(Eltttft Yfr'' ADS. dM NEWS ,r,lE.V III'SIXKSS IS SLOW, Al SlTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS KV1 nFVCKI) HV SUCCESSFUL IMJS1 HOUSES KVERYWHERE :: yOk XXXII. Established In 1H78 ns The Coast Mall. - MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS HAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AMi THE TIME TERSELY TOLD :: :: :: :: :: MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1910 EVENING EDITION onnlllntlou of Times, Const Mull iind Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 247 BEET REPORTED 10 IV WRIHEN ABOUT POLITICAL PLANS Saidio Have Indorsed Taft Ad ministration and Denied As pirations for 1912. MNTS LOEB TO BE NEXT GOVERNOR fad and Loeb, However, De ny Knowledge oi Any biicn Documents. (Bv Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. Theodore Roosevelt, according to lo cal papers has written letters to Pres ident Taft endorsing the present ad ministration. The letters are also sail to show lie is not to bo a presi dential candidate In 1912 nor for jit other oillce meantime. It is said he wants William Loeb, Jr., to be governor of Now York. ALL XEWS TO TAFT. iPrcsldeiit Says lie Has Not Received Such Let era. fUr Associated Press 1 PITTSBURG, Pa., May 2. Pres ident Taft says lie has not received lanr letters from Rosevelt of the character Indicated in the Washing- ton dispatches. -. - ALL XEWS TO LOE11. IFormer Secretary Denies Knotvl-'thry of Plans. (By Assoclmetl Pres I .NEW YORK,, Mny 2,-Wm, Loeb aid he knows noothlng of the Iet- Iters or of any plans of Roosevelt-involving his on polltiical future. SI PRESIDENT 1 EVIDENCE Would Require Wickersham's Letters on Glavis Charges to Be Made Public. I by Associated Preas.) WASHINGTON, D. C. May 2. A resolution was introduced In the se today by Renresentatlve Har rison (democrat) of New York, call- las on President Taft to furnish the 'ouse information bearing upon the Preparation of the attorney general's tmnmaty of the Glavis charges which the BuHinger-PIncliot investigating emml tee refused to request from Wckersham TAX TO FUNDED BE HE Special Levy on Inheritances During Spanish-American War to Be Returned. 'By Associated Prpss.) "ASHLVnTnv r, ,,.. o dJ Tm ol clalms todav rendered a C!8!on holdlnir tViof .,-t.,I iiq ... O mut u LCI 111,11 .M 1 co"eetlons on legacies made as result of k-isiatlon enacted to car- iIom the sI)anish-American war ""Id be refunded. The decision " the return of about five niil- dollars. MIST STAND TRIAL. J "Bar Trust Secretary Fails to Es- cape. 'nr Associated Press.) ":" c-Mar -- U- . ""me, lormer secretary or t,, lerlcai Sugar Company will be Bent f d t0 Stand tr,al on an ind,ct' SOTer consnlracy to defraud the -tui out of sugar customs. . 'apreme court of the United "" o decided today. NEWS FORECAST FDR THE WEEK Important Events Scheduled for the Next Six Days in This Country. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 30. President Taft will spend Monday in Pittsburg, attending the Founder's Day exercises at the Carnegie Insti tute in the forenoon and speaking at the annual banquet o the Americus Republican club in the evening. The following day he will go to Cincin nati to attend the May Music festival In that city and to speak at the un .veiling of a bust of Theodore Thomas. From Cincinnati the President will journey to St. Louis, whp im ic scheduled to address a meeting of the Aauunai i-armers" congress called to discuss needed State and National legislation of importance to those en gaged in the agricultural industry The cases of Governor Haskell of Oklahoma and four other defendatns charged with conspiracy to defraud in. handling Muskogee town lots will come up for trial Monday before the United States district court now in session at Tulsa. Former President Roosevelt will ?paad the week in visiting the north ern capital cities of Copenhagen, Christian! and Stockholm, In each of which elaborate preparations are be ing made for his reception and enter tainment. In Christian! he will de liver an address before the Nobel peace prize committee and will re ceive a doctor's degree from the uni versity. At the end of the week Mr. Roosevelt will proceed to Germany. Commander Robert E. Peary will be