ly 31 ADS. NEWS .nicv iirsixuss is slow, au rrilTISi:. T"AT IT PAYS IS KVI nl'VCKI) MV SUCCESSFUL 1IUSI .,'sS HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS HAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALj TUB TIME i TERSELY TOLD : :: :: :: : MEMUEIl OF ASSOCIATED Pit ESS Established in 1878 lis The Coast Mall. VOL. XXXII. THIRTY LWE IN SOUTHE Shocks of Unusual Violence Af fect Province of Avellino Early To-Day. SEVERAL VILLAGES ARE BADLY DAMAGED. Full Extent of Disaster Cannot Be Ascertained for Some' Time Yet. (By Associated Press.) ROME, Italy, June 7. Earth quakes of great violence occurred In the Prolnco of Avellino this morn ing and a large portion of Southern Haly felt the shock. The town of Calltri was half destroyed. Thiity were killed in various villages. A majorltj of the deaths occurred in the village of Valuta. The other vil lages shaken by the tremblor were Regglo, Capua, Catanzaro and Palo. Much damage was done property, hut owing to the disturbance of wire con nections, It is 'impossible to ascertain tme conditions. It Is not improbable that later reports will show a heavier loss of life. THE AVI I EAT MARKET. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, June 7. July wheat, 94c, September, 91 c; Decem ber, 90TSc. I PORTLAND, June 7. Wheat uu- clianged. i TACOMA, June 7. AVli a: un-, changed. I CAUSE TROUBLE IN UNLOADING CARLOS THIS MOHNING A PINE VICSSEL. IS The steam schooner Carlos arrived In late last evening from San Fran cisco with seven hundred tons of brick and building material for the W S. Chandler building, a few car loads ofmaterial for the C. A. Smith Company and a number of passen gers Tho majority of the passen gers are en route to Grays Harbor and Seattlo from San Francisco, the Carlos going o Grays Harbor'to take on lumber. This morning, a little trouble was encountered in unloading the Carlos when tho longshoremen started a small sized strike which lasted only an houi or so. It seems that Dade Haines, who had the contract for the brick from tho wharf to tho Chandler building, had engaged two helpers -to expedite the handling f 'he wagons and loading them from the slings. The longshoremen immediately protested and quit work, bf Capt. Roberts, known here as "Scantling Bob," quickly became master of the situation, so that the d lay was reduced to a minimum. The Carlos is one of the best steam schooners on the coast. She Is 220 feet long and Is built for handling freight rapidly. .Sho also has good Passenger accommodations. ' Scantling Bob," who formerly ran In hero on the Emily, was surprised last night when he came In by the amount of water on the bar. It was far from flood tide but the least ho ftard was 24 feet. As a result, it Is 1 K. ' that the Carlos will ply in here r lUlnrly in the near futuro, carry Ins umber from tho local mills. f-'ie will sail from .here for Grays Harbor to-morrow afternoon. She H return hero soon with more frf'?ht from San Francisco. HIT SOUTH MARSHFIELD COAL. ny your groceries at BACCHUS. AVIRE HANGING RASKETS at FIO. SFFR HARDWARE CO. Use The Times' Want Ads. UHSHOREMEH COAST LEAGUE ENTER PROTESTJ HUJflHES - i MARSHFIELD, S LOST" "1 FclSTANT FEAR OF (HIKE PIS RN IIALY QUAKE RULERSRUSHTO King and Queen of Italy to As sist in Relieving Victims of Earthquake. (By Associated Press.) HOME, Italy, June 7. According to official reports the total killed in tho different villages which were damaged by earthquakes to-day, Is about thirty. The Government has already taken action for the imme diate relief of the sufferers. King Vic tor Emmanuel, accompanied by Queen Helena left for Avellino on a special train this forenoon. Two atitos for their use are also carried on the train. ROOSEVELT IS SPEAKUH. Delivers Lecture at Uiiixorsity of Ox ford To-Day. (By Associated Piess.) OXFORD, England, June 7. Theo dore Roosevelt was the guest of Ox ford to-day. Ho delivered the "Ro manes lecture" at the University of Oxford and the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Laws was conferred upon him. Mr. Roosevelt was glve"n i czt cordial and enthusiastic wel come. Mr. Roosevelt's subject for the "Romanes lecture" was "Blblo graph Analogies in History." New Series of Games Opens Results of Sunday's Contests. j (Bv Associated Press. 1 PORTLAND, June 7. A new ser ies of games opens In the Pacific Coast League. Lcs Angeles jumps to Portland to-day. Sacramento and Vernon open at Arernon to-morrow and Oakland and San Francisco open in San Francisco to-day. Sunday's games resulted as lows: AT PORTLAND R. Portland ? Sacramento 5 AT VERNON R. FIRST GAME, A'ernon , San Francisco 0 SECOND GAME. A'ernon . 