- VT -Tr f '" "' " T,T. ' I , I . I WipfWUf TlfJf JfiMT - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,) rRfDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910-EVENING EDITION. 'A ?'' i v . Vr- COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tho postomco at Marsh fild, Oregon, for transmission ftrougu the malls as second class nail natter. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, attanihflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon r O "LOOKING THIS WAY." Kulhrny Rumors Continue to Head Toward Coos Buy. M. O. MALONEY .Editor and Pul. 9AH E. MALONEY News Editor An Indepeadont Uapubllcan nowo aper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by (Oie Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tlio Bervlco of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovl' shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Bay Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall And The Coob Bay Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho drat dally estab lished on Coos Bay and Tho Coos Bay Times Is Its ImmodUte successor. CONSTRUCTION WOKIC SOON. (Froai Eugeno Guard.) The Lano County Asset Company Is rapidly getting Its affairs hi shape for tho beginning of construction work, and It Is moro than likely that a good start will be made on a railroad to tho const before tho fall season Is vr- iMmz will be built. QUEEN'S BALL BRILLIANT ONE SUBSCRIPTION KATES. In Advnnco. DAILY. On year - $5.00 Six months 12.60 iLfcss than 6 months, por month .60 When not paid strictly in advanco tho prlco subscription of tho Coos Bay Times Is 9(1.00 PICK YEAH. WEEKLY. On year $1.60 Olilcml Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE OF MAHSIIFIELD. CITY COMFORTABLE COOS BAY. (From Roseburg News.) Frank E. Alley has returned from Portland, where ho spent soveral days looking after business matters con nected with tho Coos Bay Traction Company, which corporation contem plates the construction of an electric railroad bctweon Roseburg and tho coast. Mr, Alley says that tho road wilt bo built, but Is not In a position to dlvulgo tho mlnuto plans of tho company at this time. tmntmtttnmtmntt l WITH THE : : toastandtea: GOOD EVENING. To the good I would bo good: to tho not good I would also be good, 'in order to mnko them good. Lao-Tzu. THE ADVISER. Grand Ball and Reception at Eagles' Half on Au gust 15lh, Como out and show your colors. Music will bo furnished by Coos Bay's pride orchestra and you will have the ' pleasuro of dancing on tho largest I and best lloor In Coos county. No time or expense apnred to ! males tuls tho host event ever, ' The opening of the big carnival will conimenco with: the escorting of tho Queen from North Bond' t 7:30 P. M., followed' by tho parade of dec orated launches and boats. A grand dlspluy of fireworks ntid shootltrg. of cannon will sound tho opening, of a week of pfeoauro and a general' good tlmo. Tho parade will end at tho foot of Commercial atreot, whero tho crown ing of tho Queen will take placo with tho proper ceremonies, nler which tho Queon will bo escorted' to the big Bbow by her aides and' prominent citizens, whero a specially prepared box seat will bo provldod In' lior honor. Immediately after tho show the Queen and her retinue of escorts will ! head tho parade to tho Eagles'' Mill, whero you may spend tho remnliilng hours In dancing nwd a general good! itlme. I Wo nro going to give you a- time ' of your life. Cornel ggy U II I I ' HiHBBI A) S it m THE TRAGEDIES of tho hot wavo from all ovor tho land, camo pouring In upon us hero at Coos Bay and wo nro not able to rpallzo what thoy moan. Wo wish tho suiTorerB wore of us or that wo might dlsponBo oomo of tho suporl summer wenthor which Is our herit age, with them. The only thing Is to Join us beforo nnothor deadly season. That would bo lino for us and lluor for them. Tho. ninn who thinks success In llfo may bo attained by trickery very sol ydom turns tho trick. THE HONORABLE COURSE. IN OPENING hfrcampalgiTfor tho Rcpubllcan nomination for Gov ernor Judge Grant B. Dlmlclc said : "I fool that tho courBO I am pur suing aB candidate for tho Republi can nomination for Governor is tho most dignified, open and honorable method of securing tho endorsement of Ilopubllfcan votorB In tho soveral countloa of this State." Judgo Dlmlck la right In this mat ter, Ho is taking tho opou and hon 'orablo course. Ho1 Is going straight to tho pooplo fot1 tho nomination. If bo Is nominated and elected ho will