rrT-4T-v"-r tV"yr?f v"" 4t .?alm: THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1910- EVENING EDITION - 1 l3 BST tsar fe J h f,i J Ik. ' 'i 'V vll ;! 4 : DEiING HEL G D PROGRESSIVE "THE ffl REPUBLIG1 KILLS P Funeral of Relative of Coos Bay , Men Largely Attended at Roseburg. 1 Concerning the funeral of C. J. Denning, a brother of Frank Den ying and W. S. Denning of Coos Bay, the Roseburg Review says: Attendance at the funeral of the late C. J Denning, held at the, Elks' temple Saturday, filled the big lodge room to overflowing. Appropriate musical numbers were rendered by the choir and an eloquent and Im pressive sermon delivered by Rev. "E. H. Hicks of Ashland. Interment followed In the Odd Fellows' ceme tery. At the close pi the ceremonies the grave was entirely hidden by the numerous and beautiful floral trib utes offered. Mr. Denning was a native of Look ing Glass, where he was reared to manhood. For a short time he was engaged In the hotel business at Co quille with his brother-in-law, U. S. Morgan. Upon moving to this ci;y about twelve years ago he conducted the Farmers' Hotel, on Lane street. Later he was associated with A. E. Kent, during two different periods, in conducting cigar stores and In the interim they were the proprietors of what is now known as the Farmers' Feed Stables. They sold the Mono gram Cigar Store a few months ago, and shortly afterwards Mr. Denning bought an interest in W. B. Ham mitte's undertaking business. Few men have lived in Roseburg who have been held in as high re gard by his friends and acquaintan ces as was Mr. Denning. His hon esty and square dealing were almost proverbial, and if he had an enemy no one ever knew of It. His daily life was guided by a clean conscience, and he passes on to his final rest mourned by the hundreds who knew him as a good citizen and the exem plar of a spotless private life. XEV.S OF COQUILLE. PARTY MAX WHO .MOVES WITH THE MARCH OF PROGRESS HAS SOMETHING TO SAY AHOUT THE ASSEMBLY. EDITOR TIMES: A correspondent In support of the assembly has cited a convention of attorneys at Salem who favored the election of the pres ent Supreme Judges, regardless of party; this argumnt Is misleading and outside of the Issue; it is not a parallel case. Theso attorneys did no more than to express their own views with re gard to the matter, which they had a right to do; they did not attempt to speak f6r anybody but thesmelves; they did not seek to bind any out side party; they left every man out side free to choose for himself; they did not attempt whether or no to foist their preferences on any man. Not so the assembly folks. They are not satisfied to stop at expressing their own individual views and pref erences, but they claim the right to speak for the party; they claim the right to use the party name and the party organization; they claim the right to select the candidates for pub lic office and to foist their selection upon the party. In short, they' claim the right to speak for and control the paity through the assembly. This, no set of men have any right to do in law or morals, and whoever does so usurps a right ho does not possess. The primary law provides how par ty nominations for public office shall be made and they cannot be legally made in any other way. The law does not provide for any assembly; the law does not provide for the election of any delegates to any assembly; the assembly is not recognized by the law In any way. The assembly is a creature entirely outside of the law. Therefore, the holUtng of any assembly, the election of any delegates thereto and the nom- L iiiation of any candidates by any as sembly for or on behalf of any poli tical party is a usurpation of power not possessed by the persons who do it. Again, the primary is criticized because a candidate may be noml- tSSEMBLY I able enemies of corporate gre'd ro- i p.'ived nominations to positions In nhlch, if elected, they might be m- 'nblcd to protect the labour and the ,nnmtt .onsunier from the rapacil oi capi- im l U V i tal and the trusts. BlHn I I When, In 1002, the people of Ore " Bl ' ! son i Republican by a large majoil Coos County Seat Etcnts as Told By the Sentinel. Miss Jotty Watson has been con fined to her home suffering from the ,ulted by a plurality of votes; because effects of poison oak. ; a cical. majority of all votes cast 1 i ... i not necessary to a nomination. This is true; but there is nothing Politicians Plan to Knife Popu lar Law In the Back. adopted the Initiative and refeien (lani amendment to the constitution, they "faced" the beast with every show of a determination to right; and, in 1904, by enacting the direct primary law, by another magnificent majoilty, they secured a sti angle hold on the cat. Will they now be de- EDITOR TIMES: As a member of the Republican party I desire permis- ( celved Into foregoing the advantage slon to enter Into the "Republican they have thus gained? Assembly Plan" discussion. I lay j We believe in the direct primary claim to membership in the party jaw because we believe that the whole rather from devotion to the principles ' party, by a direct vote, should noml for which I understand It to standat0 its candidates for public office. than for love for any members or leaders of the party. I do not be lieve that a man should be read out of the Republican party by reason of the fact that he would vote for We believe this to bo for the best, not only because It Is manifestly just, but also because there is far less oppor tunity for money or its influenco to affect a selection made by all of the George Chamberlain for any office of voters Of the party scattered through public trust in preference to C. W. 0ut an entire district than a nomlna- Fulton, though the former is an.ton made by a few practical politi cians WITHIN the party assembly in convention. We do not believe in the assembly plan because, manifestly, It nullifies avowed Democrat and the latter claims a place in the Republi can party. The Republican party in Oregon is usually credited with a majority of , tne primary law, and again subjects from 15,000 to 20,000. By popular J the state to tne dangers of bribery vote the direct primary law with dl- jn politics. rect selection of United States Sena-J However, we do not view th.s as tor was passed in 1904 b a vote o ! semb'y-plan agitation with much ap 56,205 for to 1G.354 against said j iirolicnslon of harm. While it seems, measure. Hence, I think it may , tJ be a SOit of "vermiform appendix" fairly bo said that the party has gone j to thc Republican party, it seems so upon record as favoring the direct I far removeil from the vital principles primary law I have recently noted with sur prise that some of the defenders of of the "grand old party" that It should just naturally rot off and drop to nieces of its own putrefaction. But the so-called "Assembly Plan" havelf thls "political appendicitis" con declared that said plan is not inimi- thules to an0y and to threaten dis solution to the party, it is to be earn estly hoped that the Republican ranks will perform a successful operation on the diseased incumbrance at the a conscientious ue- ,,. ni.,nrv oiwtinn. -u......n J... ........ ... ........ HARRY G. HOY. ,WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA Complaint has reached the Senti nel office that parties down the river unusual about tha'; a candidate is are making a business of hunting not required to have a clear majority deer with degs. If the report is tru.' ! 0f all votes cast to secure an election the so-called hunt j-s are running great risks and are laying theniseh liable to p. heavy lino and perhaps Imprisonment. It Is unlawful to hunt deer at this time of the year and It is unlawful to hunt with dogs at any time of the year. Such acts are of rather brazen nature and show a tendency toward lawlessness on the part of the participants. Tho residence of F. S. Bunch at to any office in this State. A plural ity is sufficient all along the, line; the constitution of the S'ate provides that in all elections under it the person or persons receiving the highest num ber of votes shall be elected. Indeed it could not well bo otherwise. Think it over. Now, while it is a matter of small concern, for the benefit of some of my assembly brethren, permit me to say that I am not aware that It Is any Dora caught fire Friday afternoon 1 praticulnr disgrace to bo a Democrat:. while Mrs. Bunch and the smaller I -while I believe this to be true, yet children were alone at home. The tn0 writer is not now, neither has ho fire was discovered just as the Myr-0Ver been a Democrat; he has never tlo Polnt-Fairviow mall carrier was uoen at any time or placo anything