Xu THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1910- EVENING EDITION. tagaiBB3aMauauiMB33Hni irWTKD. HlS''tsl "''" lnii l" or hid", pelts, oltl rubber, bottles, metals, copper, bras3 and sacks. Tbres doc-o north of Nelson's foun- C, p. Horgo a. lo,, Aiarsn- dry. field, Oregon. P. 0. Dox 7G1. ,V,n iil'.NT. Tin w wits in new jier- '"".... !..... Q...l. jltt DUlIUMlB U "" ouui.ii. Apply Mr Dernltt. . . in... nt.i n.uifn if yon s.iii '-".""' '"-. Thorougnoreu uiuruu rijmuuiu Socks. p- p Poultry Yards, jforih end Front St., Marshfleld. ; tfijfXEl). 1 or o-rooni rurnisiicu cottage or liouseKeeping rpoms in resldtnct district; must bt reason able and not too far out. Address M care ot Times. A C irou I J0l'" Certificate of citizenship o( John Tesock. Owner can havo game by paying for this ad. and claiming property at Times office. JOItSAIiIi. Violin Curntoln make case and bow, $30. Address Music, care Coos Bay Times. rOH SALE. Complete furnishings of five-room house; must be sold at once, either singly or collective ly, rhone 5 O J. i - . TOR SALE. New A - room cottage and 2 lots, located In Eastslde; will sell for $U00 If taken quickly. Address P O. Box 335, Marshfleld. roil Rl'XT. Three furnished house keeping rocnis. 371 South B'way, ,sers With Us It's like taking out a policy when you buy the DUTCHESS. These trousers are so strongly mado that the manufacturer? attach a specific cash warranty to every pair. There's nothing like 10 Cents a Button; $1.00 a Rip. SOLD ONLY BY Woolen fMill Store MILL TO MAX CLOTHIERS, MARSHFIELD, ORE. I 'wffij uT mwhg COOS &r fj BAY TIDES. THREE GAMES JUXE High water A. M. P. M. Date. Monday.... 0 Monday... G Tuesday... 7 Wed'd'y... S Thursday. 9 Friday... 10 Saturday 11 SUNDAY. 12 h.ni. 11:51 0:41 1:29 2:19 3:13 ft. h.m. ft. G.9 9.9 9.7 9.4 8.8 8.0 11:10 12:42 1:35 2:26 3:17 4:10 5:05 C.9 9.8 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.3 MED MY XXXX&&OQG1$&ttl&&!s&Xs$G. i V S . ,. . ft Persona! Notes s rCSOJOSi, 4 s, -OSSSSSO at the Kaufman home in this city. She is en route to Now Mexico,, where she expects to make her home. JUXE Low water Date. Monday..., Tuesday... Wed'd'y.. Thursday. Friday... A.M. h.m. Saturday li SUNDAY 12 5:25 0:13 7:011 7:49 8:37 9:25 10:14 ft. 0.8 1.4 -1.0! X.fi 1.3 0.8 0.2 P.M. h.m. 5:07 5:57 G:48 7:42 8:39 9:41 10:47 A1 3,0 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 from "Marshfleld, 1 miles from boat landing. Address Box 738. FOR RENT Store in Coos Rulldlng. Apply at Woolen Mill Store. FOR SALE. Cheap, two lots, Xos. f) and 10, Block No. 69, Porter Addi tion to North Bend. Write or Phone P. Hanrahan, Bandon, Ore. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Probably fair to- WAXTKI). First-elnss painter. Ap- ply P., care Times. 1011 SALE. Wheeler & Wilson sew ing machine; almost new. Phono 273J. I FARMS FOR SALE. -Tracts from live acres to fifteen hundred acres, Improved and unimproved. Prices from ?G00 to $25,000, according to location and Improvements. Al so choice city property. Apply Hall &. Hall, Marshfleld. pvAXTEl). A girl for general house work; two in family. Mrs. John Keating, North Bend; Tel., 31. TOR SALE. I can get you ICO ncrcs lor cost of improvements. 8 miles WAXTE1) An experienced girl to do general housework. Apply to Mrs. J. B. Rust, Phone 152 L. FOR SALE. Three nialo Scotch collie pups and Ave females; price ?2.50 and $5. Address Milton Church, Marshfleld, South Coos River. night and Tuesday, with south west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. For twenty-four hours end ing at 4:43 p. m. June 5, by Mrs. Mingus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 58 Minimum GO At 4:43 p. m 58 Precipitation None Wind, Southwest; cloudy. 