Mi'WHwpfw ww" """'nfmnfpt 'wwwmmwrmmww tmrnmmm rimmiQMfww fflflOS afctt? ADS. NEWS ,,rv UUSINKSS 18 SLOW, Al " THAT IT PAYS IS BVI- VE Ini nv successful nusi. D5l. ntlSBS EVERYWHERE :: GET IT WHILE IT IS NBW SX READING THE COOS BAY TIMH6. ALL THE NEWS AIAi TUB TIMH TERSELY 10LR t: :: :: :T t: MD1BER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS j.JS3 ,.w Established la 1878 as TIio Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mul Coos liny Advertiser. XXXHI. No. 31. o&- ST FIRES CAUSE DEATH AND DEVASTATION I TWENTY MILES WIDE IS T VALLEY SWEEPING BITTER 10 fSfSSSSKf MANY DEAD, BUNDED, MISSING AND INJURED, Fire Is the Worst Ever Known in the History of Idaho. IVm-t MtvN mv sweeping ilHTeii-nt districts of Idaho 1 Mimtntui.' Tin fires arc the won't Iihh "I'd AuMffi li riioniHiiiN. Tin loss of lift IrtlioiiRlit 1" Iw nival. Many ton lit ut threatened anil ranched, mines, forwls nml liiiiiinii lives Imvo l.-eii iwri.it awny. Reports coining from Spokane, Wni.li., anil .Missoula, Mont., rrcanlliiK tlie Mirroiiiidlug country sreof the most dl-trecilug untttro. IARAGUAN GOVERNMENT FALLS - ... m..:i,., n: Refugees rrom ouiukuh uio- tdcts of Idaho and Mon- nno Snnk SnffitV. ICIIIU v.ww.. j- Oil M ROCKS English Vessel Is Wrecked at Korea and Many Lives Lost. (By Associated lros.O LONDON', Atiguat 22. Elghtoon lives wcro lost wlitui tho British cruleur Iloilforil rnn nHlioru on th rockH of Qnulimrt iKlnml, Korea, yos tenlny, according to n report rccolvotl hero to-day. Tho men woio members of tho English room Htnff. Tho nccldcnt occnrrcil during full speed trlnla, and tho crulsor wns evi dently bmlly BiniiBlicd. Slnco tho dontlis nro stated oflldnlly to have been duo to an "InriiBh of water." Tho vessol lies In such a desperate posi tion that thcro Is no possibility of invliif linr. Tim Imll Ir full nf WntOT (P.y Associated Press.) ,ip t) thQ onjno room ,,,,,, nnil MISSOULA, .Moot., August aa. A tll0 .ntor j8 pouring In through tho rrpbit him ivirlvi'd by tho Rocky Bpng holes punched by tho atinlcuti Mountain Hell Tflciliiuiu Company at rocj(g t10 oIllcerB and crow Imvo II o'clock tlilH niiiiMiIng from f''-' boon tnken off. HrgUadilghig that the wlml N blow- -aanavvsvwsvss' lag gale directly from tho lire zone which luia been unaccounted for since to the town. Tho report declares Saturday morning. Flro ut Potomac. Tho forest oflclsls this morning report tho Camns country east of Po tomac a8 being tho scat of n big flro which Is covering both tho forests; Revolutionists Capture the Cap ital and General Juan Estra da Is Declared President of the Reunited Republic. (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLEANS, August 22. Man agua baa fallen. Tho revolutionists finally reached tho goal for which thoy Imvo been fighting for ten months. President Madrlz did not ileo, but rcmnlned In tho city until tho last. Jose Estrada to-driy Iss'ued a proclamation declaring his brother, Gcnernl Juan Estrada, president of the reunited NIcnragunn republic. Revolutionist nro pouring Into Man ngua. Teh situation Is alarming. 1 F,A. Vessel Formerly on Coos Bay ! !,nml J-0" W1!nrf- T1;ey ;r" lro"BOf? J I by tho watchman Jnst .: uino to Run Almost Totally Destroy bk ST. RKGIS DOOMED. ed and Members of Crew Have Narrow Escape. (Dy Associated Press.) SA.V FHAWISCO Aimniit 22. ., . ' . . i Eureka yesterday, landed her :u.9sen rum ..ri-...v ,,.. u .., u, ,.