entertained at luncheon Tuesday by tho Royal Societies Club in Lon don, and ou tho following day will receive the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society, before whom he Will lecture at the Albert Hall. Another event of the week in London will be the opening of the Japan British Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush. Monday will witness tho start from Denver of a score of contesting automobiles bound for tho City of Mexico on the Flag-to-Flag endur ance and reliability contest under the rules of tho American Automobile Association. The chief object of the tour is to open new territory for the automobile in the southwest and in Mexico. Tho. week will be notable for the large number of religious conferen ences and other meetings and con ventions of national Interest. Includ ed among tho gatherings will bo the National Missionary Congress and the annual Northern Baptist Convention, both of which are to be held in Chi cago; the quadrennial general con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which will attract thousands of visitors to Ashvllle, X. C; the second annual conference on city planning and problems ot con jrpstinn. which Is to assemble In Rochester, and the International Or thopedic Congress, which wm noiu wa BPssiniiR in Washington during the three days beginning with Tuesday. NORTH FRONT STREET SCENE OF " ROUGH HOUSE" ISE VERE STORM HITS MEDDLE IST'TRIAL OF . GOD Rain, Hail, Wind and Tornado Do Damage in District Sur rounding Kansas City. (By Associated Press ) KANSAS CITY, May 2. Last night's heavy rain and hall storm was general In Missouri, eastern and central Kansas, North Central Okla homa, Iowa, Nebraska, demoralized telegraph and telephone service for many hours and caused more or less 10 ARE SHOT damage to fruit and growing crops. In central Kansas six inches of rain fell, breaking a six weeks drought. At Wichita it was accompanied by a 44-mlle wind. Trees were uprooted and telegraph and telephone poles prostrated. A tornado struck the outskirts of Emporia, Kansas, last night and de stroyed several small houses but It is believed no lives were lost. Snow fell In Denver this morning and fr.eezlng temperatures prevailed. Colder temperatures are predicted for the southwest tonight FROM AMBUSH Rock Lake, Wash. Farmer and Hired Man Mysteriously ' Attacked. (By Associated Press.) SPOKANE, Wash., April 30. One man is dead and one seriously wound ed as a result of a shooting last night near Rock Lake, about 20 miles south of Spokane. While they were going from the barn to the house about nine o'clock last night on the Aaron Harris ranch, James Boone, a rancher, and Fred Rollin his hired man, were fired upon from ambush. Boone died three minutes later. Rol lin was shot In the hand. The crime is suspected as the work of some jealous neighbor who had quarreled with Boone. No arrests have been yet made. MORSE WANTS TO QUIT JAIL COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Electric Whins Tom Dowji i "c- btrirted District" nut " rests Have lU-eii Made, o .,. trM the "restricted district" on North Front street Is re ported to have been tho scene of a decided "rough house." Just what happened and who wore in it is not known, no arrests having been made Marshal Carter said today that he heard there was trouble there late Saturday night but he dldn t know anything about It. Mayor Straw ser, red notice on the places some time ago that they must move and tnej h ... ,.. conn ns the tide got agreed iw jui -- high enough to permit the float houses being moveo a. ' EASTSIDB IS A W1KSKIU San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland Victors in Sun day Games. fBy Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., May 2. Yes terday's games in the Pacific Coast League resulted as follows: At Portland - K H Portland 1 7 San Francisco 3 3 At Los Angeles Los Angeles 4 Sacramento 2 6 Second Game Los Angeles 4 9 Cacramento '..2 11 At Oakland Vernon - Oakland. 