"Tr t.rifujb. t f vr y v HI li i ' 11 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1910 EVENING EDITION KTxaxmamMwmmaiJLiiiJiuuxxrvMa.'nm,vvwaancx u mwi waifiiMWM an warn COOS BAY TIMhS An Indepeident Republican news taper published every evening except (Sunday, and Weekly by The Coos Kay Times Publishing Co. Entered at trie postoffice at Marsh Gold, Oregon, (or transmission ftrou&li the malls as second class mall matter. Dedicated to the service ot the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. ' ' Address pll communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, M7shfleld :: :: :: :: Oregon subscription rates. In Advance DAILY. One year $5.00 Stz months $2.60 Leas than 6 months, per month .60 When not paid strictly in advance the price subscription of the Coos Bay Times is $0.00 PER YEAR. WEEKLY. One year $1.50 The Coos Bay Times represents a consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall tnd The Coos Bay Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally estab f r ' . M , fM y f, ' mil n lished on Coos Bay and The Coos Bay Times Is Its immediate suc cessor. Official Taper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. K. C. MALONEY Editor and Pull. BAN E. MALONEY News Editor T GIVE US MEN. Givo us men! Men from every rank, Fresh and free and frank; Men of thought and reading, Men of light and leading, Men of loyal breeding, The Nation's welfare speeding; Men of faith and not of Action, Men of lofty aim in action; Give us men I say again, Give us men! Givo us men! Strong and stalwart ones; Men whom highest hopes Inspires, Men whom purest honor fires, Men who trample Self beneath them, Men who make their country wreath them As her noblo sons, ' Worthy of their sires, Men who never shame their mothers, Xeu who never fall their brothers, True, however false are others! Give us men I say agalL, Give us men! Give us men! Men who, when the tempest gathers, Grasp tho standard of their fathers In the thickest fight; Men who strike for home and alter, Xnl tho coward cringe and falter, God defend tho right! True as truth though lorn and lonely Tender, ns tho bravo are only; Men who tread where saints have trod, Men for Country, Homo and God; Give us men I say again, Give us such men! Bishop v of Exeter. : - .; - Kotfwmar r A ) i NSt What You Want bdP IB fc If III,. , 'WAP.feJWr M BRAND m Hams, Bacon, Lard 3m pok They bear the United States Government stamp W H J-s- a guarantee of wholesomeness and purity. In ad- H V 1 ((and passed )) dition they have a superior flavor and delicacy, mW mV lJI due to the most modern methods of curing. Mw At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes Jm I WBfe, UNION MEAT COMPANY, PORT1AXD, OHSGON JSKr """jMjtt. Pioneer Packers of the Pnclflo &f9S$ir ! - TVTVVV7VTWVVVVVTVYVTVVVTV UHLiUKv NDK OUIIIIIII I ForStrictly H Hfi l8fl HBflflBHB U G9I1B "vu" .... -- w - i Sterilized Cream VlUlllIl Tpmntinp- Hnintifis fnr warm a c:f-,.;i;j lt:!U A C? I VI I IfVVM IQ MWNIllWU IWI II Ml Ml jr hm k tllCVi II Ail X weather luncheons and picnic t Said the Mistress to Her Maid: i "You have no idea, Jennie, what a snap it is to do the ironing with an electrical flatiron. It's twice as easy and twice as quick as using the old fashioned stove irons. You need no fire, never have to change your iron, save all the footsteps between board and stove, and there is no soot whatever to soil the clothes." We have the General Electric flatiron for users of electric light to connect to lamp sockets already in the house. Let us send you one on trial. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. o aMIE OLl OHKGOX TKAIL. Hundreds of men who loft homes Jn'tho East, and oven In Europe, on hoir way to tho gold fields, pnbsed over tho old trail, noer to ho heard , of again by waiting relatives or awoethoarts. Of tho thousands who Jollovcd It many huudiods made rec ord .of their journey on a big sand stone l)luff which begins two miles -west nt Kort Laramie and runs three miles or more along tho trail. This wall, Bomotlmes rising to a height of flfty feet, at othors dropping to a dozen, presents to-day a singular ap pearance. Scratchod over almost Its ontlro length nro tho names of tho argonauts and westward-bound trav elers. Somo wore cut with a knife. w"hlle othors, almost weathered oft, wore mado with tho point of a nail, or daubed on with a mixture of axlo Tempting dainties for warm weather luncheons and picnic parties, when one does not want an elaborate meal; but what you have must tickle the palate, You will find just what you want at C. W. Wolcott THE GROCER. PHONE 97 J WE HAVE MOVED a bunch ot flat Irons at reduced prices. Now, we offor you a fine bar gain on fixtures while they last. Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage STATEMENT OF CONDITION OE XI1K First; Trosl; and Savings Bank AT THE LEAST MONEY. THAT'S US. FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. and 3 P. Phono 73-J. M. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Coos Bay Wiring Co. tJ. FIXUP " OF COOS BAY, MARSHFIELD. ORE. March 29, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts....! SC.473.1S Overdrafts 211.90 Bonds and securities... 25,C03:90 Banking house, furnlturo and fixtures 5C.S11.10 Cash on hand and due from banks 59,798.50 DO YOU KNOW? good laundry work when you .see It.' Sure you do, and that Is why wo have so many satisfied customers. And to those who have never tried our laun dry, you will find out after you have tried It, that you have been missing a whole lot. For our customers say. "OUn WORK CAN'T RE BEAT," and I WILLIAM GRIMES LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In... $100,000,011 Surplus fund 500 OS Undivided profits 1.9J Deposits 126,13611 Total i JHWIIttf. We 'invite your attention to th o strong condition of this bankuj showr L7 the above statement to- wit: J 1 Cash reserve 47 per cent of deposit j 1 Reserve reauired br law 15 per cent of deposit! j " I l . .111 i Reserve in excess of lecal reaul rements. . .32 per cent 01 oeyuw, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, Total J228.898.5S EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. CATARRH CANNOT RE CURED. