irf"tlWHf "Wrrsjff THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1910 EVENING EDITION. I. C. T. 0. OF THE POLITICAL POT IE T I IRON THIS IS THE 9 That makes Tuesday a day of Comfort instead of a day of Toil. It appeals to every housewife because it saves time, labor and perspiration IT DOES THE WORK RIGHT. COSTS LESS THAN FIVE CENTS AN HOUR TO OPERATE Telephone J 78 and we will have one sent to you for ten days' trial FREE. m The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. STATE.MENT OP CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS BAY, MARSHFIELD, ORE. Juno 30, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . . $ 97,738,53 Overdrafts 711.84 Bonds and securities . . . 25,SG9;8G Banking house, furnlturo and fixtures 50,820.50' Cash on hand and duo from banks 87,330.01 Total J2C9.4G0.24 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. . .1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 1.240.22 Deposits 1U5.220.02 Total J2C9.4C0.24 Wo Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this btnik as ihowr 1 th.o above statement to-wlt: Cash reserve 52,por cent of deposits. Reserve required by law 15 per cent of deposits. Ileservo in excess of legal requirements 37 per cent of deposits. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENOSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, nORSEV KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WP.LIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER. v M. C. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKING AN D TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR RUSINESS SOLICITED. i t FLANAGAN & DENNETT ANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. 01dei Rank In Coos County, Established in 1880. Paid up Capital mid Surpl-is, ."580,000.00. .Wet Over Half Million Dollars. ' Does a general banking business, and draws drafts on the Dank of California, San Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover National Dank, N. Y.; First National Dank, Portland, Ore.; First National Dank, Rose burg, Ore.; The London Joint stock Dank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange ou all of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxeB for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. DENNETT, President, L F. WILLIAM, Cashier. J. H. FLANAGAN, V.-Pres. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Asst. Cash, INTEREST! PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. A NEW HUNCH OF Classy Fixtures Just arrived, nt prices to suit. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully nsk your patronage PHONE 237-J. WE HAVE PLACED IN PUBLIC SERVICE A Bus to Meet All Trains , Will also niako calls on tolephono orders. Pliono 1-OJ. Phono 1S8J. A bnggngo wngon has also been added that will call for and deliver trunks, bnggngo and light freight. Also run prlvnto hack to Rosoburg. L. H. HEISNER Livery and Feed Stable. INTERESTING SESSIONS OF .MEM BERS ARE HELD AT NORTH REND CHURCH. Tho Coos county convention of the W. C. T. U. was held at North Bend !n8t Thursday. The sessions were held In tho Presbyterian Church 'nnd tho visitors were splendidly enter tained by the local union. Th6 convention wns called to order by Mrs. E. McCray of Marshfleld. Tho morning session began at 10 o'clock. Reports wero made of the work done by tho different unions of the county. A talk on tho W. C. T. U. work wns mnde by tho Stato presi dent, Mrs. Adn Wallace Unruh, which was highly Interesting to tho dele gates. The following ofllcerB were elected: Superintendent, Mrs. E. McCray. Vice-Superintendent, Mrs. Ora Mc Cnrty. Corresponding Secretnry, Mrs. Footo. Recording Secretnry, Mrs. Stevens. A lino luncheon and dinner was served In tho basement of tho church, where tasteful decorations hud been arranged for tho occasion. The afternoon session started oiT with the yell of tho union, glvon'by all of the members present. Rov. Mr. White of North Dcnd gnve tin nd drest;, followed by another ta k by