l"i, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION. !Have a MiSHcomaj f THE BEST" I Tr&t- I 3 Hat IN AMERICA Fall Styles Now Showing Tfi WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfiold . Oregon WELCOME . During Carnival Week AND ALL THE TIME YOU AIIE INVITED TO MAKE YOUR HEAD Ql'AUTEltS AT THE I1USY CORNER. WE HAVE RESERVED HOO.M FOR YOUR SUIT CASES, PARCELS, ETC. YOU CAN LKAVE IT SAFELY WITH US. Tin-: ni'sv corner. ' phone 2s. lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner' Prescriptions Accurately compounded. WANTED. enrpenters at Coqulllo for Inside finish work. Inquire E. 0. Pcrhnm. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. Sickness of owner necessitates the soiling of 5S lots for $2,000; loca tion nenr the Drnln & Eugene rail roads terminals. COOS HAY REALTY SYNDICATE, 298 Fiont street, upstairs. WANTED. At once by the Coos Hay Fruit Growers' Association, two oxeprlenc'cd men npplo pack ers. Terms, 5 cents and cxpenspfl-,1 rrom MnrshfluT. Phono or write D. D. Dralnnrd, chairman, North Pond, or phono 3083. cSP 'tkYfhk r TOE WANTED. A waitress- nt The Chan dler. FOR RENT. Four-room 'house, 80 por month. Phone 247-X. FOR RENT. Furnished rooms, by day. Phono 27-X, FOR SALE. 10 acres, Kcntttck In let, two miles frpm North Bend; ono aero bottom, rest bench; good water; price $700, with terms, ln- f Quire C. F. Murray, North Bend. THE WEATHER. r- , (By Assc-clSted Press.) ' OREGON Fair to-night and Wednesday; warmer this after- noon nnd to-night, cxecpt near coast; warmer In east portion Wednesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- , PORT. " For twenty-four hours ending at 4.43 P. M., Aug. 15, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me- ' teorologlcal observer: Maximum GG Minimum 45 At 4.43 P. M 02 . Precipitation . Nono Wind, Northwest; Clear. - """ ' 7 8-B-aa-B-aa-a-B-a-a 'a-a-a-a-a-a-ntt-a-a-a-a-a-a CARNIVAL REALTY SNAPS i Corner In Sengstackon'B Addition, 84x100 8 J7fl.O() Corner In Sengstackon'B Addition, 110x100 030.00 2G0 feet of choice- water front in Marshfiold, for 10,300.00 Now modern bungalow In South Marshfiold 2,000.00 Cliolco comer In Cliandlor Hotel block 5,750.00 10 lots In East Marshfiold, for 000.00 Full block In Eastsldc, with cotnmandlng bay vlow; easy terms l.ooo.oo Dullness corner on Commercial nnd Gth; 100x100; big valuo 2,200.00 Lots on Second stroot; closo in; each fioo.oo Title Guarantee and Abstrac Co. General Agonts EASTSIDE . Honry Songstackon, Manager, tt-a-a-a-a-a-a-a---aj-B-.iKH-aa-a'jfa"aa-n-a Beaver riill Coal A MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT The bott Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick, and all kinds of bulldors material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR sio Bourn broadway iijone 201 ;-a 1 I 2S2S2525E52S252ir2S25t5ES25l!5H5a32E5cL STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworlii Dock, Portland, O n. in., August 7, 12, 17, 22 nnd 27. Bulls from Coos liny on tldo August 4, O, 11, 10, 2t nnd 20. Iteservatlons vWll not bo held Inter tluui noon of day previous to wiling, unless ticket nro purchased. W.F.MUler.JAg. Phone Main 35-L n-a-u-a-a-a-a-a. Q-a-a-a-anra-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a Laundry?! Cleaning ? Dyeing? THE VERY nEST. "ROTH DRY A.VD STEAM. Pressing? REST IMPORTED AND DOMES. TIC DYES. BY A SPECIALIST, AND IN A HURRY, TOO, IF YOU WANT IT, Coos Bay Steam Laundry PnONE 57J. J. E. LYONS, Manager. a a t a i a i a a i a i a t a i a i a t a t a i a i a a a i a a a t a a WANTED. Steam mIiovcI luigluccr or crnno man. Apply at railroad (hops. FOR RENT. Modern house, corner Third street and Anderson avenue. Phono 253-J. WANTED. tiood milch cow, Jersey preferred. L. J, Simpson, North Bend, Ore. WANTED. Experienced conl miners nnd tlmbcrmon. Apply Beaver Hill Conl Co. FARMS FOR SALE. Tracts from flvo acres to fifteen hundrod acres. Improved and unimproved. Prices from $600 to $25,000, according to location and improvomonts. Al so cholco city property. Apply Hall & Hall, Marshfiold. FOR SALE. Farming, fruit nnd tim ber land. Inqulro of C. W. Sanford. Marshfiold, Oregon. THETL0YITm1,ij';:,';7T'"1 IIMIV1. 4ll IMIIIIIllIU I'W.T mul clcun. Velvet nnd Axmtnlitcr in r pelt In erorr room Four Morloi of ol!l comfort llntvs reduced to dny.fOo.TVnnct 11.00; week, .'.(j to I J IV Al'o n few liouLrt'ili)K nprl. menu with ism ranu't', JI.'