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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1910)
V"-mrr w " r-y - '"-'"flWW" i" J ' 'H.PIWWW ,Wrw!MfiiBifjtl ' wtt '" twkw ADS. mmm NEWS LlKK III'SISKSS IS SLOW, Al GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BTf READING THE COOS UAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TERSELY 1 OLD t: :: :: s x: ItlUio otrrriiMJMIi'IIIi 11USI. K i.nrsKS everywhere ; MEMBER OP ASSOOLVTED TRESS Established In 187H us The Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. rot xxxiii. No. 27. rT " r ' nnr iv -T -wrw "Tl; i I SUIT MAKES SUCCESSFUL P W RAGE WITH WOLF JOHNSON IS CHOSEN BY AIRSHIP TFSIP IN EUROPE oung Spanish Aviator Flies With case rrowi ncuiuc to England. rHERS IN RACE ' COME, TO GRIEF, Ld Was Severe But, Machine Is Handled wun ureai (Ey Associated Press.) OBAL,X:nBltiI. August 17. With cry prospect of success In complot- u ibe aerial trl fl"m 1,urla to Lon" ton In companion for, tho cup of- tcJ by tlit Londui newspapers ami ir tbo proceuU of tlio subscription ,ltcd by Oralmm E. Wlilto, wfllbh o Knellsh nvlator ;oncrouBly rnlBcd ficr his dofint In the London-Mnn- hester rnce, Molssunt, n young Spnn- h nvlator. ikseended nonr lioro to- inr. liavItlK Ill'CUIIIIlUHllOd tlio lllgllt from Paris to CalalH and tlio Journey Icrojs tbo Clinnnel to Deal with ease. Mclisnnt In a trip across tlio Chan- icl, carried a passenger, IiIh niochiiu- lan. Albert, limbing tlio croiB-Chnn- iol fllglit not merely an IneMont In ho Ions I'nrls-I.oiidon Journey but an ithlcvemcnt which surpassed tlio cats of Illerlot, DoLessups nud tlio inforlunnto Rolls, whoso innciilnoa ere burned In crossing the straits, lie Is now preparing to contlnuo jho trip to Loudon, which ho was lorccJ to Interrupt because of having ecn numbed by cold during tlio trip icrois the Channel. Hubert Lntanni, ho started from losy, n suburb of 'arts to race Molssant to London, hud scries of accidents, culminating In wreck. The trip across tlio Channel as accomplished In n strong breeze, lie wind being so high that the ox- xrlcnccd avlutois looked on the start i foolish. He launched his aero lanc from tlio Cliffs near Calais at 0.15 this mornlnc and hoadod for ho English shore. Tlio hlnlniio pitch- r4 and rolled so dangorously that ho spectators believed It In Inimi cal danKer, but though 0110 of tho rpungeit aviators, Molssant mnnngoil ho machine with tho greatest skill. Ie expected to land at Dovor. but us driven a few miles north by tho Mad and in rule tho const near Deal 1 11 15 A. ,M. landing at YlelmniiH- lown, smio dlftnnco from lioro. Tho rip from Calais to Tlloninnstouo oc- aplcd approximately thlrty-sovon minutes. COUNCIL HAS BUSY SESSION Street Contract Extras, Speci fications and Sewer Con tract' Changes Talked. A bill fur extras on tho Fifth street paving, tho West Mnrshtlold She Makes the Twenty-Mile Course in Fifty-Five Minutes and Fifty-One and a Half Seconds. The Pnccr of Portland won tho big speed boat race agnlnst the Wolf this morning. Tho Pacer had the best of It and Won with ease. The courso was froni North Bend around a buoy opposite tho cold storage plant in Mnrshlleld. The bonts made tho round trip' five limes, which niado the courso about twenty miles in length. On the last lap the Pnccr was about two miles ahead of the Wolf. Her tlmo lor tho twenty miles was 55 minutes and 51 6 sec onds. Tho Wolf was ton minutes slower. ' i Tn-mnrrmv ttmrn will lin olllinr n sowago system changes and Bpoclllen-!ltIimIIcn) rnco bolweon tho two 1)0nt8 nous nir now uiiuuiuious rocit pav- or elso tho Pacer will run alone, v Jlngon Audorsou avenue ami on North lug as fast as sho possibly can. For Front street, iniido last ovonlng'H ses-'"10 rnco to-day sho was awarded t ftloii ii rather animated one. There. C11" nml $1!5 cn8h I,rlzo' I was it small attendance at the meet-', "'11' 1Uxci'H' i . . , , , , , ., i The Auto won the twonty-ilve foot lug, only four or llvo outs do tho . ,,..,. , class race over nn olght-nille course. mombors of tho council. Mayor