Mrs. Unruh, who nmdo n plon tor tho girls and boys. At the night session thoro was music by a mnlo quartette nnd a read- lug by Miss Graco Fulton. Mrs. Unruh spoku again, ending tho closing ses sion with much onthuslnsm. Among those prosont In the after noon were: Mrs. Ada W. Unruh, Mrs. Ernest McCrny, Mrs. Robt. Mc Cnnn, Mrs. Fannie Wheeler, Rov. J. C. Llnlugor and. wife, Mrs. Mary Chn pello, .Mrs. M. Kibbler, Mrs. Win. Nellson, .Mrs.' Mnudo Pulley, Mrs. Fred Lyster, N'i C. McLcocf'nnd wife, Miss Mnriu McLeod, Geo. Witto and wlfo, Mrs. F. W, Putnam, Mrs. II. D. Putpam, Mrs. G. E. Dames, Mrs. Pe ter Miller, Mrs. S. Flltcroft, D. L. Footo and wife, Mrs. C. D. Rlchcy, Mrs. Chns. Cnvanagh, Mrs, E. J. Klttrlng, Geo. Hazcr and wlfo, Mrs. F. W. Stovons, Mrs. II, J. Isaacs, Mrs. J. C. Stevens, L. E. Metzler and wife, Mrs. Edghr McDanlol, Mrs. Anna Holmes, MlbH Annn Lund, Mrs. E. A. Patterson of Coqullie, Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs, Geo, Cook, Mrs. A. Rose, Mrs, J. Colcmnn, Miss Frieda I Inzer, Mrs. John F. Hall, C. II. Far rlss nnd wife, Mrs. C. V. Hcndrlx, Mrs. M. E. Golder and Misses Lillian McCann, Dorothy Kibbler, Anna L. Hondrlx, Ethel Metzler, Graco Murr, Mndgo Goldor, Allco Carlson, Lilly Pulley nnd Harry M. Stevens, Rov. Horbort F. White, Morroll LInlngor, Mrs. J. M. Wngner, Mrs. ft. E. Dllley, Mrs. R. Lusc-Stump, Mrs. M. R. Smith, Mrs. J. C. Jacobs, Mrs. Ora McCarty, Mrs. Martin Dreon, Miss Cntherlno Stump, Mrs. Shopard, Mrs. J. T. Mngulre, Marion Reynolds, Mrs. C. H. Worrell, Clarence Covey, Mrs. Floronce Chnpman, Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs.MiJ. M. Aloxander, Mrs. P. II. O'Mara, Mrs. J. Arnott and Mrs. F. Arnott. Turkish Baths 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J . J THE FIRST NATIONALBANK 7 ot? r.rtns ray STRICTLY A COZIMERCIAL BANK Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, San Francisco, CaL Draws ( Th0 u,,,ted States National Bank, Portland, Or. n J! Tho National Park Bank, Nov York, N. Y. UrailS Th Cor Kvchange National nank, Chicago, 111. U Tlie Bank of Bcptlnnd, London, England. ' The Credit Lyonnnls, Paris, France.1 In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking centers in Europe, Asia. Africa, Australli. China, 'japan, North, Central and South America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Certificates of Deposit lss jod. Safe DodosU Boxes for rent. n ? 8 I U I n u i R I tt I a Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line. Daily stngo Iwtween Roseb nig and Mnrsliflcld, conimencliig Jubt J. Stage leaves daily nnd Sunday nt O n. in. Fare SO.Ou. OTTO. SCH ETTER, Agent, O. P. BARNARD, J- MARKET AV., Marshfleld. Agent, ROSERURG, ORK, PHONE 11 For CARNIVAL (JOODS AND CON FETTI, this store will he hoadquar tors. COOS DAY CASH STORE. Our Work is Our Adver tisement OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT-ISFACTION. BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St.. Marshfleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has boon thoroughly renovated and nowly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month, Mrs. J. II, O'DONNELL. Prop. Begins to Simmer and Bubble in Coun ty and State Candidates Commenc ing to Get Busy in Old Coos Coos Day will bo honored with vis Its from several of the State candi dates for ofllce during the cnrnlval. Jay Dowcrmnn, tho Assembly candi date for Governor, Is to bo here, nnd Col. E. Hofer of Salem, also n can didate for the Republican nomination for Governor, has sent word that he will bo hero with somo of his friends. D. E. Mulkey, candidate for Congress, litis also written that ho will visit Marshfleld. Thomas Campbell, State Railroad Commissioner, has been in the city for several days. Herbert Hume, who Is out for the nomination for Joint Representative from Coos and Curry counties on tho Republican ticket, is to have opposi tion. S. P. Pierce has recently an nounced his candidacy. Several of the candidates on the county ticket put In tho field by