passing and ho gallantly stopped to ut a Republican ; he has never, sup help extinguish the fire but his of- mvted our Cecrge for anything a' all forts proved unavailing until more at any time. Can all tho assembly help which had been summoned by brethren, truthfully say as much? telephono arrived when the lire was flnnlly conquered. Preparations are being made for an old fashioned celebration at Nor way on tho Fourth. About six hun dred dollars has been raised and ev erything will be done to make it pleasant- for the largo crowd that Is expected to be present. However, tho writer hopes ho is not a petrified Republican. He hopes ho has not been in cold storage along with the county central cp.mmittee or some of them, ever since the time of McKinley. Ho believes in progress in politics as in all things else; ho is j cal to the direct primary law, and have even gone so far as to personally endorse the direct primary law while pleading for the assembly In the pub lic prints. To publican one who belongs to his party because of the principles for which it stands, foremost among which, within the State of Oregon, Is the direct primary law such ac.ion on the part of these self-appointed saviors of the party is but to add in-. Scientists are now agreed that the suit to attempted injury. Those eczema germs are lodged not in the gentlemen know, and must realize outer skin or epidermas, but in the that most of the rest of us know, Inner skin. Hence, a penetrating that the principal reason which they liquid Is required ,not an outward privately use in their "button-hole" j salve that clogs the poreo. arguments, aiul whereby they seek to We recommend to all eczema really defend their public position in patients the standard prescription Oil private interview, is that "tha man of Wintergreen as compounded in who Works in the street Is not com- liquid form known as D. D. D. Pres petent and qualified to select fit and criptioa. A. trial bottle of this D. D qualified persons as nominees to pub- D. Prescription, at only 25 cents, will, lie office. " 'Instantly relieve the Itch. We have Now the time has come when this 30'd and recommended this remedy "codfish aristocracy" of the Republl-' for years, and know of wonderful can party desires to slip qaietly into'ouros from its use- We recommend possession of what, In its self-satls- !t to om" l'atrons.. The Red Cross fled egoism, it deems its own. Of 'Dr"S C- course, the old argument anent the , ' alleged Ignorance of the "rank and For indigestion and all stomach file" must not be publicly declared, trouble tako Foley's Orino Laxative, lest those ignorant toilers in the as lt stimulates the stomach and street and on the farm might read, liver and regulates tho bowels and, and in their Ignorance, fail to recog- win Positively cure habitual con nize the voice of their lord. Hence, stipation. RED CROSS PHARMA- uy, (Joiin Preuss, Prop.) Great Expectation CURED HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLD A. 3. Nusbaum, Uatesville, ludlann, wrltos: "Last year I suffored two or throo months with a summer cold so distressing that it intorforod with my business, I had ninny of the symptoms of hay fever, and n doc tor's prescription did not roaeh my case, and I took sevornl medicines which seemed only to aggravate It. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar, It quickly cured mo. My wlfo has slnco usod Foley's Honey and Tar with tho samo success." Rod Cross Phar macy, (Johu Prcuss, Trop ) fry Times' Want Ads. Al HIte in an E. M. F. car an l Stewart Lyons In n Mnxwnll mmin n trip to Roseburg last weok to look here and now. over tho road with a view of ostab-1 llshinir an nutnmnlilln s.irvlnn lm. ' tween Coquillo and that city. The result wns that thtjy fou'iul the road In suitable condition on which to operate a line and on Monday carried their llri.t passengers over. On their in.tia! trlii they returned in seven hours. tho primary Is a long step In the right direction and Is trying to uphold It. Ho doesn't believe the political meth ods used in Indiana forty years ago .Ire tho proper methods to resort to CEO. WATK1NS. Rend the Times Want Ads. opposed to hibernation; he believes : Tories in the sight of Its helples gnost. it, uy any fluke or by any artifice, the assembly plan should be come, to any extent, popular with the Republican party, the "rank and file" would have no more voice In tho nom ination of party candidates than it had under the old system of conven- tions, "In union there Is strength"' and with even a small organized frac tion of the party working "tooth and toe-uall" for one candidate, what, chance would ono of sevoral inde pendent candidates for the same nom ination, regardless of qualifications, have at the primary nominating elec ' Con? None! And the assemb'y plan Promoters, being practical, politicians of the old corrupt schoo', know and i.i'b i.a.ize that fact. Who or what would control the assembly? whoi or whs nniitrnllnil n,o ...