Straw ,Tno Tng w-ng tfocom-i, T110 iMkor, ,vas present part of tho tlnio and all Navajo and tho Venus also ran. of tho council except A. J. Savage. i Tho Outlaw and tho Scoots II. ran 1 .Most of the session was taken up n rnco ln wh,c t" Outlaw won. ... ,. , t ., . An ondiiraneo race for cruisers with a discuss on of tho Coos Hay , . . ... was Interesting, in it were onterod Paving and Construction Company's ,J(,B(ir gmp,0l,.g Koo8( Charles Van hill for $311.50 for extras on tho .Ho'b Rambler nud Edgar McDanlol's South Fifth street (formerly Haines Prlntor's Devil. They ran sixteen stroot) paving. The company claimed , hiIIob. Tho rnco was to bo decided to have moved about COO yards of on the way tho boats ran and tho oxtrn dirt at forty-llvo conTs per yard, condition of tho onglno at tho ond. 'wanted $42 extra for having had to They woro all In such good condi tio tho street rollor on tho dlrfbo- tlonthat the winner has not yet been foro putting on tho concroto, although decided, but It will probably bo olther tio specifications provided for roll- tho Koos or tlio Rambler. Ing, $25 for moving somo gravel that, Parade To-Night. Vd been erroneously put In nt tho; Thoro will bo a parade of boats wrong plnco lint did not specify any this evonlng. A lot of fireworks nro allowance to tho city for 190 feot of on hands and these will bo dlstrlb curbing which they did not put In. utcd among tho boats nt NorTirnond City Engineer Sandbcrg said that and tho launches will como to Inrsh they had removed only 308 yards of Hold and mako a display of fireworks, dirt nioro than the original contract . Avrnrtlcfl. provided instead of COO which they The conimittco on tho decorated claimed, nud ho protested against nl- launch contest had considerable dlf lowing them $12 for tolling tho flculty on nrrlvlng at ft decision, by street, which 'ho said was provided reason of ono of tho programs rend-J for In tho specifications and which lug that tho prlzo was to ho "For best I they had been notified to do. Council- ( man Coko said that, furthormoro, tho decorated boat, night decoration," and the other saying, "Fifty dollnrs cash prlzo for the best decorated launch." It was conceded by the committee that the Allco II. was tho best decorated launch for dny deco rations and the Mlrac was tho best decorated for night decorations, therefore In view of this discrepancy In tho progrnmmo it was concluded to give the Allco H. and tho Mlrac the first nnd second prizes Jointlyand tho third prize was awarded to the launch Tourist. Tho Alice II. Is owned by Levi Smith. The Mlrac by Dr. Bartlo, rind the Tourist Is owned by D. Wolcott. Tho committee consisted of Gov. Bowormnn, John Grooves nnd J. W. Dennett. Pnccr Cost 98,000. Thoro Is a good donl of speculation as to what Is tho cost of tho speed boats which aro taking part ln tho boat races. Tho Pacer of Portland, which Is lioro to run ngalnst tho Wolf is ono of the most expensive boats of Its class. It cost J8.000. Tho "n gluos In the boat cost f 0,000 nud tho boat Itself cost about $2,000 more. Tho J;wo boats which nro owned h" A. II. Powers nro nlso expensive, but did not cost as much as tho Pacer. The reason Hint A. II. Power, did not start his boat, the General 11., wns hecauso ho did not hnvo tho pro pellor necessary. Ho needed a new wheel and recently telegraphed for what he wanted but thoro was a mis take In supplying the order and ho consequently could not stnrt tho boat In thoso races. Some thought Hint thu Genoral'irrwnB notfntho snnio class with tho (Other boats In the races, but that was not tho reason for tho boat not stnrtlng. It was simply becauso Mr. Powors did not recolvo tho right kind of n propeller which ho ordered nud It wns too late to got what ho needed. Spcclnl Train Accommodation. To accommodate tho Coqulllo Val ley peoplo coming to the Day, Agont Miller of the local railway announced to-dny that thoro would bo special trains from hero to riio Valley Thurs day, Friday and Saturday nights. Tho trains -will 1envo nt 11 o'clock, aftor most of tho festivities