V"nt-J . .'A. ''" a' l ' " v JFtttws ADS. ' cos NEWS U '"?.! .'? "Ti ,!.' GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW OT READING THE COOS BAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALo THE TIMS) TERSELY 10LB t: :t :: :: :: :S -I) lV SUCCESSFUL 1JUSI- IIOt'SKS KVi!.iiv"""" . MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS TOM Established in ns Tlio Const JL. XXXIH. A smith Company Ready to Open Second Big Plant in Marshfield. jCREASES PAYROLL AND LOCAL OUTPUT. lives Marshfield the Biggest Lumber Manufacturing Plant on the Pacific Coast. The new Kiibtsldo mill of tho C. A. bn.nii Lumber ami .umimuuuunb 'Atiinattt 13 cihiiiiiu"-" """ " i ..I......1 (1...I ..'III 111. cady to Btnrt operations Snturdny I EASTSIDE LUMBER MILL IjUNM STARTS OPERATING WAY inrnlllK. TllO "rSl JOB "" r""l1, uflr,n,,l ll.nt M.n.. I.n.l !..... nt ir ',1"'S JWZ ottlns cver thing In rondlnoss for, tho regular run. The Bturiiug 01 win wun mo veniremen, nut no sniu boiiio hlc ttlnnt Is nn Important event for ono g ,i0B corrupt work and lie Coos Bay as It will lucrenHo the !, r0 of Marshlleld and also w II Brent-' lv merer tli output of lumber rrom ' , this port. This U the second mill thnt tho coiiiian has built In MnrshHold nmt all within n period of loss than four jcars. The Lnstslde mill is opposlto the old mill on tlio oust siao oi It'limui Inl't. It Is the old Denn mill built over, but so eomploto has been the rlmnge that It Ih practically a now mill. Tho Improvement was made at a cost of about $100,000. The new mill will cut 150,000 feet of lumber a day, and with tho 300, 000 feet cut dally by tho largo mill, tho company will have u dally enpn Clty of -150,000 feot of lumber. Therefore the C. A. Smith Company lends nil others on tho const in tho amount of lumber produced, nnd Coos nny hns tho privilege of boasting that tho largest sawmill plnnt on tho Tactile const and in tho ontiro west is located in this city. I Tho opening of tho now mill moans hat the enormous payroll of tho Smith company will ho Increased for ty per cent In tho city nnd In tho logging enmps. Tho total payroll nlll now ho about $75,000 n month, which means over $2,500 pnld out dally to men who are working in this county. Mnny thousands of oV.lnts nro nre paid out for otnor purposes and In the constructldn wor' thnt l" constantly going on. Tho opening of the new mill nlso means thnt tho output of lumber will bo Increnscd fllty per cent and that tho compnny will do Just thnt much moro shipping from this port. Slnco C. A. Smith rm mis port. Hinco u. a. amiui bought tho Intorests of tho old Dean company In Mnrshfleld during Decern-, ber, 190C, wondersJmvo taken placo In tho wn r f construction. Tho mng-1 nltudo of what wotijd bo dono was scarcely n jllzed at tho tlmo. A lnrgo setleemnt of Itself hns sprung up ' where thcro wns adjoining tho' limits of Marshlleld nothing but a swamp. ' Hundreds of thousands of dollars ' have been expended for labor In tho construction of tlio first mill and Us(Sncramento operations since, and for tho cutting w of the timber In tho woods. Im provements, however, havo nover teased, niul onco tho big mill was completed plans woro started for tho second mill, which Is now finished. The Bamo progress has marked tho work in tho woods, logging rnilroads and boats being constructed to bring ut the logs, which hns been dono In a way which has broken all previous records. c- A. Smith, tho head of tho com pany, und hoped to bo hero when tho will was opened. He was hero a fow eeks ago, but It wbb necessary for him to leavo to look after other busi ness before tho mill was started. Mlllnien from other places who have visited the now plnnt say that it is certainly n flno mill and are en thusiastic in their pralso of tho skill nnn In tho planning and construc tion The new mill Is auxiliary to tho '"go plant. It is desicned esneclally for cutting o, .... t. ii, and th fl,,o,. ..i - Tf i i Pattern quite like tho Eastern mills d Is different from any other mill on the coast. From this new plant it is vD( 4 T . ?r J XJ (Continued on page 2.) 