"-'"-1 IHJfllllllHI im.li I I cgpfy,ir--"-"- -Ti" - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIElD, OREGuiM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18J9 IP-EVENING EDITION. I njnumsil ii mi mt in wim I iwimiiini mriwn own !! Inn i wiiisiiTiririiiiiiwiiinriin 1 '""Is NEW EASTSIDE MILL OF C. A. SMITH LUMBER COMPANY READY TO OPERAS """" , "77? (Contlnuon Irora nairo 1.) i - ' r A OMITU ohmdamu " (Contlnuon Irora pneo 1.) "' grndos of lumber, whllo the big mill will produce the lumber for large orders. DESCRIPTION OF NEW MILL JUST FINISHED. TACTS AIIOIT XIIW MILL. Out iiIm.hI 9J (1(1,0(10. Dully iiipmHy J.1M" loot. Length, -70 fri'l, width, () foot. Sorting .lied ."00 foul lull:. Klci'trle mine liiintllc" linn ler. IIiih 10(11) lioi-M'-pouer ongliu. Water consumed dully, (10,- 000 gnlloiiH. Designed ly A. Moreen. Tlio now mill Is perhaps the most rfPfSf 381 Coultnr IMlniiKii Itt l-.ilSIMtlO .Mill I'l l. .1. Blllllll . iipilliy. nr,on t o 4 ts the largest sawmill plant on the Pacific Coast Owns timber enough to run the mills 100 years aim more, . . ! Daily lumber capacity ot two mills, 450,000 fePf . Monthly payroll in city and camps, $75,000 Papital stock of company, $2,500,000, New mill increases former output 40 nor cpnt I uniber shipped in 1 909, 85,000,000 feet Pays out for labor alone over $2,500 a dny Number of employes lir the mills, 400:' in tJ camps. 350, . n Plant iisps rlnilv 2G0.C00 ffnllnns nf wnn,. i i.-.k v -. . :j. vi a! v . IU. ul "an-', f moilorn plant of Its kind on tlio coast ' tmvollliit, c niK' tc was n cisear to a. cxtonslvo n3 that nccompllshod bj and neverril oconomlcal features will cut out two timbers 10x24, 7(5 foot tlio n.anitfuctnrlnj; concern. The log be Introduced which havo heretofore long, clear, wnich are perhaps the g.ng conipunj, under the manage novor been tried In tlio west. Tlio mill I biggest timbers ever manufactured on ment c A. II. P.owers, operates six will bo equipped with ono 9-foot left I the Ua. Tlio travelling crane Is loggln camps In the comity mid has hnnd bnnd mill, ono C saw lriclllc driven by four electric moton, vary- bun ctitilng timber to furnish the Coa3t edgor, (10 Inches wldo; ono 4 Ing from 10 to 20 horcepower each, big mill nt n rato which was hereto- unw band gang, ono 8 Baw, 8 1-lnch T"o 1rlnclial machinery used In fore unknown In this locality. .Many, ufacturlng Company. KaHtorn edgor, ono 0 saw overhead , " -'w was ordared from the Improvements cf importance Iiuvo, -h Slln.iiow0r8 Logging Com ninBhor, n 2 1-foot overhead trlmmor, I """"""" "" .h.i.uiu.,d. uren iuu ) u, iubhihh whiimuj. , which trims tho lumber ovory twoJ u was '"isinnlly planned to saw no At the head of Intimitis Inlet two foot up io "4 feet Logs nro handled IoB', )nti- th" -' ,t l,lana camps were opened nml n railroad by n Slmonion log turner, In com-' ',v "UU1M '",nod 80 'J'"1 lo8 "f t0 "n lf " t-,xt9,ltil fr," "' blnntlon with a Hill nigger, for J." ""J J" ,nj"h c?" "t ,nk ',Uo mw lMV Uio woodi. This railroad lighter logs. Tho log carriage Is the, h w,1 nJ" 7' ,1I'"'k0 . J constrntly being extended and .. ... ,, ,.,,, lonK and 0 Inches In dhunoter. will, branches rencK out Into tho timber UirUU IIIIJUIl I'llllUIII, Willi BlL'lllll IUUU l,... nnu Btcam Ret worKS. " i pntiiimiK imt n few years more, and recently added tn Mm n TT v" - - v "' 'Ottli.l, the Intoreite ot the company nro bo- tor-Ocenn TnuiBportnuon Qom ing traiiBferred to tho coast. That Tho Kodondo wiih bou-ht from ft they will be to a groat extent con- Simpson Lumber Company of ,J torod on Coos liny Is safe to assume, Uentl. She wns overhauled nnd flttu when It Is considered that Mr. Smith for passengers ns well as freight .. field and In Cooa uay nro extensive DWng onoKj, (imber to keep his two. wee. uiuu vessels carry lum