HHiPimiJPP liJ!fPqpp0J tog itm? ADS. NEWS .mrv III'SISESS JS SLOW, Al " Tiett THAT IT PAYS IS HVI- 'Sw nv successful busi. GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS UAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu TUB TIME TERSELY TOLD ,u :: :: :: MUIBER OP ASSOCIATED TRESS Established In 1B7H ns Tho Const Mnll, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 29. fiou .XXXIIL S THOUSAND PERSONS ARE ISPEED SERVED III THE SIMPSON PARK People From All Over County Flock to Clam Bake and Barbecue. OWLS HAD CHARGE OF PROGRAM, FOR DAY. Entertainment of Various Kinds Provided and Trap Shoot Is Held. vnrih Bend had licr big lny of tb0 ttrnltal jestordny mid It wnt ono or ite biggest da Unit .Norm uuuu una (ter had In 1-Hi u,u "'uul u ililton In the city. Tho alum links ,ad other attractions brought most of He carnival visitor to that plnco mul lie; oro given plenty or uniormin neal All day long there wns koiuu tbins la tho way of sports or nmuso- menu. ' In thu fort-noon thoro was n iteming mutch. At noon u purndo i held and tho cluni bnko and bar becue at tho Simpson Park followod. la the afternoon there was a baseball jime, balloon ascension nnd cthor at tractions, nnd nt night a dnnco and n prize flght. It was Owla' Day at thu carnival and tho mombcrs of tho or der arranged tho details of tho ontoi' Ulnmcnt and every nicmbor mnilo It Jilli dutr to help boo that tho visitors hid a good time. I'jirndo to Park. Tho parade to tho Simpson Park itarted shortly nftor noun. A lr.r-o tombcr of tho monibers of tho Owls teak a part In tho parade, which was headed by tho Coos Day band. Tho carnival band also marched nnd tho pccplo who had gathered In the city followed tho procession to tho park totnjoy tho dam bnko nnd barbecue. 1'i'd Two Thousand. It vat hard to estimate tho crowd, tat It It probnblo that nt least 2,000 Irionj oro In Simpson's Park and ere aerved dinner. Novcr beforo s thero tuch a crowd of peoplo Whered In tho park. They begnn tomlng early In tho dny. Everybody tot something to pjit, nnd tho fonst h ulthout doubt ji famous ono. Visitors from out of town said that It M the biggest clam bako that was "erbeld on tho const. Some Idea of tho crowd may bo inhered when It Is statiwl that thoro i actually consumed about 25,000 tus, SOO loaves of bread, $10 worth c' Nter, and about 1,500 po.inda of "Mt. The barbecuo was In charge lt nr llajdon. Ho hnd n ropj llilantannd evoryono -vvns s.rud Wlhat they wnntod to oat. Speeches .Made. A"r dinner hnd boon servod a wUag was lield in tho park pa ""w. William Hrllllnrt was chair- nd Introduced Mayor L. J. "Pwn, who made an nddress of t'tOmO. Ho PXffnrt1 oil nf M. nolu. " ' tho city to the visitors. A "poaieon behalf of tho members of 2 1 was made by Dan McDon ,1" Xort" Do. lr. McDonald , of what tho organization hnd fl0n since it wn. .n.ni.n.i ...i W attention to tho fact that while P"bip ""mborcd 140.000. ' Holer of Salem was called thitUu mie a 8"ecch- Ho BnI(l Riintai he was a cnildldato for tho oilcan nomination for Governor as not going to talk politics. Ills "west Wn ,... - iteu . uu voos uay ana " II STEAMERS LEAVE TODAY Breakwater Sails For Portland and M. F. Plant For San Francisco. Two steamers loft Coos liny to-day. Tho M. F. Plant sailed for San Fran cisco nnd tho Breakwater loft for Portland, lloth took n largo number 'of passengers. Tho Plant waited over a day on account of having an order to carry 100,000 feet of lumber for ,tho Simpson Lumber Company. Thu Ureakwator had a rathur light cargo of frolght. i PIiiiiI'm Piissviigorn. i Those who lert dn (ho steamer Plant for San Francisco wore ns follows: V. 12. Host, .1. F. Standlsh, 11. Ayor, J. S. Ilalrd, J. F. Ilrond, Howard Morris, T. Parrott, II. J. Wright, Flor ence Aiken, Jim