owo his olllco to tho endorsement of tho pcoplo not to tho support of any ollquo or tho aid glvon him by any special Interest. Ho will havo nd strings upon him and will bo In posi tion to do his duty by all tho pooplo. TIiIb vory thing constitutes tho beauty of tho direct primary. It does away with bosslsm and with machine control. When a candidate seeks an olllco ho does not go to any political boss with whom ho makes a secret deal which may Interfere with tho honest discharge of his duty In the ovunt of his election. Ho gets his nomination from tho pooplo and so U frco to sorvo thorn properly. If an oxocutlvo ho will enforco tho law nllko against great railroad systems na woll as against tho humblest Indi vidual. If a Judgo ho will Interpret tho law nllko to tho rich aud tho poor. If a lawmaker, ho will bo freo to en act lawB for tho common good. Labor using corporations will havo no great or pull with him than will labor unionists. To tho man who has so cured olllco by going straight to the people for endorsemout all moii and nil Interests look alike. Ho owes his nomination and olectlou to tho votes of tho people not to any closed chamber compact with a boss having tho power to manipulate a conven tion and not to tho special Interests thnt are always back of ovory politi cal boss, Tho man who lots tho bosses alone and goes direct to tho pooplo rof sup port takes tho upright aud tho lion ornblo course. Ho Is entitled to tho respect and tho support of tho people. Tho candldato who refuses to do thts should bo viewed with suspicion, (Mr. Roosevelt will assume tho role of an advisory publicist. Currcut Guess.) Toddy will toll us tho things wo should do, Tho things wo should drink and' tho things wo should chow; Ho'll toll us tho way Wo should preach and should pray Aud tho reason our hous aro refusing to lay, And tho tlmo to cut corn and tho tlmo to mnko hay, And Just who has tho shuffle And who has tho deal, Tho placo for a ruftla And 'how to roast veal. To Arrive on1 Breakwater Oregon Yellow Crawford! Peaches. Placo your order for Saturday. Bnt peaches of tho season. Prices cheap- est. Wo also havo a fresh lino of fruit and vcgotablos. VEGETABLES; Cabbage, Cnullllouer, Rhubarb, Bell nd how to build bridges, and how toj,v',lK'rM s"ect Pltoes, Tomatoes, THIS IS THE IRON That makes Tuesday a day of comfort instead of a day of toil. It appeals to every housewife because it saves time, labor and perspiration IT DOES THE WORK RIGHT. COSTS LESS THAN FIVE CENTS AN HOUR TO OPERATE Telephone 178 and we will have one sent to you for ten days' trial FREE. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. Tho success of marrlago often de pends upon tho solvency of tho pay ','lng tellor. mnko bread, And how to remember tho things wo havo read. Aud how to wrlto headings, And what kind of pants Aro worn nt noon weddings, And how to kill ants, And how to pool onions and what's good for bunions, And how to can berries and caro for canaries, And how to mnko fonces, And how to sot hens, Aud what aro tho tensoi, And how to fix dens, And how to raise babies, And how to mako kites, And how to euro rabies, And how to run fights, And how to run trolleys and cook hot tamalos And what to feed collies. And how to stuff pillows and when to trim wlllowa and what causes billows, And how to keep cool, Curo balks In a mule, Storo eggs bo they'll keep, House cattle and Blutep, Heal burns on tno hand, Mako chests to oxpaud. unbroidor a monogram, ropalnt a chair, Rotrlm an old bonnot, and what will grow hair Oh, Toddy will tell us tho things we should know, Just as ho's been telling slnco long, long ago. Harper's Weekly. j Carrot, Beet, Onion, Lettuce, Hutu begun, Cucumber, Given Com, Pea, Wax Bean, Green Bonn,. FRESTH FRUIT.. Orange, Lemon, Banana, Apple, Plums, Pineapples, Bart let t Pears,, Peaches, Black and While Grape, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Water melon. DON'T FORGET. Wo havo Mason nnd Economy Jarst Jolly Glasses, Tops and Rubbers. PHONE US YOUIR order: OJIivant & Weaver . Tho Pure Food. Grocermeui PHONE 273-J. Corner Central Ave. and Third. Street PROMPT DELIVERY T,0 ALU PARTS OF TWE CITY. A NEW BUNCH OP Classy Fixtures last arrived, at prices ten suit. Ceos Bay Wiring Co. T2XPERT KLKOTRICIJkNS Sespeottfally ask your parronago-. rilONK 237-J.. 'E. H.VYE PLACED IN.IWBLIO SERVICE A Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-L. Bos to Meet AIL Trains Will abo mako calls oru tolepaoai orders. ?hoie 120J. Ptione- 138J. A baggago wagon has also boa added that will call for and deliver trunks, baggago and light freight, Also run private hack totRosebiwg. L. H. HEISNER Livery nnd Feod Stable. