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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1910)
.1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 191 0 EVEIMIMG EDITION. EU. t AT THE CHURCHES THE LORD'S PRAYER. f The following beautiful composition was captured d-nrlng the war at Charleston, S.C. It was printed on heavy satin, July 4, 1823. It was picked up by A. P. Green, of Auburn, Ind., at Corinth, Miss., the morning tho rebel forces evacuated it, on May 30th, 1802. Thou to tho mercy-scat our souls doth gather, To do our 'duty unto' Theo. .OUlt FATHER, ' To whom nil praise, all honor should be given; ; For thou art tho great God WHO ART IN HEAVEN. Thou by Thy wisdom, rul'st tho world's wholo frame; , ' Forever, thorcforo HALLOWED HE THY NAME; Let nevcrnioro delay dlvido us from Thy glorious grace, but let IHY KINGDOM COME; Let Thy commnnda opposed bo by none; But Thy good pleasure and THY WILL HE DONE, I And let our promptness to obey, bo even Tho very samo ON EARTH AS 'TIS IN HEAVEN, ( Then for our souls, O Lord, wo nlso pray, Thou would'st bo pleased to GIVE US THIS HAY, Tho foffd of life, wherewith our souls nro fed I Sufficient raiment and.... OUR DAILY HREAI), With every ncodful thing do thou relievo us, And'of Thy mercy, pity. . . .AND FORGIVE US All our misdeeds for Him whom Thou dld'st plcaso To make an offering for. . .OUR TRESPASSES, And forasmuch, 0 Lord, as we believe That thou wlli pardon us. .AS WE FORGIVE Let that lovo teach, wherewith Thou (Tost acquaint us, to Pardon nil THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US And though sometimes thou lliul'st we have forgot, This lovo for Thee, yet help AMI LEAD US NOT. Through soul or body's want to desperation, Nor let earth's gain drlvo us INTO TEMPTATION Let not tho soul of any true believer Kail In tho tlmo of trial. . . . RUT DELIVER, Yea, savo them from the malice of the dovil, And both" In life and death, keep US FROM EVIL Thus pray we, Lord, for that of Thee, from whom This may bo had FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM This world Is of Thy work, Its wondrous story, To theo belongs THE POWFR AND THE GLORY, And all they wondrous works hnvo endod novcr, Hut will remain forever nud FOREVER, Thus we poor creatures would ronfoss again, And thus would say otcrnally AMEN. D. (Ministers and others aro request ed to hand the Sunday churcn no ticca not later than Friday evening tc Insuro InBortlon Saturday.) .MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC . CHURCH. How Father DALY. . Mass will bo solemnized at 10 o'clock Sunday morning by tho How Father Curley. Tho feast of tho An nuuclutlon will bo kept Monday, witli special services at 0 o'clock. NORTH REND CATHOLIC CHURCH. O Row D. P. Curley, pastor. Mass will bo celebrated at S o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rev. Father lowls of tho Dominican Order. Spe cial services for tho feast of tho An nunciation wll b0 held .Monday morn ing nt S o'clock. . SEVENTH DAY ARVHXTISTH F. 0. HUNCH, Minister. Seventh Day Advontlst fervid aro couducicd every Saturday ui tho Lutheran hall as follows: Sabbath school at 1 0 a. in. preach ing 8ervico 10:45 a. in. You are cordially Invited to attend. TIK LUTHERAN CHURCH. M Rev. J. Richard Olson, Pastor. M 0.45 A. M Sunday School. 11 A. M. Dlvlno services con ducted in English. A quartette will render music. "Tender Shephord," Dny. At North llond 2 P. M., Sunday School. 3 P. M,, tho usual services. 4 4 CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A. O. Walker, Minister. niblo Sehoul, 10 A. M. Preaching, It A. M. Chrlstaln Emleovir, 7 o'clock. Union service at S o'clock. rroaehlng service- at Cooitou, 3 M. 4 4 444t4444 FIRST RAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. G. LRo Hull. 4 Rosldonce 502 Sixth street 4 Phones; 4 Residence, 2.tii..l. 4 Study. aso-L. 4 VAA.AA4 4 10 A. M., Sunday School. 11 A. M Worship. 3 P. M., East8ldo service. 