THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST T2, 1910 EVENING EDITION. kr?v I 11 W W$8m mrWiKjmmn (imrxM mrffSM fill wff ir at wtw tia &?rs.tiT?aT i t jjzei i&xi.-xr mx Trujr;i0 jm jmAjrm nrr---- ii" tn ib -j. WMV: 31 LiUiitltt' 'tft'FflLfi j . i :::n:::i::::::uj:wn:::nm:mr; a "MILL -TO -MAN" FALL FASHIONS rE ARE now showing the Fall Styles in Author itative Fashions in our GOOD QUALITY CLOTHES for Men, Boys and Little Men. Our Display is an unusual one, and we cordially invite and earnestly request every man and boy that is at all interested in C00D THINGS TO WEAR, to call and see the New Fall Fashions. COOS" BAY TIDES. AUGUST High water j A.M. Date. Friday... 12 Saturday 13 SUNDAY 14 1759 C:13 7:47 It. 5.'7 5.0 4.9 P. M. h. 111. '5: ob 5:57 C:52 ft. "7.5 7.4 7.1 AUGUST Low water A. .M. P. M. Date. H. m. Friday... 1210:37 Saturday 131 0:09 SUNDAY II 1:17 h. m. ft. 3.0 2.2111:10 1.9 12:13 ft. ANOTHER RECORD HEN. :l Personal Notes 'i liens with records seem to ex- BaJKW8JimaaBttlJOBI8J 1st hi various parts of Marsh- field. Since the publication of' a story about Constable Cox's fine- hen, the following commun- Icntlon has been received by The Times: "If Mr. Cox's hen did so well, what do you think of n hen owned by Mrs. Abbott of South Fourth street. Her hen Is n last year's pullet and Is a cross be- tween a Dlnck Minorca and Ithodo Island lied. She hatched 3.7 4.2 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Saturday. he- LOCAL TKMPKKATUHE POUT. For twonty-four hours ondlng at 4.43 p. in., Aug. 11, In Mrs. MlngtiB, special goYnrnracrt nie- teorologlcal observer: Maximum 04 Minimum 52 At 4.43 p. in CO Precipitation Nono Wind, Northwest; Clear. ! MILL TO MAN CLOTHIERS Woolen Mill Store MARSHFIELD, OREGON M" - . - MM- I PERFUMES A COMPLETE LINE Or DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED PER FUMES AND TOILET WATERS, AT THE BUSY CONNER. ROGER & GALLET'S, PIVER'S, 11IEGEH & CO., HUDNUT'S, PALMER'S, COLGATE At CO.'S. NAMES THAT AUK QUA LI-TIES. AT LOWEST PHICES. PHONE J!D8. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Prescriptions Accurately compounded, -a-H-tt-K-tt-tt-H-n' -a-n-H-HR-n-n-n-tt--a-tt-tt-tt-H--- Laundry? ; Cleaning ? :: Dyeing? :: Pressing? THE VERY IJE9T. IIOTII DUV ANI STEAM. REST IMPORTED AND DOMES TIO DYES. BY A SPECIALIST,. AND IN A HURRY, TOO, IP YOU WANT IT. ; Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE B7J. J. E. LYONS, Manager. tt-a.uM--tt-a-tx-tt--a--n-a-a-a-a-a-a-u-a-a-a-n YES FRUIT JARS, JAR RUIHJERS and JEL IA" GLASSES; ulso PAHAFF1XE WAX. COOK'S GROCERY PHONE 180. SHIRTS AND TIES It you want somothlng that looks a little hotter, wears a little better and feels a little better than what you have been ablo to obtain, get one of our Monarch or Cluett shirts. MONARCH SHIRTS, all sizes and many patterns to chooso from, 81.00 CLUETT SHIRTS, the real drossy ones $1.80 t $2.00 Our lino of neckwear affords some of the dressiest and classiest ties In town. From Mo to BOc each. L . Better look over the rest of our lino of men's furnishings. Thi BAZAR ' QUALITY STORE. PHONE 32. AH Visitors nro invited to mako our storo their headquarters during the Carnival Week. We have decided to continue tho special sale of books and stationery noxt week nt prices that will pay you to investigate. Crosby & Homer Ml CENTRAL ST. ELLERDY'S FISH MARKET, Ed. T. Unlcli, Prop. Sholl Fish ot Evory Description. Salmon and Deep Sea Fish In Soanon. Tel. Markot 2G4J. Foot of Market Avenue. FOR RENT, Four-room Iiouhc, $0 por month. Phono 247-X. FOR RENT. Fnnibdiod rooms, by day. Phono 247-X. WANTED. A girl to wash dUhe and a girl to wait on tables. Apply at Stafford's. FOR SALE. 10 acres, Kcntuck In- lot, two miles from North Dend; ono aero bottom,, rosfbonch; good water; prlco $700, with terms. In quire O, F, Murray, North Dend. WANTED. Stewin shovel engineer or crauo man. Apply at railroad shops. HORN. SMITH. On August 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith, of Coos River, n 1414-pound boy. a setting of turkey eggs and has cared for tho Hock over since. The birds nro now three months and flvo days old. The hen has laid between 10 and 11 