THCOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEL.D, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1910 EVENING EDITION. ........ I Have a Millicomaj r X I I m i SfS ill)" THE BEST $3 Hat IN AMERICA Fall Styles Now Showing The WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon iMMAtoftMMfifttt. 3 t. to . i ; always at moderate prices. A complete line of every thing to be found in a first class Drug Store. LOCKHAkT - PARSONS DRUG CO. .--'VSEhe Busy Corner" Phone 298 Uss -n-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-n -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a i f j Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAIILO AND JOSSON CEMENT Tho bott Domostlc and Importod brands. Plaster, LImo, Drlck, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN T GENERAL CONTRACTOR 810 SOUTH BROADWAY MIONE 201 yp--i-jA"-a& i" Till waFlsKi ffimuasi : 'lOUR MILUS COi flour The Poor Old Oven Is often blamed whon tho real trouble llos In tho brand of Hour used in making tho bread, biscuits and pastry. Wo havo found thnt our Snow Drift Flour, m'ado from solected North wostorn grown Bluo Stem Wheat meets with tho approval of most housewives, pt course, our process of milling has a lot to do with It. Suow Drift Isn't a bleached flour that's, an advantage. It proves In tho baking. H. W. PAINTER Aguut, Marnhlleltl, Oregon. -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- -a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- Laundry? Cleaning ? Pyeing? Pressing? THE VERY REST. ROTH DRY A.VD STEAM. REST IMPORTER AXI DOMES. TIC DYES. RY A SPECIALIST, AXD IX A HURRY, TOO, IF YOU WANT IT. Coos Bay Steam Laundry ijpioneer hardwares .V . .1 11(1 l.V... Clmn a a t a a a a i a t a a a a i a a a a i a a t a FOR SALE. Good second hand sad dle. Call 215 S. Broadway. FOUND. Puroo containing money nt Skating Itink Saturday night. Own er can securo same by cnlllng nt Tho Doll Cord Saloon, proving property and paying for this notice. FOR SALE. Team, Imck and liar ncss; snap at $150. North Demi Mercantllo Company. FOR RENT. Two ilennt front rooms. 252 S. Broadway. WANTED. A good canvasser, Intly preferred, to take agency for this section of Oregon; can easily make $5.00 per day. Address Opportun ity, caro Times. C00S BAY TIDES. AUGUST High water A. M. Date. Tuesday. Wcd'd'y. Thursday Friday... Saturday SUNDAY h. m. 1:35 2:25 3:17 4:17 5:24 7:11 8.G 8.1 7.5 0.7 0.0 5.0 P. M. b.m. "2:19 ,2:57 3:37 4:23 5:17 0:24 ft. "S.G S.G S.G 8.5 8.3 S.2 AUGUST Low water Date. Tuesday.. 23 Wedd'y. 24 Thursday 25 (Friday,.. 2G .Saturday 27 10:54 SUNDAY 2S4 0:33 A. M. h. in. 7:55 8:32 9:14 10:01 LOST. Aimtliy.Ht stick pin nt Imlt grounds, Sunday; valued highly 'as' present. Finder return to Ilbmor Mauzcy, Mnrshflcld Laundry, and receive reward. TT P. M. h. m. ! ft. 0.2 0.9 l.G 2.4 3.21 0.812:0G 8:21 9:09 10:08 11:14 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.9 3.9 RE LOST. Snuill purse, on Broadway between Anderson and Central, containing bill nnd small change. Return to Times olllco for rownrd. Fit For a Coos Bay Nabob Block 17, Boulovard Park, con tnlnlng 10 city lots, frontage for all, $3,200, terms; no commissions; 10 per cent ndded tho first of overy year until sold. Address OWNER, 17 Moss ave., Oakland, Calif. WANTED. Good milch cow, Jersey proferrcd. L. J, Simpson, North Bend, Oro. FOR BALE. Boat honso for twenty fivo or thirty-foot boat. I. S. Kauf man & Co. WANTED. Evnorlcvicrd. conl inlnmi and timbormon. Apply Bcavor Kill Coal Co. FARMS FOR SALE. Tructi from Ave acroH to llfteon hundred acres, Improved nnd unimproved. Prim from $600 to $25,000, according to location and