Aiken, A. Rncoroul lite, Miss M. Coyne, MIbh L. Coyne, Miss S. ltutters, Mrs. KncuroullltQ, Pearl Clark, Mrs. Thirty, Win', Thlsty, G. P. Avcrlll, Elizabeth Knufmnn, Mrs. P. J. Pernlto, Frank Snow, Dor othy Snow, John Snow, Lyn Snow, II. Meyers, Vallot Ilroclch, Fred, Ilnll Htrom, Tiles. Cornelius, W. N. Endl cott, M. Doyle. llii'iiUuiitcr'H PiihM'iigerH. Those- who left for Portland on tho Ilrenkwntcr woro ns follows: M. C. Cropper, Miss T. M. Clarke, E. W. Thompson, II. N. Snovor, Mrs. Snovor, K. L. Cooper, Mrs. Cooper, L. D. Bukor, Mib. Baker, Chno. liaker. H.tA. Hurr, Miss A. Peterson, J. A. Wnllnco, P. Donnelly, L. D. Mahonc, P. E. Gornld, Mr. A. Stnmbuck, Jos. Foster, Geo. StambHck, Androw Stain- buck, M. C. Fnwyor, It. P. llonliam, II. E. Gnmble, Mlna J. Hall, Itosn Hnll, C. W. I.oyd, M. N. Snow, J. DurgesB, W. C. llrndley, Kov. C. D. Kovoney, Miss F. Woods, Mrs. Jack Wolfo, II. in, Vaughn, L. S. Farley, Frank Dod- ' son, Andrew Dodson, W. J. Pottln, 'II. E. Chance, Mrs. F. E. Pressey, '.Miss Donholm, J. A. Swltzer, .1. F. Evnns, A. 13. Coopor, llobby Evans, (A. Esposlto, J. W. Bridges, M. E. 'O'Dnne, Potor Brolor, W. 11. Mc- Naines, J. Gregory, J. O. nurson. BOAT WOLF GIVEN RAGE Committee Reverses-the Deci sion of Yesterday Regarding the Speed Boat Races With Pacer of Portland. Dr. Dnrtlu of the committee hav ing In chnrgo tho bont races held at North Bend ;stnles that tho Wolf owned by Fred Powers wns tho win ncr of the match race yesterday. Tho Pucer, Dr. Uartlo enys, Btnrted exact ly four ntnutcs after the Volf. Tho Pncer's tjmo wns 20 minutes nnd 5791 seconds and the Wolf's tlmo wns 21 minutes nnd 50-li seconds. This mndo tho Wolf win tho raco by seven secondB. Mitchell Protect. Concerning J. W. Mitchell's clnlm of unfairness, In tl)e twenty-five foot boat race, Dr. Ilnrtlo mndo tho fol lowing statement to-day: "'Hie taco wns mnde just ns fair ntt ii'c judgos could poxfdbly niiko It nnd II there was any unfairness, It wn be cniiBo tho owners of tho Nnvnjo, Venus nnd Piker overestimated tho speed of their boats. In the handicap races, tho handicap Is llgurod from the estimate of speed of the crafts turned In by tho owners themselves. Tho rulos also provlrto that It th boats shall exceed this speed by five per cent tho entry shnll bo thrown out. Well, tho Auto wns entered threo dnys hoforo tho rnco lint tho estimate of speed wns not secured from tho ownor. When tho judges atnrtod to flgnro tholinndlcnps, tho ownor of tho Auto was not thero nnd tho Judges ac cepted the estimate of eighteen miles ns tho Auto's speed ns estimated by tho owners of tho other entries. Well, when -Mr. noRero arrived with tho Auto he declared that eighteen miles was too speedy for his boat nnd gavo In her speed ns fifteen miles. Conse qucntly, tho Judges had to chango the handicap, and thu Auto's was mndo thirteen minutes Instead of eighteen minutes. Mr. Mitchell with tho Tug wns the Inst of the flvo to enter tho race, not fling with tho Judgca until tho morning of tho race. Well, at tho finish, tho Auto bent tho Tag Just one-fourth of a second, according to the oMcInl timekeeper, that Ib, the Auto made the courso In thirteen and one-quarter seconds Iosb than tho Tag did. Tho otllclnl figures kIiow that tho Auto's speed In tho raco was ac tually about twolvo miles per hour. Wo umlenvorotrto mnko It Just as fair an posslblo and I bellovo that tho only Injustice dono wnB to tho owners of tho Piker, Venus and Navajo nnd that was because they personally rated their crafts too high." Like Coos Hay. U. F. CK hns sent to tho Tlmos a communication In which ho thanks tho peoplo of Coos :lny for tho cour tesies extondud him. Tho communi cation is ns follows: Through Tho Tlmos wo wlsli l thnuk tho Coos Dny Motor Bout Club nnd tho pooplo of Coos Bay for tho opportunity of winning as valuable a cup as wns won by the Pacor In tho free-for-all rnco and also for tho roynl troatmont nnd good fellowship shown us by tho Coos Bay pooplo. Wo hope tho water carnival of next year will equal or excel nny of Its kind on tho const. Wo will plan to ho hero with n fnst bont nt Mint tlmo nnd you can depend on us boosting for Coos Bay. "Yours truly, "R, P. COX AND WIFI3." 