7 P. M.. n. Y. P. U. sorvlco. A malo chorus will furnish special Jiiuslo Sunday ovonlng. Tho pastor will speak on "A Sure Dotectlvo." Tho subject of the young pooplos' moot ing is 'Do You Lot God Plan Your Life For You?" The pastor and peo ple v 111 welcome you PHKSIIYTKHIAN CHURCH ' K Rev FR K R HUGO, MlnUter H There will bo no services at tho church Sunday morning. Tho Sunday School and congregation will go to Landrlth's Grove, North Coon River, and hold preaching services lu the open air. Tho congregation at Myr tle Hank will unite lu tho worship. Sermon on "Christ Foedlng tho Five Thousand." Tho peoplo must bo at Alice II. landing nt 0 A. M. sharp. They will return about 3 or I P. M. Como and worship aod "out' of doors." t CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. No services will be hold by the Christian Science Church until fur ther notice. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 4.4 Will. Horsfnll Ail-In!. miiwim .1, Thev will be no services at tho Episcopal Church to-day. Rev. Mr. Dorranco of Ashland, who hns been In the city holding services, having gone to Gardiner. UNITED HRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH REND. Sunday School, 10 A. M. Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Junior Endeavor, 4 P. M. Mrs L. Footc, superintendent. Senior Endeavor, 7 P. M. Toplc.H "God's Plan For Us." Leader, D. L. Goldcr. Evening service, 8 P. M. Subject, "Let Us Alone." Morning subject, "Benefits of Re sponsibility." 4 NORTH REND PRESHY. 4 TERIAN CHURCH. Rev. J. C. LInlnger, Pastor. M Sunday School nt 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. Junior Christian Endeavor P. M. Senior Christian Endeavor P. M. Evening service nt S P. M. K NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. K L. RASMUSSEN, Pastor. tt There wfll bo no services at North Bend. Joint services 10:30 u. m, at Mnrshllcld, lu the now hull opposite tho cemetery. 1 All Scandinavians specially Invited. ii METHODIST EPISCOPAL V M Row H. I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. M Services at the Methodist Episco pal Church will be held as follows' Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning service at It A. jSl. Epwort'i League at 7 P. M. Evening service at S p. M. CATARRH CANNOT HE CURED. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tho seat of tho dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu tional disease, and In order to cure it you must tako internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken lntcrn nlly, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfnecs. Hall's Catarrh Cur0 Is not a quack medicine. It wns nrescrlbed by one of the best physician. in this country for yenrs, nnd Is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood puri fiers, nct'ng directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F.J.CHENEY & CO., Props., Tolcdo.O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. at 4 at 7 Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE HII.1j. STEAMER REDONDO WILL SAIL WEDNESDAY, AUG. Kith, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. MAKE RESERVA TION FOR PASSAGE'. Inter-Oi'Ciiii Transportation Co. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. mm .. ,. 'rortUiHJ.Orrion ; ZZ j-IlMWnUndJ)rBe!iooUorUrItn!TST F rroof HIiiCMtif n .(ihn ,i... .iT .rVtll.i4tt. jt.ii.laniU ..:. .... ..lJVi 1 I .,l.,l, ""'? '! .locution. Oiiniin.lum, Ill-fWi-nt nrot ? n,f Iff." 'IwjjMfnW. The namlicr 1 llmltMlo jtt:tmmtt:ttt:J? t! i Remember FOR A WEDDING j or anniversary or event, of any I kind the having of a suitable cako Is Important. Wo make j a feature of to-order cakes, any j ulzo or chnractor, for parties of nil kinds. OUR DREAD is wholesome, healthful full weight loaves always. and Free Present for Coos Bay Ladies Wo have secured n limited number of dainty nttlo b lets, giving somo excellent tried nnd tested recipes telling0 How to Make Dainty Rosette Wafers and Patties Thnt vve will glvo frco to ladles calling at our store for thoni. As wo hr.vo only a limited number you should call early Wo have also Just added n complete lino of Rosette Patty Irons, Kornukopia Irons Heart-shaped Waffle Iron.s, Goro Irons Rosette Wafer Irons, Plett Pans, Milk irons They aro cheap, too. A completo ROSETTE OUTFIT consists of Rosctto Wafer Iron v Rosctto Patty Iron Rose. to Pastry Hag g. Rosctto Decorating Tube ' ' 1()c l'lo or Past -y Trimmer .'