improvements. Al so cholco city property. Apply Hall & Hnll, Marshfield. FOR SALE. Farming, fruit nnd tim ber land. Inqulro of C. W. Sauford, Marshfield, Oregon. USE THE TIMES' WAXT ADS. Rich, Sweet CREAM OURS IS THE CREAM OF QUAL. 1TY. PURE, FRESH, RICH AND SWEET. No hulf-way measures wltjt us. Wo appreclato and endeavor to ploaso our customers in overy way. Phono us to dollvor your cream. Any quantity from half pints up. TWO STORES C;10 Front St 140 Central Avo DAMASCUS CUTLERY Wo nro now offering our splendid lino of Damascus Cutlery. Steel blades of the finest temper, that wllrput tho user In a good temper. Jnck-Knlves, Pocket-Knlves, Pen-Knives, Carving Knives and Forks, all warranted of tho best materials, best handlesand with edges that aro keen, and will keep keen for a long time. Shears and Solssors of varied sizes for vari ous purposes. Naturally all aro of fered at "cut rates." THE WEATHER. , (By Associated Press.) OREGON -r. Fair to-night; Wednesday fair, warmer, oxcopt near coast, s . LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. : For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 P. M., Aug. 22, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo tcorologlcal observer: Maximum GO Minimum 44 At 4.43 P. M 03 Precipitation Nono Wind, Northwest; Clear. the Sand Hills for nn old fashioned of the dlnnors servod Friday nnd Sat corn roast. All tho members and urday. As yet, thoy do not know cx frlends nie cordially Invited. They nctly how much It will be but it will will meet at tho Flyer dock at 7.30. be a considerable sum to go towards j the paying for the paving around tho church. At ono meal they served, nearly two hundred people, Hounrtt Here. Tho tug llobnrts from the SltiBlaw Is hero to-day and took supplies to Florence. Plant Sails To-Dny.-M. F. Plant sailed nt 3 from San Francisco for Coos Bay. Lots of Carpenters'. "I didn't Thosteainer know thcro wero 8Q nmny car,,entor, I . M. to-day ,n tho country untll j rnn a want ad In Tho 'limes," remarked Contractor i. ,r v.i. m, ,. , , I K' a I'erhnm Inst night as ho ordered Council To-Mght rho Mnrsnueld ,,,, nd lMsconUmiod. "I ran all over city council will meet this evening to L,,,, cmn( nnd lnquIred of oVorybodr take, up various matters, Including nm, cou,dn.t nm, carpontcr8 and thoa the West Mnrshflcld sewage system I . tbongh.m , would try a want niL lUUJlll. I Within n rnntiln nt .Invo T hn.1 mnra onrnontnrA thnn t rnulil iisn." uiiuitkiivs vpcnuiou. ino young son of .Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Snndbcrg of West Mnrshflold Is getting along nicely following nn operation fori throat troublo Sunday. NORTH BEND NEWS RORX. RIEIIE. On Sunday, August 21, to Georgo Smith of Daniels Creek vis. 1 ited frlendB In North Bend. Knstsidp Sunday School Picnic. Mrs. E. E. Hayes and daughter Tho Eaatsldo Sunday School will hold wero visitors to Marshflold Saturday, its picnic Friday, August 20th. All Carl West nnd wlfo of Eastsldo vis Eastslders nro Invited. Bonis leave ited relatives in North Bond Sunday. Smith wharf nt 8.30 A. M. Mrs. E. E. Rlggs and daughter, Goldle Rlggs. visited friends in I After Lumber. Tho steamer Now- Marshflold Saturday, port loft last night for Bnndon and ' Tho Porsbyterlan Ladles' Aid So wlll bring back a load of lumber to cloty will moot next Wednesday aft North Bond. Tho Randolph Lumber crnoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Elmer Company Is furnishing spruce lumber Russell on Union avenue, for tho sash and door factory at North Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd, who have Bend. been In tho city visiting their dnuglw j tor, Mrs. ChnB. Cnvannugh, havo