miffmrt "" 'jfv w r"-,-an,T " 'rjP'-'rl5lfa "-iwMWHW"' twv irfi ufatt? ADS. NEWS hnlKN BUSINESS IS SLOW, Al IvMllTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING TJIE COOS JAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALvi THE TIMK TEHSEIA'IOLD t: :s :: r n nPVClil) HV SUCCESSFUL 11USI- Jfggg ROUSES EVERYWHERE :; MEMDER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS 'voii. XXXIII. Established in 1H78 as The Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall ami Coos liny Advertiser. No. 26. If SEE ROOSEVELT IS TURNED DOWN WITNESSED Br LARGE CROWD BT "TW CO0B !& fB PARADE FINE EVENT; i BIG HOUSE BURNS DOWN NEW YORK REPUBLICANS hueen of Carnival Escorted to Marshfield By Forty Deco rated Boats. IDANCEISHELD AT EAGLES' HALL. Many People in the City and Large Attendance Is - Expected. Tho deep waterway carnival wns formally opened Inst night by tho crowning 01 Mlsa Genevieve TullofBOii as queui of the carnival. The quean visited North Bond untl was brought t" Jiarahlleld with an escort of boats, which wns quite tho largest water dlil.iy that hns over buon held on Coos liny. Mies Tcllofion wont to North Iloiul early In the evening. She wont to the eld town ami there was mot by qulto a number of tho North Ho ml people. Tl:o boats gathered and formod In lino cud eifgorttd to MnrMhllehl tho l-rgo en which tho quoon rode. Tin) qneen'ri barge.wus llliimlnntod with red llglfl? htm, on It wero her maiil3 of honor;"Mlfc Evelyn Mock and MUs PoHtVlllggq, beside the nauvi nnd othoc 'nitohdauts. When thorojnl bargo roJffliod-MnrBhllold It was stationed opposite tho city on tho cast tide of the bayohflnnel and for some time tho ot'lrcr bonts circled around It. ? ;' There woro In nllauoujj, forty boats In the pnrnde. Thoy" woro all lighted and mndo a beautiful HsTW. Donta of all sizes took pnrj. Dr.firt.rtlo was commodore and hlK launch was beau tifully decorated and was simply aMazo with llghtH of nil color. ' j When all of tho boats hnd been re viewed In front of Marshflold, tho queen's bargo was landed ntitho foot of Commercial avenuo and tho quoon disembarked and took Jier jilnco on the throne, which had. been croctod at tho foot of Commercial avenue on the water front. Commercial avenuo for nearly two blocks was n solid ma's of peoplo and on tho wntorfront every placo thnt pormlttod of a view was occupied. Mayor Straw oponed tho coronation exercises. Ho mndo n,fow romarks regarding tho cnrnlvnl and then Intro duced Jay Ilowerman, acting Govor rrnr of Oregon, whom tho Mayor stated canto to Mnrshflpld oBpeclnlly Mo attend tho cnrnlvnl and crown tho queen. Mr. Ilowerman mndo a short Itd drej. Ho said thnt tho people of Coos ny weio progressive In holding n deep "aterway carnival to call at tend,, , thoir tine harbor. IIo snld tkn ,,;,ck of Coos Day was a vnst tcrrito-r which would neod this port IN i-cenn outlet and that ho ex pected eomo day to seo this plnco ono to most Importnnt son ports on ho Pacific Const. .Mr. Boworman told "I hat benefit gQvarnmont Improve ment would bo to tljo harbor 'and ld that ho would help to get for Coos liny all of the aid that ho could. Mr. nowormtui then crowned Miss Tellefson aijd t.ho crowd choered. Tho quc.n expressed In a fow words her thanks and appreciation of tho honor. An nutomobllo wns roady and tho 'T'een and her nttendnnts, accom Pan.ed by Mayor Straw and Mr. Bow rman, wero taken to the circus tout. wnere a special roynl box wns pre pared. Aftor th0 show porformnnco 81,0 wns taken to tho Eagles' Hall to Pen the carnival ball. Tho crowd remained on tho streets unll a Into hour. Tho streets wero crowded and It Is likely that thoro was never more local people on tho 8,r,'s at one time at night. Tho wholo town turned out and North "?nd brought quite a number tor help Rwell tho crowd. Banco Largely Attended. The carnival ball was lnrgely at tended. it was held In tho Eagles' Ha '. which was donated for the oc casion by tho lodgo. A largo number I'-kets had beon sold and TTie big hall was well filled. An orchestra of eteht nieces furnished excellent music ajd tho dancing