Qfatttii ADS. NEWS v i.tisi.N'ESS IS BLOW, AW GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu TUB TJMK TERSELY TOLD i: :: :: tt u f1 " .... tiia'P IT PAYS IS EVI- ,Kcki n successful busi. ESS HOIS'" ivimu" MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Ksfnlilltdicd in 187H ns Thu Const Mall. LOU XXXHI. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos Ray AdvcrtUcr, No. 25. Cwwfi lag ? ' ' ' iii i .jiii n I, , ffl OF CARNIVAL TO 6E PUBLICLY CROWNED TONIGHT ill Make Trip From North Bend On Decorated Float With Escort. HG CARNIVAL BALL IN THE EAGLES' HALL. 1 'eople Are Beginning to Gather in the City For the Event. A6 . .v it m.'ir rniMlT. A (III 1. .!' - . v a Ta.:c who will olllclnto ut tho a co.taa.kn of tho Quo.n to-night ar"! a Queen of Carnival .uiss a Giucvlove Tellofson. .... .. tti.f.. i... Mnlds 01 iionui .uidb - lyn .Mod. and Mliss Poarl Rlggs. . .. . . tl .. tk. ...a $ Train jjonrcru aiubh ui and Jack Merchant. pa As in wailing uuinnw ; ... .... r.......!.... .A. . p iliirioUb-H, Uuymoml Pritohurd, O .W.......11 J. Johnson, Harold f i wtlintli, Joo Mllnor, Norrla Farrln. Qit; n's Prime Minister May- crK. 13. Stinw. O I. ave for old town North Dond nt 0 30 P. M. Parndo from, old $ town to tho main part of city. Leave with launch escort nt 7.30 for Mnrshflold. The Coos Day Hoop Waterway Car- eolved from tho pack train of twenty nlvnl and Ucgatta opened to-day and bono reported to bo marooned Jn will conUnuu for ono week. Tho pro- tho heart of Clearwater forest yestor grnin for tho entire week has boon day. The report first camo from Sup arranged bo that .thero will bo somo- orvUor I'onn, but to-day Forester thing happening nil tho tlmo nnd nn Qrccly said It probably meant noth cnjoynblo visit Is assured visitors to lug " tn that tho path of tho tho bay. Tho events will bo in both pack train had been crossed by tiro Marshflcld and North Dond and It Is nnd tlint It would bo necessary for.lt expected that both cltlea will have to mnko n detour which would delay good crowds during tho weok. Many It sovornl days. cf tho lumber camps will shut down "" ..--J t!- indications nro that many LECTURE WAS GOOD. will como from all of tho other cities l in tho couiuy. , HMiop ScmldliiR SM'ikw ntOInsonle Tho chief event of lho opening day Opero House. is tho crowning of tho auoen, Miss Bishop Scnddlng ormiTtond doliv- Genevieve Tellefaon. which will tnko Mace to-night. At 7.30 P. M. tho queen win lenvo North Dond. Sho will trnvel on nn clnborata Hoat and will bo accompanied by two mnlds of honor. They nro Miss Poarl Itlggs and Miss Evelyn Mock. Tho float on which tho queon and hr attendants will rldo Is elnboroato ly dccornted,( and as It comes down tho Day from North Dond thero will be a display of fireworks. The queon will lcrve tho lloat at tho foot of Comir mj awnuo, whore thero hna ben cu d n throne. Tho quoen wl!l bo ti owned In tho preonco of Virjon , ami It Is quit llkoly that the crowning will b0 dono by Jay Bowc. -,-, tn0 acting Governor, who l In tho city. Afer tbo coronation, tho qiiQQii ui go H the tent show, whero a sjio- clal "W Is arrniiKod for hor. nml then she Pi Bo to tho Eagles' Hall, where tho big carnival ball will bo hc"l. The dnnclng will begin at 9 o clotk, and the, queen will open tlio ball. The band will play on the street a'l evening, nnd it la expected that iwlte a number of tho launches will scrt the queen's float from North Bend to Marshfleld. This feature will 1)6 one of the attractions of the car wal nnd Mill bo well worth seeing. Rnet's To-Morrow, Tho speed boat races wll be held t 9 o'clfcck to-morrow Instead of 11 A- M , as the wind wll bo more favor u'e at thnt tlmo for the boats to "o a good showing. The races will "egln at orth Rend and run down arund the red buoy at tho bar, fin ding at North Dend. Owners of boats entering tho races 1 n,e'iso send In tho measuromonts the'r boats to tho Coos Day Motor 0:jt Club so they may bo placed In ann ,Proper c,ass- A lively race' Is bolt att?1 nS ther0 aro Bome out8,do . 