the Assembly will linvo opposition. A. N. Gould Is out as tho regular Republi can for County Surveyor In opposition to tho Assembly cnndldnte. Ed. Rack leff iu out for Reprosontntlvo from Coos county against Trendgold. Dr. Golden is tho .regular Republican caudldato for Coroner In opposition to tho Assembly cnndldnte. Fred N. Perkins of Dandon wns expected to bo out. for County Commissioner as tho rcgulnr Republican cnndldnte, but ou account of an accident that bofell him lately he may not be njile to run. Ho fell from a wagon a fow weoks ago and broke his hip nnd has been tnkon to n hospltnl at Snn Frnuclsco for treatment. Ho mny, however, ho nblo to mnko tho raco. I. T. Weekly of Gravel Ford Is being talked of by his friends ns n good man to run for Commissioner. Tho Doiuocrnts nro also getting! busy. R. A. Copplo of Mnrshlleld Is j talked of for Democratic cnndldnte for Joint Representative. F. W. Stev ens, tho civil engineer, will bo n can didate for County Surveyor. Thero Is somo tnlk of running Councilman Tom Coke on the Democratic ticket for County Commissioner. CHALLENGE TO HAWLEY. tlon shall render It no longer neces sary. "That tho Issues raised In tho foro golng statement may bo developed and tested beforo tho pcoplo, I re spectfully and cordlnlly Invito tho as sembly nominee, Congressman W. C. Hnwley, to n Joint discussion of tho snmo to bo held In every county of tho First Congressional district." BENSON TO HAVE OPPONENT. MARSHFIELD HAND. AND STEAM LAUNDRY. Mauzoy Bros., Prop. Pliono 220-J. HOME LAND Co Seo us tor Investments on Coos Day. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phono 74L. 201 Front St. G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshfleld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 3d St., Telephone, Day or Night, 105-J. ELLERRY'S FISH MARKET, Ed. T. Hatch, Prop. Shell Fish of Every Description. Salmon and Deep Sea Fish In Season. Tel. Market 2 04 J. Font of Market Avenue, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D R. J. W. TNGHAJI 'I'tiypMan and Surgeon. Ofllce 2rH-2(K Coos RitlldlfiK Phores Office 1621; Residence 1621 J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanr.can & Beunstl Bank. Marshfluld, On' W; M. S. TUHI'EN Architect Over Chamber of Commerce , II. F. Mulk vy Invites Congressman to Meet Win on Platform to Debate Political Ikmicn. In announcing his cnndldary for Congress on nn anti-assembly, State ment No. 1 platform, II. F. Mulkoy, of Jacksonville, challenges Congress- man W. C. Hnwley to meet him In Joint discussion of polltlcnl Issuos, such dobntes to bo held In every county In tho First Congressional District. Mulkoy's nunouueomont of his candidacy Is ns follows: "I heroby nnnounco myself n can dldnto for congress, subject to the will of tho Ropublicnn voters of tho First Congressional District of Ore gon nt tho coming primary election. A number of letters from tho Wll lnmotto vnlloy, nnd tho Umpqun, and tho Coos Bay section urging mo to run, ns well ns many porsonnl soli citations by friends In Jackson nnd Jo8ophlno counties since tho stato nssenibly of July 21, this yenr, to gether wi'h evident gonernl demnnd for somo candidate to represent tho principles I horenfter nnnounco lin- pols mo to tills stop, "If nominated and elected to con gress, I will not voto for Joseph Cnnnon for speaker of tho house, and, to tho end that leglslatlvo power, may not bo concentrated In tho hands of a few men, I will voto to tnko away from tho Bpeaker tho nppolnt- mont of tho rules committeo and all other committees nnd return It to tho houso, whenco It originated. . "I shall voto to glvo tho Interstate commerce commission, nower to regit- lnto railroad rates upon tho basis of valuo of the physical property of tho railroads nnd to glvo tho commission powor nnd authority to limit tho Issu ance of stocks nnd bonds of railways to actual Investment mado. ' "I will voto for n revision of the tariff with tho interests of tho mass of consumers constantly In tho fore ground, and shall Insist thnt, on all trust manufactured articles, tho re vision bo downward until tho tariff schedule shall cover the difference iu tho actual cost of manufneturo In tho United States and foreign countries only, as was promised by tho last na tional Republican platform. "I shall voto for a constitutional amendment providing for direct elec tion of United Stntos senators and shall give my moral support to the Oregon plan, known as Statomont Number One, until such time as an amendment to the Federal Constltu- G. Wlngate, of Atttorla, a Former Coos Bay Man, Out For Secretary of State. