ru. 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1910 - EVENING EDITION - 1 mwmM Hart I IP' I SS Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffher 6? Marx Ounillull ill ciEaaPsaKHtan here MaBBM3ELSBiEasaiaEmaieMGBMaBw Is Mo Getting Away from the! Fact Gentlemen. I Schaffher S& Marx Clothing Stands I ir (uz piarx uiouiin for Merit. Look all about you, consult your friends who are our patrons, and you can hear unanimous praise and expressions of satisfaction. AVe take great pains in giving, you a perfect fit. Your suit is fully guaranteed to hold its shape and positively all wool. You will not find our garments to fade or change color, and you are insured of its service. Many new stylbs and patterns to show you. Yq. invite your inspection. Ciuett Shirts IN" PLAIN AND PLEATED BOSOMS, CUFFS ATTACHED, COAT STYLE, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN MARSH FIELD TO SHOW YOU. EVERY NEW STYLE ORIGINATED BY CLUETT PEABODY IS REPRESENTED. Prices $1.50 to $2.50 Our Famous Thompson Bros Shoes for Men Considered by all shoe experts to be the best pop ular priced shoe in the market today. Every pair carries a pure WHITE OAK SOLE that will outwear two of anv other make represented in your community today. Price $3.50 to $5.00 The Quality Store Tile Quality Store MOST UP-TO-DATE AND BEST ARRANGED STORE IN ORE COX PORTLAND EXCEPTED. mMMxmmmmms$M!Mmmgx& Special Program Prepared for Services at Tabernacle Sunday Evening.' All churches of the city are In vited to participate In the services at The Tabernacle Sunday evening, at which the sermon to the Senior Class of the Marshfleld High School will bo delivered, Tho public are also cordially in vited to attend. The following inter esting program has been prepared for the occasion. Tho opening number will bo given at S o'clock: 1. Voluntary, Helen Bradley. 2. Doxology, Congregation. 3. Invocation. 4. Anthem, Choir. fi. Scripture reading, Phil. -1:1-9. C. Prayer. 7. Offertory, Anthem. S. Hymn, Congregation. 9. Class Sermon, "The Problem of Yputh." Rev. O. T.eRoy Hall 10. Solo, liable Clare Mlllis. 11. Benediction, it is probable that he will be obliged to go to that country to obtain his rights. Brady F. Burnett, of Washington, D. C, representing tho Census Bu reau, was In town several days last week taking statistics regarding man ufacturing Industries, etc., which are collected separate and apart from the enumeration of population and farm statistics. XI3WS OF ARAGO AX!) V1C1XITV. Born. At Arago, on June 1, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Clinton, a son. II. E. Shulley, the carpenter and contractor, who was given the con tract for the construction, of a new home for E. E.I Johnson, on Spurgeon Hill, has tho foundation completed and in a short time building will be gin to take form. This will be one of tho neatest and most modern homes In tho city. There has been a slight Are In Cody's camp on Lampa the last few days. from the twelfth srrade. Thej were Marlon Custer, Zettle Ilaskais, Xetile ' Belloni, Fred Gartner, Jessie Sweet, jj Hattie Sweet and Owen Knowlton. The upper Fishtrap school Is doing nicely under the guidance of Miss Moril of California, Miss Merle Radabaugh of Fishtrap arrived home on May 2S. She has been teaching school at Allegany the last couple of months. iiwteSisyiljiSBy MWtWlMCTHIIMlllllM IIIWWBIIIHIIMIIMWIWMWMIWM CTrawasaaaaararamgBaCTB Spewing About Clothing J. H Radabaugh and his daughter, Merle, and Miss Maud Abbel of Fish trap, were in Coquille Friday. Jesse Miner, ot iisntrap, had a , runaway at Cody's camp last Wednes-1 j day evening. Little damage was ' done, only the tongue to his buggy