N' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910-EVEN1NG EDITION -- tt..a------"-"-"---"-"-,:-M,t:,""t,"M"""n""",,"K"M""tt""n'u'a:,-t,"- r 4 Ml. I II I - ' ' ' ' ' If r if c I I mtMH tLtbituptN iwwDiiuincn i TO REGISTER OF MIL HERE ON VISIT I ' I Voters Not Getting Names on Books As Promptly As Expected. Tho registration of those who ex pect to vote at tho fall election Is rather slow Just now. There was quite a rush of registration for a time, but there are now only occa sional voters registering. All of tho voters have not yet registered by any means and there will bo many who -will havo to Bwcar In their voto at the polls. Tho registration closes Soptembor 24th on nccount of tho primaries, nnd opens again September 2fith and tho books will continue open until Octo ber 25th. Thoso who do not register beforo that time will have to have their vote sworn In nt tho polls. There Is no excuse for any one not being nolo to register In Mnrshfleld. Tho blanks are in tho hands of nt JenBt a dozen different lawyers nnd notaries. However, thoso who -arc taking the registration say thnt there will without doubt be many who will put It off until they go to tho polls. Genevieve Tellefson Is Chosen With Faye Bridges a Close Second. Miss Genevieve Tellefson of East sldo la elected queen of the Coos Bny carnival. Tho polls closed this after noon nnd when tho votes were count ed out tho result was as follows: Mnrshfleld candidates Genevieve Tellefson 15,753 i-nyo linages 14,990 Clara llohfcld 6,683 Myrtle Vincent 5,767 Pearl Rlggs 4,572 North I3ond cnndldntc Elizabeth Hoelllng 3,985 Got your JOH WORK done nt Till TIMES office. Friends of Dr. Houseworth May Mistake Visitor For Marshfield Physician. Dr. AIi. Houseworth Bays that his friends who think they aro speaking to him on tho street will find thnt they aro not. The doctor hns visiting him Dr. J. L. Houseworth, his twin brothor. Tho two doctors look very much alike. Tho visiting brothor is a little heavier than tho Marshfield doctor, but they have often been mis taken for tho same man. Dr. J. L. HoiiBOWorth Is from Cash Ion, Okln. He Is hero with his wife and son for n threo weeks' visit, and while on Coos Day expects to enjoy Borne of tho good deer hunting. ----- --8-a-4- u -4 . HAND MADIA CUT. Gcorgo Horsfnll Moot Willi An I'm fortunate Accident. Georgo Horsfall, sou of Dr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Horsfnll, suffered nn linfortunnto nccldont. With his brothor ho wns visiting nt tho John Yoakam ranch. Tho boys wero help ing clenr a piece of ground. Georgo wns too near one of the others, who accidentally struck him on tho loft hand with n bnibh hook. A bad wound was tho result. Tho tendons and nerves wore cut nnd a pleco of bono taken out. Tho boy was taken to tho Homo Hospltnl and tho sev ered nerves nnd tendons joined. Thoro Is Bomo fear thnt tho tcndonB and nerves will not grow together, in which event tho thumb and two fingers will bo useless. Dr. Horsfnll in hopeful thnt tho operation will re sult successfully. Chicken Fryers and Stewers Saturday all Day PEACHES FOR CANNING. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF HONES COMING FItOM ASHLAND, ORE. GET YOUR OR DERS IN EARLY SATURDAY MORNING. I' BLACKBERRIES, PLUMS, CRAI1APPLES, LOCAL CUCUM BERS, CAN STRING DEANS, CADDAGE, GREEN ONIONS, LET- UCE, CARROTS, DEETS, TURNIPS. DON'T FORGET OUR WINDOW ALL CARNIVAL WEEK. COME IN WHEN YOU ARE TIRED AND GET A CUP OF GOLDEN GATE COFFEE WITH SUNRISE MILK IN IT. THEY .MAKE A SMOOTH COMBINATION. KINGAN DEVILED SANDWICHES FOR THAT TIRED FEELING. AND PURITY COOKIES "THE PLACE OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT ALWAYS." CHARLES STAUFF I I BE PERFECT County Inspector Will Not Al- low Diseased Fruit to Be hi o Offered. th "'Coos county apples offered for salo tho local markets will hereafter bo Bpi a high grado or oHo they cannot bo cold. P. M. Hall-Lewis, tho county fruit Inspector, has delivered an ulti matum, which menus thnt only tho best grade of fruit can lie sold. It Is hold that thoro has been a lot of np plea which