' nv." T " Sag Sim? ADS. NEWS Liiar business is slow, ai !(!' THAT IT PAYS IS KVI- VBnxW J"'KSSVVU inJsl. GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TERSELY TOLM 1: :: :: ti it gs iWsES EVERYWHERE :: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Fhtnbllshcd in 1878 jih TI10 Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail iind Coos liny Advertiser. No. 23. f VOU XXXI". C0O2 HOLE TOWNS WASHED AWAY BY RECENT L one Section of Tokio Thirty Thousand Houses Are Submerged. MANY PERSONS HAVE BEEN KILLED. Suffering Is Great and Hun, dreds of Inhabitants Are Destitute. (By Associated Press.) TOKIO, Japan, August 12. The t . ,.,. u-rmicht by tho recent ..i. u nmmlllnR. Wholo villages and towns have been washed away ... ..v. iivis lost. In tho lower aim ! ami iiiuii; '-- i .. on nnn l.mmrtu ...bmeKCil There Is much suf- OrO SUUinergUl. iiiwu fcrlng and the Inhabitants aro destl tutc. JUDGE FOUND DEAD. llody of Judgo Smtlley In Discovered In Darn. (Ily Asjoclatcd Prcs.) LEXINGTON, Ky., August 12. JuJbo Saullcy, of tho 13th Kentucky District Court, was found dead In the stable of IiIb home early to-day. ixiok for reeves. Want to Find Son of Ton Mile Man Who Ih Hying. Marshal Carter received a tele- - .... .. fesi Tm f tin l? Zru"r Vi t ZTThe latter Is crU.y hi, home at Ton Mile nnd It I. feared be can live but n day or two.. Tho nlhL been asked to hunt up ., ..... ... ,,. ,., ,,. 1 bc?oro the latter dies. The son li l. n . n.. lomcwhcreon Coos Bay. Portland Defeats Sacramento and Oakland and Los An geles Win Games. HOW THEY STAND. Won. San Francisco . .7 1 Portland G4 Oakland 71 Vernon CO Los Angelea. ..05 Sacramento . . .48 Lost. CO 55 CI G3 GS 77 P. C. .541 .538 .537 ,512 .489 .3S4 (Continued on paga 4.) TORTLAND, Ore., August 12.' Portland won a game from Sacra mento yesterday. Tho scores of tho other games follow: AT PORTLAND R. Portland ', .. . . G Sacramento .,.,,:,...,.. 0 AT OAKLAND ' R. Oakland .',. 2 Vernon , . 1 AT LOS ANGELES R. Los Angeles 5 San Francisco 1 II. 9 '5 11. 5 3 H. 8 THE WHEAT .MARKET. (By Associated Presn.l CHICAGO, August 12, The wheat market closed to-day as follows: Sep tember, 102c; December, lOGc 10SHc; May, lllc. PORTLAND, August 12. Wheat unchanged. TACOMA day closed August 12. Wheat to ns follows: Club. Sic; Bluestem, 95c. ttuy your groceries at SACCm'S. EASTSIDE IS A 'WINNER. .. nniinT i rAniir i . Uh M-Uh r I k a a BALL SCODESi FLOODS IN JAPAN SSSiSS PLAYED FOR BIB STAKE McMurray Was to Get Million and a Half Dollars Extra. frtv Associated Press.) SULPHUR, Okln., Aug. 12. That I .1. F. McMurray had contracts with 1 I" - tho Iiullnns by which In the salo of tnoir intuiB no woum receive noi oniy S3. 000. 000 attorney fees but also had ngrecnienlB calling for $1,500, 000 In other fees, wns testified to by Genrco W. Scott before the special - -..--- - itnrriualfinnl InVfiRtttintmi; commit- co Aay. Scott acted as agent for MnMnrrnV. TAFT RAS BUSY DAY Receives Callers Who Discuss Various Matters of Political and Official Importance. (By Associated Press.) BEVERLY, Mass., August 12. Business embracing a call from Sena- iter .Allr.cl. tho laying of plans for capture of Tennessee for the Re- publlcani tms inn nnu ur r - , saltations regarding tho Installation, of n model postal sav w;-1 1) ed tho tlmo of President Taft to- W Aldrlch was an oar. nrr l i and noxt enmo tho four lonnesseo '. .,. ,, ,, vn-m,.. I leuiiurDi i nunu iiiwii iviivh ,....- factions In th State, nnd the President is endonvorlng to adjust their dlffor-1 enco8. Secretary Jlcvengn nnu i-obi-mnstor-Gonoral Hitchcock, two of the itrustec8 of the postal savings bank, visited the President Inte In tho day. Former Second Officer Of the ' . Newport Denies Charges . . Made By Captain. Tho second offlcer of tho steamer x f ,i, wn rharced by tho ulr d n: R&Ui HHTIRF i i 'captain with having left the boattrlct paid for that slto ho Is n liar j. ' i n.n il(iii in Af in tilni v nnr without ,i.m nntiro. denes me charge. The Portland journal bujb; "H. Vnhlbusch, formerly seconu officer of tho. steamer Newport, has sent a communication 10 uocui in spectors Edwards and Fuller, in ...1.1-1. 