aro over. CALIFORNIA HEPU S TEX HICKAHD . IN COAL DEAL Fight Promoter Reputed to Have Invested in Coos County Mines. Tex Rlckard, who gained fnmo or notoriety through promoting the Jeffries-Johnson light nt Reno on Jul 1th, hns become n Coos county boost or, nccordlng to San Francisco dis patches, although it Is not known hero JiiBt how or to what oxtont. Tho press dispatch from San Francisco states that ho has purchased some His Plurality Will Be Probably Something Over Twenty . Thousand. HITCHCOCK LEADS IN NEBRASKA FIGHT. Roosevelt Is to Take an Active Part in the New York Campaign. Ply Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, August 17. Returns coming In slowly from nit parts of the State seom to add to tho completeness of the victory scored in jiestordny's primaries by tho Llncoln Ruosovelt loaguo as an Insurgent fac tion. It Is OBtlmntcd tho plurality of Hiram Johnson, Its candidate, for Governor will not bo less than 20,- oxtoiiBlvo conl land holdlugH here, but 1 000. McKlnloy nnd McLnchlan both no one on tho Dny has been found npponr to bo defeated In '.holr dl who Is aware of It. Somo think tha? Icts for Congressmen William h. ho may have becomo interested ,n 'Kent, for whom Plnchot stumped tho the Richardson syndicate which Is to Second District, leads McKlnloy by a take over tho Llbby iiilno nnd tho f "", wh Ie . D Btophons Oregon Coal and Navigation Company " '"" ,0'1 Lachhin n ...."..- ... r,. ., .,. .,,.. tho Seventh. Hnyos, Insurgent, In iipiiiwiri iiiu mi Mfi n it rniii'iHi'ii iiimv . - IUIUII.U.. MVJ UUI. ....- . ...... ... patch says: flimi Tav TIM.ntf1 ,lin flrtlit 11111 motor, who successfully promoted tho'0,1:r ,,lHlr'cl8 ,l" S,n,t0, "y8 woro jtho Fifth, has boon renominated In thb First nnd Eighth Districts. In "greatest, battlo of tho century," ar rived at tho St. FranclH, ho nnnounced not opposed. Incompleto ilgurcH on tho advisory voto for Unltod Stntca I Oin, Htnt i iiiiAiiiii.1 I."1 Int litlltf Tntttl ho was out of tho "squaro gamo" for ",""u , "' "'"" """ "" " ii. ivuriia ui in" uiiitmu-uuunuiuii. PLANT IN A 0 CHOSS.COl'NTRY RACE. tly Assueintcil Prens.) PAHIS, ugiist 17. Half of Paris torwook Its beds last nlcht nnd re- ;inalned In ho Fliveta until niornlng io v.atfh t'.io conclusion of tho great cro-s-ccniTi'iv nvintlon raco, which " wen ' I.e'jatnnc In a Dlorlot jmc-o.ilane lulnun, nUo ln n Dlorolt, "aUhed second. "0 nilmifnu hnhtnil P-chatnnle, None of thoo thor com- iwtuors flnlshod. compnny had tnlcon n lnrgo amount of tho dirt nnd sold It at 2C cents por yard, somo of It to Tliomns Dlalno and tho vest to property ownors who hnd comeut stdownlks put In. This dirt, which wns taken from tho street, Is supposed to bo put in In low places In tho street It Is taken from or In othor streets lnstond of bolng . ,. . , ..lea to nu private property, conso- Caused the Vessel to Be a Day quontiy Mr. coko wnnted tho monoy Late in Arriving in Coos 'the compnny recolvod for It collected gy from them. Ho said that the com- ' d pany did no haul t a ha f b Io k q urthor -than hey would have hU to gho wftg twfln haul It had they put It In Johnson q ft Tho vobel wns outsldo In a dense DREDGE TO mt m avenue, whoro It will bo needed some " "". fog f01. mny i,our8 boforo sho was , After ngurlng over he h 1, 0nn- croga sho nlfio oncoun. cllmnu Alhrecht said tint nl the ex- from .trns tho conU)nny wns ontltlod I o as FrflncUco ,wr B wn3 about $132, but thot ho M willing pJ sorrow ronnsro3virti,rn' 7rs at io ,clock fron' North city's charge of $17.50, which , tho '-- ' pauJu council had to pay a man .or run... k fi , the street roller do Ing worl c tho J ' DlmmIc( Mrs ThrIft tractors were required to do under Il0U8chUel, H. Kicking, Jas. Uieir coiurnci. E IALL SCORES Twelve-Inning Game Is Played Yesterday By Portland and Oakland. HOW T1IKY STAND. Won. Lost. P. C. Portland 08 05 .553 a San Francisco.. 