was broken. AI.OXG THE WATER FKOXT. Agent Dow received word to-day that tho steamer Plant passed the Rogue River about 9:30 this morning and It is expected she will cross in about i o'clock this afternoon. A number of young people went to Coquille to the graduation exercises Thursday. The exercises were very Interes lag. The graduates were the i'cipieiits of many pretty flowers. There were seven scholars graduated Mr. Lyons of Fishtrap, the Meth odist minister, went to Riverton Sun day, May 29, to deliver a sermon. Mr. Lyons will preach at Fishtrap the secend Sunday In -Tune, t"e The Tir-"' Want Ads. NEWS OK CXKJl.lI. I.E. Coos Comity Swit Events as Told Bj the Sentinel. Boin. At Arago, Oregon, M.i 29, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. John I.ltulo beck, a daughter, (', Mrs. R. M. Wleder, of MarslilU-Ul, returned homo Monday after a visit with her daughtor, Mrs. Fred Tuttle, of Bandon, who accompanied her. Tho "'- nn Breakwnter sailed from Portland this morning at 9 o'clock and it Is expected will reach Coos Bay early to-morrow morning. Will bring in a Fine L ine of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits CALL US UP EY PHONE ID STEA WHY DO WE ENJOY THE PATRONAGE OF THE BEST DRESSED MEN IN THIS- CITY? THE REASON IS THAT WE OFFER Benjamin's Clothing KNOWN AS THE BEST AND T HE BEST KNOWN. Hub Clothing and Shoe Company CASH ONLY. MONEY TALKS. Everything that the KBaaasazajfcifliaMiaiaair Market Affords WXil Arrive Today PHONE 102 J --ti t; -:;-n- R-::-n-R-n-a-n-n-aa-::-::-K---":3""' M, 8 I 8 I a i ,Wije3S-!il BSSSSS2 an wnans iTviaTragraTiCTT)yrTgreraafc E7E2ESIi2HanIS2Sa I Roofing! w Howard, the eight-year-old son of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morras of Ban-, don, was taken quito ill while visiting with his parents nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Walker of this city. I A new hull is to be built for the steamer Echo, plying on the upper river. Messrs. Banter havo let the contract to Mr. Herman, and the boat will bo built at the Herman yard on, tho lower rlvor. j L. P. Maury hears from his daugh-' tor, Mm, Bartholomew, of AVashlng-' " who i verv low from pneumon'n nnil typhoid each day. Thero is but Uttlo change since last reported, she Btlll bolng In a vory critical condition. , ins are showing an ar- tic, -well furnished liv- l room at a very low Is the one durable properly mado roofing that is absolutely de- a pendablo. Once it is laid your roof troubles cease it last r years and is the lowest priced roofing in tho end. Askyurdeae f for the roofing that makes good. J The Paraff ine Paint Co. ITu I C. E. NICHOLSON, Local Distributor 4 !SH5HK25ES?SKasa5H5HH5HH52SK It K cost STEAMER M. F. PLANT j Sails for San Francisco every eight days. J. P. Tuppor, tho pioneer hotel man, will leave for the 1-ast nct Saturday, nceompanied by h's Fran l. daughter, Miss Agnes Tuppc It la poBslblo that they will extend their trip to London, England. Mr. Tin aer Ib Interested In a largo estate and ' This shows how small cost, goes a long way with PERRY, MONTGOMERY & CO. s f. 3 CIITP. i TICKKTS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRlVAIi OP T" ' .. jj RESERVATION'S WILT. BE CANCELLED, AT THAT TlMb p LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. - li THE F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshf ield, 0 j sasHsasasasaracs'.-a.wsssesBSHsv 5SM2ras?sw5H52?rcF? nsas' mwmi wwmtmtmwtim FOR SALE. XKW ll.FOOT AW.M.VG AND ALL KINDS OF NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH. 180 BROADWAY, SECOND HAND STORE. Vtt I AMD CO a us for investments Bay. We guarantee owner. bo our price. . --.I-! Phone 74Iu