THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION. TS --f-3 Guaranteed Clothes "Mill-to-Man" In- sured Clothes cost you less -than other makes which are not insured Every garment is guar anteed all-wool, good tail oring andlasting shape In no other line can you get clothes like these with such a guarantee at $10.00 to $25.00 THE WOOLEN MILL STORE Marshfield, Oregon 111 Mi!i-to-Man Clothiers ftSHZ5Hb2522ESH5ES25H525HSH5HSZH5Bi-ESS Gj Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line id steamer Brea&waker g Sails from Ainsworth Dock Portland, 9 a. m., May 24, .29; June 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28. Sails from Coos Bay May 21, 26, 31, June 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, at service of tide. fa W. F. Miller, Agt,. Phone Main 3 5-L g JSS25Hn:a5?J5E5H5E5E5H5ETCSa5E52S3ra5E5ira52 I n-:w:-a-a-a-a-a-a-n-a-a- n-a-a-a-a -aa-a-a-a-a- a-a-n Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT The best Domestic and Imported brands. 4 Plaster, Lime, Brick, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR rj$ ? TOE COOS BAY TIDES. JUNE High water A.M. P.M. Date. ft. h.m. ft. Filday 3 8:42 G.6 8:54 8.5 Saturday. 4 9:50 6.7 9:40 9.1 SUNDAY. 5 10:52 C.S 10:25 9J5 JUXE Low water A. M. P. M. Date. I h.m. I ft. h.m. f L Friday 3 2:39 1.81 2:271 2.2 Saturday.. 4 3:39 0.S 3:24 2.5 SUNDAY.. 5 4:32 0.1 4:17 2.8 tlon of 40 cents per barrel In the price of flour. Gets Picture. Harry Winkler, of the Lockhart .& Parson's drug store, has just received a largo group photo of the recent convention of Califor nia pharmacists. Coos Bay is repre sented in tho front row by Mr. Winkler. 310 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 201 . -0. . 4. , .--- ft- - .- -- ---- ..-- raa--a-a-a-a-. -u--- K-a-a-a------T--- LAUNDRY We launder negligee shirts beautifully. When a niau begins to go vestless; the appearance of his summer shirt assumes ad ded Importance. We count it worthy of note that we'ro satis fying some of the most particular dressers on Coos Bay with the negligee shirt laundering which we'ro turning out, and If o can suit those, wo can certainly suit others. Why not test the Coos Bay way, anyhow, and learn how exceptlonallj good the work can be done? We call for bundles. You needn't bring them Coos Bay Steam Laundry J, E. LYONS, Manager. -w-a-a-H-s-u-a-B-a-tt-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-B-B-n-n WEATHER REPORT. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Saturday warmer. 5 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. t Tor twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 p. m., May 31, 'by Mrs. Mingus, special government me- teorologlcal observer: Maximum 59 Minimum 39 At 4:43 n. m 57 Precipitatlbn None Wind, Northwest; clear. Bad Runaway. A lively runaway at the C. A. Smith mill created con siderable excitement jesterday after noon. Superintendent Smeaton's children drove to the mill In their pony cart and- coming up unexpect edly behind A. H. Powers' pacing mate, frlghtned the animal so that she broke her fastenings and ran di rectly over the small cart and ponies. The children escaped most fortunate ly with nothing worse than the twelve-year-old son being slightly bruised on one arm. Tho pacer then proceeded to lay 'out a new track around tho mill buildings and broke all world's records. She also broke tho buggy Into splinters and the pony cart was badly damaged'. The mare 1 ecelved a number of bad cuts but no permanent Injuries are antici pated. Altogether it was a most fortunate termination of what might have been a very serious accident. Business Change. Robert Mars den, Jr., has pui chased the interest of his brother, Sam, in tho Royal Theatre and will conduct it himself hereafter. Close Dining Room. The dining room of tho Blanco Hotel has been closed and the place will be continued ns a European hotel only, no meals being served. Flour Declines. F. S. Dow re ceived notice to-day of another reduc- '1 SAl'i:.$10O Orpin, good J, for $25 Address R caro of The Times. ' "KXT. Furnished c-otta" on ! ,,aih street near Golden avenue. ;JMhone 147J. lri"Ms row CAT,, tan areS t0 fifteen hundred acres, Proved and unimproved. Prices "0 ?C00 to $25,000, according location and improvements. Al- HanT?, clty Property. Apply .j Hall, Marshfield. I x , " Kirl for general house- k". ' ln family. Mrs. John L .. -thBend; Tel., 31. 1 i,..EXl'Stro in Coos Building. "V at Woolen Mill Store. FOUND. Opeii-faml sllver-alckcl watch, with leather fob. Owner can got same at W. R. Haines Music Store by paying for this notice. 1 -1 I WANTED An experienced girl to do general housework. Apply to Mrs. J. B. Rust, Phone 152 L. um) cur Tiifis male Scotch collie pups and five females: price 1 $2.50 and ?5. Address Milton, Church, Marshfield. South Coos River. 