- tQ U)() w,)nrr tQ ly escnped with thcl. .Ives fiom tho dHChnrK(, her cargo of nhlngiti. She hold of the steamer F. A. Kllburn, was valued at 3175,000 and the car which caught lire to-dav .it the Ouli- go nt ?1G,00D. escape. Tho hawsers were quickly cut nnd the steamer sot adrift, but not hoforo tho flro had bcon c ..imunl- cntod to tho dock. Tho deck was saved by the engine of tho railroad company. Tho Btenmer will be nlm-vt n totnl loss. The Kllburn arrived .'rjt.i T M BUGKMAN OF MURDERED AT SEA OFF EUREKA BIG GROWD DECORATIONS EAGLES -WIN ARE STOLEN BALL GAiE there Is little rhnmv for the old town Mwr.as tho flume w III h'oon come in (mm two sides. i)i:.vrii list iik.'ii. (Dy Associated Press,) SrOKANK, Wash., August 22. Twenty persons nro known to bo dead u the result of the forest .llroa with in a radius of tea iuIIcb of Wnllnce. The death list or tho cntlro flro ept dlbtrlct of Northern Idnho 1 wrtsln to reach 150 and probably way more. It Is lmposslblo at tho P'wnt tlmo to mnko an nccurato check q( tho missing. From Wal hce come reports that tho town of Burke Is In flames nnd certain oi totructlon. Flro rnngors In that dlttrlct nro so exhausted thnt no ef fective battle against tho flamea can be made. The threo hundred real ats o( tho town nro In flight toward Wallace. Tho negro soldlora have tone much heroic sorvlco from four o'clock Saturday afternoon until enr r this morning. ForoBt Rnngor Gu kl reporth to Supervisor Welglo '"t six of his men nro dond, five having been smothered In War Eaglo tunnel, where tho entlro crow took "fnge. natigor Boll reports twolvo !. thro permanently blinded and ""rteea with broken logs. XO Xi:V.S FROM WALLACE. Thief Takes Flags and Stream ers Used By Carnival Asso ciation on Streets. Tho carnival association Is put to considerable extra oxpenso becauso of tho thefts of lings and streamers. Some ono stolo threo of tho streamers used on tho streets nnd also flags and Large Crowd Present Sunday to Witness Contest With the Elks. Tho bnsoball gamo between the ISIIjb nnd tho Eagles Sundny nftor iioon nt tho Marshflold ball grounds was n great success. Tho Eagles won the gamo. Thero woro probably 700 ' .1 fttlnnn fHAm tli-. Aninlvnl miAAn'o nnd rnncheH A larue force , of men J)er80ng , nttemlnnc,, nmI they cor, started out las night or I oto nac Jn gnn Frnn. tBnJy flnJoycd tUom,0,VCB. Tho bnl aim nun iiiuiuuih i.- .- loft this city for tho Cnmaa country. A .i a aiiMjiiii1nl liv flrOH. UVUrilllllll n nil. .......v.. .., "" ' I..,. .tMn I. voIiia.1 In Hid nnlch. which aro only twolvo mile-. U..U.nt ' -J ; carnlvnI nB8o. from tho town on either sldo. The, bill III 11 IIIIH UliWIVU M I VlllUM v T "" for Information thnt will lead to tho detection of tho thief. bnll cIsco, and tho carnival company must Bnmo was good and there wbb n lot return thorn or pny tho valuo. Tho Qf fln ,,rovllcd by' tho members of AT THE CLOSE Carnival Comes to an End Sat urday Night With Much Celebrating. Tho carnival closed with plenty of noise and merriment Snturdny night. Tho strcetB wcro crowded with people and they all seemed to enjoy them selves. Tho crowd on tho street Sat urday night wns by far tho largost of any night of the week. All of tho hotels and rooming houses in the city wcro crowded Snturdny night. Mmjt of thoso from out of town who were hero left Sunday nnd to-dny tho city got bnck to Kb normal condition. Tho memborfi of tho Arnold Carni val Company nro taking down their tontH nnd packing up preparatory to leaving. Mr. Arnold, tho head of the company, left tills morning with sev eral of his nion on tho Rosehurg stage. Tho Btago properties will bo taken away on tho next trip of the Brenkwator. Tho city will undergo a pretty gen eral cleaning to get rid of tho carni val debris, Confetti; which wns used by tho hundreds of pounds, Is scat tered In every nook nnd corner of tho city. Tho decorations will bo taken down nt onco and In another day or two tho remains of tho carnival will all Imvo boon removed. good humor nnd Boomed plcnsod with all that