho wns going to leave part of It on the big fill until spring so it would settle thoroughly uorore Frost To-Day.-1'ostmas.er 'puttln6 tho planking on. la authority for the statement that.' MllDlllflelll St.Mel. the first frost of the year Recurred to-1 evening, th IS TREJICTOR Wins in the Political Race Against Governor Brown in Georgia. ' (By Associated PrnsfO ATLANTA, Ga., August 24. Gov ernor Brown's malingers conceded Hoko Smith's election. Smith has 15 or 20 votes In tho convention moro than tho necossary 185 votes. Lator In the evening, tho West day and it was quite heavy. The Mar'BnfleW Mwag0 ByBtem brought on heat later In the day dldinot cau8e( hira to waver in nis asserium, J .,...i .lit!.' ijfesltl'l I III Ijyutm. Jtltt.Jklh,a - U.J1.U- (CcctlnueS pn page 4.) Lyon Is coming Sunday, Aug. 28th. CALLIXO CARDS printed at THE TIMES ofllco. IJJNhjil lr ,.d iMttir. jjj. ,J. - 1 A. 1 '. I -J- M 3. A' VJ m ijLu.