72 04 .520 Oakland 73 04 .533 Vernon 09 05 .515 Los Angeles... CS CO .497 Sacramento ...48 SO .375 tho rost of his life. Ho proposes to becomo a coal minor not tho wearer of n candlo In his hat or n pick In his hands, of course, but tho dovolopor of conl properties In which ho has be como interested. Ho has bought sev eral properties In Coos county, Oro- gon, nud dcclnros that ho intends to! develop them. Ho will never ontor tho prize fight business again." League In tho lend. IN NEBRASKA. RAD Fid N innniMn pamd Property at Daniels Creek Is 1 Endangered and Logs Burned. Tho McDonald-Vaughan logging' cnuip on Dnnlols Creole was thronton od with destruction yesterday by ft forest fire wltloh Ih still burning. So far nono of tho buildings hnvo beon burnod, but It Is likely that somo of tho bridges nnd trostlos of the log ging rnllrond 'will bo swept away. (Dy Associated Press.) OMAHA, August 17. Returns from ouoldo counties Indicate that I tho race between Dnhlmnn and Shnl- lenbergcr for tho Democratic nomina tion for Governor Is very closo. Whlln Dnhlmnn has carried this (Douglas) county thrco to one, returns front tho outsldo glvo Shnllonbcrgor tho lond. Doth sides nro claiming n victory. jCady, for tho Republican nomination for Governor, hns a good lond ovor lAldrlch, whllo Senntor Uurkott Eoomn to have secured tho nomination by a good majority ovor Whedon. For tho Domnerntle Senatorial nomination, Congrossmnn Hitchcock lends Mot calf, editor of Hrynn's pnpor, nioro thnn two to ono In tho roturnH nn far received. For Congressman of the Second District, Sutton, Ropuoll enn, and Lobeok, Democrat, hnvo beon nominated. IN NEW YORK. r, ' ... ii iionnoBsov nhes, Mrs. S. A. TIbbots, Mrs. II. C?""d "ll0.? ".'V, 1"" t P. Morrison, Mrs. E.rod, Mrs. J. H. wuiuu nut ub i " ';;,' -" gomors, Mrs. Dressedncht, Mrs. J. D. iZfrTyZ, M". H. HlcklngMlss Hick-! Mind Major Morrnw WirQ It A11I Ro (- Here Before Bad Weather. SPTQ n Henrv !!iiniainKi. . - "buiiin.'ii, secruiary ui no Port Commission, hns received a weeram from Major Morrow, of the sovemnient engineers' oillco, stating oat tbe dredge for Coos Day will be t hero before bad weather sets In. It Is nvnn.i .-..,.. . . "I'vuvq inni mo aroago win Si her W,tl)ln n sl,ort t,nie' Sh0 1,1 work on the channel of the bay. TORPKDo HOATS fjINK. i To of German Fleet Come Together Near Kiel. (n- Associated Press.) KIEL. r?oi..... . , .- . -. -MHiuuf, August ii. ino lan torpedo Tjoat "S-7G," in a JJ"Wn last night in Kiel Day, blamed ,., ,.... .. .. .. fcoat ' 1U uoal oas." ouin I " sank ut the crows were saved. "if your groceries at SACOHTS. IllUMUWU ,u ,v,M...t, .. ., r, ir rrlltn.. n V Wnnvnr Tla that this provision had not been on- ; Mra ' ' " Mcrch ', the othor streets and tna "-""""'. .. nronnTinn MB8 jforceaon.theothe r .trcot " l M. nronahan, Mr8. Drenahan, Miss, the contrnctors had go no lie 1 and s McKenn M83 arranged o do the wok without ol jjoLo . nig u ami mm v, 77 ;""",,. "j C. W. Morchnnt, C. A. Duke .additional exponso by being requhml ' McKennn I I to ro,. It. They wished to Duke, Al. Noll, L. P, Hall, , D. Jones. tllOlll $177. . , T T,,i., m rtntohnlnr. A. Tlnlco. : Englneor Sandberg ,- -- (against this as ho said that not onlyi. 0,aB- . J was the matter of rolling specified In the specifications hut that both ho HAD REEN APPROACHED. 'nnd Street Inspector Lawhorno hnd, I nersonallv notified tho contractors!, . Chicago Case Mako A1- 1 1 ......linllAnl. I and that they had sjuiuu cihiiu..wv.- ( missloa to Court. ly that they would not ron u. .u,. Second stroot was not rolled, al- (Uy Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Oro August 17. Portland nnd Oakland, which played tho long, hard games at Oakland ton days ago, hnvo resumed their strug glo and played n twelve-Inning gnmo yobtorday with a scoro of 1 to 0 In Portland's favor. Tho games yester day woro as follows: AT PORTLAND- R. II. Portland . . .' 