3 fol- H. 11 S H. C 4 I San Tranclsco 5 AT OAKLAND R. FIRST GAME, I Oakland 6 Los Angeles 1 SECOND GAME. Oakland 7 Los Angeles 1 ALLEGANY NEWS. Albert Collver of Catching Inlet visited at the Price home Monday. DIED AT ALLEGANV. Los. Gray l'assctl Away at Homo of Ills Sister. Les. Gray, a single man, about 38 years of age, who has been making his homo at the residence of his sis tor, Mrs. Daggett, dlod last night of consumption. Deceased Is also a brother of Bert Gray of AHegany. During his residence here ho has made a number of friends who will learn with regret of his death. The funeral will be held to-morrow. Phone 1. S. Kaufman & Co. your Coal Order. 1.50 TER TON. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE Villagers of Southern Italy Ter ror Stricken When Tremblor Awakens Them Early This Morning. f By Associated Prp i AVELLINO, Italy, June 7. The reports of the earthquake here from the surrounding country are that much damage was done and many fa talities occurred, but up to noon it was impossible to determine the ex tent of the devastation. In this city, little harm was done, only one death being reported. The population, how ever, was terror stricken. Twenty are reported killed at Call tri, which is said to be badly dam Eighth Grade Commencement Exercises Held in North Bend Last Evening. Last evening at the Kinney High School In North Bend, the annual eighth grade commencement exer cises of the North Bend public schools were held. A highly entertaining and pleasing program was given to an unusually large audience. The assembly room was prettily decorated for the occasion with the class colors, blue and red, and many flowers. 'The following was the program: Selection, High School orchestra. Class Prophesy, Inez Anderson. Class Poem, Alex Neilsen. Clas3'Song, Class, accompanied by Ginerva Smith. Selection, High School Orchestra. Pantomime, "America," Edith Thomas, Inez Anderson, Gladys Kran ick, Esther Hunt, Dorothy Kibbler, Lilly Pulley, Ruth Matthews, Joella Hodson, Edith Horn, Otella Hoelling with Ellen Anderson, Helen Mende, Ginerva Smith and Edith Allger as vocalists, and Edith Raab accom panist. Class History, Dorothy Kibbler. Piano Duet, Edith Thomas and Gladys Kranlck. Address and Presentation of Diplo mas, A. AV. Myers. The following are the eighth grade graduates: Esther Imhoff, Joella Hodson, Edith Horn, Edith Thomas, Frank New klrk, Inez Anderson, Joseph AVinsor, Oscar Carlson, Roy Fulton, Jose phine AVard, Ethel Van ZHe, Austin Mattler, Esther Hunt, Gladys Kran lck, Ruth Matthews, AVm. Anderson, Alex Neilsen, Fred Reynolds, Otella Hoelling, Dorothy Kibbler, Lilly Pul ley and Floyd Conro. During the evening the pleasing farce, "Mrs. Jarley's AVax AVork. was ably presented by the following cast: "Mrs. Jarley" Grace Fulton Attendants, Peter and John . . Carl Gollder and Carl Greves AVax Figures ' "Siamese Twins" Oscar Mattler and Alex Neilsen "Cruel Nurse Maid" Joella Hodson "The GIggler," Gladys Kranlck "The Mariner" Oscar Carlson Arocalist Ruth Matthews "Mrs. AVinslow" Esther Hunt "Nero" .Joseph AVinsor "Mr. Jarley" (deceased) .-.Roy Fulton OWNER OF MARSHFELD PROPERTY IS MISSING. Anna B. Henderson Cannot Re Found and Lots Will Have to Bo Sold to Collect Assessment. Anna B. Henderson, owner of Lot 15 in Caples Addition (the we&t part of South Marshflold), cannot be lo cated, and In consequence hor prop-' erty will have to be sold to collect an assessment of $49.05 aaginst it for the construction of the South Marshfield sewer. Marshal Carter has been trying to locate her but cannot. R. R. Pownder of Seattle, AVash.. who has been looking after the prop, erty fro some time has written Mar shal Carter to have the place sold for taxes and notify him of the sale, evi dently Intending to bid it in himself. Tho proporty is a good residence lot, but what has become of the qwner Is moro than Marshal Carter is able to a-cmaln. GLASS GIVES FINE PROGRAM 7, 1910 EVENING 'EDITION aged. The situation there is dis tressing. Squads of workmen, to gether with a detachment of soldiers' have been dispatched from this place to assist the suffering villagers. It was in the darkest hour of the morn ing that the shock was felt here. In a moment, panic had seized the 20, 000 inhabitants who" live In daily fear of seismic disaster. There was n mad rush for the squares and open places