continued until "out 2 o'clock this morning. West Cnn't pome. Oswald West, Stat Railroad Com- GUM BAKE BID EVENT Enormous Amount of Provis ions Have Been Ordered For Big Feast. Tho clam bake to bo hold In Simp son's park Thursday will bo ono of i tho big cvontB of the cnrnlvnl. Prep arations aro being made to feed threo thousand porsous should that many attend, and to do thin an enormous amount of' provisions will bo used. Dr. W. Haydon has full chnrgo of tho clnm bake and will personally .superintend tho event. IIo bus or Idored 112,000. clams, S00 loaves of bread, and l,t00 pouudH of beef. Tho latter -will bo cooked ovor an open lire. Tho menu will consist of clam tea, roast beef, clams, bread and but ter and coffee. The clam bako Is freo and tboro will bo plonty to oat for overvono. Some of tho boats will run to tho old Simpson mill so tho pas renders will have but n short dlstanco to wall: to reach the park. mlsstoner and Democratic cnudldato for Governor, who expected to bo I hero this week, has found It lmpossl blo to come. This morning, Hugh MeLnln received tho following self oplanatory telegram from him, which cauced much regrot among his ninny friends hero: "Sovornl rnllrond hearings this week nnd tho nbsonce of-ono membor of tho Commission mnkos It Impossi ble for mo to como to Mnrshlleld. Re gret It vory much." Prize Not Yet Awarded. A prlzo of $50 wnH offered for tho host decorated boat In tho wntor pnr ndo last night. Tho winner of the prlzo hns not yet beon decided upon. Thoro wero some especially pretty bonts nnd tho decision will bo a rather closo one, so tho Judges will get together prolmbly to-morrow nnd award tho prlzo. Entertained Governor. Tho general mention committee of the cnrnlvnl, headed bv Chairman J, W. Ilennott and Mrs. Henry Song stnekon, chairman of tho Marshfield ladles' committee, took Oov. Bowor ninn to North Ilend to seo tho regatta. Thoro ho was welcomed by tho North Bond reception committee, Mrs. T. V. Reniil" bolng chairman of tho ladles' committee nnd Petor I.occlo chair man of tho men's committee-. Ho was taken on Dr. Turtle's launch to view tho races. La tor ho wns brought back to Marshflold on tho launch Ex nross. which Is under charter for tho reception commit two. EAfiLKS HEADY FOR G.UIK. Contebf Next Sunday With Elks Will liu Great' Event. Tho basoball, gamo noxt Sunday betweon tho Elks and tho Eaglos Is to be a gamo worth seeing, according to all accounts given by tho players who aro practicing for tho ovont. The Elks hnvo been trying out their play ers for tho past weok and thw Eagles aro also propnrlng with the Idea of winning. Tho Uno-up of tho Elks hns already been mado public. Tho Eagles announce the following line up of players: Catchor, Snyder; pitcher, Cowan; first base, Denning: second base, Ferrey or Howell; third base, McCutcheon; short stop, Davis; left field, Howell or Ferrey; center fiold, Monahan; right Hold, Sneddon. Go to the EMPIRE MARKET for all kinds of FISn, CLAMS nnd CHARS. Deep SEA FISH a specialty. NOTICE TO ELKS, fts Tho regular meeting of Marshflold Lodgo No. 1160, D. P. O. E., to have been held Wodnosdny, August 17th, has been postponed until tho first Wednesday In Septembor. GEO. GOTJDRUM, Sec. Many a man would spend his vaca tion at home If his wife did not havo bo many odd Jobs concealed about the premises. Regatta Events at North Bend Enjoyed by a Large Crowd. The boat races at North Bond this morning wero Interesting. Tho first rnco wna betwoen tho Outlaw, owned by Dr. Durmclster, and tho Auto, owned by Anson Rogers. They ran ovor a four-bille course nnd tho Auto won by not more than three or four seconds. The tlmo of tho winner for tho four miles was 13 minutes nnd 11 BecondB. There were four entries In tho race for twenty-foot boats. They woro tho Dolphin, owned by M. Q. Colomnn; tho Suorklo HI., owned by Roy Lnwhorno; the Pills, owned by M. 13. Everett, nnd tho MIrnc run by Knlph Coke. Tho tlmo of the win ner for tho four-mllo courso wns 32 in I mi ton and G seconds. The Dolphin I'M in o In first and tho Suorklo III. came In second place. In tho race