-,..,. i.n I veutlon? To say that it was univer sally oontrolled by what Is popularly retererd to as the "predatory Inter Ml I0YM THE PLAYHOUSE of QUALITY a new argument a lemon ono smooth and oily enough to surrepti tiously displace the "golden egg" of tho direct primary, is adopted. It reads about as follows: "The as sembly plan is here to go hand-in-hand with the primary law. I have not heard a single person say yet who favors the assembly plan that he did not annrovp nf tho nrimm-v law." The person who first invented Are reaIIzeii wllen J'0" taste r that antipodes of truth did, then and dellcious- nutritious there, usurp the throne of Ananias.1 S dTVoifBirc That man who claims to be a Repub-' 106 VrSSiSa ilcan and favors the assembly plan ,',,,,, , 4 , t , . ., whether he assumes that posl Ion by Wh,Ch iS, varnted to be Perfectl' reason of hrnorann. or nL.J Jl !Uro an resh ln 0 Wa- Chll- .. . . ' ' "" . dren or grown-uns aro emiallv pleased with this high-grade quality, and with the flavors in which it is made. Sold in bulk or bricks. Always something new at more than oppose tho illrpnt nrlmnrvl law: He knifes it In the back and TWO STORES 230 Front St Ufl Central Ave "TliE 1IEAUT OF A HEATHEN CHI. NEE" (A TltrUllnsr Dr.mia Full of Heart Interest). 1 I.J.I MHVTKD SOW. "Put On Your OM Gray IJiviiiolt." "I.OHKNKO, THE WOlAV "ATHLETICS IX INDIA." ADMISSION' IOC. We'll Like Very uch to Be Yoisr erry Merchants During the fruit season we will estg" ami that the nominees were all n,ake lt a "olnt t0 liave th things tools of "the b?ast" would probab'y ou want, which Is our aim a.t all be putting I- a trifle "strong." But wo will say. wj h full confidence that tmeS' Tr' au on,er here- we cannot be successfully contra- dieted, that the so-callod "Interests"! controlled most of the conventions In MnrcMtnlA Cvr,..., C so far as they deemed practicable and I""' allMclU UrOCcry L0. desirable, and that few active and 210 HROADWAY PHON'E li!-J Everyon e Admires A Well Dressed Man AND YOU CAN JUST AS WELL WEAR WELL-FIT- TING, STYLISH-LOOKING CLOTHES AS NOTJeN. JAMIN CLOTHES GIVE YOU THAT INDIVIDUALITY ; OF STYLE APPEARANCE WHICH DESIGNATES YOU i A WELL-DRESSED MAN. THEY ARE GUARANTEED AS NO OTHER CLOTHES ARE GUARANTEED. If FRONT OF COAT OF A BENJAMIN SUIT BREAKS OR LOSES SHAPE IN ONE YEAR'S WEAR CUSTOMER CAN HAVE A NEW SUIT FREE. YOU KNOW WHAT CASH ONLY SAVES YOU. "MONEY TALKS." Hub Clothing and Shoe Company MARSHFIELD. BAIMDON. 1 c-n-a-::-a--n--n-n--a-n- a-n-a-a-a -au-Ma-a.c..t Beaver oil! Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSOX CE.MEXT The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 310 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 201 ;04c0jf8g$t&a GET ONE OF OUR BLOTTERS AND BLOT OUT YOUR OLD ACCOUNTS AND START IN PAYING CASH AND SAVE MONEY BY TRAD ING AT THE PEOPLES' STORE. SUPPOSING ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS WOULD START A PRIVATE POST-OFFICE AND TELL YOU HE WOULD SAVE YOU MONEY IF YOU TRADED WITH HIM. WOULD YOU QUIT HAVING THE GOVERN MENT HANDLE YOUR MAIL AND GIVE ITTO SOME PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL? WE CAN ANTICIPATE YOUR ANSWER. People S Cooperative . Company F. S. RIEBE, Manager MARSHFIELD. NO'' BEND. s-B-a-a-a-a-a-a-::-a--a-a-'d-n--a-B-s-rj a-8 j s .. . imnorUi. To anyone Interested in above we would say, when buying to seo that yo u get title as well as vai Wo aro best prepared to glvo you both. Our vrork Aro ueneral Agents for Easteide ana senw" hp,mif .. t . . m cnttie to n ttence you will consult your own iniorei iw v- ter to do business, Title Guarantee and Abstract Branch Office. Oonuillo City. Henry Sengs' tacken, JIJBJI A Want Ad will sell it for y i t 11 k Vinriiflf' '