outside tho city. In the squares, hundreds threw themselves on their faces and implored mercy of the Almighty. There 'were pro cessions to the' shrine of St. Andrew, the protector of ,the town, and others climbed to the Sanctuary of Monte A'erglne. After several hours a semblance of quiet was restored. Marshfield High School Exer cises at Masonic Opera Hniisp Thursday Eve. The annual commencement exer cises of the Marshfield High School will be held at tho Masonic Opera House Thursday evening and a pleas- PROGRAM FOR GRADUATION ing program has been arranged. Thejjner of Illinois were laid before the patrons of the schools ana puunc are cordially Invited by the school facul ty, graduates nad school board to at tend. The graduates this year are Misses Bessie Coke, Alpha Mauzey and Sfgna Holm. i Thef program is as follows: rl. "Lo Reveil du Lion" (2 pianos), (de KontskI), Mi's. AVilliam , comment to tho Committee on Prlvl Horsfall Jr., Miss Susie Eick- leges and Elections. worth, Miss Edna Larson, Miss Clara Myren. 2. Invocation, Archdeacon Horsf all. 3. "Hawthorne's Genius," Signa Holm. 4. "White Throat" (Aspinwall), Miss Mable Clare Millls. ' 5. "America's Great Triumvirate," Bessie Coke. G. "De Cause" (Guy d' Hardelot), Mrs. J. AV. Ingram.- 7, "The City Beautiful," Alpha Mauzey. S. "Hungarian Rhapsodie" No. 2 (2 pianos), ( (Listz), Mrs. AVill iam Horsfall Jr., Miss Susie Elckworth, Miss Edna Larson, Miss Clara Myren. 9. Address, "The Relation of High er Education to Good Citizen ship," C. B. Selby. 10. "I Mind the Day" (Charles AV11- .lesby), Mrs. J. AV. Ingram. 11. Presentation of Diplomas, Supt. F. A. Golden. 12.- (a) "The Hills o' Sky" (Har ris), r(b) "Slumber Song" Graca Mayhew), Miss Mable Clare Mlllis. BRIEFS OF BANDON. News cf Cify-By-tlie-Seii As Told By Tho Recorder. Matt Smith and wife are the proud parents of a flno ten-pound son, born May 29th. Bandon-by-the-Sea will celebrate the Fourth of July. This much has been definitely determined, and al ready preparations are being made for one of the biggest events of the kind ever held in southwestern Ore-1 p,.allt.s u ciarko Talks AVith Rose gon. , burg Man About It. Tho Roseburg Revlow says: J, W. Col. R. II. Rosa has received the Porhtna has returned from Portland. following telegram from Congress- man Hawley: "Tho River and Har bor bill has been agreed upon by con ference committee, and an appropria tion of ?5C,000 for the Coquillo River, and this appropriation Is now safe." With the agreement by the conference committee there can he no further doubt as to the appropriation of tho money, and It- Itf now an as- sured fact. S. J. Culver had the misfortune to loe his fine standard bred stallion last Thursday. Geo. Erdman has purchased the City Meat Market of AVm. Doyle and will take possession July Int. Miss Helen Moorman came up from San Francisco 'on the Elizabeth and will make her homo with her uncle, Wni. M.Kay and family. "onxoliilatlon of Times, Const Mall and Coos Bay Adertlscr. (DENT TflFT Illinois Politician Refused Free- dom in Lorimer Bribery ' Case. (By Associated Press. J CHICAGO, June 7. Representa tive Lee O'Neil Browne, the Demo cratic leader accused of bribery of his fellow legislators In the election of United States Senator AVilliam Lorimer, Republican, was to-day re fused freedom on the State writ of habeas corpus. Judge Scanlan denied the plea claiming that only a Federal tribunal has power to try such a case. CHANGES ARE PREFERRED. Senator Ciilloni Presents Charges Against Loiinier. (By Associated Press.) AA'ASHINGTON. .Ttinn 7. Formnl charges against Senntor AVilliam Lorl-! senate this afternoon by his col- league, Senator Cullom. The pro ceeding was the presentation of a me morial by Clifford AV. Barnes of Chi cago, president of the Illinois Legisla tive League, embodying charges of bribery of members of the Illinois Legislature. It was referred without i J. W. Coffroth Arranges Bout to Be Held at Colma July 2. (By Associated Press.) NEAV YORK, June 7. J. AV. Cof froth, fight promoter, to-day signed with the managers of Sam Langford and Stanley Ketchell for a fight of I not less than twenty-five rounds, to be fought July 2 at Colma, Calif. I Colma Is a short train ride from San I Francisco. The -men will divide a 1 $30,000 purse, sixty per cent to tho winner and'forty to the loser. TEST SUIT NOW ON. California Law May Bar Langford- Jvetchel Rout. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 7. 