and consofiuently tlio btiBlnoss is oji- mjjjg s0ns for ono hundred years orated under the. head of several nnj then have timber left over, different corporatiens. These differ- Mr gn,ti, bought the Interests ot cnt corporations are: tll0 old Docn t company in Pe- Tho C. A. Smith Luinbor and Mnn- ceml)Crt moo, which marked the be- iiiuwuver, do laiion up tue ioj sinie, so tnai me logs can ne urougnt uown but they will bo cut up Into the do- to tho waterway and rafted to the Tho engine room has or.o 1,00" ,gr0d lengths on tho log dicjc, before mill, liorscpowor Corliss engine, oUo.olo;-' going cnto the carriage, by a steam Thoro are also two camp nt Cun trie gonorator, driven either from tho dng saw, which la Installed on tho nlnghnm Creek nenr Cocfullle, ono nt "mill or from ltB own Individual on- log deck for that purpose. JAllegnny on Coos Itlver, and nnothor glne, otipplylng light nnd power to j Arno .Moreen, general superlnton- on South Slough. Whon tho big mill drlvo tho Horttng shed nnd electric dent, Inn hnd general supervision ot Is cutting 300,000 tcot ot lumber n traveling crane. I tho rebuilding of this mill, and to- dry a lnrgo amount of logs Is ncccs- Tho dimensions at tho mill lire 27o'Klnor wll J,r. Smith, designed It. J. sary, nnd with tho now mill running, foot long by CO feet wide, with a sort-, K" Stnck' w'o wns tho master mo- the logging operations will bo oven Ing Hhod 500 feet lung, which Is nr-!c,inn!c ,,url"K lll construction of tho greator. Several tow bontB aro used ranged In buIi a manner that It wlll,arK ,nl11, ,8 nll ,n cJinrKO of l b' tho company and two yenrs ago linniilo separately each grado nnilcntructJon work. II. U. Ostllnd Is the company had built the steam tow wiu iiruiiKiuBiuan. , uuui t'owers, wuicu is tuo largest Transportation pany. Tho Inter-Ocean Company. Tho C. A. Smith Kenlty nnd Trad ing Company. The Marshfleld r..:d Suburban Itnll- ginning of his activities In this local Ity. Shortly afterward he began tho construction of the big mill, which started operation on February 20th, 1D07. Since then lumber has been ma'nufactuied In enormous amounts and Improvements nro constantly be ing made by tho company. PLENTY OF TIMBER croft of the kind on this part of tho coast. TO SUPPLYTHE MILLS.;S mcoRPORATEO F0R . FOR 32,500,000. length of lumber. Tho sorting shed dlfforu from the sorting shed of the main mill In that It is only ono story nnd does not contain Bcpnruto boxo fur each grado of lumber, nil lumber dropping on tho same table and from thoro sortod Into tho different grndos. A special feature of this sorting tilled Is tho entire absence of trucks for iiortlug lumber, ICnch grado of lum ber 1h placed separate bo ween str'va nnd-thn removed by a special travel-, ""' lo ,:,,''l' "u' 'o inlllx, cut- I'nIilont, (' .A. Smith. Ing crime, which oporatos between' '" " ' "itf of 1.10,000 feet O VU'l,n.iiloiit, Ai-.no .Mereeii. tho ilpck and torMng shod, nnd whl.-h " ""' HiipjUlt'il ror the next 101) Is so coiiBtructod that It will hnmll ','"'s "'"I ''"w' timber left over. nil lumbor from tho sorting Hhod nnd enrry Hnmo to any part of tho dock,' woy Company. The last named is the corporation jW0 STEAMERS AJJE owning the railway which runs on ....,- n. ,, the streets from the Smith mill to tho city where tho retail yards and oillccs are maintained. The transportation OWNED BY COMPANY. roil too yi:aus. The Smith lutctTMs im cii- Ollgll tllUllIT CDIIVfllllllt to Cuim liny to keep the two inllN, cut- O' oi"nci:ns op co.mi'a.w. Serivtnry, C. L. Trulxrt. TiviihitriT, Veinon A. Smith. .Malinger, .1. V. Smeaton, company operates tho steamships which are used in carrying the lum ber. Tho realty company holds and handles the real estate In this city, and tho logging Is nil done by the enilth-Powern Legging Company. Tho timber Is held separately. The C. A. Smith Lumber and Man ufacturing Company Is the corpora tion operating the mill nnd the stock holders In this eotupany also have stock In the o.'