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank ' M0F C00S QAY' MARSHFIELD.'ORE. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts-. . . . 97,738.53 Overdrafts 711.84 Bonds and securities ... 25.8C9.3G Banking house, fusnlturo and fixtures 50,820. 50 Cash on hand and: duo from banks 87,330.01 uno 30, 1910. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. ..I100.0M.M Surplus and undlvldod profits 4,IW.I1 Doposlts 165,ti.H OAPT. MACGENN SAYS: "Tho ocean never sleeps nnd yet It never gets out of Its bed." A Strong-minded women and pin headed men havo wrecked moro American homos than rum, poverty and religion. THE BATHING GIRL. I snld sho looked Uko Venus, rising from the sea, But when I told hor of It, she much was vexed at me. Not that sho was so modest, as sho observed, but, shoot! It seemed I hadn't noticed her stylish bathing suit! 777777777777717 Turkish Baths Total 269,460.24 Total . 269-,iW", Wo invito your attention to tho strong oondltion of this bm n shown, by the abovo statement to.wlt: Cash reserve 52 per cent of depwlti Roservo required by law 15 per cent of deso Reserve In excess of legal requi rements 37 per cent of dBjojU OFFICERS AND DIRKCTOI13 JOHN S. COKE, Proaldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGS7ACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRBIES. . DR. O. W. TOWER. M. C. HORTON, Vic o Prosldent nnd Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. PROFESSIONAL CAIH)S. . I I J-R. J. W. INGRAM -' PhyjiIan and Surgeoa. Office 208-200 Coos Bnlldlaj PhoDos Offlc 1821; Residence 1811 J- W. BENNETT, Lawyer. 210-213 Coos Saildmg PHONE 2 14 J Offlw over Flanagan ft bsunstt Bank. Marsbfitild, or W M. S. TURPEN Architect Over Chamber of Commerce Our Work is Our Adver tisement OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT-ISFACTION'. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. Mauzey Bros., Prop. Phono 220-J. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank in Coos Cousty EstnbMshcd In 1880. Paid up Capital and Snrplus, $80,000.00. AsseSa Over Half Million Doluirs. Does c genoral banking business and draws drafts on the BBk of California, San Francisco, 0j.; Hanover National Ban', N. ?.; First National Bank, Portland, Ore.; Ffrst National Bank, Row burg, Oee.j Tho London Joint stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also aella exchange ou all of tho principal titles of Europe. Individual and corporation accounta kept subject to check. 8M deposit lock boxes for rent. , . ..... OFFICERS: , w ,HE.?,ETT Pwaldeni. F. WILLIAM, Ouhlw. . J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Pres. GEO. K. WINCHESTER, Asst, CA INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STEAMER REDONDO WILL SAIL WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10th, FOR SAN j FRANCISCO. MART, RESERVA-' TION FOR PASSAGE. Inter-Ocelli Transportation Co. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. HOME LAND Co Seo us for investments on Coos Bay. Wo guarantee owner's price to be our prlco. Phono 74L. 201 Front St. BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Maislillehl, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason--! able, by day, weok or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELIi, Prop, THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COZEUERCIAIj nANK WeUs Forgo Nevada Natloaai Bank, San Francisco, CaL The United States National Bank, Portland. Ore. Tho Natloual Park Bank, New York, N. Y. Tho Com Exchange National Bank, Chicago, III. The Bauk of Scotland, "London, England. The Credit LyonnaU, Paris. Franco. vJL -ddItli0a Y? .draw drafts on " Principal banking centers l f Europe, ABla, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central 4 i South America. l Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. f Certificates of Deposit 1st jed. Sato DodobU Boxes for rn- Draws Ikafts 00 G. W. Dungaiv Undertaker Miirtdiilcld, Oitijoii. Parlors, 180 South 3d St., Telephone, Day or Night, 105-J, Coos Bay R.oseburg Stage Line. Dally stage lHrtweeu Roseb urg and Mnrslifield, commencing '" 10. Stage leaves dully und Sunday t O a. ro. Fnro $0,00. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, o. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV Murshfleld. Acent. ROSEBURG. OR PHONE 11 vy '" '& irW- r -A&tu tt ti