o'clock overy day for tho past month and a half." C. McGOVERN, the timber cruiser, has gone to Uoscburg on business. Myrtle Dank hns been established as a branch preaching station of tho Presbyterian Church. HUGO QUIST left on the Redondo for San Francisco, whero ho will spend part of his vacation. MARIE THOMASON went to North Rend this morning where she will spond a few days with friends. MISS ANNA RUSSELL of Stockton, Calif., arrived hero this week to mako her home with her Bister, Mrs. F. E, Hague, and to attend school next year. ROY McCLALLAN, proprietor ot tho McClallan Hotel nt Uoscburg, is In tho city. Ho will meet his son, who will cotne from Portland on tho next trip of tho Drenkwator. CHRIS ANDERSON of Grays Har bor is visiting on Coos Bay. Mr. Anderson Is engaged In tho busi ness of getting out large spars for shipbuilding and other purposes. Rowcniutn Coming. J. W; Den nett tdoay received a telegram from E. D. McArthur, private secretary to governor of Oregon, Btntlng that Sen ator Uowcrmnn, now acting governor, will be hero on tho Drenkwator to morrow sure. A reception committee will meet him. Mr. Uowerman is the Assembly cnndldnto for governor and his visit hero nt this time Is in behalf of his candidacy, tho carnival nffordlng him n good opportunity to D. J. MITCHELL and wife, Coqulllo; AL. NEILL Is expected here on tho next M. F. Plant for his bout with Jess Day on August 20th. Ho wires that ho Is In good shape and will easily mako 100 pounds for tho bout. meet mnuy people. Iliviiktviitor Snlln. Tho steamer Drenkwator sallod this morning from Portland and will arrive on Coos Bay toinorrow morning. Will Leavo Soon. J oo Schilling will leavo tho latter part of this month for Gardiner, whero he will take chargo ot tho hotel at that place Schooner Echo. Tho schooner Echo ot tho Simpson Lumber Com pany tleet crossed In over tho bar this aftornoon. Gotn New Man. E. S. Gear, a pho togranher, has takon a position at Walker's studio and will assist Mr. Walker in tho photographic work honcoforth. Stnuo PjiKHeimerH. Tho Btngo pas sengers who went out on tho Rose burg stnge this mornnj wero A. U. Baker, Alee Rudborg, Warren Powell and C. McPovori. Banket Social To-Night. A basket social will bo held this evening at tho school house nt Flagstaff. It will bo for tho bonoflt of tho church congre gation holding sorvlcos Sundays at tho school. Opens In September. Tho schpol at Flagstaff will opon Sopterabor 9th for a nlno months' torm ot winter school. Miss Annio Wlckman will bo tho teacher. This Is tho third year sho has taught at the Flagstaff school. Decorating Expensive. Thero was considerable comment along Front street last night and to day over the cost ot Bomo of tho special decora tions put up or rather tho chargo mndo for them by Imported carnival company decorators. Ono man paid $10.00 for n fow strips ot bunting around his place, another 3.50 for a couple ot strenmors hung out in front, and a third placo $12.50 for somo slight decorations. In conse quence, many of tho business houses ore doing their own work to-day or securing local decorators to do the work. Mrs. F. E. Schroeder, Myrtlo Point, and Frank Sanborn, Cooston, wero nmong tho Coos county peoplo in this city today. Rosoburg Rovlow. KIHct Rig Shoot. J. R. Smith ot North Bond was In Marshflold today consulting some ot tho local gun ex ports rognrdlng tho big shoot to bo held in 'North Bond noxt Thursday, August IS. Ho has boon advised that tlrt) Coqulllo and Myrtlo Point Gun clubs will Bond' n largo numhor ot gunnors and ho Is trying to got the Mnrshllold and North Bend men to tnko hold with tho proper spirit mid seo that tho honors nro not takon nwny from tho Bay. A good field has boon secured and nil that Is need ed now to mnko it a big success is tho hearty cooperation ot tho sports-mon. WILL CHANGE LIGHTS. a. u. jjakijii, inspector lor tuo Northwestern Mutual Flro Insur ance Company, who has boon in tho city to Inspect tho now Smith mill, left to-day on tho Uoscburg stage lino. CHARLES GILBERT, who for a long tlmo was engineer on tho locomo tive on tho Coos Bay, Uoscburg and Eastern Railway, writes from Oak land, Calif., where