1H78 Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18,19,10 EVENING EDITION 1 US GUILTY ONES Chicago Judge Says Someone Is Doing Corrupt Work With Jurymen. (Ily Associated Press.) CHICAGO, August IS. Judge Kor ren discharged six more veniremen, ...Hi.!...- .. ...1..1 .. ... ... 11.. 1.1... ihiiiih u uhui ui hi, in inu rcirini uf ,l0 Lco 0.NcI1 n,.mvuo cnBL, ,, - -. not Know who hud boon tampering I00H ti,0 Bty ,, cn ,0 fon,j " - Tho Court Hroinark were nddrosiod to tho lawyers and tho veniremen gcnornlly. Attorney Erbsteln of tho counsel for tho dofonso declared thnt tll0 I0W0P of. tho gtntt.'H ntlorncy's olllco had been used to discredit tlio defense. "Tommyrot!" was tho only comment Stuto'u Attorney Wnymnn1 would mnko. L BALL SCORES . . Portland Loses to Oakland and Fnnrkrn and Los Sri ricUlMbbU dllU UU5 Annplp: Win HOW THEY STAND. Won. Portland 08 Snn Francisco.. 73 ( Oakland 71 ' Vernon 09 Los Angeles. . .09 Sacramento . . .48- LosJ. 50' 04 T 00 ,00 81 P.O. .549 i533 ,.530 '.511 .500 .372 (Dy Assoclntcd Press.) PORTLAND, Oro., August 18. ..,..,., wnB ,iefented by Oakland y08tcrijfy Snn Francisco and AngeIe5 cacl WOn a game, BCOrea woro ng foij0ws: AT PORTLAND R. Portland Oakland - 1 j SAN FRANCISCO , R. gnn Francisco . . . . 8 Vornon ....... t AT LOS ANGELES R. i,0B Angoles 8 Los Tho H. 3 7 H. 9 0 ..tf1' YET IDE Johnson Lumber Company Not I Yet Decided on New Mill Building. Alfred Johnson, of tho Johnson Lumber Company, states that no defi nite plans havo been mado yet as to rebuilding. Tho company's mill was destroyed by flro and it was reported that plans had been mado to rebuild at once, but Mr. Johnson states that whilo tho company expects to do enniothinc tho ulans havo not yoU boon definitely worked out. Mr. Morse, who"owned tho olectrlc Hsht plant which was burned along " "; v " r18UU"";A " ' """' ""orstood that his plans are to build a nlant at tho Parrot coal mine about two miles from tho city, where he can secure cheap fuel, G PUNS NOT ES Chicago iVJan.Has Hard Luck in His Attempt to Fly From Paris to London. 'By Assntlnted rreas.) CHATHAM, England, August 18. John 13. Molsnint, the Chicago avia tor wjio Is attempting to My 'from Paris to London, descepded for tho bocoihI time hero to-day, breaking his propeller and part of the framo of the machine In maknlg the second landing. The resumption of tho flight beforo to-morrow will bo Im possible. Movant's good fortuno seems to have deserted him with his nrrlval on English soil. Tho motor which yes terday .worked without a hitch to-day compelled two successive landings, which wero mado about half way be DISPUTE AS TO Different Claims As to- Time Are Made By Owners of Wolf and Members of the Racing Committee. There Is a dispute regarding tho result of tho match rnco between tho two speed boats to-dny, Tho boats entered wore the Pacer, owned by It. I M. Cox of Portland, and the Wolf, owned by Fred Powers of Mnrshleld. They wore to go over two laps of yesterday's courso which was hold uy tno race comnutteo ns uoing tcij mllos. Tho Wolf was to havo four, minutes stnrt as a hnndlcnp. According to tho statement mado by Dr. Ilnrtlo of tho committee- tho! ofllclnl tlmo wns'ns follows: Pacer 20 minutes, 57 ?4 seconds, Wolf 24 minutes, 50 ? seconds, It Is further stated thnt tho four . . . ... . MINED MEETS VIOLENT DEATH H. C. Barklow Is Accidentally Killed at His Camp in Curry County. Nows comes from Port Orford of tho violent death of II, C. Barklow, a mining promoter, in Curry county. When ho met death ho was at his camp ah alt mllo .nbovo tho Qeorgo Hillings placo on Mule Creek. It Is supposed, according to all Indications, that Mr. Darklow" Intended to make his way to Qeorgo Billings' placo, wlicro In going around a precipice or bluff, whilo It was dark, ho must hao caught his foot on. a llttlo rock pro jecting out of the ground and lost his balanco and fell nbout 50 to CO feet. Indications show no struggle. He must havo been killed Instantly. Mr. narklow carried life Insurnnqo nnd 'il.'also bolonged to tho Mnsonlc organ- 9 Uatlon. Ho was burled at'Mulo Creok j l.by his menus. i 1 One of Seaman on Schooner in Irons Twenty Days. William Jacobson, a sailor onjho schooner Omega, which arrived hero from Honolulu, Is Insane. Ho lost his mind while at sea and was In Irons on the vessel for twenty dyas. On arriving at North Bend tho man was taken to Mercy Hospital, but he was too dangerous to keep thero and to day ho was turned over to me om- cers, who will hold him In custody until ho Is adjudged insane. Buy your groceries at SACCni'S. bftlLUH LU&tb ' . E MIND CALLING CARDS printed at THE railroad is not damaged and tho log TIMES office. .,,,.,, . sera wlU not Ioso 9nyth-lDS SOIL L0NG1 tween TUmanstone and London, whence ho ascended at 4.C5 this morning. Tho first time ho mado a successful descent, albeit ho baroly mlssed the mouth of a deep pitfall, a fall Into which would havo killed both aviator and mechanician. Repairs to the machine delayed him three hours. Ho resumed tho flight, but had hardly gone ten miles when a rod connecting up tho driving gear of tho machine was fractured, stopping tho engine and forcing tho plane to tho ground. In order to nvoldf plunging Into a clump of trees MolBsant lfando an abrupt turn and tho mnchlno caiho down heavily, smashing tho propel lor. Molssnnt and tho mechanician climb ell out uulnjiirod, but It was found repairs could not bo completed on tho spot ns It will bo nec'ossnry to send to Paris for now parts. RESULT OF RACE mmi,tos 8tnrt was given and .that the Pacer made up the four minutes han dicap and enmo in past tho utnl.eboat 7 seconds ahead of tho Wolf. A. II. Powers claims that tho re sult was dtrferont. Ho says that tho Wolf did not got four minutes start but only 3 minutes nnd 1! seconds. lie further claims that tho Wolf came 1 tu pnst tho stakobbnt 1 mlnuto nnd 35 seconds ahead of tho Pacer, Tho mnttcr stands with tills dlvis- Ion of opinion. Tho race wits for fun nnd thoro wan no premium Mr. ... rowers nnu t reu rowers uom cinim thnt tho dlstunco wns more than two miles. Tho courso wns figured as two miles so thnt yesterday's rnco wns counted ns over n Twonty-mllo course. It is claimed that tho dlst- mice ono wny Is more than two miles nnd thnt tho dlstnnco covered yeutor- dny was 20 mllcB instead of 20 miles. L PROTESTS Owner of The Tag Says Square Deal Is Lacking in Boat Race. "I can beat their boats but I can't beat their gamo," remarked J. W. Mitchell, owner of tho fag, .ono of the ontrlcs In tho 25-foot class rnco yestorday. According to Mr. Mitchell, thoro' woro originally only four ontrles In M tho rnco, namely, Tho Piker, Voiiub, t F. Calbreath. Montana 'was not Tep Navnjo nnd Tho Tng. Tho Piker was resonted, but Govornor Norrls sent a given n 20-mlnuto handicap and tho; letter of regrets. Governor Hay, in Navajo n 14-mlnuto handicap. Later