woro affocted with n dlsoaso put on tho market, Tho Inspector says thnt those must not bo sold nnd has or tlorcd tho dealers to cull thorn out and offer only the best. The bad onoa can bo sont back to the growor, but tho Inspector has said that if the ap ples aro not carefully sorted by tho dealers that ho will conllseuto and destroy ontlro lots It any bad ones ut all aro found among tho good apples. Ono of tho local denleis, In speak ing of the action of tho Inspector, said; "It Is n good thing. Somo of tho growers havo been selling their best apples to tho shippers and then would send in tho diseased ones for tho local market. This mnkes a very poor showing far Coos county apples. Under tho rules that the inspector hns laid down, only good apples can bo sold. Tho result will bo that tho grower will got a bettor price for his apples sold to the local doalers and thero will bo n more choice product on the market for tho! ocnl consumer, It is tho proper thing to do If we want our Coos county npplos to bo como famous." The Graveusfelns will syn 'i- on tho market. Tho crop this yonr ' not going to ba especially large, b it the quality of tho fruit will probably be good. Growers will llkoly get as high as $1 25 a box from local groc ers for tho most cholco apples. i ; ,,-,,...,,? VI Malthia Now is the time to roof your building. Don't wait until the rains start and you are inconvenienced by working in the wet. Do the work while the conditions are favorable and save yourself the annoyance and disagreeable duty of being compelled to hurry a job that requires care and attention. No matter what kind of a roof you have or what kind of a building you own, you ought to see us about your roof troubles. Our roofing experience will help you. We will show you the kind of a roof vou should have and the wav you should lay it and demonstrate to your complete satisfaction that there is no other roofing on the market that will give you so good a roof service as Malthoid Roofing. C. E. Nicholson, Marshfield, Oregon BOOSTING Everybody likes a booster. Coos Buy is becoming more and more infected by the germs of the "booster" element. The most excellent improvements all over our city are the results of good "boosting" and are but a be duniiig of the advancement made possible by scientific -boosters." Let everybody "BOOST." a a i a a i a i a i a a i a i a i a t a i a i a a i a i a i a a i. a i a t :: t a i a i. a t a i a t: i a i a i a t a I a t a t a a i a i a i a t a i Above all things, don't stand aroimu in inc way Willi .. . !..... 1.. 4-..-lr5.ilr" mi m'nvu mminuifimi llinf iu one Loob up rfjm.y iu- "." " ,7 J,..,,,,-. .... .,..., JO brought up. The only kind of a "kicker" we like is the kicker who kicks at everything that "needs fixing" and 4 'im kicks and kicks until it's iixed. The natural outcome of good "boosters" boosting is a bigger, better town with bigger and better places of bus iness and everything else that goes to make a town en vied by its neighbors and recognized as a rival of the best in the State. Do you know or rather did you ever stop to think thai you could be a most effective "booster" in the ordinary, every day details of shopping? Well, you can be and every time you patronize a live, progressive, up-to-date establishment you are "boosting." You arc making a most emphatic "boost" for better stores and very soon will your demands he recognized and all stores make I he ef fort to approach a proper standard and attain the merit sufficient to entitle them to "trot" iu the "iree-for-all" entry of the "booster'' class. AVe have great faith in Coos Bay. Everybody who knows all the conditions has also, no matter whether thev live here or elsewhere. COOS HAY DESERVES THE BEST. Asa PATKON ol! COOS HAY STOKES, YOU DESERVE THE BEST. When you spend your money here you are entitled to something besides the cor rect measure and the right change hack you are entitled to the best service the best equipped, well furnished store with plenty of good light and lots of room. Everything sanitary and clean. Assortments of merchandise as