1 FOR SALE. New "Anchor Biiwid" , buggy. O. O. Lund, 215 Broad-j way, i FOR RENT Houses $7, 310 nnd I upwards. Ounnery, Pnona 34J j rem Select ami r. mr M" ' tl ' '" ' ' net jour mono . wj.r.l. u,. ine tmi fngPrtmeiiUwHhBWB- M BUdgei , IToprUUtM. coiSETS $1.00 to $5.00 C. A. Moore Estate Pays Dividend. A payment of 20 per cent dividend on claims against the estate of C. A. Moore, deceased, has been made this week by order of the court, made and filed on May 27, 1910. Tho admin istrator of the estate wns ordered to pay the expenses of tho administra tion, the preferred claims and a 20 per cent dividend on the claims re ceived and approved within the six months permitted by law to present claims against tho estato. This Is not the final payment on these claims. It was hoped to settle the estate up all at one time, but as the administra tor had on his hands nearly $3,?)00, and It being Impossible to sell the real property at that time, it was thought best for the estate to pay a dividend. The real property will be sold as soon as possible, and tho ad ditional nnd final payment made on the claims. The real property be longing to the estate of C. A. Moore Ib appraised at $2,100. Redd The Times' Want ads. REPRESENTED EXCLUSIVELY BY US Vacation Reading Aro you prepared for your vacation reading? If not, why not? Our stock of all the popular fiction is now com plete. Call In and inspect our largo stock. Magnes&Matson Crosby & Homer --I-1--1 -t-f 1 I T1 ---- I Central Ave, uext to Stafford. j; Persona! Notes MRS C E WITTER of Redding, Calif., is a Marshfield Isitor. II J WILLIAMS of Coqullle is trans. I acting business in Marshfield. NORTH BEND NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wlttick and children, with a few friends, spent yesterday at Big Creek. J W BLANEY of Tacoma is trans acting business on Coos Bay. P. E LARSON and family of Allega ny are visiting In Marshfield today F. B WAITE Is expected to arrive on Coos .Bay soon on a business trip. W. R. HAINES has returned from a business trip through tho Umpqua country. MRS. C. H. MARSH and daughter, Isls, will leave Sunday for Port land to attend the Roso Carnival. FRANK A. HOMER, of Crosby & Homer, returned yesetrday from a successful business trip in the Coquille Valley. MRS. E. R. COLGAN Is improving rapidly from tho effects of tho re cent operation and will be taken to her residence from the Home Hos pital to-day. CHARLES II. B. SMITH, who has been installing machinery ln the new Smltji mill, leaves soon for Bay Point to install machinery ln the plant there. WARNER OGREN has so far recov ered from tho recent operation for appendicitis that he has been re moved from Mercy Hospital to his home. His many friends will be pleased to welcome him back to his place In the Norton & Hansen store. The ladles of the M. E. Aid Society, spent Thursday at the home of Rev. Raab no Kentuck Inlet. The North Bend Central School closed to-day with appropriate exer cises In the several rooms. Louis Motzler, who has been visit ing in Kansas and other Eastern States, returned yesterday via the Drain route. A farewell social was given, Wednesday eenlng to Mr. and Mrs. Summerlin previous to their depar ture for Salem. Tl.T Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold a special meeting at tho church next Tuesday afternoon and all mem bers are requested to' bring a thlmblo and come prepared to work. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mather and son, Francis, left this morning for Wedderburn ln Curry county. Mr. Mather is of the Arm of the Coos Bay Grocery and Is enjoying his vacation. The W. C. T. U. will hold a special meeting on Tuesday at 3:30 p. m at tho Presbyterian Chinch. All mem bers aro urged to be present as busi ness of Importance will come before the meeting. SCHOOL NEWS. The primary pupils having finished weaving caps, are now working on muffs. GET MORE WATER. The final examinations begin Tuesday. Coquille Will Add Considerable to Its Supply. COQUILLE, Ore., June 2. Tho city council of Coquille has ordered from Ballard, Washington, 500 feet of conduit pipe to be us.ed In taking In another stream to our water sup ply. With tho Improvements being made to the water system it is not probablo that any restrictions will bo put on tho use of water for Irrigat ing yards. There was a little com plaint, a short time ago about the water being dirty. It is not noticed since the new work is finished on tho supply pipes and the reservoirs have been flushed and conditions are greatly Improved In fact, Coqulllo has a water system that any town might be proud of. Florence Ferguson of tho fourth, grade Is absent this week on account of blckness. Rend the Times Want Ads. Elvle Grant of the second grad has had perfect spelling lessons for three weeks, Hllmore Grant for seven, weeks and Opal Whobrey for two months. Jack Merchant of tho fifth grado was absent this week on account of illness. Tho folowlng pupils of the fourth grade mnde 90 or more ln all of tho examinations for this month: Rus sell Ketchum, Lloyd Le MIeux, Gbo. Englund, Lee Totten, Hazel Cook, John Henrlcks, Geo. Hongell, Helen Rees, Wilfred McLaln, Joe Milner, Ruby Pitman, Bert Trlbbey. Times' Warn Ads Get Results. High Cost of Living Again Bumped WE HAVE REDUCED FLOUR. Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Retails $ 1 .60 Per Sk. SPERRY'S SOUND RING Retails $ 1 .60 Per Sk. SPERRY'S RED SHIELD Retails $ 1.45 Per Sk. Try a Sack of Drifted Snow You Will Like It MWilMl'mffl---'''1 vyj