loft I Cnme In Auto. Bud Krlbs, son of for their homo in Toronto, Canada Fred A. Krlbs of Portland, who Is On their wny homo thoy will stop off visiting Georgo D. Mnndlgo nt North nt British Columbia points to visit. Bond, made tho trip from Portland Among tho visitors to MnrBhflold to this city In nn automobllo. Ho was Saturday night was a party composed nccompanled by U. S. Dodgo, a trav- of MlBses Holon Mondo, Pearl Shcar clllng man, who Is hero on business, or, Amy Reynolds, Lillian McCann, They wont out of tho beaten path a Alpha Wlcklund, Vlolot Johnson, llttlo nnd took In somo or tho Inter- Ethel Motzlcr, Edith A. Alger and ostlng partB of tho State. i McsBrs. Marlon Reynolds, Duncan, Hondry, C. II. Wngnor, Archlo Taylor Injures Lojr. John Yoakam, who and William Wood. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank S. Rlobo, a son. lives on tho Mnrshfleld-CoqulMo rond, Mothor and child nro doing well. Is laid up with nn injured leg. Tho othor day ho and his son woro having n llttlo raco on tho road whon they unexpectedly met nnothor horseman whoso stood becamo frlghtoncd nt tho Plan Picnic. Tho Christian En donvor Socloty of tho Christian Church and their frlonda aro plan ning to Bpond nn onjoyablo ovonlng racers nnd Instead of passing-Jumped Wodnosday whon thoy will go to lnt tho rond abend of John Yonkam's j, Mlllor of Albnny, Oroi, tho Grand norso. in tho collision, Mr. Yonknm'B jjKh priest will makp us nn official SPECIAL NOTICE. Thoro will bo a special convocation of Arago Chapter, No. 22, R. A. M., on this Tuesday eve ning. Auk. -23d. Frank Book Bargains leg was qulto badly hurt. Wiih SuccittB-.A' committee meet- Tho success of our special book lng of tho Ladles' Aid Society of the aalo last wcok whoroin wo offered Swodlsh Lutheran Church was -held $1. DO 'copyrighted books for only 50 contH will bo continued this week. Tho following aro a few of tho titles; I wo havo many others: , I The Harrier, Rich Man's Children, Flglitluu Chance, Millionaire Baby, ' Loaded Dice, Old Wives For New, Mayor's Wife, Chip of Flying U, Younger Set, Heart of a Child, ' Rar HO, Dr. Ellen, Richard Carvel, Lure of the Mask, Little Citizens, Call of tho Rl'ood, ! iicu i'ir, rrisonors or uiutnces, Garden of Allah, Tho Christian, Pain, Dlnnn of Doblsous, Pain Derides, Bluhop's Emertilds. 50 rpntQ if last evening to cheek Up tho results visit. Tho presonco of pvory compan ion Is urgently rcquestod, j Tho Indies of tho Eastor,n Star wilt help us to cntortnln. By ordorof.tho High Pricat, C. F. MCKNIGHT. t a i a t a i a t Hoiiho of 11)00 Caudles, I t . ...i.. ........ , a MtiWtJ III (1,17 .11WUI1I, a i a a i '? a ------ a-a-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n-a-a- a Crosby & Homer 144 CENTRAL AVE. THE LLOYD """hfl,'a; w" r" Hotel. All furntture row a a t a i ? a;. a i a a i The Flour of Quality Sperry's Best Drifted Snow YOUR GROCER. HAS IT and clean. Velvet and Axmtnliler rarpeti In everr room, rour itorli ( aoll.l comfort lla'ci reduced to- .Ujr, SOi-,75o and f 1.00, week, jjihiioiw Also a few liouttkeeplng apart. menit with tint runire. 112.00 ier month. Kre imtiit. TkbuM at depot, mm. iiridBei, vrop a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-a-a-a i ! k k k k IT k t I i i SPECIAL 100 Blue Serge Suits Regular $18.00 values This Week Your Choice "V $11.20 Sizes 33 to 44. See Sample in Window 9 Money Talks rfu Hi sy ? M il sJt Jf-M r.r yf tf""' wm vMXmavjJh &a BANDON a F. E. HAGUE, President. M D. SUMNER, Vlcb-Presldent. -8 a-y-a-a--a-a-a-a-- a -n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a PHONE 57J. J. E. LYONS, Manager, a.10 Front Street. MARSHFIELD