in tfpeoch, said ho was Instrumental In tho Auto was entered and 019-mln-! colling tho convention. Ho donlod uto handicap placed on It. After tho, thoro was any politics In it and suld nice startod Its owner protested nnJ that his State was widely Interested tho handicap was changed to 14 mln-! becauso 'HVi nor cent of Its area wns utes thus giving It an advantago that'll, the rosorvos. Thus, ho thought, it mndo it victor. Mr. Mitchell rightly (should bo consorved by tfio Stnto In makes protest at what ho consldors stead of tho nation. Govornor Brooks a violation of n squaro deal and It! of Wyoming said thero -wero two looka''aB though ho had good ground j questions beforo tho conference, who for his action. Ither the Wentem Statos should-. bo FOREST FIRE IS PUT DIITi Force of Men at Daniels Creek Succeeds in Saving Property. Tho flro at Daniels Creek is to-day reported to bo about out. Whon tho smoko cleared away it was found that tho logs wero not damaged as was suppobed and every thln.g,helonglng to the McDonald-Vaughn camp was savod. For a tlmo it looked HIco ev erything would bo lost, but a good force of men was brought togother and fought tho flro. They dug. a big ditch half a mllo long, which pro vented tho flro from reaching tho logs which had heon cut. It was thought yesterday that tho ra'Jlroad bridges could not possibly bo saved, hut the EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mill Coos liny Advertiser. NO? TO BE ELECTEO IS THE WINNER Is Nominated By Nebraska Re publicans For Governor By Ten Thousand Majority. (Dy Associated Press.) OMAHA, Neb., August 19. Tho Ileo announces tills morning that Cady practically concedes his" dofoht by Aldrlch In tlio rnco for tho Repub lican nomination for Governor and thnt Aldrlch claims a majority of over 10,000. HOLD CONFERENCE. Roosevelt dud Others Meet to DNciishi Polities. fPr Associated Prcsk.) OYSTER RAY, N. Y., August IS. A hurried conference at Saglmoro Hill wns hold to-dny bctweon Colon?! Roosovclt nnd Wllllnm Locb, Jr., Lloyd C. Grlscom nnd Congrossmnu YV W. Pnnl.'n rifliinnni unlit lin nmilil not discuss his visit. Whon asked If his statement that tho light In behalf ot Roosevelt would bo carried to tho Saratoga convention still stood, Grls - com roplled, "It does . Roosevelt do - clined to talk politics. Hold Confernce to Discuss Matter Regarding National Conservation Congress. (Dy Associated Pes.) SALT LAKE CITY, August 13. A conference of tho Governors of the Western States to discuss mnttors portalnng to the national conserva tion congrcs at Bt. Paul next month nssombled hero to-day. Tho follow ing woro prcsont; Governors oFWaBh ington, Idaho and Wyoming, Oregon represented by C. N. McArthur, Cnll- . 1 .... n ........ IUt... Vn.rn.ln fornla by Congressman Knhn, Nevada by A. D. Whlchor and Colorado by represented ntul Avhnt should bo their ...it... it.. fn?rn. tlmt nil lin rnnrn- I IJiuimy. no idiuivu m.i ..it .,... I sented and that n common line of ac tion bo agreed on. Governor Brady of Idaho agreed with Brooks. MERELY BUSINESS DEAL. - ' - s Imt I Nyy McMurnij' Looks Upon Indian Coiitnicts; (By Associated Press.) RlTT.PHIin. Okla.. Ancust 18. J. jf. McMurray, whose-contracts with tho Indians allowing him ton per cent fees on tho sale of ?3P,000,Otfu worth of land, which Is tho subjectof In vestlgation by a Congressional com mltteo, wont on the stnnd to-day. Mc Murray described his contracts as a "plain business deal." OAYNOR DOING WELL. Wounded Mayor of Now York Con r tines to Improve, 'Pvl Associated P'csa.) NEW YORK, August 18. Mayor Gaynor passed a good nlsht and wns comfortable, tho physicians said this mornjng after