3 5 Second Game Vernon 1 5 Oakland 2 S The results of Saturday's games were as follows: At Portland R H Portland 1 " San Francisco 3 10 At Oakland. . Oakland 2 5 Vernon 5 7 At Los Angeles Lo3 Angeles 1 4 Sacramento 3 9 (11 innings) TO DAM DIG STREAMS. House Em powers Secretary of War to Decide, (ny Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. By a vote of 87 to 9 tho House today passed the Stevens bill for construc tion of dams across navigable streams and empowered the Secretary of War to fix the charges for tho use of water rights that might result from such Improvements. HUGHES IS CONFIRMED. Another Fight for Freedom for New York Ice King Is Be gun Today. (Hy Associated Ft ess.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. Another fight for the freedom of Charles W. Morse, tho New York i "Ice King" who is serving fifteen years in the federal prison at At lanta, begun today In tho Supreme court of the United States when Mar tin W. Littleton asked leave to file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus. It is contended that Morse did not have trial by Impartial jury, that the trial court submitted to the jury an offense not charged in the Indictment J and that the judgment is five years i in excess authorized by the statute 61 LIS MONTESANO TODAY HIDE TR AL IS' HARD FOUGHT Medical Book Used to Prove Expert Erred in Autopsy Work. (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, May 2. Armed with scores of medical text books, At torney Frank P. Walsh today resum ed the cross examination of Dr. Lud wig Hektoen. As a result, tho Judge announced , night sessions will be held until the evidence is completed. Walsh atacked Hektoen's testimony in part with a text book which the pathologist collaborated in writing. Among tho things done In tho au topsy on Swope and advised against by Hecjctoen in the book were hot water was used in thawing out the body. Tho brain was taken out while frozen hard; tho brain was severed at the base without the uso of a i knife. Brain was cracked in tho j course of removal. Only accidental severing of tho i base brain prevented his using n knife said tho witness. The contents of the bladder were thrown away. The text book states strychnine Is readily found in tho urine. On direct examination tho witness said but one of Chrlsman Swope's lungs was con gested. Today ho said both were affected. NORTH FRONT STREET ROAD Meeting Called for Tonight to Urge Commissioners to Hasten Project. J. E. Schilling and others have call ed a meeting of the business meh to bo held at the Maishfield Chamber of Commerce this evening to take neces sary action to secure the opening of North Front street without further delay. It Is expected that a number from North Bend will bo in attend ance. Mayor L. J. Simpson has been Invited to attend. The plan Is to arrange to take tho matter up Immediately with tho county court and have them arrange for tho right of way with Eugene O'Connell, who according to the de cision of the circuit court Is entitled to the damages, and havo the road built at once. General Manager R. M. Jennings of tho Coos Bay Gas and Electric compnny is willing and anx ious to havo tho road put through and will grade and improve it along their property. Mayor Simpson of North Bend has also signified his desire to get the road through as quickly as possible. As the county has not cashed the I warrant which E. O. Hall received I for damages, It Is contended that they ' aro not out anything on the old deal. Whilo Mr. Hall received the $400 damages from a bank warrant, It is claimed that it is a matter for the" bank and Mr. Hall to settle since the circuit court decreed that Mr. O'Con noll and not Mr. Hall was entitled to the money. The cause of tonight's meeting Is tho intimation that the county com missioners would not do nny more work on tho North Front street im provement until the abutting prop erty owners agreed to It and relieved the county of damage claims and tlfat meanwhile the old road via Fern dale would be fixed up for use. i JURY PUGILIST TODAY. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. The senate Judiciary has decided to report favorably upon the nomination of Charles Evans Hughes to be asso ciate justice of the supreme court of the United States. The Times does all kinds of Job printing. Funeral of Tommy McCarthy Held in Sim Francisco. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. Tho fu neral of Tommy McCarthy, the pugil ist, who died as a result of a fractured skull received In tho bout Friday night with Owen Moran, was held to day from the homo of his parents.. THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, May 2. Wheat closed as follows: May J1.08; July $1.02; September fl.01. . i PORTLAND, May 2. "Wheat un changed. TACOMA, May 2. Wheat un changed, JOHN ANDERSON who has been suffering from diphtheria is re ported to have suffered a relapse that may result seriously. M. F. PLANT IN FROM 'FRISCO Steamship Arrives Today from South After Good Voyage Many Passengers. The M. F. Plant arrived In nt noon today after a good trip hero from San Francisco. She had a fair cargo of freight and a medium sized passenger list. The Plant will sail from hero for San Francisco at 2 o'clock Wednesday. Among those arriving on the M, F. Plant were tho following: T. A. Sweet, M, Pollack, J. D. Craig W. J, Kenlson, E. A. Todd, P. Rich ards, D. A. Richardson, A. R. Mc Neil, II. Borcher, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. II. A. Frltts, J. A. Bernstein, J. Hob- son, J. F. Marshall, O. II. Sneed, J. A. King, J. O. GuIIIand, R, A. Wheel er, L. II. Tennyson, F. A. Perry, Geo. Allen, A. N, Place, Mrs. Place, Mrs. Katrlna Peterson, Miss E, Moril, Mrs. P. S. Norton, Miss C. E. Witter, II. J. Lee, J. Lavish, F. E. Longfellow, G. Wilson, C. Peterson and S. Cooper. ALTAR SOCIETY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR Ludlos of St. Monlru'H Church Hold Annual Election Mr. Hugh McLaln Is Chosen President. Tho annual election of olllcors of the Altar Society of St. Monica's Catholic church resulted as follows: President Mrs. Hugh McLaln. Vice-President Mrs. E. K. Jones. Secretary Mrs, Cowan. Treasurer Mrs. P. Dolan. Free embroidery lessons at the Needle Craft. Phone 24C J. Much Interest in Fate of AI 1 leged Murder of Sailors. HE WAS HEAD OF THE SAILORS' UNION Alleged to Have Done Away With Scores Around Grays Harbor. CBy Associates Press.) MONTESANO, Wn May. 2. Tho trial of William Gobi charged with tho murder of Charles Hedberg, was commenced hero today. Tho exam ination of talesmen will probably bo long nnd tedious owing to tho wldo publicity given tho alleged crime and it may bo several days before n jury is finally selected to hear tho evidenco the prosecution has gathered to substantiate its caso against the accused man. WO.MAX IS DLOWN UP. Enemies Said to Have Placed E.vplo slvo In Fuel. (By Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA, May 2.' Yeta Friedman, 70 years old, killed today by an explosion. believed that nn explosive was placed In tho fuel by enemies. -Mrs. was It is MEMOR AL DAY OF THE EAGLES Marshfield Aerie Pays Tribute to Departed Members Graves Decorated. Tho annual memorial exorcises of Marshfield Aerie, Fratenral Order of Eagles, were held yesterday and woro largely attended by members nnd friends. During the morning, tho gra ves of tho deceased members of tho order in tho cemeteries at Coos Rivor, Coquille, Bandon and Marshfield woro fittingly decorated. Tho Coos Bay Concert Band lead tho lino of march from the Acrlo'B homo on South Second street to tho cemetery where tho memorial ritual was carried out by' President W. W. Holland, Past Pres. Chas. Howard, Acting Chaplain T. J. Lynch and Secretary C. C. Going. Beautiful trib utes were paid to tho departed members. Over 200 Vnrtlclpated in tho cere monies. GRAHAM CASE GOES TO JURY Damage Suit Will Be Submit ted This Afternoon at Coquille. COQUILLE, Oro., May 2. Tho caso of It. A. Graham vs tho South ern Pacific et al did not go to the Jury Saturday evening as was expect ed but will bo submitted some tlmo this afternoon. Jttdgo Hall opened tho final argument before Judge Har ris this morning and is being followed by tho Mossrs. Fonton nnd Judge Watson will close for the plaintiff. The caso has aroused much intorMt hero, Among thoso on tho Jury aro .Wm. Ekblad, F. M. Frledberg, Tom Carey, Frau k Flam and Mossrs. Barkalow, Haga, Lamb and Crouch. After 1Mb I'roiM-rty. D. A. Rich ardson, a Spokane capitalist, arrived hero today. It Is understood that ho has been negotiating for tho pur chase of the O. C. & N. property nnd that his visit Is to Investigate it fur ther beforo closing tho doal. A