1 8 Oakland . ; ' 0 1 (Twelve innings.) AT SAN FRANCISCO R. II. Vernon 2 C San Francisco 0 0 Sacramento opens with Los Angeles at Los Angoles to-day. fDv Assocl'l P"".i NBW YORK, -on5iiBT-17. .Thorn wiih n marked cnlm tn-rtnv ovor thn .Tho flro started about throo wooks'noublod wators of tho Republican ago. It was gotton undor control and I polltlcnl son following the storm of all danger wns supposod to bo past, 'yesterday when tho "Old Gtiard" In but thoro was still flro burning In tho tho Republican- State Central Com undorbrush and yostorday n hlgh'mitteo downod Roosevelt for tompo wlnd fnnnod tho llamos nnd a big rnry chairman of tho Stnto convon flro was soon Btnrted. Most of tlio tion In Now York. County Chairman loggors had loft tho camps and not jorlsconi, who presented Roosevelt's more thnn four or five mon woro loft.nnni0 to tho commlttoo, says tho light at olthor of tho two camps. Tho flro will bo curried- to tho prlnmrlos nnq ...... nr...... X'n 1 T, InnV.n.l Till I . .. .1 .1... i .. 1. I. uo llimi liMIUJl 41". . k iuunw., .... H) IIIU UWllVl-IIUUll, IU11I unit IIUOSUVHU, a tlmo as though tho cook houso and'ns a dologato to tho convention, In overy thing In tho enmp would bo do- j tends to urgo a progressive platform stroyed. Tho big Humboldt logging' and cnndldato for Govomor. online, which cost $5,000, wns In lni-. Tho Colonol's stntoment Issued last modlato danger and It wns only saved night says his speech "Would bo of by tho men covorlng It with dirt. Thoy 1 8UC, a character that It might help literally burlod tho big englno nnd'jf tho convention named tho right then carried water and poured on thojmnn, iut would hurt If neither, tho dirt. right kind of mnn was nominated or Toloplione messages wero sent to tho right kind of platform adopted." Mnrshtlold and North Dend calling back tho mon who had como to tho qltlos for a vacation, nnd to-day thoro Is a big force of mon fighting tho fire. The blaze Is under control and REFUSES TO TALK. 'TIV BH0rlIP(l Trees OYSTRR nAY, N. Y., August 17. though tho specifications provided for It. nnd City Englneor Sandberg so notified tho contractors. Finally on a vote, tho motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by P. Hennessey to allow Messrs. Whltmoro and Morrlssey $177- carried, Powers and Hennessey and Coke voting for (Continued on page 4.) (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, August 17. When tho second panel of veniremen, called In tho case of Leo O'Nell Drowne, re ported to-day nearly all. as was tho caso of tho panel yesterday, admitted they had been "approached" with reference to their possible service as Jurors. Judgo Kerston called coun sel for Browne Into his chambers for consultation. NOTICE. All members of Marshfleld Flro De partment meet at tho hall at 7.30 to morrow night and wear their drill uniforms. By order of L. W. TRAVER, Flro Chief. NOTICE TO ELKS. Tim1 ron-nlnr meetlnfe of MarsllfloJd 'Lodge! No. 1100, B. P. O. E., tq hnvo been aeld Wednesday, August inn, has been postponed until tho' first Wednesday In September. GEO. GOODRUM, Sec. it Is thought that tho flro will bo Col. Roosovolt refused to add any- provonted from spreading any thing to tho stntoment yesterday rola farthor. tlvo to tho refusal of tho Stato Con- Tho camp which was threatened tral Commltteo to recommend him by tho firo Is about nine miles back 'for temporary chairman of tho con front Coos River and is nbout two vonUon. Tho imprqeslon is that Rooso mlles back from from camp No. 1. A velt will mnke a more vigorous fight logging railroad extends from tho than ovor for a platform which will camps to tho river. It was thought I meet his views, Ho made It oloar to thl8 morning that somo of tho 'day that ho would not permit hla brldgos on tho railroad would ha' name to bo prosonted to tho eonvon burnod In which ovent tho logging tlon for tho gubernatorial nomlna operntlons would bo Interrupted. At tlou. least somo of tho logs which havoj beon cut at tho camp havo beon I THE DRAIN-COOS JAY STAGE burned, but It Is not yot known how LINE Iiab Inaugurated " Trrnnutomo much damage was done. There Is a bile service, and passengers can now heavy smoko nnd it Is yot Impossible ' go through to Drain in one day from to estimate tho damage. Coos Bay, , Lj.ftl AtLrkOMtoi - jdiriifaSjtt.. y .tiJMkli.i.-i-u,. M .t--f A HkwL,J.- :Jt