jffwrv-TprTja-ni" tt-tV" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1910 EVENING EDITION r 2 COOS BAY TIMiS Entered at too postofllce nt Marsh flld, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. 660 V-W$4 1 i u i i n i n l 4 J TnAOTAMHTCA IUHOIHIIUIL-H o LIKKS COOS IIAV. O M. O. MALONEV Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Usshllcld :: :: :: :: Oregon "S- Al Independent Hopuullcau uew paper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by STbo Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that eil shall not thrive unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. In Advanco. DAILY. One year $6.00 BU months -$2.60 Lobs than 6 months, per month .60 When not paid strictly in advance the price subscription of the Coos Bay Times Is $0.00 FEB YEAB. WEEKLY. One year $1.50 The Coos Cay Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall And The Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos Day and The Cooa Bay Times Is Its ImmediAte successor. OFFICIAL FAFEB OF THE CITY OF MABSIIFIELI). Ofllclnl Fuper of Coos County. LET US HAVE PARKS. NE OF the best pieces of news The Times has printed In some time was the proposition of Pat rick Hennessy to present the city with land for a park. One of the pressing requirements of Marahfleld and Coos Day is the need of provisions for the future in tho matter of public play grounds nnd recreation spots. These provisions should be made nowwhen land may bo secured at reasonable prices. No American city possesses greater possibilities for scenic beauty than does Marshileld and Coos Day. Thero are many magnificent spots around Coos Day that might be con verted into a park of such romantic be.auty as to become the most; perfect example of chic art In America and probably In tho world. Now Is tho tlmo for tho commence ment of a splendid system of parks and playgrounds. Tho land can be had cheaply and possibly other prom inent citizens prompted by tho ad mirable example of local patriotism nnd prldo exhibited by Mr. Hennessy may offer park sites as their con tribution to the communal welfare. Thero could bo no greater demon titration, thnt at heart this community stands for tho things that aro per manent and Ideal. Hurrah for Hennessy Park! GOOD EVENING. A gush of bird-song, a pattern of dew, A cloud and a rainbow's warning, Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue An April day in the morning. Spofford. THE CENSUS MAN IS COMING! Its Once a puzzle agitated All this busy land: Doth men and women sought depths To learn and understand; It wrecked the peace of families Did business shops invade, And every branch of Industry Distributing, did pervade. Tho abstract man of science, The school girl at her books Tho social belle who erstwhile Thought only of h'er looks. Tho merchant and the farmer too, The busy, plodding clerk, The housewife and the errand boy, This problem all did work. Dut past all power of guessing, At last they put it by, Dut now tho one is near at hand, Who can the secret spy. The census man is coming soon, Whose questions each life guage, And unto him by force of law, Must all Anns tell their age. STOBY OF THE DAY. PLENTY OF WORK AHEAD. An editor away for awhile left his paper in charge of a minister. Dur ing the minister's stay in the sanc tum the following letter came from a subscriber: "I know very well I paid my subscription to your paper the last time I wds in town. If I gt any more such letters from you as I received last week I will come in and maul h 1 out of you." The minister answered: "I have been try ing to got that out of tho editor for en years, and if you will come down and maul it out of him, then, dear sir, I have twenty members of my church I will get you to operate on." Poitliind Man Says This Section I Dooming. Edward D. Duffy, traveling freight and passenger agent for the Gould system in Portland has returned from a. two-weeks trip In the Pugot Sound country, San Francisco and Coos Day. Mr. Duffy found business condi tions good everywhere, although there was some slight exception at Seattle. "Everything" Is booming at Coos Day," commented Mr. Duffy. "They are looking forward to a great year down there and it looks as if they would not be mistaken." Ore-gonion. WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA Scientists are now agreed that the eczema germs are lodged not in the outer skin or epidermas, but in the Inner skin. Hence, a penetrating liquid is required ,not an outward salve that clogs the pore3. We recommend to all eczema patients tho standard prescription Oil of Wintergreen as compounded in liquid form known as D. D. D. Pres cription. A trial bottle of this D. D. D. Prescription, at only 25 cents, will Instantly relieve tho Itch. We'have 3old and recommended this remedy for years, and know of wonderful cures from its use. We recommend it to our patrons.. The Rod Cross Drug Co. CUBED HAY FEVEB AND SUMMER COLD A. S. Nusbaum, Datesvllle, In diana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business, I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doc tor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed only to aggravate it. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the sanie success," RED CROSS Phar nacv, (John Preuss Prop.) A Dime's Worth of Pure Candy Is better than a dollar's worth of cheap trash stuff. The quality of our candy has al ways been our pride and Is the solid foundation on which our business has been built. Our candy will not Impair your teeth for It contains nothing but pure sugar and the finest of fruit flavors. Try a Dimes worth. "Always Something New" at maflont&i TWO STOBES 230 Front St 140 Central Ave SOME OF OUR CLAIMS We don't believe that you can find a better all-round Grocery on Coos Day than right at this store. We .don't believe that you can find a place that will deal mo'ro fairly with you than we will. We don't believe that, dollar for dollar, you can do QUITE as well anywhere else. Those are our claims to prove them is our aim. Will you give us an opportunity to do so the first time you are need ing something In our line? Marshfield Grocery Co. 210 BROADWAY PHONE 12-J G. W. BUNGAN, Undertaker Telephone: Day 103-J Undertaking Booms Front St. North Marshfteld. Oregon. A fool never worries, and yet wj are told that to worry Is foolish. Every Coos Day man has o lot of rules he wants other people to obey. HOMES FOB MANY. IT DOES not require a person with any groat stretch of imagination to forseo that at no distant date Coos county will bo ono of the rich est counties in tho state, as well as a heavily populated section of the state. Tho county will never be noted for Its largo farms, either fruit or grain, but will rather bo known for diversified agriculture and kindred Interests. Tho greater part of tho county Is peculiarly adapted to the dairy industry, wlttlo small fruits, cranberries, truck gardonlng etc., will furnish independent livelihoods for hundreds of families. At present the Coqulllo valley Is perhaps tho far thest along, toward development of any section of tho county In this di rection but all sections of tho county havo many thousands of acres of tho finest land thnt can be found In any part of tho stato when cleared. If this could bo divided up into 40 acre tracts It would make homes for many hundred and eventually become very rich sections. Tho present largo woalth of tho county In timber lands wll bo utilized largoly in transforming tho county from almost n wlldornoss Into a thri ving community of happy, prosperous tillers of tho soil. NOTICE. All Coos county warrants drawn on tho Gonoral Road Fund and en dorsed prior to April 1st, 1010, ox cept warrant No. 25, class E, will bo paid on presentation at my olllco in Coqullle, OroKon. No Interest will bo allowed on any of theso war rants nfter April 25th, 1010. Da ocl this Apill 22nd. 1010. County Treasurer Many a Coos Day woman who is gentle with other people is rough with her husband. WE NOW HAVE THE THIS mm n This prosperity you hear so much about; no ono will hand you your share of it in cash. Women always were gentler than men. They say: "Oh, heavens!" while men say just tho reverse. Carrie Chapman Catt asserts that woman has just as good Judgment as man. Tho main trouble is that she neglects to exercise It when select ing a husband. IS THE FAMOUS BARRINGTON HAL! BAKER-IZED COFFEB It makes a fine exhil arating beverage of med ium strength. FOB SALE AT F: A. SACCHI Corner Commercial nnd Second Si When You Need a Doctor you always get the Dest. Our twen ty years experience should be worth something to you and when we can't repair your Electrical troubles we will tell you. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. Some ono has discovered that tho cost of living in Portland has advan ced J i per cent in flvo years. And life in Portland had about all the drawbacks It could stand live years ago. pR. J. W. INGRAM -' Physician and Surgeon. Office 208-200 Coos Building Phones Office 1621; Residence 1621 J"R. A. L. nOUSEWOBTH i-' Physician and Surgeon Offices second floor of Flanagan U Bennett Banfc Building. Office hours 2 to 4 p m.; 7 to 8 p. a Phone: Offlco. 1431; Residence. 14S1 Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rigs at all hours and a carry-all that we will send out with partiej wishing to go in crowds. L. R HEISNER ftlnrshfleld, Ore. Phone 120-J 9" VC WT-ii Small Jobs nr ivititvo as wut.r. ao t a TO SEE OUR LINE OF NEW Fivn-nT:' ASMI ING IX OUR DARK ROOM. UUH!i- Marshfield Electric Fixture and Supply H ousel PHONE 2 10-J T YOU CAN AfFORD IT NOW IT IS THE POLICY OF THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF Tnp COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY TO PLACE ALL TN PRODUCTS WITniN REACH OF ALL THE PEOPLE Tiipv J3. I. WITn THIS END IN VIEW THE PRICE OF REACH. GAS 1 HAS BEEN REDUCED TO 91.70 CENTS PER THOUSAND WITH A DISCOUNT OF TWENTY CENTS MAKING TnE NET RATE I $1.50 Per Thousand PHONE US AND A MAN WILL CALL. f Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. PHONE 178. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY, MARSHFIELD, ORE. March 29, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. . . . ? SG.473.1S Overdrafts 211.90 Donds and securities... 