444 RORX. Marshfield Wins Two, Fairview One and Sumner Loses Two. At Sumner yesterday the Marsh fleld baseball team won two victories. i-alrview one and lost one and Sum ner lost two. There was a big crowd present. The score of the Marshfleld-Falr-view game was: Marshfleld 5 Fairview 3 The score of the Marshfield-Sum- ner game was: Marshfleld 4 Sumner , 1 The score of the Falrvlew-Sumner game was: Sumner "tj Fairview 9 Cowan and Abbott was the Marsh fleld battery the first game and Norm Johnson and Abbott the second game. Fairview was reinforced by for mer Coqullle players. Next Sunday, Marshfleld plans to play Bandon at Bandon. At Templeton yesterday, North Lake defeated Big Creek by a score of 19 to 12. H. Carlson and G. Carl son was the battery for North Lake and B. Cox and R. Kino was the bat tery for Big Creek. MAIR DAXO spent Sunday with parents at Bandon. W. C. BRADLEY left yesterday Portland on business. his for WM. SAUNDERS of Empire Marshfleld visitor to-day. Is a WALTER BUTLER returned to-day from an over-Sunday visit at Bandon. BILL NYE of Coqullle Is In Marsh fleld on buslnes. W. J. KYLE of Florence Is in Marsh fleld on business. J. E. PAULSON and family of qullle are Marshfleld visitors. Co- OTHO HOPSOX Marshfleld for friends. of Bandon was in a short visit with PATRICK HENNESSEY left yester day for San Francisco to look after business. ALFRED JOHNSON, Sr and a party of friends drovo over from Coqullle to-day in his auto. F. E. HAGUE and Wlffl Inft Rntnnlnr for Coos River on nn outing for a week or two. JOHN JUZA, who is employed on the Coqullle Sentinel, spent Sunday with relatives here. F. M. FRIEDBURG and family and a few guests, including Miss Jes sie Chase, spent Sunday at Charleston. , B. TOWER left on the Breakwater with his father, Dr. Tower, who goes North to consult specialists re garding his health. He was also accompanied by Dr. E. E. Straw. MRS. C. H. MARSH and Miss Isis Marsh left on the Breakwater yes terday for Portland for a short visit, Miss Urna Marsh remaining at home to keep house for - her . father. ALVA DOLL returned Saturday from Portland, where he accompanied his mother, who is making 'a trip East. upt at a very slight expense and that It will reduce the overland time be tween here and the beach to about one-half what it Is now. FOR SALE. Xew "Anchor Brand" buggy. O. O. Lund, 215 Broad way. Have you lost anything? Try Times' Want Ads. I I nvn UVrni Formerls the Gnrfleld lilAJlu HUlLiU utuicr i'ow inannRf meni, remodeled nnd refurnWifd throughout. Only fnmllv hotel in Mnrshllcld. Kerythlne new and clenn w 1th comforts of home. Free biithi, let jour money's worth Give me a trial, you will come ugiilti. Ilnto, day, W10, 75c 100; ieek. t00 to J3.00. Also furnished housekeei). fng apartments with gas ranges. Mrs. Bridges Proprletiess. SELAXDER At Marshfleld, June 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selander. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selander, a son. Mother and child are doing nicely, and the father as well as could be expected. HAXSEX. At their home In old North Bend, on Sunday, June 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Sis Hansen, a son. Mother and child are doing well. The proud father is not any happier than the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen, over this their first grandson. JMany at Ecrcises. The Taber nacle was well filled last evening for me uaccaiaureate exercises of the Marshfleld High School commence ment, it being estimated that between i.000 and 1,200 were in attendance. The regular program was carried out, the special sermon by Rev. G. LeRoy Hall being especially well received. C. W. WOLCOTT left overland yes terday o take in the Rose Carni val at Portland and to look after .business matters In the north. MRS. ROBT. HOPSON, who been with her husband on lower Coqullle for tho last weeks, passed through here terday en route to Portland Eastern points. has the few GEORGE D1NDINGER, Will Stauff and three or four others, composed a party who spent Sunday trying to lure the trout from upper Coos River. 