1.- .Innlm Vl fl 111) lflff tllO NOW" WIIICII JIB uvilivi - port to become first officer of tno Golden Gate without due notice, as i set forth In tho chnrges preierreu aualnst him by Captain Parsons. Ho says that the Newport was on the . . ... .. .i,a h thnt slio trvinnif ni iiih liiiic - was not to sail until Thursday of last week so ho spoke to Mr. Frye, tho first officer of tho vessel, and ns A. Dunham, tho owner of tho steamer was aboard, ho told him that ne wished to leave in order to taKo a better position. He says In the com- mnnirntton that Mr, Dunnam iuju him that It would bo all right, as he could get either one of two otner 01 flcers, nnd he states that Dock Agent Bancroft told him the Newport was not delayed a minute by his- leaving. Tho insnectors will investigate the charges." ' An INCREASE in wholesale price of PLUG TOBACCO makes It neces- .sary to make the price 10 CENTS PER CUT hereafter. I ASSOCIATED MERCHANTS. 1 N hchjeth i Physicians Say That Barring Accidents He Will Recover From His Wounds. MAYOR'S CONDITION. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, August 12, 7.15 A. M. Mayor Gaynor passed a very good night. Ho slept seven hours. Ho was comfortable this 4 morning and in excellent gen- oral condition. Temperature,. 100: pulse. 70; rospirntion, 1C. WILLIAM J. ARLITZ, Md. CHARLES X. DOWD, Md. (U.v Associated Press.) NEW YORK, August 12. "Bar ring nccldcnts, Mayor Gaynor's recov ery Is practically assured." This vl. , .ivi ....... ....ii .l.i .fin.nnnn b th(J Mnyor.g 10( utu8 Gnynor, .. .. i... i..i .i. ..I !..!..- no. i who buiii no Him iiiu im.iDn.iiiiio in surance to that effect. 1 The physlclaiiB thla morning were not willing to supplement the bullc- I tin with oven the Information of tho Inationt's condition, evidently assum ing that the reassuring tenor of ofll jclnl announcement was all that was ' .... ... !... 1f tnf .tin. llflfl jiiuL'UBaur in iiuei tin ivuio mui. nu found expression Into ychterday and last night. Tho news, however, brought from tho Mayor's room by lay attendants wns of a decidedly cheerful nature. Secretary Adamson said tho Mayor breakfasted nt 7.45 A. M. with the usual good appetite. Mrs. Claynor ngaln prcpnrcd his morning coffee. MAJOR KINNEY Wres jjmes That H(J iVj Noj Sell His Electric Franchises. ! Major L. D. Kinney hns sent a tele jgrnm to Tho Times regarding his nf- fairs. Tho following la tho message, ! which explains Itself: "PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 12. "Editor Coos Bay Times, Marshrleld 1 Oregon: J "I sea by tho Harbor, Holllster 'says they will not pny Rapid Transit obligations but will buy tho trnncnise. No they will not. . I dld'not got thoso frnnplilses to neddle. If tho option Is 'not taken up they may dlo a natural (death. I will pay tho funeral ex- Ipenses of my own dead, and pick out I my own pallbearers. Tho editor of !th0 Iaru6r may bo called upon to 'prove his uncalled slur on my chnr- actor. When ho says tho school dls- innd tho truth is not In him. What Ilttlo they paid out to clear tho title they hold other security for. What holds Coos Bay development back most b the unjust treatment of their best workers. They abuso Elijah Smith for what ho does not do, and , ... t T ... . . ,,. myseii ior wnni 1 (r, lM uu own expense I am now working . j.ui. ..11.. h1 nntinnoHv fff lnfl Mil V. muuiujjy .. m..v-w, .w. ,. Can I not have ono encouraging word, I give fair warnlng-now I will prose- nnto the slanderors of my namo. Quit ... . your Infamous conduct toward me or get ready to stand tho consequences. "L. D. KINNEY." SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. We have met with such suc cess on our special Bale that wo have decided to continue same during Carnival Week and to the already numerous articles on sale we have added a flno lino of mantel clocks positively below cost. No use for anybody to bo without time at the extrqnie low prices of those. Must be seen to bo appreciated. Don't consider the show window all we have to sell, jCall and