8 wh,,,h "avo been brought here ePressly for the races. Weartbreaka !, i - oents which ..ii .!... t I --..v., vawiio uuBuwon uy way an audible explosion. SEVERAL KILLED, IW INJURED Italian Laborers Are Victims When Big Dam on Canal Collapses. (By Associated Press.) WATERTOWN, S. C, August 15. Sovornl ltnllnn laborers woro killed nnu n largo niimuer injurua uy me 'collnnao to-dny of the dam of the T.l A 01UoBpIO Comimny nt MBMOna on tho Dig Power Canal. I PACK TIN IS ISSilC Uneasiness Felt For Party in Clearwater Forest Where Fires Rage. (Dv Asloclatcd Press.) MISSOULA, Mont, August 15. No riutlnltri Information has been re- oreu n icciuro sniuruay .k". hi- - Masonic Opera House. Ho spoko on tho subject, "Tho Church In Ameri ca." Tho lecture was lllustrntod with colored stereoptlcon pictures and was highly Interesting. Dlshop Scnddlng Is In Coqulle to-dny, but wll bo back In Mnrshfloldl n a fow days and will bo a guest at tho Chandler hotel. SAILS SUNDAY Takes a Large Number of Pas senger to Portland and Northern Points. The Breakwater sailed Sunday for Portland. Sho took out qullo a largo number of passongers. Thoso who loft oh tho vessol-wore as follows: F. M. Reeves, Frank B. Colo, Mrs. Frauk E. Colo, Minnie Colo, Robert ColoM. Young, K. C. Wilson, C. En dorson, Mrs. C. Enderson, Myrtlo En derson, Ruby Dndoraon, G. W. Hollls ter, J. D. Stoltmnn, F. H. Ackloy, P. H. Soulo.F. E. Erb, Mrs. F. B. Erb, M. Pcrclvnl, Chas. Schoneberg, Mrs. Perclval, A. Pague, A. Jacobson, D. Llljroth, Miss Hell, C. D. Stealman, Mlnnlo B. Burke, H. Emery, Pearl Proctor, D. C. Robinson, A. Pollervo, Mrs. Roscon, Mr.VVWd Mrs. Dodson, Miss Bingham, S. S. Dall, E. J. umor, E. C. Gay, H. R. Gay, Georgo Thomp son, .Mlsa Smith, E. Alskog, Mrs. W. J Harvey, Mrs. Fred 'Maloon, Fred Malooii, C. M. Weaver, Mrs. C. M. Weaver, Fred Shepman, Sirs. Fred Shopman, Fred Shepman, Jr., Wm. Hill, S. Olcon, R. L. Osborn, F. G. Rnnn. Albln Gronholm. C. J. Millis, (, n t. Minis. Miss MilUs. F. Rle- t-. a Tinneo p m. Alovftnder. iuu, j. a. .", w . , F, Wilmeth, C. Holding, F. J. Kelley. BREAKWATER OUR GLAD COOS DAY lin8 her glnd hand out. It Is her especial season for the demonstration, her carnrval sea son. Her Jolly hand Is full of glorious sunshine, cool, clean ocean breezes, warm hospitality, endless entertainments, magnificent scenery, delightfully divided between land and water scapes; flyless days and mosqultoless, sleoprul nights. Our vliltlng friends will find all itio charms of a resort season specialized and accentuated. There, may be fuller hands than this sticking out from favored local, ltlcs over Oregon, but none friendlier; that we'll swear to. The six days' carnival season fltu in admirably Just botween the enrk ing slimmer heat of the Interior nnd the roynl fall weather of Coos Day, than which thero Is nothing moro perfect in the way. of -temperature and temperamental requisites. Ideal conditions, amplMod by onjoynblo pro grams, day and night and tho glad hand of Coos Day over It all to smooth nnd soften and mnke all things and paoplo amenable to the constant charm. Come and seo ub. IHT JOIN USELESS STUNS CLUB Estimated That $50,000 Worth of United Wireless Stock Has Been Purchased By Coos County Investors All Efforts For Land Stations Abandoned on Pacific Coast. i The Coos County Stung Club hns been enlarged In membership. Ap- ; proximately $50,000 in stock of tho I United Wireless Telegraph Company lis hold in various amounts on Coos Uny and In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy. Quito an amount Is hold in Dandon, Myrtlo Point and Coqulllo. I Investors wero Induced to tnko tho stock upon the glowing prospectus nnd. golden promises hold forth by tho cnmpnny nnd Its agents. Notwith standing (he fact that locnl bankers frowned upon tho proposition, pcoplo who refused legltlmnto investments fell over themselves to buy Wireless. At prosont' tho outlook is thnt no roturns will over bo received by tho locnl Investors, as tho olllcors of the concern fnco gravo charges and tho IIS A PARTY ' TO THE DEAL C. A: Lyons of Texas Tells of His Interest in Con tracts. (By Associated Press.) SULPHUR, Okla., August 15. Tho part which Cecil A. Lyon, na tional committeeman of Texas, took In tho activity for tho approval of tho old McMurray Indian contracts was