.ur compnnlei. The LAw;i:sT vi:ssi:l iii:ui:. The Menmcr Xnnii Smith, which carries luinlx-r from tho Smith mill, Is ilOO feet long nnd. N the largest vensel entering thli harbor. llerTiipaclty U -,- U.10,000 feet of lumber. , ftttftef fl'rttll Mi It lr ..lit . '" u u,h """ nnu i,ring back I ireigui irom ami Francisco. Dolhm nntlltitn.1 ilK ...iui- .. ""' "" "'in nueiess. riao methoi of hnndllng tho lumber on so largM vessel ns the N'nnn Smith wag a Ml thing, nnd tho great aunntltlcs Ii which lumber has been taken oat cl this port by tho Smith Company h, been a revelation. WILL REFOREST LAND WHERE TIMBER IS CUT, tf HIS I'IjA.V. t 4 "I will leave ono liunilrrd trees Mantling for every one tlut f 1 cut down." V. A. Smith. f Tho manner ot shipping tho lumber front tho Marhfleld plnnt has been various corporations are for tho con- ,' K'l.i "8 'il!KU " :BB, "8 "w ,UB' King "iu iiiniiiiinciuriug worK. i no big steam schooner N'nnn Smith was vonlenco of conducting the business. C. A. Sjilth Is at the head cf them ell. The building of tho second mill on Coos liny Is not nil that will be done by .Mr. Smith. Ho owned In Minne apolis the largest sawmill In the Uni ted States and ns the supply ot tlm- especially built by Mr. Smith to trans port lumber from Coos liny. She was, when built, the largest utool steam lumber schooner on tho Pnclflc Const. Shf cost about $300,000 mulls nearly 300 feet long, and has carrlod as much ns 2,220,000 feet of luinbor on oitnor loading on heals or stacking m The work of tho SmlMi-Powers tho dock. In tho construction cf tVs LokjIuv Coiu'inur has been enunllv $$, her Is rapidly gMng out In that local- ono trip ity, operations In Minneapolis will Another vessel, tho Itedondo. wns C. A. Smith has a plan for rcforeit lng all of tho land from which be cuts ' tltubor. Ho has engaged tho icrrlctt -of two toon who uro experienced It forestry nnd they have for a yu boon working on tho plans for refor esting tho lands. Mr. Smith's plan Ii to hnvo nil of his lands reforeilcd u that thoro will bo n perpetual sup ply ot timber. Ho tnkes the itiol that ns ho Is n largo consumer, It It his duty to roforost where ho hnict' timber for consumption, nnd he tin thnt ho wUl tnko great prlilo In lett ing standing ono hundred trees (or ovory ono Hint ho cuta down. He Ii tho first Individual or company to tnke up reforesting nnd of course will not reap tho bonoflts during his 11(6 time as it tnkes from sixty to seven-ty-ilvo years for trees to reach i marketable ago. '"" r A Smith Interests In Marsh- I. . '.S -. ! ,. " ;. ..i ... . '.,--' ' - " .. .ti . . . V : I fBfBTsTsBsTs'B'sTsTBHsTsTT l r flJHiV kiAVHsikaS North lleiiil S.ihIi nml Door Kmtorj. ,,. Nl.s r S M) " JaSat&gMWMtfMMgJlglg -w-w-w w w w m -M-wM-fc m rm m s m. .m. j.- --- , . ITIIIMII 71'Ilt SI 11111 V l.ll.t L...!i. ----- w , WWSJAAAA - ' ' lllllll rilllllll TO 1 E PROPERTY IRE C. A- Smith Floats Large Bond Issue for Local Use. 'Hint I'. A. Smith is to spud n mill-lo-i nnd h Imlf dollsrs Improving hi Miiralitield property U siiuounetid In nn itrlicl lu the QretCunlHti. Ilofr unro Is made to tho tact thut Mr. Smith nIII not sell hl tlmbor proper ty. There was u report In I'ortUiiid aovoml ila. ao tht lr. Smith had told his I.nm county holdlutt for 50.000,000. Mr. Smith has wlrad from Mlnnoapolls that thoro wns no lonndatlon for tho report. Tho article in the Oroggnlan re. gnrdlng the improvement of the prop erty hero Is ns follows: Tho O. A. Smith Timber Company has jus: completed tho 'notation of a $1, .',00,000 bond Issue to be used for the extension of tho Smith mill at Marshileld, the reforestation