happoned nt tho wagon. To boo somo of Marshfleld'o lead ing citizens riding tho donkey ncrosa tho basoball diamond wbh wojl worth Attempt is Made to Hold Up Vessel For Purpose of Robbery.. lodges. Tho band was in nttendanco.tho prico of admission, It wns bettor vlllago Is said to bo adequately pro tectcd nnd In no danger. Twenty MIIcn Wide. In tho Clinton district of tho Mis soula forest, ten mon nro unaccount ed for. A rellof oxpeditlon ban bceu started out of Clinton to seek tho lost men. At Woodsldo a Inrgo por- and furnished music and tho peoplo 'ero, given a lino afternoon's "entertainment. Before the game thero was a pnr- tlinn somo of tho stnr plays In tho game. Tho water wagon crented a lot of fun for ovorybody, and botweon (ho excitement which It mndo and tho plnylng of tho ball gnmo tho Bpectn- 'Hv Associated' Press 1 yisSi)lI., Mont., AugUst 22. The BePr. n,.c ,ltimt0l j tl,8 d8. 'net Is btnj discouraging. No word n be ob,u,d f,.Qm any 0,ntg 011 ? r fl'Alejio llnQ farther west ; a" st Reses, whloh has been do-frted tho rango. Rnngor ueauy iuuk largo forco of mon to Miller Creek, nbout fourteen miles west of Mis soula. This flro has a twenty-mile front and is swinging into tho east Bldo of tho Bitter Root Valley. Ref ugees nro pouring Into this city from tho stricken district, bringing tales of dlstross. Many children nro re ported separated from their paronts. MANY PERISH. soveral features In tho parado which Burke and towns fnrthor east Intc tho mountains. Civwh Helpless. Supt. Welglo, head of tho flro flght- nHn onl.l tltld wnrnlnrv. "All ormi'3 ...nMn nnnnll. liiinrnaHnir tlon of tho forest on Sweeney ureoK , . - - - j.c.i.w ....-..... wns dostroyed yesterday nnd six mon i nro hopolcssly lost, and thoso not Somo of tho mombers of tho orders badly Injured. At Tarby, another dead aro'bolng taken cure of In threo Wer0 In masquerade: costume. C. F. ble flro Is reported on Lick Creek, wallaco hospitals." McKnlght was tho carnival king. Ho which covors tho entire Biimnm ou no snys unnger uiiiiivki rcii""" uiu uu oiuii moi...v, ......... six dead, while tno remnmaer oi m gnowea enonuuim jhubcics ewiuum crow of sovonty-flvo were compelled for a giant. Georgo Goodrum was, Donning, lb m nnil fmfotv In tho west fork of tho aueon and Ford. Painter yns his Ferrey, 2b. Placer Creole, whero thoy stayed for maid of honor. Their dresses woro nearly threo hours with only their wonderful creations of purple, red, bonds above wntor. Ranger Bell re- bluo and green. Tom Smith wns the 1 ports twolvo men dend from his crew clown In a rogulnr clown costumo. on nig ureoiv nonr oi. jo. iih iuu jmniuu uu mu ant uin.n-kvu .. others woro burned blind nnd thlr- lot of attention and a largo crowd teen havo broken legs caused by the followod It out to the grounds to see fnllliif (roost. ITn nlso SilVH tho ClltlrO the cnillO. -10 IB flro flKhtlng force disorganized nnd One of tho most Important fontures . ELKS AB. R bndly in nood of moro men. A bur- of tho gamo was tho water wagou. It tKoniojIy, p. .... G ry call has boon sont to Spoknno i.na was oiauoratoiy nocoraigii wun wimo aimpson, iu ndo of tho members of tho team and tors wero kept amused tho wholo nftr somo of tho wngons and ponies from crnooiw Tho bnll gnmo was a good tho carnival company. Thoro woro ono rjoth Bldos did their best nnd it developed that both organizations had somo good bnsoball players In cluded In their membership, Tho following is . tho tabulated score of tho gamo: EAGLES AB Snyder, c 0 ,.0 , 3 McCutcheon, 3b 5 Cownn, p , 0 Graves, If G Snoddon, cf.... 0 Davis, 68 5 Murnnhnn, rf . . . 