tho subject investigated by the Congrosslonnl committee. Lyon testi fied that ho joined McMurray In tho deal merely ns a business projoct. When asked If ho did not think the fact thnt ho was on good terms with Roosevolt nud was a frequent CHller nt tho Whlto House, had something to do with McMurrny's nsklng him to Join tho scheme, Lyon said it possibly had, but ho thought that his business ability nppealed more to McMurray than his lntluenco with President Roosovelt. Lyon said that when Roosevelt refused to approve thq con tracts Lyon'a connection with the matter terminated. He said ho was not interested In tho presont McMur ray contracts. GAYNOR IS BETTER. Wounded Mayor of Now York Con tluucb to Improve. fBy Associated Proas.) NEW YORK, August 15. Mayor Gaynor continues to Improve. The seventh day found him rapidly emerg Ing'from tho danger zone. An early morning bulletin showed that tho wounded executlvo had passed an ex cellent night. His temperature this morning was 99.8, pulso 70, respira tion lfi. Tho police are engaging themselves with the thoory thnt Gal lagher had an accomplice. This he denies, but It is stated that a man with a police record Is under sus picion. . Buy your grocerle at BACCHI'S. HAND OUT !?on,,,nny wl" ,.u'bn',,y f? ,t!,ro"f bankruptcy and the stockli-Ulers bo rated itmong the Stung Clr.'j lricm borshlp. The hondqunrterB of the United Wireless Telogrnph Company at Portland nnd tho stations th. . a-.d at St. llolons woro olosod cx.o d.iy lest woek. Their disorganization slg imllzes the tormlnntlon for tho pres ent nffortH of thnt corporation to compote with tolograph linos on land. Tho termination of Ita bustuess there mnrka tho principal work of bxnorlninntii linrfnrninil nn llm rmiBt y tho United 'Wlrojess, so far as.In and bualnoss Is concerned, and it ia admitted thnt nxcollont rnnnlta hnvn been obtnlnnd In testing tho efficiency of tho system In dlstnnco work. Tho ilnnnclnl roturns however, have not peon sulllcient to wnrrant a continu ance of tho Inland olllcca nnd it Is planned' to dovoto "nil energy b"iea work. Tho station nt Astorln Is still open nnd the ono on Coos Uny. Tho company hns plants aboard 100 vessels on tho Pnclllo ConBt, with slioro stations covering thorn from Alaska to San Diego. C. A. Smith Has Not Disposed of Lane County . Land. Thero wna n roport In Portland that C. A. Smith, head of tho Smith Interests hore, had sold his largo tim ber holdings In Lano county. Mr. Smith Is now In Minneapolis. When ankod by wire regarding tho report Mr. Smith answered thnt thero was absolutely no foundation for tho re port thnt ho had sold his Lnno county tlmbor. W. C. Bradley Is to Make His Home In That City Hereafter. W. C. Dradley of tho Modern Com pany will leavo next Friday for Port land, whore he will make his home in the future. Mr. Dradley has accopted o. position as sales manager for tho Modern Confectionery Company of Portland. This is ono of the largest housea of the kind on the coast and the position which Mr. Dradley takes la an Important ono. Mr. Dradley will retain hla interest in tho Modern Company hare and tho busnless will bo conducted by his partner, L. W. Traver. Dy taking the position with tho Portland house, Mr. Dradley wjll be In closer touch with the wholesale. trade and wll vance the Into business. MrJ thus be able to ad ests of tho Marahfleld Drndley'a family will leavo the latter part of the month. Times' Wanjc Ads Get Results. IS NOT SOLD RIS TIMBER WILL LEAVE FOR PORTLAND KANSAS GIRL IS MUKUERED I MYSTERY SURROUNDS OASE JAPAN FLOOD LOSS IS BIG Over Four Thousand Homes Washed Away and Many Persons Dead. (Dy Associated Press.) TOKIO, Japan, August IB. om clal figures of tho great floods wore given out to-dny at 1,112 dead nnd missing, nud nearly 4,000 houaog wnshed nwny, In nddtllon to thous nnds which have been Inundated dur ing tho Hood. Called Upon to Help Keep Peace in the Colum bus Strike. (By Associated Ptess.) COLUMBUS, Ohio, August 15. Troop D and Dnttory C, both of Co lumbus, have been ordorod out In tho enrmens' strike. Tho First Regiment of Cincinnati was also ordored out. Tho cars on tho Columbus-Dayton division of tho Ohio