'AVhether tho Ketchel-Langford light will take place at Colma on July 2 depends on tho outcome of the trial of two fighters arrested In San Mateo County a few wee'ks ago for the alleged violation of the law by par ticipating In a fight. PROSPECTS FOR ROAD. ( Mr iorWllB mil a conversation with Francis H. C'nrke, of tho Coos Bay, Oregon & Idaho Railroad, and Mr. Ciarko seems confident that con struction work on tills ralhoad wjll begin at an oarly date. Ho bellovos tho $150,000 bonus at tho Coos Bay end of the lino will soon bo sub- B0rib0( Rosoburg will probably be j afck)d t0 furnei, terminal grounds j nero atH a right-of-way through the J'ARRIS WINS OUT. AVIH He Allom'd Rvuiird In Sugar Trust Case. (Uy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, June 7. Attorney-General Wiokersham, In a deci sion announced to-day, holds that Richard Parrls is ontitled to recover, from tho Government the amount of his claim for Information givon -ortln t thc to-called Sugar Trust. RAILROAD LAW BROWNE MUST STAND TRIAL LANGFORD ANR nuuntu 0!UN No. 278 WANTS Sends Special Message to Con gress Recommending Change. RESULT OF CONFERENCE WITH RAILWAY CHIEFS. House Agrees to Submit Meas ure to Conference Despite Opposition. (Bv Associated Press.) AVASHINGTON, June 7. Presi dent Taft to-day sent a special mes sage to Congress In which he recom mended that a clause In tho new rail road bill which gives the Interstate . Commercer Commission power to In vestigate and suspend the increased rates filed by the railroads, bo modi fled so as to take effect immediately upon signing the act. As it stands In 'the bill the provfs- President Taft bases his request upon an agreement no readied with tlio railroads jestorday whereby they agreed to withdraw all increased rates ,,ntil tho new 'nw was. signed As to how tho act Is to he amended. whether In conference or by joint resolution, tho President left to tho discretion of Congress. AVhen tho railroad bill was taken up in tho House, Chairman Mann ot the committee en inters'ate corn- merce, moved to non-concur with the Senate amendments and asked for conference, the motion requiring unanimous consent. Lenroot of AVIs consln, one of tho Republican insur gents, objected. He made a motion that the House concur with the amendments with an amendment to Section 9, making Us provisions oper ative upon approval of tho bill by the President. Two hours wore allotted for debate on the motion. Champ Clark, the Democratic leader in tho House, supported Lenroot of AVIscon sln, declaring that while- he did not approve of tho Senate bill, he was suspicious of conference reports and did not want to take any chances on the railroad bill. Lonroot's motion to accept the Senate bill was defeated by a vote of 15C to 1G2. Speaker Cannon appointed Mann or Illinois, AVagner of Pennsylvania and Adamson of Georgia as conferree3 on the part of the House. CULLINGS OF COQUILLE. Coos County Sent Events As Recorded Hy tho Sentinel. Dora A. Smith of Los Angeles and Miss Gertrude AValrath of Marshfloia were united in marriage at tho Bax ter Hotel parlors, Friday, May 27. at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon. Rev.1 ,C. H. Cleaves of tho M. B. Church Soufb. performed tho coremony. Harry Oerdlng has moved his bowl ing alley fixtures from Myrtle Point down to this city and has this week been Installing thoni In tho building west of that formerly occupied by tho Hub. J. AV. Tollman of this city reports hnvlng seen a pair of Chinese phea sants in his back yaul ono morning of this week. A number of theso birds were Imported to .the,. coast twenty years ago and are said to havo since become qulto numordus. , AVork in tho Sheriff's ofllco which a few weeks ago required tho services of eight mon bosfdes that of Dputy Sheriff Clydo Gage, now only Tequlroa ono, L. AV. Oddy being tho only ono remaining of that Invlnciblo Eight that withstood tho verbal assaults of Irate taxpayers for several wis Not very many are paying taxes at this time of tho year and will not bo until fall when tho last half of tho taxes will becomo duo. Word comes from Brewster Valley that Roadmastor Novy Harry of that district has been making the dirt fly at a rapid jjalt In that vicinity. AVKh about $8,000 to work on ho has boon making many noticeablo improve ments and made a record by olearlne fifty rods of right of way in two days The road is now In suoh a condition ' lL.1 .. ....i.nnt.llA .-!..., 1 ..1 ll III.. IflUl H'l UUUilHUUIIU IBUUIillJT lWO V tilp from Mnhlleld to the valley In fuut hours. NEW W U