good as cities much larger a IVord and it doesn't make'any dif ference whether you want to buy a spool of thread or a sealskin coat, whether you wear a calico dress or satin,'we believe you are entitled to 1 o same consideration, the same service and ( an be just as good a "booster." Now our store isn't perfect, not by a great, deal, but we have some very high ideals as to store service, equip ment and qualit" of merchandise sold, and we are keeping i) a good hustle to five vou just the kind of a store that you can bo proud of and knowing of our constant effort to properly "deliver the goods" you can say to our neighbor as wo sav to you. IF IT'S GOOD YOU'LL FIND IT AT MAGNES & MATSON'S Watch this space tomorrow for the other side of JthVquestJon. B-n-a-c-a-a-a-a-r-a-u-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a a-a-a-a-a-.-a--H-a-a-a-a-a-8-K-ti'M a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- It's free lot ll. A w rid tillable toek en "Cheerful Homes," Tbll booklet lUuimiri tome ol Itt noil brmiilul bunrilowiol fouibfrn CtUlomli. A book etfir borac builder will rrlt. lent lit. Made by The Paraffine Paint Co. Saa fattcbco and fYU)ttbere a a a a a i a a i a i a B OM) PAPERS FOR SALE at Tin:' a TIMES OFFICE. Jutt tho thing forjtj TUTTING UNDER CARPETS or' jiacklng, I a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-a-a-n a-a-a-a-a-a-a U I a a Abstracts and Real Estate To anyone Interested In above- we would say, It Is important when bujlng to see thnt yo u got tltlo as well aa value. Wo nro best prepared to glvo you both. Our work la reliable. Are General Agents for Easteldo and Sengstackeu's Addition. Honco yon will consult your own Interests to come to headquar ter to do business. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Drench Office, Coqulllo City. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. '. ---- i a i V a a i a t a a i a i a . i a i a i a a i a i i a a i a i a i a i a a a a r: i a a tt a i a i a a i a i a i a i I a i For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage l.'KlX DELIVERIES 8 A. M. mill 2 l 51. Phono Til'J. a i a . i a i a a a! a i a i i A I a a i a i a a t a u a i a i a a i a -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a GET READY Buy a Friend Bro's. Suit $12 to $30 Every Garment Guaranteed by Maker and Distributor FIXUP SPRING CHICKEN :: ephone is on drop in at once ant out oni: of the KfNE BIRDS WE HAVE SECURED TOR YOUR 3U"DAY DINNER. IK YOU ARE GOINO CAMPING OR IK YOU WANT A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA NICE FOR IIRKAKEAST, GET SOME OF OUR HOME SMOKED BACON. IT'S FINE. FOR THAT PICNIC DINNER, OUR WEINTES.ARE FIND. FULL LINE OF NICE, JUICY, TENDER FRESH MEATS. Union Meat Market PHONE 38. a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-a-a a-a-a-a-ti-aa-a-aa-u-n-S'$ Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIA11LO AND JOSSON CE5IENT The beet Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Drlck, and oil kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 8io soimi iiroadwAy tiione 201 --- -25ES5SaS255252c5HS2 STMER BREAKWATER bT! Sails from AliKsunfili lln.L- ini...i n .. - 1V 17. 3 - vl "4iim, i ii, in,, iiugiisi. ., i --1 ami 27. Sails from Cons liny on tide August 1, 0, 11,-10, 21 niid2" Itpsrrviitlmig will not bo lielil later tluui noon of day previous lo hailing, unless tickets nro purchased. W. F. MUler.lAgL. Phone Main 35-L 52SZ5nrESa5E53SS25H5525 LTCa!5SZ5?q5a5aHS55H5aSI! THE ARAGO HOTEI.. Open from August 1st Under Former Manager. Coos County's finest summer re sort. Beautiful ocean view. For accommodations, terms, etc., address JOHN PETERSON. Empire, Ore. i U1 i H STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. d 9 y T 1. 1UCTS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OP THE OAXCE LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. SH'r R RESERVATIONS WIT.T, ixv. nAVPPn.fn m rriT.tfr TIME U"' 17 P Ll F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore ssasa-Z5Z-5Esb-SHsssa2Hsaa E5s5555sE5-S2F5-SHSs, fed A -l kir A i r jfrnlrt-l-t-Mtoite. .Ejyw. ,