Electric Company woro opernted irregularly to-day. Clerks and stenographers have been put on ns conductors of some of tho cars. Tho order calling out tho troops was Issued by Govornor Hnrmon nt noon, Tho action wns taken becnuso of Increased rioting, Tho announce ment that troops have ngnlu been called out after tho dismissal last weok of 3,200 soldiers created much excitement on tho'streots. How long tho troops will stay this tlmo la not known, but It Is known thnt tho au thorities havo taken tho stand that rioting miiBt bo stopped at any cost. Portland Wins Two Games and Continues to Raise Her Percentage. PORTLAND, Oro August 15, Portland Is still winning. Tho scoros for Saturdaya nd Sundny aro as fol lows: Knturdny'g Games. AT PORTLAND R. II. Portland 3 9 Sticramonto 1 5 AT OAKLAND R. H. Oakland 2 C Vernon 1, 0 AT LOS ANGELES It. II. Los Angeles 3 9 San Francisco , 4 9 SiiikUij'h Games. ' AT PORTLAND R. H. Portland 5 C Sacramento , . . 2 7 AT OAKLAND R. II. MORNING GAME. Oakland 2 5 Vernon 1 4 AFTERNOON GAME. Vornoon 7 11 Oakland 1 3 AT LOS ANGELES o R. II. MORNING GAME. Los Angeles , 1 7 San Francisco 0 4 AFTERNOON .GAME, Los Angels , . . , 3 10 San Francisco ... , 2 10 TROOPS ARE ORDERED OUT COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Was About to Be Married to Former School Mate of Topeka. NOTE IS FOUND IN THE YARD. Written in German and Is Only Clue on Which to Work. (Dv Astocluiuu Ptess.) 1 ABILENE, Kansns, August 1C. Without oven n cluo to tho murderer of Bethn Boulgus, who was found dvad In hur parent's homo Sunday morning, tho pullco to-day found other evidence which makes It cur tain she wns killed by somo ono who entered her bedroom. Mlus Dpnlgua wns one of tho town's most popular young womon. Hor father lias n moat markot, nnd sho for aovernl months has been employed in thu tel ephone olllco. Saturday ovenlng- alio was down town with, somo young friends and nt ten o'clock loft thorn, nUlnn ono of tho glrla to spend tho night with hor. Miss Dnnlgua wan planning a surprlRo nud wna to havo loft to-day to meet Carl Hvlngstono, n former school mate nnd n long tlmo sweetheart and bo married. Living stone Is employed ns cashier In n eat ing house in Topeka. Ho wnu souC for immediately nftor tho young wo man's death was discovered. That tho young woman committed sulcldo Is disproved by circumstantial evi dence. Mlia Denlgus'B body wns so carefully covered thin when first hor father wont to the room ho thought tho bed had been made and thnt sho had loft the house. Lator ho found her benenth the covers. Mlsa Boulgus was known to havo a diamond rliiR given her by Livingstone This ring Is In another part of thu houso. Two weeks ago tho house was cntoreintrld tho young woman's necklnco stolen. It was found, howevor, 100 foot from the Iioubc. Tho most mysterious part of the nffnlr Is a note scrlbblod In. German and fountTIn tho yard. It bears ovldenco of having boon wrltton In tho greatest of excitement. It wna plnced In tho ynrd Saturday ovenlng Just below Miss Bonlgus' window and' rends, "I havo murdered hor; bring Jewelry two blocks." Attempted rob bery or some Jealous rival for MIbb Bonlgus' hnnd aro theories on which tho police are working. Mrs. Eleanor Guinn Passed Away Suddenly at Her Daughter's Home. Mrs. Eloanor C. Gulnn wna found dond In bod Sundny morning at tho homo of hor daughter, Mrs. H. ?r, Tuttlo on Elrod nvonue. Sho was 78 years old. Heart disease was tho cause of tho sudden death. Mrs. Gulnn wna a nntlvo of Massachusetts and had lived hero some time. Tho funeral was hold this afternoon. HOLDING INQUEST. Coroner In Loudon In Investigating tlio Cilppen .Myhtcry. fRv Associated Pre3B.) LONDON, August 15. Spectatora who filled tho little Coroner's Court nt Islington this nfternoon, whptfi tho Investigation of tho Crippon murder mystery was contlnuod, wore disap pointed. Thero wero no sonsatlonal developments, the physicians who woro expected to ?lvo scientific evi dence having decided to withhold tt until Crippon and Mlsa Lenovo re turned. j Qne of (he seldgm appreciated aub tletles of llfo Is tho difference bo tween a grin and a smile. FOUND DEAD IN HER RED St . . - k .