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 13. O. Wlngnto, of Astoria, haB entered tho list against Frank W. Benson for tho Republican nomination for Secretnry of Stato. Mr. Wlngnto sent his dec laration of Intention to the Sccrolary of Stnto'a o III co last night, announ cing himself ns u direct primary can didate, pledging himself it nominat ed nnd olected to an economical ad ministration nnd close porsonnl at tention to oillclul duties. Mr. Wlngnto is n man about C2 years of ago and hns been a resident of Orogon slnco 1872. Ho wns born In Scotlnnd and came to tho Unltod States In 1S(17. Ho Went to Callfor nln during tho mining excitement thero and moved to Coos liny In 1S72. Ho has long been n rcsldout of Astorln, whoro ho hns followed his profession of civil and mining en gineering and hns, of Into, boon en gaged In tho real estate business ex tensively. Mr. Wlngnto wns n mom hot of tho Htuto board of equaliza tion during 1800 nnd wns one of tho committeo of 21 which secured tho construction of tho Astoria & Col umbia River Railroad Into Astorln. "I luivo never been anything but a Republican," sntd tho caudldnto, "I wits u Republican In tho days when It took courngo to bo ono. I was a sound money Ropublicnn whon Inrgo numbers of tho party wero shifting the other' way, and I havo been a low tariff Republican in splto of tho fact that many or my com rades have been high tariff men. "I nm a llrm bollover In tho di rect primary law and bollovo thnt ltJ should bo uphold nnd rigidly ob served. I bollovo In tho direct olcc tlou of United Stntos senators, nnd thnt the peoplo of tho stnto should Rimril well tho ndvnntagos which they have gained by direct legisla tion. 1 havo never been n candldnto for office, having horotoforo directed my onorglea to helping my frloida secure recognition. ' SOCIALISTS NAME TICKET. t Coqiilllo .Men Are. Named For Stato Offices. PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 10. -Demanding universal sufferago 'or all persons over 21 years old, tho pubt.o ownership of all natural ivsuurcos and public utilities, the orguulzatlon nnd management of all luduatiles by tho workorB thomsolves nnd tl: J pro duction of nil necessities of Ufa fr use Instead of for profit, and cubing upon nil workorB of tho stato to cr gnulzo under tho banner of Social Ism, tho Socialist party of tlu iitntu mot In convention In Portland Mon day night, nnd placed a tlckot In tho field for tho coming election. Tho following tlckot was named: For Govornor, W. S. Rlclmrds of Albany; Secretary of Stnti, Allen MoDonnld, of Portland; Stac3 Troas uier, Chnrlos Otton, of Portland Attornoy-Gonornl, C. C. Urfe, of Prlnevlllo; Superintendent of publ'i Instruction, J. D. Hassfurthi r, of Portland; Stnto Printer, Goigvj Uy lander, of Portland; Suproma .IiidK-'i, D. F. Ramp, of Brooks; R. R. Rjan, of Salem; T. L. Jonesf of Fowll it D. Myors, of Coqullie; Labor Com missioner, 8. L. Curry, of Coijutllo; Railroad Commissioner, N. N. Minks, Food and Dairy Commissioner, John Knob; Representntlvo for Scond Congressional District, W. A. Cw ford, of Tho Dalles. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tab03 for PARTIES by PHONE. THE DRAIN-COOS MAY STAGE LINE has Inaugurated an automo bile service, and passengers can now go through to Drain In one day from Coos Day. Phone 1. S. Kaufman & Co, your Coal Order, PER TON. EASTSIDE IS A WINDER. J A "n