for commerclnl bonts, thcro wns n dlsputo regarding tho wlnuors ns ono of tho boats misun derstood ntid thought that thoro woro to be two Inps liiBtend of one. ,Tho Vogn, tho May, the Tourist and the Scoots II. woro tho startorH. Some thought that tho Vogn wns untitled to .first place and tho May second placo, but that Is still undecided and will bo taken up by tho boat club committee. Tho fast speed boat raco will bo positively run to-morrow morning at 10 e'c!ock. If tho Wolf Is .not In commission by that tlmo tho Pacor will run over the courso alono. Thoro will also bo Bonio other Interesting races. In ono race, which will show speed, tho Auto, tho Outlaw, tho Vegn, tho Navajo nnd n now boat Just launched by Henry Kern aro entered, besides sovornl others. Itnco Postponed. Tho speed bout match rnco botweon tho Pacor of Portland nnd Fred Pow ers' bont, tho Wolf, was to hnvo taken placo this morning, but has been postponed until to-morrow. A spark plug In tho Wolf blow out nnd caused a detention, so It wns decided to put tho rnco off until to-morrow. Tho courso to bo run will bo from North Uond to tho cold etorngo plant In Mnrshflold nnd tho boats will go ovor tho courso five times, . v PLUMHHR FINED. Clmrgcd With Violation of tlio City Plumbing Ordinance. Hugh Long, tho plumber, wns fined $10 to-dny by Recorder Uutler on n chargo of violating tho plumbing ordlnnnco. Ho mado somo sewer con nections under a building without first securing a permit ns Is required. FLIES AT I CENTS FOR 10(1, Washington Mothers Flv Houiity and Sons Gladly Rally to Slaughter. WASHINGTON, August 1C Four cents a hundred Is tho price which has beon placed on the heads of files In tlip District of Columbia. This is tho stimulus by which Washington mothers havo moused their sons to n declaration of "war to tho death" on tho typhold-breedliig house fly. Tho boys, It Is reported, havo begun tho task of slaughter with great glee. CENSUS .MAY SHOW 00,000,000. Itureait to Give Out Total Figures About Middle of October. WASHINGTON, August 10. It will bo about tho mlddlo of October before tho peoplo of tho United State3 learn their true numbor ns revealed by tho count of tho thirteenth census. It Is generally believed that tho num ber will bo nbout 90,000 and census ofllclols aro known to share this be lief. Meet To-Morrow. The Presbyte rian Ladles' Aid Society meets to morrow at tho homo of Mrs. A. L. Rutz In Bunker Hill. Seriously III. Mrs. Ellen Sneddon, mother of Hugh nnd Jack Sneddon, was roported to-day to bo seriously 111. WANTED. A young lady stejiog. rapher, for thirty days; ono who understands bookkeeping preferred. Address "Box 756, North Bend. 4 Burning Timber Near Bangor Sets Fire to Old Eckhoff Residence. Thu .largo residence In Uangor, which Is known as tho Eckhoff house, wns entirely destroyed by flro Sat urday night. Tho bouse Is owned by L. T. Matthews. When the fire oc curied Mr. Matthows nnd bis son-in-law, J. G. Kinney and wlfo wero nslcop. They did not know that the hotiso was on llro until somo of tho neighbors saw the blazo nnd awak ened them. Tho lire' started from the burning timber ucnr by and when tho occupants nwoko tho roof was all nbluze. There was no chanco to put out tho llro' and the house burned down, but Mr. Matthews saved practi cally all of the contents. Tho houso was a largo one of fourtee.t rooms and the loss wns about $2,;00, nnd wns only partially covered by Insurance. L Exceedingly Complicated Situ ation Is the Result of Good Intentions Misunderstood. There being two Robert Marsdens In town caused n pock of trouble last week. It appears Mnradun, Jr., occu pied a houso belonging to T. McQtnnts across tho street from where Mars den, -Br.', resided. Recently Marsdon, Sr., moved out nnd Mnrsdeu, Jr., moved nwny from tho McGlnnla house, nnd tho latter Instructed Tom Harvey to hnvo tho paper hanger paper tho houso, and ho supposing It was tho McGlnnla house which was to bo renovated, papered thnt house Instead of tho Marsdon house. Whon tho workman presented his bill to McGlnnls, trouble com menced. McGlnnla proceeded at