-Tg'jmwipyipnwiwiipnjii t 4 "Ttrp '.-, ,811 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. M I V' r l ! c BUSY SESSION (Continued from pneo 1.) It and Albrccht nnd Nelson ngnlnst It. To J toll Paving. Tho specifications for tho bitum inous rock paving on Aniloi'son nve ntio and North Front street were read. In these, City Engineer Snndberg specified that ho paving bo rolled solid with n five or Bix-ton roller be- sides tho band rollers that havo been ordinarily used. Ho stated this was necessary to secure a solid paving and was being required In other cit ies. Owing to much of thp paving lu -thd'ast being on hills thnt would not at (ho tlmo stand tho heavy rolling, It was not required on thetn, ho snld. Councilman Powers said that ho didn't hardly think it was right to re .quire this so Into in the season ns the company would bo forced to buy n now roller at an osenso of $2,000 or $2,500 and ho was afraid that they would make tho city pay for It In their bid. After considerable discus sion, It wns decided to ollinlnnto this phaso of tho specifications for this year, although most of tho council thought It would bo a good thing to linvo tho paving so rolled. Tlin ..at ttltnln.l .trial n t iniiilitn. l.. deron nven from Headway To'S"! 8lrCUla 80"th " oM co1 m,. I., t 1 . , A A A .. .. -.. . .v.v.. j iiiru street is ju.uu per ironi iooi of each nbuttlng lot exclusive of $81 for tho bnlance of tho Third street Intersection nnd $091 'for tho Second street Intersection. Tho council will street would not permit, although tho original plans provided for It thore. Ho said thnt a slight error had caused this change, but that It would bo bet ter for tho system. Messrs. Wllllnms nnd Whit more I grew very animated in tlielr discus sion of It nnd Intimated that City En gineer Snndberg did not know his business! Tho matter was border- liiir . flirt ftf.l if itmomintlt lta tilin(i " 111 Ult fc..V lUifiV Vl jltlSVIIUllktUO tl 11U.4 j (Mayor Straw brought tho discussion to an end. Councilman Coke snld thaF he and Councilman Hennessey had investi gated tho matter onco and favored one change In tho sewer, but that they did not loflk up tho question of I moving tho flush tnnk. Ho said that Street had protested against this , chango which was desired by Whlt moro, MlrraBqul nnd others. Attor ney Goss suld thnt' ho feared that n chango In tho streets on which the sower wns ordered might cause legal troubles which would prevent tho city collecting tho assessments If anyone protested, but he snld a chango In tho location of tho flush tank would not. Mr. Whltmoro said that ho pro posed to protest vigorously against n chango, which ho said ho couldn't undoramnd how tho engineer expect ed any Intelligent man to accept as correct. Finally It was disposed of by tho council agreeing to Inspect tho system this evening nt 7 o'clock. Ollll'l' HllsillCMM. Tho nssousmonts on Eighth and Friend Pat Hcnno38cy wns given permis sion to Improve his share of Ingersull inonue by brlnulne It to grade. Hugh McLttln wns glvun permission t. Iltll. .. 1.'. II. ..Ill T.llTl., nl.l.. 1.1. meet ns n board of equalization on '" """" " '" """ "'"" '" this assessment on August 30th. . I vrX , ?' n ' ,,.,., x-nr.i, t..n. ..,. .. .., .