they camp from tho sick room of the wounded executive. Report had It that the lodgomont of tho bullet In tho throat was causing paralysis, but thls,thovattondlng phy sicians said "was not- true, AE M No. 28. IS Makes Statement Which Is Be lieved to Be Sanctioned By Administration. FIGHT IS NOW ON AGAINST THE SPEAKER. Cannon Refers to Movement as Political Windmill Fanned By Falsehood. (By Associated Press.) BEVERLY, Mass., August 18. Reflecting tho view of the adminis tration, It Is genernlly bellevod, Ron rosontntlvo I.ongworth to-dny gnvo out a statement In which ho says ho will nover support Speaker Cannon again and thnt ho docs not liollovo Cannon over can bo reelected. This la regarded as tho beginning of tlio uviiiiu iigni on unnnuii. It has boon regarded as sign I (leant thntvLungworth has boon called into all recont conferences of ti poltticnl nature held by President Tnft. Ho ; was present yesterday whon tho Pres ident nnd Sherman talked togethor. It w"8 ro,orlcdf, t,,on tlmt ,l, !nt",""'lt aUvc t0 c,anno W"H J""B l'"" JT'.V" qUB! V? t,J0i?dinl,n: 1 trfnt' n,ul t "ns also Intlmutod ' "t Sherman, who like Longworth. HUD 1IIUI1JB lll'Ull l nillIUliUl Ul WU.ll- non, hnd become reconciled tu tho fact that Cannon must go. Thoro may be further significance In tho fact that I.ongworth Is going to Oyster liny Snturdny to spend sevornl days with his fathor-ln-lnw, Colonel Roosavolt. Longworth'B statomont In sub stnnco says that Longworth did not Intend to allude to tho fnct that ho Intendod to opposo Canno's ro-olc-tlon as Speaker, had tho Speukor re frained from himself bringing that Intention to tho front nnd making GANNON AN a part uf the Spcakcr'a campaign for,. re-election to the House. Now-jLlwt tho Ibsuo Is mado, Lo.ngworth says h does not propose to dodgo It. IIu thou proceeds to sny that ho shall opposo Cannon's re-olcctlon to tho Speukor slilp. Ho says ho mado up his mind beforo tho adjournment of tho laot session that Cannon could uot bo r1 elected Speaker and his opinion has boon- strengthened through corre spondence' and talkB to those of bis colleagues who have supported Can non. Ho snyB In has a genuine af fection for Cannon as ii man and fighter and that ho has supported, him five times for tho Spcakorshlpj hav ing voted for his oloctlon four times nnd onco against his removal. Ho says, "but I cannot do It again." Tlmt a movement looking to tho elimina tion of Cannon was on foot was in dicated a week ago. Whether tho Speaker will accept tho situation which has developed bIiico yestorday's conferouco with tho President, ro mnlna yet to, bo Been. Whother l accepts or not, It Is folt hore that Cannon la already eliminated. WILL NOT ANSWER. By Associated Press.) 'DANVILLE, 111., August 18. Speaker Cannon, whon bliowu a dis patch from Bovqrly regarding tho statomont glvon out by Longwortl'. snld, "Mr. Cannon decllnos to answer any statement Mr, Nicholas Long worth may or mny not havo mado un til ho sees fit. I do not answor any statements which I bellevo to" bo fakes that mischievous parties' inLtj. It Is tlmo enough for mo to answo tho President of tho United Statca if ho has any statomont to mako on Re publicanism, Tho Speakor of tho Houeo o RepresonfatfveH when ho makes that Btatornent "iTo'ob If uudor his own hnnd. I wRT ndfflght wind mills fannod by breozea blown from tho lungs of political or personal enemies or cowards." REJOICE FOR EMPEROR, People Celebrate lllitlulay of Frnncfs JoM'ph of Austria, fnv As.rlflKd PrfiH.) VIENNA. Autsrla, August IS. National rejoicing to-day markod tho olghtloth birthday of Emporor Fran cis Joseph, venorable Emperor of Aub trla and Hungary. Hkj