1 TO EIGR T FIRES IN M COL HLIFEH IS T IT GUILTY (IF UI lie COAST LEAGUE .Widow of B. T. Prosser Is Ac quitted on Grounds of Self-Defense. (Jlv Associated Press.) SEATTLE. Waslu, August 19. I A special to tho Times from Llbby, 'Mont., says tho Jury in tho caso of Vora Prosser, charged with the mur der of her husband, B. T. Prosser, on n Great Northern train, returned n verdict of acquittal on tho grounds of solf-defenso. Tho Jury was out sixteen hours. CO N E GAM CHARG ED President Harrihan of Illinois Central Swears Out War rants Against Three. (By Associated Piess.) CHICAGO, August 10. In connec tion with tho so-called "Million Dol lar Repair Graft" President Harrl han, of tho Illinois Contra), to-day sworo out warrants charging Frank B. Hnrrlman, Chnrles L. Ewlng and John M. Tnylor with obtaining money by means of n confldonco game. l'HKSEXTKI) WITH STATUE. to BALLJCORES Portland Loses a Game But Is Still Leader of the "i" mo Imnnrtnr. f the 7and fur- loom u iwporiar settlncaralirnn.i ' the speeches thoff 0J all the afternoon. , . "ajcdllnll Game. Wi S" 8amo boten North Bend ihjll ' :v lUiBl was played nt tho fcobablv.i. attendnce was ucoma, J , Iargest that was ever "aodated in tho ball nark, rtnth Hi lt weare niaa U1) of Bood players lanin. a great game. Fourteen SS o. Wfc. JH n inn. , uecessary to decide. In m mainc k . 'CnlUDU' - n.ngs score wns tied more was ttain. J.."raea- In the fourteenth tore 11,7 M won' n,nlnK the Wre4 (fc() s Jhn R. Smith urn " Kama lalbt1100" Goc8 UP- j. uauoon in. i .. . nr-"" ni up irom tne League. HOW THEY STAND. Won. Lost. P. C. Portland CS 57 .541 Oakland 75 04 .539 San Francisco.. 74 C4 .53G Vernon C9 07 .507 Los Angeles... C9 70 .497 Sacramento ...49 SI .377 (By Assoclajed Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., August 19. Portland lost a gamo yesterday to Oakland, but is still at tho head of the league In standing. The scores of yesterday's games follow: AT PORTLAND R. H. Portland c Oakland 2 6 AT SAN FRANCISCO R. H. Go 1?ififinlcpn ............ C o Vernon 9 AT LOS ANGELES R. H. Los Angeles ! 3 Sacramento 3 4 Slate of Vlislnln Make Gift Fivnc.ii (icivemiiieur. (By Associated Press.) VERSAILLES, France, August 19. In Napoleon Hnll of the Chateau of Versailles, In tho prosonce of the French Minister of War, General Brun: the French Ambassador to tho United Statos, M. Jusserand, and tho Amerlcnn Amhnssndor, Robert Bacon, a bronze ropllcn of Houdon's celo brated statue of Washington In the State house nt Richmond wns pre sented to tho French Government by tho Stnto of Virginia. Genornl Brun, who presided, spoko of tho statuo nr tho greatest work of tho greatest French sculptor of tho nineteenth century. Cojonel James Mnnn, chnlr man of tho Virginia Commission, de livered tho speech of presentation. MANY WATCHED BALLOON. 