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thoy cannot reach tho seat of tho dis oase. Catarrh is a bio vl or constitu tional diseasq, and in order to euro it you must tako internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'i Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best tli'otn(nna In till a iMm i fn. mn. grease juh1 ashes. Most of the lattor nnd j3 R regular prescription. Jt !s except whoro an overnanging wan composed of tho best tonics known, has prevented weathering by the combined with tho best blood puri- ...f,,,., nf ,m Hum half n centuri.l flor8 nct,nB directly on tho mucous jstowns of more than naii a cuu urj . 1 8UrfnceSt Tho perfect combination of are- already gone; uut io '" ,tho two ingredients is hat produces Rigs at all hourB and a carry-all we will Bend out with partlaa fishing to go In crowds. L. H. HEISNER Mnrshfleld, Ore. Phono 120-J : TnE HEIGHT OF CIGAR j QUALITY IS ACHIEVED IN A I DERBY .1 , i itil THEY KNOW. MARSHFIELD H. & S. LAUNDRY Phone 2295. "Our wagon goes any old place.". Mauzey Bros., Props. DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, Vic e President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKING AN D TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. T Have that Roof Fixed I Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-L. HOME LAND Co See us for investments on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phone 74L. 264 Front St. such wonderful results In curing Ca tarrh, Send for testimonials free. F.J.CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo.O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. jmms lomaln like hieroglyphics of tho ailmrlglnos in various parts of tho -wost. Of tho host thnt passod over tho old Oregon trail, a considerable jiropoitlon carved their names on tho nmlitano rock, whoro at loast 5,000 jmmos nro leglblo to-day. Vory few Tucent cuttings nro dtsoernlblo. The present day trail passes a hundred yards from the part of the wall cou f lining the algiiHturab. An onterprls lng inotlorn aitlit has gono to great unlns and risked niuoli dnuer In vllrt, an'oxcollont figuro of a horse.-- fi Ma KSSfil OSflOS "Putnam's Mngazlno. FOR SALE. NEW 1UFOOT AWNING AND ALL KINDS OP NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH. 1HO BROADWAY, SECOND HAND STORE. G. W. DUNGAN, Undertaker Telephone: Day 103-J Undertaking Rooms Front St. N:rth MarshlU'ld, OroRon. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY Personal Instruction Given. A. O. WALKER, Instructor. S78 Fifth Street. EASTSIDE IS A WINNER. 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J CASH PAID FOR WOOL and MOHAIR C. F. SIcGEORGE 17 Broadway South, Mnrshfleld NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the under signed at tho ofliec of tho Coos Bay Rapid Transit Company, at Plat E, North Bend, Oregon, on or before the 8th day of June, 1910, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, for the construction -of the road bed of the Coos Bay Rapid Transit Com pany's street railway from City wharf en Virginia Avenue, North Bend, Ore gon, to terminal at Marshfleld, to gether with all bgurs, side tracks and switches, according to the profile of said roadbed which may be seen af the office aforesaid. All bids must bo accompanied with a certified check fpr $1,000. The corporation reserves tho right to reject any and all bids, or to award the contract to niy person, firm or corporation complying with the above conditions. B order of the Board of Directors, W. P. EVANS, President. FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. , Oldest Bnnk in Coos County, Established In 1880. Paid up Capital nnd Surplus, $80,000.00. Assets Over Hnlf Million Dollars. . r, Does a general banking busluoss and draws drafts on lie n ct California, San Fran-jisco, Cnl,; Hanover National Bpuk. " First National Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National uan' ,." ' burg, Ore.; The London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, bng' ilf Also sells exchango ou all of the principal cities ot 'u""'!' ,(, Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to cnecK. deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS J. W. BENNETT, President. X. F J. H. FLANAGAN, V.-Prcs. GEO INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS, ''lUBiia: . X. F. WILLIAMS CasW"; 3EO. E. WINCHESTER. Awt. "s ? THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY ' Wells Farco Nevada Vatlonal nank. San FrancHco, u The United States National Bank, Portland, Or. The Notional Park Bank, New York. N. Y. Tho Corn Exchange Natlonnl Bank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. kThp Credit Lyonnals, Paris, France. U I I 8 8 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 i Draws Drafts on i Lyonnals, fans, jrranco. in Tn nrifllHnn wa l.nm i1itfB An nil n.ltiMnnl hanklOb ceu . ..A Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, wu South America. . t Personal and tioramercial nccounts kept subject to cnec . ntii.llfln.tn. r. i i j . n.nmU HOZeS "' ww iiubuico Ul IUJUSll mr JOll. OU1U wuvum. - DR. J. W. INGRAJI Physician nnd Surgeon. Office 208-203 Coos Building Phones Office 1621; Residence 16 r-R. a. l. iiorsEwoRTn - Phjsiclan nnd Surgeon Offices second floor of Flanagan a Bennett Ba4j Building. Office hours 2 to 4 p m.; 7 to 8 p. m Phone: Offlco. 1431; Residence. 1411 T. W. BENNETT, Offlca over Fjanr.san & Bank. Marshfleld, 0; ,-wt S. TURPE W. Archil OvorChamberofComg! Try Times' Want Ads. I U .1 uj