of the logged-off hiniU belonging to tho company u Con.cuuuty nnd a gen eral improvement In logging condi tions nnd work, uccordlug to Frank Alley, of Iloioburg, one of tho -attorneys for thi timber concern. "The bond Issue Is mnde up of $600 bonds, bearing lateral nt Ave per cent." ho said. Mr. Alloy iloultw the sale of the compauW Orogou holdings. "They nro serial bends, by which is mount certain percentage will bo retired everj year, the lust bond being paid back 20 oarj from date. The issue was sold at par. which, in the ureeent state of the bund market, speaks unusually well for the security offered. "The Issue was flontod by MeOrath and Neuluuison of Portland, who In duced throe pastern concerns to tnke up the Issue, Representing the bond company, Judge llnrthell and a Mr. O'Connor of .Nashville, Tenn., eutno here and visited the county seats ot the counties lu which the Smith properties aro located for the purpose of thoroughly luspee:lng the ab stracts of tho property." The Government was luduceil to release one of Its he.ul foresters, sahl Mr. Alloy Inst night, for the purpose of tnuiug charge of the reforestation. This work would be proceeded with Immediately. Mr. Alloy assorted Judge Uartholl and .Mr. O'Connor visited John Mi- Court, United States District Attor ney, and lenruod from hint that uo further action wa3 contemplated r gainst the Smith properties. Mr. Alloy dented the teport that the Smith holding had beeu sold for S.O00.00rt. -Three times $. 000.000 would rot purchase these hold Imp." he sttliT. Operating their own linos of steamers p,nd their own mills, ns wn as their own logging companies, the C. A. Smith Timber Company, as the parent company, Is probably at. the head of the largost timber concern In Oregon. The holdings amount to about 300.000 acres, 100.0Q0 alone being In Linn county. With the exception of about 7500 acres there U a clear tltl tn tho , whole property, patents having boen jibsued for t all. Thoro are also a . in, iiiium-tici acres in Con pmm,- ;the script for which was purchased from L. A. llydo & Company, upon i which some shadow Is thought to irest. Tho report made by the Tennessee , attorneys was. however, thoroughly satisfactory, according to Mr. AIle'. ! F. A. Krlbs of Portland, represent ing tho Smith Interests, loft Saturday for Victoria, whore he purposes golni; Into the purchase of som0 cnol and .timber lands. Mr, Xeuhausen re turned to Portland last night nnd confirmed tho roport of the bond Issue on tne bnilth property. The Smith mill at Marshfiold u .m . to be tho largest In the world. With US 15 POT ; OFFJ WEEK Southern Oregon District Event to Be Held Week of Sept. 27th. Hoarding the fair for the South ern Oregon district, of which Coos , county u n part, the Uoseburg Xews says JJJJtFalr Hoard. Us line of steamers tho Smith con rn h8 targe sUce of tho ex ,ort l.uo is for tho purpose of putting the concern on a footing that will enVb'o it to defy competition. hold recontly. It wns decided to pot pone the Second Southorn Orego" District Fair ono weok, and the dates now claimed will bo September tl t October 1, inclusive. Considerable opposition was mn1, tested to tho proposed change, t"' after careful consideration of in' matter It wna doomed to nostoone the fair until tho weok following the J-i county fair. It was explained to to? board that whllo, by reason of tk' larger purses offered, tho majority of tho horsomen have felgnlned their Intention of coming to Roseiur rnther than to Eugene, yet the Inter ests of tho entire district demand the fullest success of both tho District Fair and the Luno County Fair- Go to tho EMPIRE 3IARKW all kinds of F1SIT. CLAMS 1 CRAUS. Deop SEA FISH a speclaW , Send TnE WEEKLY TIMES to four FRIENDS back EASTS U-50 per year. 4feffSjSGSJ' aw MMMliiSMt IS.