-.i I cu Attorney (loss roportcd thnt It Iron, the present and of tho nnvlng to I U'0",a " ",nl fur tho c,ty t0 httV0 tho Cold Storngo Plant nnd Is to be strongly bulkhendod nnd tilled to -a c.ty assessor. A wnirant for $73 was ordered drawn for tho malntounuco of the city library. Tho usunl grist of bills woro or dered paid. An ordinance providing for tho sale of 51S.502.22 worth of Improve A XKJIIT ROAT FOlt C KX1 V. L WEEK. -r- grade. The cstlmato for this was not stated last night. Hetvngo QueMlon l'p. Toter Mirrnsoul, Arthur Williams nnd M. E. Whltmoro appeared last uiBiit aim uKuiii urgeu cerium cunngos mont ,011l8 W1U paiig0t. In tho West Mnrshflold sowngo Bys-I . .f- tilin nn Itwl l.lll M. ......... MM. I. ...... ' tvill nil lllu llllli .1IUDBIB, tt IllllllUlU and Mirrnsoul wanted tho sewer , changed from tho alloy on the hill to nnother street, thereby reducing tho depth It would hnvo to be put In th D,irl"K carnival week tho Alice H. ground. They wanted done Just what Win lcnvo Ml "CIuI at navigation ev il. T. Strcot and others opposed nt tho orv evening nt 5 o'clock, arriving lu last council mooting. IMarshlleld in tlmo for tho evening Arthur Williams protested ngnlnst Program and returning will leavo tho chango In tho location of tho flush nftcr tno exorcises nro over. This as tnnk from Fourteenth street to Thlr- accommodation for Cooh River loonth slreot, saying this would leavo Pntroni. SMITH & RUSSELL, part nf tho systom without being j Proprietors. properly flushed although It has n' very Blight grado. j Send THE WEEKLY TIMES to City Englneor Snndberg explained your FRIENDS back EAST; $1.50 thnt tho flush tnnk had been ordered per year, changed owing to tho fact thnt tho depth of tho sower on Fourteenth TRY THE TIM1 S WANT ADS. asr tWk wi iifr mmiLmAmmk "v zmMMMSk i w.ficmm mm mm ntimm, ! y mm naurmu umiBts&sm i WSBIF9 1 hxvCwi I w zfi Ml 3 rSrmm WV 1 M l MlM J" ' ' - - CLOTHIM4 COMPANr, Ju&& CLEVER PUR' SIGHTS"! 10 M HERE OLD WRECK ainoi Plnnt Pnsscs Hull est in ? ros 12 to $30 1 : Jj This has been thoroughly proven to us and we can convince you. North Front Street. FIXUR iJcwKTOWcsxiRtrwr a which wub wrecked about two yoara ago and which for a long tlmo wns Hlghted nt different polntH along tho const. However, whatever tho hull Is, It la a groat menace to navigation. Tho tue Horctilori wax comlnir mi from' San Francisco nt tho saino time!1"101' fra' H'" "IB canals. Ttehs ns tho riant nnd kIio tried to got n" exceedingly rich, but has itp nnn o.u.... I.. .- . ..bvj ojo.vi.i uu ii Kirgo tract of teil Tho project Included the draluji J ovor 1,000 ncroa of land. Thcdrti-I mndo largo canals extending tkress tho land and smnller lateral! ti Evans and O'Brien Will Give Classy Exhibition at North Bend. Plant Passes Hull Which May Be That of Bessie K. lino on the derelict but did not sue ceed. LAIKJK TRACT DRAI.VKI). Capt. UurtU, of the Btonmor Plant, North Rend will be tho muccn for sighted a derelict on tho way up from tho followers of tho snunred ulrelo snn Kruneiseo. Off Point Areim ho to-morrow night when Danny O'llrlen ' Mw ". ,IM" boltom f1(, M); Sl, a" lii'iiiuu in ue ii vissei ui iiriiunuiy -uu You can and our catalog telU you how to aava U to H on and Hobby' Kvaus will moot for n twouty-rouud go under tho auspices f tho North Dead Athletic Club. Ruth aro clover glovo .artluta and owing to tho close Mulsh In tho coutejt on July I th, each Is determined to go to it from tho start, thus Insuring ono nf tho fasten glovo contests that has ever boon held on thn Ray. Frnnky O'llriun nnd Kid Ksposllo nro xlated for tho preliminary nnd nro nlso clever boxers. There lints been n big advance salo of tickets nnd the br sonts aro going last. Senator Jim Raines who arrived from San Francisco to-dny nnd who , rcv7S?J tho lore- Is fresh from the big "goes' agreed to referee tho match to-mor row nUht. tons and It Is thought posstblo thnt I' Is tho old hull of tho Ressle Id, BUILD for LESS t SjNteni uf Divilulnt; CiiitUmI Out Rccluliu Valuable l.aml. M. V. McCulloch has returned from Coo MHo wIito ho has been for sev- orn' "i.onth. lu charge of tho Larson dr !r wMch wns making ttio drnln- boon, covered with wnter In the ti tor tlmo and never drained a-i enough In tho season to allow ! vntlon. Tho system of dralniMK such thnt tho wnter Is carried clef the laud allowing Its cultlratlot Tl, land Is what Is known ns tho Ixtit Slough tract. On the opposite ti of the river L',200 ncrcs ol Uni h one body nnd known ns tho Fun district, lit bolng drained In theual manner. SASH AND D-Oroia Panax Door 81.00 Ml Ion Btyla Bungalow Ooora. 