Inspect our enor mous stock, JEWELRY DEPARTMENT, HED CROSS DRUG STORE. SENDS WORD IS SAFE IN JAIL Joseph Wendling Finally Ar rives at Louisville to Face Murder Charge. (By Associated Pre.) LOUISVILLE, Ky., August 12. Joseph Wendling, wanted hero In connection with tho Alma Kellncr murder, wns placed in tho city hall here this morning after a remarkable chase across tho continent nnd an al most equally rcmarkablo return. Wendling touched Kentucky Boll shortly after 8 o'clock thin morn'ng for the flrat time in many months. He and Detcclivo Carney took tho train at Evansvlllo nbout 3 o'clock. When tho train arrived a largo sized but or derly crowd waB kept in bounds by plenty of police, nnd when Wendling was hurtled from the cor to nn nuto there was no demonstration. It nas not jet been announced when Woad ling will bo presented In tho pol'-o court. In all probability there will be mo or two continuances granted and ho will bo held to nnswer to tho crlmlnnl court. Ho already has been indicted on n chargo of murder. ROOSEVELT MAY ACT. Hum Been Aidccd to He Clialniinu f State Convention. (By Associated Press. 1 NEW YORK, August 12. It Is re ported to-day that at tho suggestion of Lloyd C. Grlscom, chnlrmnn of tho Republican Central Committee, Col. Roosovelt hnd taken under advise ment tho proposal that he net as tem porary chalrmnn of tho New York Republican Sinto Convention, and It is said ho is inclined to view tho Idea favornbly. rdntIsTet " twelve deer Three Marshfield Boys Return From Trip to Rogue River Country. Iris Elrod, James Cowan nnd Frank Nelmo got three, Eirou lour aim ry county, where they went on a hunt ing trip. They got twolvo deer. Nelmo got threo, Elfrod four nnd Cowan four. Tho boys said they could lmvo gotten moro gamo had they hunted moro. They woro gone sov oral weeks. From Wedderburn they went up tho Roguo River nbout eigh teen miles nnd wero in tho wilda of tho mountains. Two of tho party went down avorland nnd Cownn went in a gasollno boat on the ocean. The supplies wero shipped In tho boat and much of ttio supplies wero spoiled because gasoline got on tho provisions in tho boat, This left tho boys rather short of a variety of food and they got down to nothing but beans and pancake flour. When this ran out they started home. DENIES THE REPORT. French Newspaper Makes Comment Upon tho Spanish Crisis. I By Associated Press.) PARIS, August 12. Les Nouvolles to-day saj'B that It Is authorized to .lpnv the statement by the Madrid Enocha that Premier Brian had ad vised King Alphonzo against the rup ture with Rome. Tho paper further says the King told Brian that ho did not propose to obey tho injunctions of the Vatican, to tolerate tho threats of the Vatican or to allow tho Vati can to mix In Spanish politics. Les Novelles says that Brian did oiler sage advise to the young monarch, warning His Majesty to proceed dip lomatically and to avoid brusque ness. LADIES, LOOK AT THIS! Just received a pitchfork full of FAVORITE HAIR HAKHETTKH, Hair Ornamems and Back Coinbs. See our window. Lowest prices Is Coos county. COOS BAY CASH STORE. Phone 1. S. Kaufman & Co. your Coal Order. $00 PER TON. W WITH DESTRUCTION BY FIRE "DIXIE" DOES NDT SUIT Senator Heyburn Stops the Music and Breaks Up Po litical Meeting. (By Associated Proes.) SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 12. Son ntor Heyburn of Idaho hates "Dix ie." Ho created a sensation during n rccoptfbn to Congressmnn Hnmcr nt Wallaco last night by stopping tho orchestra while It wns playing "Dix ie," saying to muBiclntiB "This Is a republican meeting nnd wo want no lucIi tunes hero." Tho nmnzed mu sicians ntoppod Immediately. After n moment of sllcnco Mnyor Hanson nroso nnd closed tho meeting. L OiJ S . ,, n, t Roy Rozell to Have Charge of WnriV Whirh Rpnins worK wiiioii Dtyuib ggQP Roy Rozoll, formerly Keeper 01 tuo government works on the lower bny, will hnvo chargo of tho dredging on Coos River, which will bo dono nt tho oxponso of tho government appropria tion nnd which will begin soon. The smnll government dredgo on Coos Bay will bo used for tho work nnd a crow of about soven men will oporato It. Thoro Is some repair work to bo dono on tho dredgo and somo of tho tncklo Is expected on tho noxt trip of tho nrenkwater. Tho work will be gin ns soon ob tho tacklo Is received nnd tho machinery put In readiness. Instruments Show Shock Which Is Thought to Be in Central America. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug 12. Solsmogrnph nt tho weather bureau recorded earthquake tremors yester day. It Is estimated tho center or dlsturbnnco Is nbout 2100 miles from Washington, probably in Central Am erica or off tho southern coast of Mexico, AT CLEVELAND. (By Associated Press.) CLEVELAND, 0 Aug. 12. The solsmograph nt St. Ignntln Collego today showed nn earthquake 2000 miles distant from Cleveland which occurred yesterday. The movement was from east o west. MAKES NEW RECORD. (By Associated Press.) LANARK, Scotland, Aug. 12. It was officially announced today that J. Armstrong Droxol, tho American aviator, last night attained the world's altitude record by rising 0,750 feet. NOTICE TO FIREMEN. All mombers of tho Marshfield Flro Department aro requested to wonr their uniforms overy evening noxt week. DAN KEATING. For CARNIVAL GOODS AND CON FETTI, this store will be headquar ters. COOS BAY CASH STORE. WIL DREDGE 11! RIVER EARTHQUAKE in nrnnnnrn Bid It! HtbUHUtU EOT Heavy Smoke Envelopes City and Change of Wind Means Ruin. MANY CITIZENS ARE . . FLEEING FROM PLACE. Impossible to Estimate Dam age Done in Mining Camps of the Locality. PJr Associated Press.) SPOKANE, . Wash., August 12. Blazing cmberB Bwcpt by tho wind from tho burning forests arc falling in Wallace, Idaho, this morning. Dense smoke buries tho town, mak ing It Impossible to bco objects 200 yards away. Hundreds of families aru packing up their possessions and will lice to Spokane nnd other towns. Should tho wind increnso it Is be lieved nothing can suvo tho town. Forest llrofl, rngtng in tho Placer Ci'eok district, live miles from Wnl lr.ee, have duntrojod tho buildings owned by Wontworth Clothing Com linny, nnd tho Vlenne, Arctic. Smug- igler and Gold Star Mining Compan ies. On nccount or 1110 uonso siiioko, T Ih Impossible to got Into tho enmps nnd cstlmato the damages. Tho Mul- tun, Murrny and otnor cninpB nro also , ,InnKcr. At Muiun, tho firemen and cll,zcns nre keeping tho roofs . kB Th0 tlm. bcr on Kellogg Penk, closo to Ward- tmK la lilnvlniv 1ml Mm (nu'n la tin. .I.-1, . M..W..r, W.fc ...W w " M ... WW jjCVed t0 be auftf -FIRE MORE HKRIOUS. Hv Ausoclnted ProsiO WASHINGTON, August 11. Tho fire In the Flathead reservation la more serious to-day and moro troops nro being ordered to tho ccoii'. II Crowd Out Early This Morning When Small Shed Burns. A flro alarm at 1.30 o'clock this morning nroused tho people near tho business section. It was roportod that the old stave mill was on flro. When the pcoplo started In that direction there wero no flames to bo aeon and they turned back. It dovolopod that a small building near tho old mill wns on flro nnd burned up beforo tho flames spread any furthor. Tho flro whlstlo blow for a long tlmo and tho Are bell was kept ring ing to bring together tho members of the department. Anyone who was within range was surer to bo awak ened and a lnrgo crowd collected on tho streets. An auto ran down Front street nnd ns there was no flro to bo seen tho department did not go out. CAPTURES HANK ROBHER. CltizeiiH CluiKe Him Through Streets of Fond I)u Lnc. fBy Associated Press.) FOND DU LAO, Wis., August 12. A. G. Crnno, giving his homo as Milwaukee, mado a bold atompt to rob tho Coles Savings Bank this aft ernoon. He wns pursued uy cuizons through the streets, firing a revolver as ho wont. He was finally captured. FAST BOAT COMING-. Pncer Second Will Arrive from Port land 011 HrenUwnhT Tomorrow. I, S. Cox'd speed boat Pncer Sec ond, will arrive on tho Breakwater tomorrow to enter In tho boat races to bo held during the carnival. Tho boat has a record of 38.2 ralloa an hour. FIRE ALARM WAKES 1ANY i'J taiAi tA ,tAJfcilHHrrW.i t--Ut.. liifcui.J, ijtitiiflli 11JrrtH1t.il riMt