5HSH5HSaS25H5SSH5HK5H525a52SHa2 a5E53SaSHS2SHS2fi5ESZ525252SE5HS25253 Portland & Coos Bay S. S.- Line Steamer Breakwater Sails from Ainwortli Dock Portland, 9 a. m., June 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 2& Sails from Coos Bay June 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, at service of tide. Reservations will not be held later than noon of date of sailing, unless tick ets are purchased. W. F. Miller, Agt,. Phono Main 35-L &5ZK5?rarasa5a5E5?.5EraisreFa5aCT3-5as?J5K m PARKER. At Bay City, to Mr. Mrs. Jack Parker, a son. and Council Tuesday. The Marshfield city council will meet Tuesday tolake up city matters, including the 'award ing of several street Improvement contracts. Court' Meets. Judge John F. Hall went to Coqullle this morning to hold the regular monthly session of pro bate court. While Judge Hall could not be seen, Tom Hall said that the report that Judge Hall would be a candidate for circuit judge was er roneous. Judge Hall will be a candi date for renomlnation and reelection as County Judge. MRS. R. E. PINEGOR has Issued in vitations for a shower Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Nellie Bernitt, one of tho June brides- to-be. REV. M. H. STAINES and family left Saturday for Philomath, Oregon, to attend the United Brethren con ference which convenes at that place. They were accompanied by W. H. Morgan and wife, who go as delegates from the United Brethren Church on Coos River. FRANK DENNING and W. S. Den ning returned yesterday from Roseburg, where they went to at tend tho funeral of their brother who was a victim of blood poison ing. The funeral was one of the largest ever held there and tho floral offerings were many and beautiful. Locates in Portland. Miss Eliza beth Donnelly, well known in Marsh fleld, has located at Portland, where she has opened a hair dressing and massage shop at 345 Knott street. lSsa2525Hrera5a5H5S5a5i2S52SH5Hffl!Fs!aSE5E5 STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICK17TS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL RESERVATIONS WILL HE CANCELLED AT I'CSS TICKET IS BOUGHT. OF THE SHIP, THAT TIME UN CI Like Concert. The concert by the Coos Bay band at Front and Market Saturday evening was heard by one of the largest crowds that has been out In a long time. Tho various num bers were well rendered and won much praise. High School Commencement. The regular commencement exercises "of the Marshfleld High School will be held Thursday evening at the Ma sonic Opera House, when tho gradu ates will be given diplomas, etc. The full urogram will be announced to morrow. Shoots Foot. Bill Mllner, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Milner, yesterday suffered a slight Injury to his foot while picnicking on Coos River. He had a 22-callbre rifle and while the muzzle was pointed downward, the gun was accidentally discharged. The ball passed between his toes, inflicting merely a slight flesh wound. His pa rents are in Portland. Prominent Man Here. F. J. Ber ger, a member of the Eugene city council, accompanied by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Nurre and her daughter, Miss Nurre, are spending a few days on the Bay. This is their first visit and Mr. Berger Is highly pleased with this section and is planning to, make some Investments here. He is a firm believer In the proposed Eugene-Coos Bay electric and thinks It woiild ac complish big things for both cities. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield, Ore. fcSHrasSHS2S2i1HSHS25H5S52Saar'SSHSa5ZSSBSZ5H5E 25ZS?SHSHSH5aSBSZ5S ru-a-H.B.a.jwji-j,. s-u-s-a-a t---K--K--a------ . LAUNDRY We launder negligee sh'rts beautifully. When a man begins to go vestless, the appearance of his summer shirt assumes ad ded Importance. We count it worthy of note that we're satis fying some of the most particular dressers on Coos Bay with the negligee shirt laundering which we're turning out, and If ve can suit those, we cau certainly suit others. Why not test the Coos Bay way, anyhow, and learu how exceptionally good tho work can bo done? We call for bundles. You needn't bring them. Open Trail. Several Marshfleld people are talking of opening a new trail from West . Marshfleld to the beach. It is claimed that a com paratively good road can be opened 1 COMETS Add Distinction to any costume. Xews of tho Autos. J. E. Schil ling has about sold the handsome new thirty horsepower Cadillac which he received a few days ago to W. U. Douglas. Willis Kennedy, while mak ing a trip to North Bend, struck a stump and damaged his machine con siderably. The Thomas Flyer, which recently took C. F. McKnlght, Her bert Lockhartand a number of others to Roseburg, took another party from there to Portland. It will leave Roseburg to-morrow for Coos Bay. W. P. MURPHY and wife will leave to-day or to-morrow for the Good will ranch on South Coos River, where they will enjoy a few days' outing. MISS MADGE BARRY of Empire is expected home on tho latter part of the week from San Rafael, Calif., where she has been attend ing school the past year. . F. WARNER of San Francisco has been on the Bay the past few weeks looking up possible invest ments, which is understood to have included a railway project. MRS. EDGAR SMITH, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, is a guest ALONG THE WATER FROXT. The Nann Smith will sail to-morrow for Bay Point. The Carlos Is due In to-day from San Francisco to make her first trip out of hero on tho Coos Bay-Grays' Harbor-Seattle run. The tugs L. Roscoe and Robarts came in yesterday from the Sluslaw with miscellaneous shipments and will take back general merchandise. WIRE HANGING BASKETS nt PIO NEER HARDWARE CO. EASTSIDE IS A WINNER. Use Tho Times' "Want Ads. Rerl'.ns Rtoin. Tho library com mittee desires to announce to tho 'public that the library reading room will bo opened June 15th whether all the books are on hand or not. Tho committee are exceedingly sorry be cause of the unavoidable delay. The book3 were ordered In seemingly am ple time to have had them in use several weeks ago. But every mer chant In Marshfleld knows the disap pointments that attend the shipment of their goods and tho Inexplicable delays. The public Is asked to believe that the committee has done every thing possible to hurry tho opening of the library. Miss Jamleson, tho librarian, will be here by the date fixed, and the reading room will be used. It is still hoped that tho sev eral hundred books en routo from the East may bo here by that time. High Cost of Living Again Bumped WE HAVE REDUCED FLOUR. Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Retails $ 1 .60 Per Sk. SPERRY'S SOUND RING Retails $ 1 .60 Per Sk. SPERRY'S RED SHIELD Retails $ 1 .45 Per Sk. Try a Sack of Drifted Snow Yo Will Like It REPRESEXTED EXCLUSIVELY IIY US team Laundry Try Times' Want Ads, liVlagnes&Matson I J. E. LYONS, Manager. Read t'no TJmes Want Ads. - "'R-u-a-H-tt-tt.M-.n-tt-n-::- a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a ... .. .I : ! .....-. Read the Times Want Ada. t ,wu-WaLiiifew A-tojj i"Mfc& ..-wJ1. SfUALsM?,kat Coos Bav S