1.00 Oottare rront Doora a.to Tanoy rront Soon 0.00 Two-lltfbt Window, from 700 DUY DIRECT FROM THE MILL Wo fell nothtnir but wull aca ' ponnl. klln-drlcd II r. init together to t Your money back If not ns Will any frf II.1.U UUii MwllU 4 iajwi; nfci ., ,TVMiitr0Ai,TvrmiMjfjwuat SATURDAY NIGHT v has .t tnh and Door i'uviury 111 111a i ii- . cilia N o r t Invest: own our mill nml I rave you tho need loca mlildlcnun'M ' pronta. If you nro 1 hlu-ptlcnl icinl uh n lUt of tho ma terial you need. Wo aoll anybody, , Bhlp nnywhero. Band for Cataloa .Ml. IW, .Williams Co. rirat Ava. B.. BatU, WMU. Al. Nell, t!u -ii known f, I ' . h , .-, a; rlvd lure to day mi tho M. F. Plain for ii .. 1 , , . , uy at the M:u.Utloul SkntlhK Kink Saturday ninht. August at)ih. He U In nnu mp 1:11,1 w!l put on tho nnlshlug niohe hero. Ho I tra,ttj down rty well so tUat lie will not havo any d I! u)ty In uuvUtug 1C0 pound! for tho bout. Malin ger John Horron U oatli'i-, . - Ver tho "go" as It promisor to be an un usually line ono. Thenilvnii" tl'iic rb l'a boon largo. Tickets can bo roserved at tho Dcil Card. Reldcs Nell r-nd Day, n couplo of classy pre Jlmnlarlea ere boiug arranged. Senator Baltics will referee. u 1 ii DOORS I k) b in m l die. LiirdiBS?i?SdS253c5S2!na?jBES2S?K5asaSEK -'iZ5StL'jil5aS2S?SSj JO x STEAMER BRFAKWA1TR " 8.1IN from AlitNivorlli Dock, Portlnntl, O 11. m Atigitht 7, li!, 17,22 I nnd 1!7. Halls from Coon Ray on tide August I, 0, II, II), 21 nnd 20. 3 llllkl.l.Vlkf IflllU ll'lll II. l In. Iinlil li.l..H .1..... .... .. .1... .......I..... . N ... .......... .r, .in. iv nj 111 111 mv- iiiiui iiuini ill u.ij iri-iuu) lu H xullliig, unless ticket nro purchased. W. F. MHIer.EAgt,. Phono Kein 35-L a?s&Wtt2nttszs?5Z5eszszs2SiniVi?si& tt'.n-H-H-a-n-a- ------ a-t:-a--w -u-a-a-a-a-n-n-a-s i Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT 1HARI.0 AXI) JOSSON CLIENT The bort noinostlu nud Imported "brands. I'lnntur.' Llnio, Rrlck, nnd nil kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR BIO 80UTII 1JROADWAY PHONE 201 v XV ,J.l.JttJ, JLkw. u made largely of pure vegetable oil and euffi cient selected beef fat added to ecu re proper consistency and make it A Perfect Shortening Galifene iitbebest ub etitute for lard that lias so far been put upon tne I marxer. its quality ana whojesomencjs are fully guaranteed. V, S. CoTernmeiit taipcctij That's Your Guarantee WESTERN MEAT CO. Sin Franciico, U.S. A. '""' CARNIVAL WEEK. DRESS UP. Anticipating Your Wants ! THE FALL SEASON APPROACHES. WITH IT. IN DUE SEASON, THIS FIRM WILL OFFER YOU. IN QUALITY OF FARRIC, IN COLOR, IN STYLE AND AT THE RIGHT PRICE, THE MOST EXCLUSIVE AND RIGHT-UP-TO-DATE w- cotton Seea on , - Oleoster'll M IZjII fc FURNISHINGS CLOTHING and HATS THAT HAVE EVER REEN SHOWN IN COOS COUNTY. HENJAMIN SMART CLOTHES, NEW CLUETT SHIRTS, FALL NECKWEAR AND HATS ARE NOW HERE IN SEASONARLE QUANTITIES. Our Summer Sale Continues AND QUALITY CONSIDERED, NONE OFFERS RETTER VALUES. .MONEY TALKS. W'.JE TO GET THE REST CASH ONLY. t l! aiC J' A TTTJm T. v t1 fl ifA'J til A 1 XTter && 2fW&, a ' r yyjf -S-J ffrjnMVjff 'WMfrt:Kif!7nmnTm.'SMSfi. MARSHFIELD BANDON I) IfUJ 1 Mfc -- - mMpMm m h'mft