ho is visiting his brother, that his health Is Improving. JACKSON KINGSLBY of Sltkum was a Marshfleld buslnoss visitor yes terday. Ho reports that whllo It Is qulto dry thero, tho absence of tho wind that Is so evident this near tho Pacific coast removes, many of tho bothorsomo featuror of a dusty spell, MISS GRACE E. BAKER, sister ot Mrs. F. It, Zugg, and Miss Mary Wheeler of Qujncy, III., arrlvod on tho Drain stage yostorday. Miss Bakor Is superintendent ot St. Luko's Hospital, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Miss Whoolcr is superin tendent of a hospital in Quincy. They will spond a fow weeks camp ing In this roglon. Opens Auto Repair Shop. I. R, Towor has placod an export mechanic In charge, ot his garage and will bo prepared to mako all kinds of auto mobllo repairs, clean cars and do brass polishing. This will fill a much needed want on Coos Bay. WANTED. Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; prlvato rosldonco proforred, Ad dress P. O. Box 28G. FOR RENT. Modern house, corner Third streot and, Anderson nvenuo. Phono 253-J. WANTED. Good milch cow, Jersey preferred. L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Oro. WANTED. Experienced coul nilnrrs and tlmbermon. Apply Beavor Hill Coal Co. FARMS FOR SALE. Tracts from flvo acres to fifteen hundred acres, improved and unimproved. Prices from $600 to $25,000, according to location and Improvements. Al so choice city property. Apply Hall & Hrll. Marshfleld. FOR SALE. Fanning, fruit mid tim ber land. Inquire of C. W. Sanford, Marshfleld, Oregon. mi i AVn MrlnlU's popular Funlly liiAiiu ote, Al (UrUllre ,, anil clean. Velvet and AxmliiUter carpeta In every room. Four Morles of solM comfort Uate reduced to: day, SOc,75o and 11.00; week, U 00 to (5.00. Alio a few houaekeeplng apart menu with gat ranges, 12.00 pel month, Free Uths. Take bui at depot. Mm, Bridges. Vrop. Open-Air Service. Instead ot their regular sorvlco In tho church, tho ProsbytorlaiiB will go as a congrega tion to Landrlth'8 Grove, North Coos River, Sunday morning. They will unlto with t'ho peoplo at Myrtlo Bank schoolhouso in an open-air service In tho grovo. Tho congregation will leavo at Allco II. landing at 9 A. M. ",;''.' COISETI Model B67 ' is very popular REPRESENTED EXCLUSIVELY BY US Magncs& Matson ig y t y 'y t " V y " " " Iiujpcctor of Light Bureau Saya Im provemonw Will Do Made. E. L. Shorman, of tho United States Light Bureau, Sovonth District, canio down from Portland, arriving hero Monday on his way down the coast on ofllclal business. Ho Informed us that all coast lights aro bolng changed from tho old stylo to tho lncandeqcoat vapor lamp, which will greatly In- creaso tho intensity ot tho lights over j Tho Right Jtov. Charles Scaddlng, tho old ones. Tho now lights will bo j Bishop ot Oregon, will lecturo at the lighted at Blauco, Umpqua, Hecota1 Masonic Opera House next Saturday Head and Yaqulna on Sopt. 15th. 'evening, August 18th, 1910, oa "Tho Gonutno Japanoso China at less than halt regular prlco ,as long ar lasts. COOS DAY CASH STORE, bo will TRY THE TIMES' WANT ADdrfu, ' Tho LIME LIGHT LECTURE play I Coqulllo Herald. J Mttt? NOTICE. Thoro will bo a mooting ot tho gon oral commltteo on evangelistic work at tho Prosbytorlan Church to-night structlon Church of America." The lecturo will bo Illustrated b two hundred beautifully colored ster coptlcon viewa and tho net proceods will bo given to tho fund tor the con- ot tho now Episcopal at 7.30. All churchos wishing to par- Church building ut Marshflold, Oro. tlclpato aro cordially. Invited to bo Resorvod seats, 50 cents. Gonornl prosont. admission, 25 cents. ------- -----a-tl -H-H-H-tt-tt-tt-B-tt-tt-U--: a a a i a a t a i a i a i ? a a i a ? ? Now Be Careful The Quality of Peaches Will Drop Off After This Week's Shipments. The Next Steamer M. F. Plant will have 600 Boxes of the Best. Oregon's Crop Is Running very Small Fruit This Year On Ac count of the Drought. F. S. DOW 'n-a-a-B-a-n-a-a-n-a-a-n- h-.-.b-h-b-h-- it & it & i n i u t tx I n a i a i :; a i a i a i a a t a a i a t a Ss&4ujtiyyttlj jiygtjUfc ,,.; ...-irtiiiinWrii rfmtiMn-w MUhmt WJ M Vfc.iJ, MJ&,,,.L.'.VhjAjte,