1016 ROUT ISA Salem Candidate For Governor 1 Here on Novel Cam ! paign Trip. Col. E. Hofor of Salem, candidate for thu Republican uomtiintlun for Governor In tho September prlmnrlos, arrived hero yesterday on his auto trip through Oregon. He lu bolug drhen by his son, Lawrenco Hofor,' nnd thoy mndo tho trip In from Itosc burg In record (lino. Yestordny nfturnoon Col. Hofor de livered a short address nt tho clnm bnko nt North Bend, touching on poli tical mnttoru and affairs In genornl. Regarding politics nnd tho Coos Dny rnllrond, ho struck a popular chord and gained much upphiuse. Ho do clnrcd that If elected, hu would send a messngo to tho Legislature urging that If tho Southoru Pnclllc doos not build tho needed branches In this Stnto that tho Legislature tnko stops to sou that tho company's big land holdings nro taxed at their full vnluo and that besides this that Its 400, ,000,000 feet or timber Is taxed at $1 per thousand feet. Ho also urged tho peoplo lo adopt tho amondment pro viding for Stnto or district built rail- ways. I Owing to tho fnct that ho lias n 'date at Eugono for Sunday to aid In the dedication of n big ninusomont park, Col. Hofor has to loavo Coos t:ounty this nftcrnoon. Ho leaves hero tut 3 o'clock and will make short stops I In Coqulllu and Myrtlo Point. Ho feels that ho Is suulclontly known through this section so that tho voters i will bo nblo to give hliiT'fntr consid eration In tho election. He bollevos that ho has an oxcollcnt chnnco of winning, doclnrlng thnt ho Is tho only Republican candldato In tho field who stands squarely tor tho primary nnd Statement No. 1. Ho rocontly fin ished n trip with Rov. Claronco True Wilson, In which he took tho nntl prohlbltlon sldo In Joint dobntcs. ! Ho is also lu fnvor of Stnto aid for highways, especially tho principal roads such ns tho Rosoburg-Mnrsh-fleld road. In this, ho favors tho plan of tho Stato of Washington which maintains kcopors for sections of Stnto roads tho samo ns railroads imiintnln soctiou crews To keop up tho roadbeds. Suggested to the Government That Fires Are of Incendi i ary Origin. FIVE COMPANIES HAVE BEEN SENT. No More Troops Available For Fire Service in Montana and Washington. fBy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, August 19. Ah a result of tho spreading of tho forest flrort in Montnnn ten additional com panies of troops aru needed lo meet the situation according to tolograuiB received by tho Intorlor Department nnd tho forestry sorvlco. Tho fires nro lu the Flnthead nnd Blackfoot i National Forests and In Glnclor Na ittonnl Park. It Is suggested that tho fires nro of Incoudlnry origin. General Wood to-dny sent orders for tho dlspntch of Ilvo companies' to thoso rosorvos. It wns Btated nt tho War Department thnt thero nro no more troops available for sorvlco In 'Montana and Wnshlngton at this: time. ( AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. 'Sir' Mi'H. O. Hiiiiki'ii Struck By An Auto on Front Street. ' Mrs. Olo Hanson wns struck nnd knocked down on North Front stroot this afternoon by nn automobile, owned nnd driven by Jons Hanson of Norton & Hansen. It Is not thought I that sho sustained nny serious lnjiir- llori, Mr. Hanson stopped tho auto i Immediately and took thu injured woman to her homo." FRUIT VERY CHEAP. I 8. Dow Returned on tho Nairn Smith From Kan Francisco. "Peaches nro lowor on tho Coos. Bay mnrkot now thnn thoy nro lu Cal ifornia," romarked Mr. Dow." Thin is because wo nro overstocked for, n fow dnys and have to unload ns tho fruit will not keep long. Grapes nro low hero Just at presont on account of in big supply. Tho mnrkot Is bound .-to go up Just as soon as tho present I supply Is moved." W WAS STEAMER PHOENIX. JUDGE COlfos'lIOME. Returns From Toledo Where Ho Held Court. Judgo John S. Coko has returned home from Toledo. Ore., where he has been holding court for Judge Harris. He has been absent from Went Up nt Noon and Disappeared In the Fog. Many watched the balloon go up nt npon to-day. It started behind the Chandler Hotel. The balloon went straight up and was very quickly lost to view In tho heavy fog. It was so long In coming down that the spec tators began to think that something had happened, but it appeared all .right and lighted over In Eastside. (The balloon nnd parachute