onco to tho houso and discovered that somo of IiIb new rcsldenco, tho walls of which had been lathed, 'plastored, tinted nnd frescoed had boon covorod with ti coat of paper nnd pasto pro cured from Lo Mleux, tho decorator. McGlnnls then claimed damages nnd tho pnper hanger clnlmed n lion on his houso for labor porformed and dnmagos against Tom Harvey for directing him what to do, nnd Tom Hnrvoy claims damages against Mnrsdon Jr. for ordering tho work dono, nnd Mnrmlon Sr. wants damages because tho Bon did not paper tho lioiiso as ho agreed to. Neither of tho jmrtlcs aro on speaking terms and no lawyer, so far, has beon discovered to glvo an opinion. TIiq paper hanger is going far McGlnnls, McGlnnls Is go ing for tho Mnrsdons nnd Mnrsden Is going for Going and Going Is going far Hnrvoy. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT. Slaull'h Grocery Arranges Edifying Event For Coos Hay Housewives To. Day mid To-Morrow. A special demonstration of good things to eat Is being given at Stauff's Grocery, corner Commercial avonuo and Front street, to-day and to-morrow by a special demonstrator. If you aro hungry.you can got a goqd lunch and Incidentally gather somo .valuable pointers for your own homo. Tho special domonstraltou Includes Golden Gnto Coffee, Sunrise Milk, Purity crackers, Coos -Bay Bakery bread, nnd Kingman nnd Company's canned monts. BO sure and drop in at Stauff's while taking In the carni val. ALL NIGHT SERVICE. For the accommodation of carnival visitors, wo have startod a twonty-four-hour-a-day boat servlco between North Bond and Marshflold. Boats leave either city every little whllo and afford one of tho most ploasant trips on tho Bay. Remember, boats all day and all night. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. W iWVWS 1 w Steamer Founders Near Gibral tar and Many of Those Aboard Are Lost. (By Associated Prcsn.) GIBRALTAR, August 10. Tho SpanlBh steamer Martos foundered off Tnrlfn, at tho entrance of tho Straits of Gibraltar, after n collision with tho steamer Elsn. Thlrty-nlno persons woro drowned, of whom thirty-two wero pnsBongors. Tlnl survivors wero landed here, A denso fog prevailed. None of tho victims wero flrst-cablii paBsengers. Tho bow of tho Elsa was stovo In by tho collision, and her foro pcak filled quickly. The steamer man aged, howovcr, to keep afloat. MORE DETAILS GIVEN. McMuriay Matter Is llclng Aired Ily Committee. (By Associated Press.) SULPHUR, Okla., AugUBt 10. Moro details of J. F. McMurray'a al leged activity at Washington to pr6 nioto his ten per cent attorney's fees contracts In the salo of $30,000,000 worth of Indian lands wero related before tho Congressional Investigat ing commltteo, yesterday. Former United States District Attorney John son testified that certain indictments against McMurray In 11)07 woro ordor cd dismissed by the Attoruoy Gcuornl. Tho Indictments wero In connection with $300,000 expeiiBo account which tho McMurray firm filed against tho Indians in prosecuting citizenship cases. It was alleged tho oxponso nc count hnd beon pndded. (By Associated Press.) SULPHUR, Okla., August 1C At tempts to show that tho government was Justified In delaying tho salo of $30,000,000 worth of Indian lands In Oklahoma occuplod tho Congressional commltteo In the Investigation of tho McMurray contracts to-day. Tho tes timony was given thnt It would bo ImpoBslblo for tho government to sell out land nnd distribute money among tho Indians hb speedily ns McMurrny' promised. Ropresentntlvo Carter of Oklahoma was recalled and testified that Vlco-Prosldont Sherman was vory much Interested In Indian af fairs nnd that ho hnd expressed om phntlcnlly his disapproval of tho ton per cont fees. NEED NOT APPEAR. (By Associated Press.) NARRAGANSETT, R. I., August 1G. Tho fears of moro than a scoro of men nnd womou caught In a raid on tho Narragansott Club n weok ago that thoy would hnvo to appear In court next Mondny wob dispelled yes torday. Judge Lewis advised tho con Btnblo not to summon tho wltnossos for that dato. Tho Jndgo said argu ments on a domurror would bo heard next