3 MURDERER JUMPS INTO THE OCEAN. Accomplice Who Failed in His Part Is Placed In Irons. (By AiiBoclntcd Prosa SAN FRANCISCO, August 22. Only mongro accounts of tho tragedy on tho steamship Biickmnn yesturdny havo reached here. Captain E. B. Wood was Hhot and Instantly killed In his cabin In nn attempted hold up ot tho vessol ou tho high' sens oft Euro ka, nnd his slayer, Fred Tlioiimn, loaped Into the sen, after a failure of tho nccompllco In tho englno room to Join him In Inking muutcry of tho boat. As Wood watt uuablo to muku any statement nnd Tlioiuna Is gone, tho details could not bo learned. Tho nttompt wns mndo at 2.1 C o'clock Sunday morning when Thomas wont to tho captain's cnbln nnd summoned tho lntter to tho door. Hearing the shots tho quartormnBter ran frpm the brldgo to And tho superior olllcor breathing IiIh Inst nt tho door of tho cabin. Thomas' nccompllco was ovorpoworod by tho engineers ami brought up In Irons soon nftor the shooting of tho captain. Tho wlroleaa operator called and messages wero flashed to tho steamer Prculduul, which was nearby. Tho Prosldont hunted for nn hour, but it is ovldont that tho murderer had sunk Into tho sen. At first it was bollovod that tho shooting was tho work of a maniac, but tho capture of tho accomplice ro vcaled tho fact that It was for tho purpose of robbery. Tho Buckman la duo hero at noon. WILL SEND TROOPS. R. 0 1 3 1 H. PO. A. E. 19 0 0 5 0 1 1 1 ,1 0 3 2 G C 2 0 0 0 0 fBy Associated Press.) SPOKANE. Wash., August 22. lothor eltlos. and purplo, Elks' colors. Two ambu- BurmeUtcr, . . . i of. ; i Twonty-tbreo nro known to havo per-, . Tno lntoat ronorts nr0 that Burlca Innco corps wero provided. Eaoh con.,Keano, ss G lshod and botweon sevonty-flvo nnd',8 airootly In the path of tho llamos slntod of six mon nnd carried a Johnson, -b. .. . 3 and ennnot bo saved. Birmener. uno u n.u .. .,. - " , was Mayor E. E. Straw. Ho was sud-IMofXnit, rf i Two thousand people have , lm J"M" .)laced on the Btretchor !MoArthuP Q.... R .Aa nvifoir r rjini iv; inrii iik iiifjL - i POIIlr UtVi WMIH HIMtltWl w.v - -- ono hundred missing In forest (Iron ranging In tho pan handle of Idaho In the Coour d'Aleno district. In addl- ,ermlttent communications with i tlon to thoso, thoro nro over ono luin "aiiaCO early tllla ninfnln. n-o. lnlr.l- entirely cut oft and fonrs nro ontor fJ that tho flros havo again Ben out In that place. Saltez Is fl " Baf0 "ut is surrounded I .? St- Hegls Oldtown has been "andoned by the womon. children J alsablod. only able bodied flro snters remaining, since daylight uu lna has rIson nntl "ttlo ll0l,c l8 ,e, "f salng tho place. Towns Abandoned. t rtifl broozo has veered slightly and ea.i lnB townr,l th city from tho .!!; aD(1 U lB 1'rouablo St. ReglH J,n7,n wlu fall first. Tho towns Ji'.ul.t, Superior and Iron Moun- A recf 8.Hlte; ""e abandoned this morning. PO'fv Is to bo stnrtod out of dred. mostly flro lighters, who are In jured. Novor in tho history of Idaho has tho baptism of tho August flro reached such wldo spread proportions or created such -universal damago. Like a rapidly widening Inflamed soro the angry flames lick up virgin for ests homoatends, mlno buildings and human lives. Tho stampedo of Bot tlers to roach lllacos of safety has strained tho facilities of tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, nnd passenger trains Rio made up of all classes ofVldln box cars- Th0 groat tide of fire 1b being driven to day by a forty-mile galo, and tho greator part of the -Idaho pannanme tno greaiem ns the people, go others frpm tho sur rounding country tnko their places. ( ' Family Lobt. Tlireo fnmlles of homestoadors comprising fifteen persons, nro be lieved to have perished on Latour fireok. near Catnldo. Idaho, In tho nnd hurried quickly ncros3 tho grounds to tho wntor wagon and shortly nftorwnrd was