25,C03:90 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 5G.S11.10 Cash on hand and due from banks 59,798.50 LIADILITIDS. Capital stock paid in. . . $100,000.0!) Surplus fund soyj Undivided profits 1,962.1! Deposits 126,436!l0 Total $228,8985! Total $22S,S9S.58 We invite your attention to the strong condition of this bank u shown 1 the above statement to-wlt: Cash reserve 47 per cent of deposits. Reserve required by law 15 per cent of deposits. Reserve in excess of legal requirements. . .32 per cent of deposits. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE. President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL BANKING AN D TBUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Tho old-fashioned woman who could "take down" her hair and sit on It has been succeeded by tho wo mnn who can take off her hair and sit on It, or uso it as a mattress, as the exigencies of tho case seem to require. The Jacksonville Times-Union tells of a man In that town who cut down his church contribution because of tho Increased cost of living. Per haps he thinks it won't hurt the preacher to worry a llttlo harder ov er tho aforesaid cost of living. Tli. C. R. DENNETT, Dentist, Phone 205.J. 217-218 Coos Dullau-g, fliarshfleld Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-L. Have you lost anything? BANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK Wells Fnrgo Nevada National Bank, San Francisco, CL The United States National Bank, Portland, Ore. Tho National Park Bank, New York, N. Y, Tho Corn Exchange National Dank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotlnnd, London, England. Tho Credit Lyounals, Paris, France. wI,,Lddit,.(m Y? .draw. drafts on a11 Principal banking center in g South fiSca - ' Au8taUa Ch,na' JaDan' North. Central "d I Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. 8 CertlUcates of Deposit lsr jod. Sato Deposit Boxes for rent. n Draws Drafts on T. w- BENNETT, Offlco over Flanf.gan & DeunetJ Bank. Marahfleld, orl. w S. TUBPEN Architect Over Chamber of Commerce Tho "smart sot" nt Coronado, Cal ornln, have taken up with the "chan tlcloer luncheon" which Is described In a roport as follows: "I: consists in tossing Into tho air small pieces of cake and other dainties thnt are caught In thoir open mouths beforo they descend." This Is about the limit. The Times trusts thnt the Coos Day people who aro In San Diego are not guilty of Indulg ence In iheo functions For Indigestion and all stomach trouble take Foley's Orlno Laxative as it stimulates the stomach and iver and regulates the bowols and will positively cure habitual con stipation. RED CROSS PHAR MACY. (John Preuss, Prop.) We Are Now Prepared to do all kinds of dying, pressing and cleaning". Now is tho tlmo to get rid of the clothes that you have cast aside. Wo will make them look Hko new, and we also do fancy dyeing all kinds of silks and fancy dresses, and our prices are right. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 220-J THE HEIGHT OF CIGAR QUALITY IS ACHIEVED IN A What, to Eat, Is a daily problem, but where to buy is solved at once when you de cide to order all your table supplies from WOLCOTTS OUR GOODS ARE FRESH OUR QUALITIES ARE HIGH OUR PBICES MOST REASONABLE These three cardinal principles of this grocery store should make you a permanent patron. We please oth ers and would Hko an opportunity to pleaso you. C. W. Wolcott THE GROCER. PHONE 97 J FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Dank in Coos County, Established in 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus, 980,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the Bank of California, San Frnnclsco, Col.; Hanover National Bank, N. Y.; first National Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; The London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts fcent subleet to check. Bale deposit lock boxes for rent. i t ,,. ..x.. OFFICERS: 7 t tt tr JF1 Prcs,,,ent' F. WIMJAMS, Cashier. f ,,A.oAN' V'-Prw. GEO. E. WINCHESTER. Asst. Cash. 1 lNTEIMff,T PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. J -a--a----.-::.n.:JJ.:j. --::--::-::-::-; n-K--K-JWtf f 8 i I ? ? env n la imnortant when buying to seo that yo u get title as well as value. J We are best prepared to give, you both. Our work is reliable, jj Aro General Agents for Eastsido and Sengstacken's Addition. ? Hence you will consult your own interests to corao to headquar- ? 3 'S tO dn lllislnnac 8 1 Abstracts and-Real Estate To anyone Interested in above wo would ters to do business . . mo FOR SALE. NEW U FOOT AWNING, ALSO ' & BUGGY, EUCKBO'.RD AND ALL'S iv i. mis ill' xi:v AND SECOND. IK HANI) GOODS, CHEAP FOB CASH. BROADWAY, SECOND-HAND Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Branch Offlco, Coqulllo City. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. ---n--K-::-n-n.,I.R.Kn:J.a.lJ .B--n--n- b--"b Sp552525251 j A i i i 8 :': i 8 gaBMttamTnrmigra!imramT-rmrTrT UHU.il 1 .11 1 nwMwmm. """" MWwropjr. So Using Gunnery Tackle. Fine Flies for Fly Fishing DAVE STAFFORD CAUGHT A FISH THE GUNNERY Long Sportsmen's Headquarters at v Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line Steamer Ramona Sails fromAinsworthDockPortland.Wednesdaysat8p.rn fj Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays at Service of Tide. W. F. Miller, Aeti. bn Mn'm 35-L s raafffinffi-reawqaESH