. : j.c Complete outfit, only jj SEE OUR DISPLAY WINDOW and como In nnd get a ficoklet free. I Steplian's Bakery 1 t::t:uR:nn:::::t::::Rt:t:ttt:::t:m::::::::t:: NORTH COOS RIVER BOAT SERVICE. Steamer Alert leaves Matshfield dally at 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. Re turning arrives lu Mnrshlleid abou 10. A. M. nnd 0 P. M. Alert gives 'icclnl Sunday service, leaving Marshtleld nt S A. M. Launch Mllllcomn leaves Allegany 7 A. M. and :30 P. M., connectlur and transferring with stontner Alert. Alert and Mllllcoma nro both open for charter on few days' notice. CAPT. H. E. EDWARDS. FORT ST. .1A.MES, ON LAKE STU. ART, RIHTISH COLUMBIA. v) TV VV f :sr special by Dr. Look for tho Seal on the can. Califeno U MADE IN CALIFORNIA. An ideal shortening Tncrc is no purer food product than the oclectcd Leef fat ob tained from specially selected cattle. There ia no more whole some substance than an absol utely pure, doubly refined vegetable oil. P. Califene This Is destined to bo tho Portland of Rritlsh Columbln, on n navigable river and deep water lnke, with two trains running In next fall. Lot. era pour Into our otllco nil day with applications for lots. To those who cannot como In wo would do qui utmost to make a good selection. Price. $100 nnd $200 each. Cnsl $25, balanco $10 a month. A few 10-ncre farms, Joining Fort St. Jnmo towuslte nnd Lake Stuart, $50 cash and $10 n month. You need not bo a Canadian citizen to hold this. You need net Improve It, nor you need not resldo on this land Is on or near tho rnilr Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, ami Canadian Northern rnllronds. Rich farm lands, $S.50 per aero, $3 cash and balanco $1 per ncro per year until paid. Apply Canndlan Northern Land Company, 301. 305 nnd 30t5 Lewi Building, Portland, Oregon. Joac.MirmawwnnrmRrn jK7wsMAsiaxmgsaKS!, kinds and Horse Feed of all some Flour. A. T. HAINES. is nothing more than a carefully proporrionsd com pound of both, prepared by experts in a strictly oanirary pianc under the 'watchful eyes of U. S. Government In spectors. Califene ia the ideal shortening". Ak Your Dealer WESTERN MEAT CO. y SAN FRANCISCO U.S.A. l '-- -r 1 Calif eiS llv Cotton Seed Oil OleoStea1 1 AUTO MAKES DAILY ROUND TRIPS FROM DRAIN TO SCOTTSBURG RATFS: FROM DRAIN TO SCO rtSRUUG, $."5.00; SCOTTSRURG TO DRAIN, (1.00. OFFICR AT Hedden & Rowland's 1M10NK, "CRNTRAL," DRAIN. A. W. DKNNY, PROF. DRAIN, ORK. OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Ray O.l and Suppl.v Co muv; under tho management ol J. V. r,at.aBau will continue to linn dK the u.'on Oil 'Company's gnso line, dlstl'lntf, benrlno and coal oil n iior oil ImusA across the Hay t which placo they hnvo moved their ofilce. Phono 302. com mv.eszsw.. a vr ' '' "SAFEANPjp W Jr . x cys Vr SYNDICATE - SEALERS it AGCHT.S coal cnmwuw. saxy FARH. FiWlT. tlXdRJL, - -1 J.I iV WVJ5T?.' ft . u J Tho past has proven that investments In smnll aero tracts near eronlS cities nro tho me?t profitable. Tho C. B.R. S. has such to offer. Cnaj. J. Druschko, Marshfiold, Oro. E itk BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS MOUSES AND RUSINKSS MEN TIIR FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RKLIARLC RUSINKSS HOl!RKS .M.UJSHMLLD AHIO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAN RE GUARANTEED AT FAIR PRICES MEN WHOSE WORK MAY RE DEPENDED UPON. IT MILL PAY YOU TO PATRONIZE 1 IN OR THEM Mother' Restaurant Is better prepared to servo you than ever befcre. Coiiiiiifiiial Ave., bet. Front and Rroadwiiy, Mnrshllehl. 1 ii iiiiii n Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heatinq Mailillnlil, Ore., Phone V73 GET YOUR .lOR PRINTING DONE AT TIIR TIMES OFFICE, Letter Head., IUI1 He.uN, Rnve- Iuihn, Calling; Card-, tie. FOR (50011 PHOTOS go to STADDF.N Rogers. Ruildlng Droadnuy anil Central Avenue. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. I.. KOONTZ Machine nnd Repair Shop GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, F'nst street, Marsh Held, Ore, I. .