brought back. A. II. Powers bad a good laugh while the Mayor was being carried awaj, and when Dr. Straw was brought back Mr. Powers was tho next ono captured. The stretcher was too easy McComb, If. 9 H. 1 1 t n yi. 3 ' 2' I 2 0 3 1 1 1 27 12 G PO. A. E. 1 0 9 i 3 I 3 0 7 1 irtv nc'atrd l'mit,) WASHINGTON, August 22. Tho War Dopartment olllclals bognn R conforonco to-dny In nn offort to find moans ot Bonding nddltlotml flro flghtora to tho Htrlcken northwest. It Is oxpected that tho matter will bo laid boforo President Tnft with a re quest for his approval of extraordi nary measures. At the conclusion ot a conforonco n dispatch was sont to Bovorly. It la understood It In tho plan to rush troops from a dlstnnco to tho burning bcctlons, but tho olllclals deollno to dUcuss their pinna nt this tlmo. INCENDIARY ORIGIN. 27 17 13 la flro swont. So far dnnmga Is In tho more populated dls ;"e over tho Milwaukee Railway Jtrlct of Coour d'Aleno. A strlr .maw Qo'ning for Borax carrying a miles wide stretches from tho St. Jee -'Be Bearchlnor nnrtv whloh win r- River eastward tnrougn Pt t( Aid tho camp of eoldlora Kellogg Wardnor, Osborno, Wallnco, Mullan, forest flres. Thoy aro John Adross ridj,lg f0r tho captured ones after a nnd wlfo nnd flvo children, B. A. whIlo so after visiting the wagon they Smith, wife and two children, and wero Bont hack to the grand stand on James Osborn, wlfo and family. a donkey. J. W. Bonnett, Dr, Houso- i worth, J. H. Flanagan nnd umpire, DIED AT HOSPITAL. 'John R. Smith, woro captured and , hurried to tho wagon. Many others Mrs. Delia Wlnebgor, aged forty- followed. Just what happened at thf two years, of Marshfleld, dlod nt, wagon everyono who mado tho trips Mercy Hospital In North Bond. Sho knows, but not ono of them will tall, came hero recently from Callfornln. u was evident from a distance that , ' thoro was a long hoso which was to FOR SALE. Good second lutiul bad- conduct water down the victim's col dlo. Call 215 S. Broadway. . lar and somo of tho3o who wero car- rled to the tvagon struggled frlght- TJSE THE TIMES' WANT AIS. 1 fully, but they all came back In a 3S 11 14 SUMMARY. Bases on balls Off Kennedy, 4 ; off Cownn, 3. Hit by pitcher Murna hnn, Johnson .(2 J, Burmoister, Mc Comb. Three-baso hit Koano, Two baeo hits Burmoister, Hartloy, MoN fatt. Struck out By Kennedy, 5; by Cowan, 9. Wild pitch Kennedy, 3; Cownn, 2. Passod balls Snyder, 2; McArthur, 3. Umpires John R. Smith nnd Jnmoa Bnlnea. Tlmo of game 2 hours nnd 25 minutes. Tab tilnted figures of the disturbance fur nished by Jim Lyonjj. and O. W Brlggs. (By ABSoclatcd Press.) WASHINGTON, August 22. PobI tlvo ovldonco that many of tho for oat flros in Oregon nro of Incondlary .origin lm' been dltcovcred by .: govornment ngonts, according to a tolegrnm received at tho ofllcoa of tho Forestry Servlco horo to-day from tho Associate Forester nt Port land. The Asaoolnto Forester saya In hl dlapntoh that thoro -Is no doubt that tho fires In tho Crntor Lake Na tional Forest and at Modford resuUcl from Incendiary origin and that now Arcs aro being sot constantly. Ho re ports thnt ho has started twenty-flo mon on scout duty In nn effort to catch tho culprits. Lyon Is coming. CHILD BADLY HURT, Buy your groceries at SACCHPS. Thrown From a IIim and Death May U the Result. PORT ORFORD. Oro , August 22, -T-Death may be tie result of an un fortunate ncojdont wUJnJi befoll tho youngest duughter of Mr. and Mrs. F, P. Cook, who live on tho Sixes River Tho girl Jb about eight years old. Tho child was thrown and struck hor head on n rail, Inflicting a dangerous wound which may prove fatal. Lyon Is coming, Lyon Is coming. - W -'J K- It v IHstttlll All lillll I 1 tj&fcuvjlto-.: &fe - .. wMJi jfc jA.