.OO jht nioiitli. Free liHtln Tnko linn it di'l'Ot Mr. HrlilROi, I'rop BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mnmhllcld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and nowly furnlshod. Rooms reason able, by dny,,veok or month. Mrs. J. 11. O'DONNELL. Proii. ELLERBY'S FISH MARKET, Ed. T. Bulch, Prop. Slioll Fish of Evory Description. Salmon and Deep Sea Fish in Season, Tol. Market 2 04 J. t Foot of Market Avenmv. ) PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D R. J. XV. INGRAM Puyp'oJan and SarjeoB. Offlco 208-200 Coos Dulldhig Phor-es Office 1621; Residence 13 J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer, Offlcu ovor Flanagan & aaunstt Bank, Marshfiold, Or- W M. S. TURPEN Architect Ovor Chamber of Commerce (lave that Roof Fixed Now t See CORTHELL piVoNB ioo'.L. STEAMER REDONDO WILL SAIL WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10th, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. MAKE RESERVA TION FOR PASSAGE. Inter-Ocenn Transportation Co. C. F. McGEORGE, Agenf. WE HAVE PLACED IN PUBLIC SERVICE A Bus to Meet All Trains Will also make calls on telephone orders. Phono 120 J. Phone 138J. A baggage wagon has also beon added that will call for and deliver trunks, baggage and light freight. Also run private hack to Roseburg. L. H. HEISNER Livery and Feed Stable. " nojtN. '- " ,.'' OSTROW.' Orf.Augusb l(5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mi J." Oatrow, of South Marshfiold, a d mi p lit or. will servo dinners nnd suppers at the church hall. Picnic Friday. The picnic, which will bo given by tho members of tho Eplsccpiil Church In honor of Bishop Scnddlng, will be hold next Frldny. The picnic will bo up Coos River. Leaves Ranch. Jnck Krlck, who hns been ranching on Coos River for some tlmo past, has given up his ranch and with George Smith will engage in deep sea fishing during tho Benson on tho bay. From Portland in Auto. Bud Krlbs of Portland arrived in North Bend yesterday, having made tho trip lit nn automobile. He is a nephew of Gcorgo D. Mnndlgo nnd is a guest at tho Mnndlgo rcstdoncc. ' Jt::nmj:ttnntm::tjJtu:tttntr I Personal Notes ;5;::mj:m::::mm:::::m::m:m:mntt PETER PETERSON of North Bond was In Marshfiold to-day on business. MRS. M. B. MULLENS of Myrtlo Point Is In tho city to-day on a Vlfllt. . FOOTE. On August lGth, to Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. Foote, of Central ave nue, a son. Playing For Shows. Two mem bers of the Coqulllc band nro In tho city playing for ono of tho stroot shows. Gone Cnmplni'. Rev. nnd Mrs. F. R. Zugg, accompanied by Miss Grace E. Baker of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Miss Mary C. Whoolor of Qulncy, 111., loft on tho Alert to-dny for their camp on North Coos RIvor. Thoy ex pect to spend a few weeks camping nnd Bight seeing on tho coast, before returning to their homes In tho East. Camps Will Close. Several of tho logging camps will closo down Thurs day to give the men n chnnco to como to tho city nnd attend the carnival. Plant Not Sighted. Tho steamer M. F. Plant was duo hero last night, but up to this afternoon sho had not yot been slghtod, having boon dolnycd for sonio reason. Will Arrive To-Morrow. Col. E. Hofer of Salem hns written friends In North Bond thnt ho wns leaving Salem Sunday In an automobile ac companied by his son. Ho expects to rench Coos liny Wcdnosdny. In his letter Col. Hofer snltl ho lnlonded to ntop nt tho Vnlloy towns nnd Induco olhetvnuto ownors to accompany him. Hero From Coqullle. Alfred Johnson nnd two sons, Alfrod, Jr., and E. E, Johnson woro hero yester day from Coqulllo. Thoy mndo tho trip ovor in their automobile. IjuIIch Pay For Pitying. In ordor to pay tho cost of tho stroot paving around tho Swedish Luthoran Church, the lndlos of that congregation nro arranging a number of nffnlrs to ralso tho necessary monoy. Tho first will be Friday nnd Saturday whon they Open Air Dance. A big opon nlr dnnco platform is bolng built on Con trol nvonuo opposlto tho FlrBt Trust nnd Savings Bank building and dnncoa will bo hold thoro ovory night. A good floor Is bolng put down, cov ering n space 100 foot long nnd about 50 foot wldo. Sqvornl hundrod dnnc- ors can bo1, jiccommpdntod on - tho floor. Book Bargains During tho CARNIVAL WEEK wo will' sell $1.50 copyright books for noc. Tho following are n fow of tho titles: Tho Barrier, Rich Man's Children, Fighting Chance, Millionaire Ruby, Loaded Dice, Old Wives For New, .Mayor's Wife, Chip