all came 'down together, tho balloonist not cut- l.i. l.ia n4rnrhiitn Innge.' OUTLAW WINS RACE. Only Ono Event Held on Bay Tills Morning. One boat rnco was held this morn ing at North Bend. John Hyde's boat, tho Outlaw, was matcneu against the now boat recently launch ed by Henry Kern. The Outlaw won Evans and O'Brien Come To gether for Twenty Rounds at North Bend. The bout between Bobby Evans and Danny O'Brien nt North Bond last night .was. n draw. Thpy went twon ty rounds but neither was nblo to get a decision. There was a fair attend ance. Tho roferee of tho bout was Charles Howard, no announced at tho start that tho men would box under tho now rules whereby tho ref eree would not break tho men as long as each ono had one arm free. He explained thoso rules so that any who were not familiar would understand his decisions. Both rrien started off lively and all through the twenty rounds did a good deal of work, but neither was hurt any. Evans got a 'bump on the sldo of his head and once O'Brien drew a little blood by a tap on Evans' noso, but lt was practically a bloodless fight. The crowd seemed pleased and tho spectators regarded If as a good boxing exhibition. I There was for a preliminary a ton 'round go between A. Esposlto nnd O'Brien's younger brother. They went at each other good and hard for a while, but neither was damaged In tho least nnd tho "bout was called a draw. Georgo Horron was referoo for thcr preliminary. Derelict Sighted By M. F. Plant Is i Identified. ! Tho derelict which wns sighted by , tho M. F. Plant on tho trip up from San Francisco turns out to bo tho 'steam schooner Phoenix, according to ,tho San Francisco Examiner. Tho steamer was burning oil and there was an explosion which caused tho wrecking of tho bont. Sovornl of tho crow wero killed and tho others were saved. iY RUN AS PDPULIST WILL SOOX BE WELL. Mayor Gnynor of New York It. Rapid, ly Recovering. (By Associated Press,) NEW YORK, August 19. Mayor Gaynor, after a relreshlng night's rest, appears much Improved In spir its and strength. Tho Mayor will leavo tho hospital In Hobokon within ten days probably cured, according to ono of tho attending physicians. The physician further says thero nro no present Indications to cause a neces sity of an operation, and that tho bul let will novor lnconvonlenco tho Mayor If It remains there for tho rest of his life, DYNAMITE EXPLODES. Accident In Germany Causes Trouble For Soldiers. MAINZ, Germany, August 15. Flfteon soldiers aro reported burled 1 by a premature explosion of dyna imlto during military maneuvers to-'day. i Phone I, 8. Kaufman & Co. your Joal Order. ij.BO PER TX, ' FOR THE QUEEN OF THE BAY, 1 EE EASTSIDE, Governor Shallehger, Although Defeated as Democrat, May Still Be a Candidate.' (Bv Assoo'iated Press.) OMAHA, Neb., August 19. Al though Governor Shallengor Is ap parently defeated by Mayor Dahl mau for tho Democratic nomination, ho mny go on tho ticket ns a Popu list nominee. . Ho was tho only can dldato for tho Gubernatorial nomina tion In tho Populist primaries. Ho has not nuonunccd what action ho will tako. CARL WALKER HURT. Maihlilleld Man Meets With An Acci dent on Southern Pacific. Friends of Carl Walker of this city, who has for sovornl months past boou In tho employ of tho Southoru Pacific out of Roseburg, received word to-day that Walker had beon Injured nt Drain. The details of tho accldont wero not learned further than that tho Injuries wero not dangerous. Walker received a cut on tho head and hjs shoulder was bruised. Go to tho EMPIRE MAl'v for all kinds of FISH, CLAMS unci CRABS. Deep SEA FISH a spodalty. Big CHKKFN DINNER and PORK and REVS' eupier. LUTHERAN JL1LL, FRIDAY aaj ""H m& auwl on - 4.) the city about ten days. iaa.WSfeiM'iJU.- - - 1 the race. ti