Monday. FIRE IN EXPOSITION. Had Blae In Brussels Causes a Rig Loss, (By Associated Press.) BRUSSELS, August 1C Tho rulna of tho burned sections of tho Bel gium's Exposition of 1910, which wero destroyed by Sunday's flro, nro still smoking, but all danger of a renewal of tho flro Is past. Tho Ex position manager has decided to closo It for a few days until tho ruins aro tarried away, whon It. will bo ro opened. It Is Imposslblo Ifi tho pres ent condition to estimate tho lossos closely, and while tho losses will run into millions of francs, It will not bo so great as $100,000,000, as was first estimated. Fortunately tho most priceless art treasures, which had been lonned to tho Exposition or ac quired by It, including 8,000 goblin tapestries, largo exhibition of jewelry, many paintings, marbles and ancient furniture woro lomovod by tho police to places of safety, out of tho reach of fire and pillaging criminals, who attempted to take advantage of tho disaster. Name Presented For Tempo rary Chairman of State Con vention But Is Defeated. SHERMAN NAMED BY THE COMMITTEE. "Old Guard" of State Led By Woodruff and Barnes Managed It. (By Associated Prcas.) NEW YORK, August tC Colonel Roosovelt's name wns presented for the olllco of temporary 'chatrmnti of tho Republican State convention at tho meeting of tho Republican Statu Central Commltteo to-dny, but his olectlon to thnt honor was lost by n vote of 20 to IS. Vlco- President Sherman wnn nnmod as temporary chairman by a unanimous vote. Tho commtttoo se lected Saratoga nnd Septembor 27th ns tho plnco and drtto for tho con vention. After the commltteo had been cnllcd to order nnd the tlmo and place cliosou, William J, Barnes Jr. offorod a resolution presenting tho name of Sherman for temporary chairman. Lloyd C. Grlscom moved to substitute tho nnmo of Col. Roose velt and atso moved that tho voto bo postponed until lntor. After much debnte, the motion to postpono wnn dofontcd by a voto of 12 to 23. The resolution to muko Koonovolt tempo rary chairman wnn then lost by n voto of 20 to 1C. Following this, Shor nmn wns unanimously chosen, Grls com and Henry Mnck not voting, RoosovoR'b dofent wns oncompnnsod by the "Old Gnnrd," led by Btato Chairman Woodruff nnd Barnes. Roosevelt could not bo scon thin aft ernoon, having loft bis olllco early. LEAVES TO-MORROW. Gov. Ilowerman Will Return to Val ley on Overland Route. Govornor Bowreman, who has beon In tho city on a visit nnd who crowned tho carnival queen Inst night, wilt lenvo to'-morrow for Myrtlo Point and from tltoro will go overland to Roso burg. This nftornoon ho wns In tho bunds of sovornl of tho reception commltteo nnd mot qulto n numbor of local peojilc. L. D, Maliono, an at torney of Portland, Is wflh 'Mr. Bow orman. GETTING DIIEDGE READY. Will Work on the River iih Long as Weather I'erinltH. Somo of the machinery for tho gov ernment drodgo, which Is to bo usod, on Coos Rlvor, has arrived, but thoro Is moro to como on tho noxt trip of tho Broakwntcr, and It will bo nbout n wook beforo tho dredgo Is at work. Thoro is quite a good doal to do In the way of dredging tho channol of tho rivor, nnd It canont bo completed this yoar. Tho dredgo cannot work in tho winter time on account of tho high water, bo all that Is posslblo will bo dono this soason and the work takon up again noxt year. Tho rlvor dredgo Is to bo In chnrgo of Roy Rozell. FEARED FOREST FIRE. Illnzo Looked DiiugeroiiB and North Bend Firemen Out. Tho forest flro In tho neighborhood of tho Kinney High School In North Bond looked daugerotiB for a tlmo tills morning, nnd boiuo of tho resi dents feared that tholr houses woro In danger of burning. The North Bond flro department was called out to pro tect tho houses, but the flumes did not reach any of the residences, THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Prcsa.) CHICAGO, August 10. The wheat mnrket closod to-day as follows: Sop tonibor, I02c8 102',4o; Bocembor, 105c105!ic: May, 110e PORTLAND, August 1C Wheat unchanged. TACOMA, August 16. .Wheat ua chnnged. . FOR THE QUEEN OF THE BAY, SEE EASTSIDE. 4T4, wmw!!L Jl-