of Flying W., Younger Set, Heart of u Child, Bar 20, Hoiiko of 1000 CnndlcH, Dr. Ellen, Ludy of the Mount, Richard Carvel, Lure of tho Musk, Llttlo CHIens, Cull of the Blood, RcdJFor, Prisoners of Chancer, Garden of Allah, The Clirlstlan, Pmn, Diana of DoblHons, Circular Staircase, Doublo Trouble, Pum Decides, Bishop's Emendd. Daughter of Anderson Crow, (Ono Weok Only), 50 cents , Crosby & Homer Ml CENTRAL AVE. Our Work is Our Adver tisement OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SATISFACTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. Mauzey Bros., Prop. Phono 220-J. H0ME LAND Co Sod us for Investments on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's prlco to be our price. Phono 74L. 204 .Front St. www w ii iur im r -ami run r nifiiTijriTr G. W. Dungan Undertaker Murhhlleld, Oregon. Pni'Iurs. IK!) South .Id St.. Telephone, Day or Night. 1PS-J. V ajMJMwUiWi.TinriJJWHii Tiir,iiri i Turkish BaLhs 210-213 Coos Building Horses Ran Away. Tho team on tho Waltors wagon ran nway yostor day. Tho wagon was loaded . with furniture from the Going nnd Iflirvcy store. Tho wind blow n big mattress off tho wagon onto tho horscB nnd the team got frightened and ran. Tho furniture was" damaged some, but no ono was hurt. T. TUTTLE of Bandon Is In tho city visiting nt the homo of R. M. Welder. FRANK L. SUMNER nnd family will spend their vacation camping at Allegany, DR. nnd MRS. II. L. HOUSTON of Bandon nre visiting in tho city and arc guests at tho Chandler Hotol. DRIVER INJURED. Wagon Goes Over Embankment nnd Jim Green Hurt. Jim Green, n driver for tho C. A. Smith Company nnd formerly driver for Ferguson, was quite badly hurt this morning. Ho wns driving ono of tho big wood wagons. At tho cor ner of Hall and Fifth ho attempted to pnss a place whoro there was not enough room and tho wagon wont over nn embankment nnd dashed down twelvo feet below. Grcon was qutto bndly bruised up nnd it wan thought that sovcral of his ribs woro broken. Ho wns tnkon to his room nnd physicians called to nttend him. Big CHICKEN DINNER nnd PORK nnd BEAN supper, LUTHERAN HALL, FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY. NOTICE TO ELKS. HtopKHl the Game. Ono of tho mon with n stand who Is following tho carnival attempted last evening to opon a gnmbllng game. Ho spread out a quantity of monoy on n tnblp and tho gnmo was to throw a ring nt tho money nnd tnko whntovor tho ring covered. Marshal Carter stopped tho game boforo It started and gnvo tho man two minutes to closo up. Tho game was closed. Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. your Coal Order. 91.00 PER 'JON. . Tho regular meeting of Marshfiold Lodge No. 1100, B. P. O. E., to hnvo been held Wednesday, August 17th, has been postponed until tho first Wednesday in Soptombor. GEO. GOODRUM, Sec. SKIN TROUBLES ON HOT DAYS. Hot father Is hard on tho Bkln. Perspiration Irritates. 'Slcoplng" cc9ma la brought .to tho surface. Rash, disfiguring pimples, ivy pot son, bites, hives, prickly boat, these Itch Intolerably. Now sovoral good romodlcs nro nvallnblo, but nothing -wo think that compares with tho gontlo wlntorgroon nnd thymol solution, known ns D. D. D. Prescription. Wo havo watched ro sults with nstontshmont, tho itch stopped, tho skin cooled nnd refresh ed, tho eruption washed nway. Will you try n 25-cont bottlo of D. D. D. Prescription, For snlo at Red Cross Drug Storo, Marshfiold, Orogon -a-4-a-4-a-- -a-a-a-a-a-a -a-a-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- i 1 a t a i a a i a a a a i ? a n a i a i R a t a i a i R ? a-a Now Be Careful The Qqality of Peaches will drop off after this week's shipments The next Steamer M. F Plant will have 600 boxes of the Best. Oregon's Crop is running very small fruit this year on account of the drought. F. S. DOW a n K It k k k ts k k tt X tt f tt k k -B-a-a-a-n-n-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-a-aa--4 You Can't Get Away , f fomu (1; WE CARRY THE BEST LINE AND THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK PFTOOLS IN THIS CITY. SEE OUR D I SPLAY W INDOW, 'THE MOST A T TRAC T I V E EVER SHOWN IN Im ARSH- , FIELD. WE CAR RY THE STOCK AND OUR P R I CES ARE ALSO RIGHT. (TKiwmo ( 1. ( IHIV fcvl A il U PIONEER HARDWARE C0? , F. E. HAGUE, Pres. M, D. SUMNER, Vice-Pro. k8-8-M--a.H-H.a-Bo.8-8-a-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a PHONE 2 14 J 330 FRONT ST. r Ut&'k.. tAiii AJ- ' lnrtttM- - . .juSkr .i .