5TWnW ' & fi W.j THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1910- EVENING EDITION - EIGHT PAGES. " . . ..aAAAA16AM64 Mt &.. iiij;;;;ynjjjjj 1 imtmmtmwtmwjnwwwwww 1 Real Estate 8 Prices Raising Taxes are going up Cost of living is higher, but yon can buy r a n n n - I I iT5? x7" z3 fl fr I 1 7 TLfS7 Irv 7v n f I X) I I I I I . Ij" -Nl IV 1 ( I 1 J .1 1- . - -- XWMfc.V OBTTIM HWU II 1 I I I I I I 1 "NJ I " n ft e- it E. I i 11 I 1 rv 4wMHflstet&t wpr i iating Lior ary :il 7 , JnhJs' "itt n j yT PERSONALi notices oi vibhuid vj gga . x ,-, y .'! 1U, .oil. .1 I.l ..W LATKP.CT.OX. ?'i irj',roS S 1 TL'v . CONTRIBUTIONS concerning 1 locial happenings, Intended for publication in the society depart ment of The Times, must be sub mitted to the editor not later than 6 o'clock p. m. Friday of oach -week. Exceptions will be allowed only in cases whero events occur later than tho time mentioned.) t,Ut. Pr .r MAN A being from a distant star Came to this earth upon a tour. "We've heard how great you mortals are," Tho being said,' "but would make sure." A lady lecturer he heard Tho first day ho was spending here; He gave attention to each word That fell upon his eager ear. "This earth," tho lecturer declared, "Is perfect, were it not for Men. "Would that my sisters only dared To use defiant voice and pen Against this brute, wio is a pig, A mule, n lion and a" mouse, A blue jay with his notions big, An ape, a fox about the house. "He's stubborn, vain and full of guile, He's brutal, Ignorant and mean; Ho makes tho world not worth the while And simply clutters up the scene." Her sisters shouted In applause; The speaker scolded, stormed and cried, With searing word and meaning pause The tyrant Man was sacrificed. On tho other hand, a word of praise at tho right moment takes root blossoms, and blooms within you all at once. Tho fellow who has been "work ing out his own salvation" is in line for another step. To say cutting things about him, to discourage his possibilities, won't bo of any bene fit to you. In fact, it may perform the duties of reflex action and go off at a tan gent with you, yourself. Where a word of deserved praise might mean so much, even to you. A toast, a kind word, gives one such a delightful sense of bigness of spirit, whether it is there or not. Whv not? One 'goes away shaking hands with one's self and a "What a good boy am I" feeling. It germinates and makes a happy hour least. While a roast leaves such a bad taste, acts on the digestion of conscience (oh, we all have a grain PERSONAL notices of visitors in the city, or of Coos Bay people who visit In dther cities, together with notices of social affairs, are gladly received in the social de partment Telephone 1331. No tices of club meetings will be pub lished and secretaries are kindly requested to furnish same. April 30. It was decided to hold It at Eckhoff hall Instead of Simpson's pavilion owing to tho latter being more conveniently located. It was also decided to give prizes for the prettiest cotton customes. Tho club Is now meeting the first and third Tuesday afternoon of each month. - The Sisters of Bethany were enter tained Wednesday afternoon by Miss .Minn Butler at her home. Besides the usual sewing, the club plans for another cake sale to be given a week from today. The next meeting place will be announced by the president, Mrs. F. A. Sacchl later. , Mrs. A. E. seaman who has been ill at her home for some time is of it) and gets us nothing but tight .reported gradually improving, much made'jtt o o Vll IWAD AW BOOK IN OUIt STORE INCLUDING ALL THE fvTKFtcTION WE HAVE RECEIVED DURING THE PAST SSI NEW BOOKS IVOTO AOTIIOJ8 FOR OUR LIBRARY. THE FOLLOWING Alt E SOMJ. OI- THE LATE BOOKS, ALSO SOME OF THE LEADING ONES. Leading Books My Lady of tho South Martin Eden Lnto Fiction Furnace of Gold Cab 44 Top of the Morning Son of the Immortals The Up Grade Passers By Lost Trace King In Exile Imperial Marriage Tower of Ivory Foreigner Danger Mark Chrysalis 54-40 Or Fight Truxton King Tale of Lonesome Pine Gooso Girl Tho Silver Horde NORTON & HANSEN STATIONERY CO. OREGON STATIONERY COMPANY. MARSHFIELD Ssmammttttmrnamttttmrnmamttsm CO ) 4"? Furniture at the Same Old Prices j at the SAME OLD STOItR Call and Inspect our stock SI ana get our prices. C. A. Johnson Oldest EstnbllHhed Furniture Store On Coos Bnj. Smmmmtttttmrnrnttttumaaaa: lips, lines of care and enemies. Everyone needs a "boost." you big enough to give it? Are to the gratification friends. of her many CURED HAY FEVKR AND SUMMER COLD A. S. Nusbaum, Batesvllle, t. dlana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a sum cold so distressing that It Interlerel with my business, I had many oi Hi symptoms of hay fever, and a doc tor's prescription did not reach mj case, ana i tooi; several medlcltej which seemed only to aggravate It, Fortunately I Insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since use) Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." RED CROSS Phar- rr"v. f.Tohn Ppuss Prop.) Mrs. Otto Schetter who has been 111 for the past six weeks continues to gradually improve but is not able .o be up yet. It is expected that she will soon be sufficiently recovered to meet her many friends. They said that in the whole round world There was one glaring, hopeless fault; Their maledictions then they hurled At Man, who was not worth his salt, They found naught else to criticise, They said. In all creation's plan, Save this dumb brute In human guise j," This useless, hopeless, senseless Man. And then the visitor arose And drew a sword of biting steel. "I'll rid you of your brutish foes!" Tho being vowed; then roso a squeal, shriek, a supplication loud Prom women meek and women grim. "O, don't kill Man!" implored tho crowd, "You see, we want to marry him!" .j. .;. .;. When a bit of sunshine hits ye, After passing of a cloud, When a fit of laughter gits ye An, yer spine la feeling proud, Don't forgit to up and lling It At a soul that's leollng blue, For the mlnit ye sling it It's a boomorang to you. JUST that. So sajs Cap:aln Jack Crawford. Toasts and roasts are both warm propositions, but each sends forth a diffeient kind of heat. Bo.h have the faculty of radi ation. Bo.h fouuulate germs, but in that they differ. Ono creates a loo germ, but the other germ Is lull of claws and not so lovely. Why have unlovely things? Oh, jou know, Mrs. Sta-at-Homes says Sophie Loeb, husband came homo late the other night. Mrs. Gos Blp knows there was a row! There 13 going to bo trouble. Perhaps a separation! In place of the molehill a mountain looms up, which no sclen tlst could possibly climb or explain! Sho can't keep it another mluute. Sho calls her best friend up on tho nhiino. ;m.i It Is "Too bad!" "Want a p ty!" "Such a nice little creature, too!" Tho friend tells. It, also, and each time as usual there is an addi tion until it all has assumed alarm lug proportions. When In all probability Mrs. Stay-at-llome is perfectly happy to bo thero and understands satisfactorily why the lateness. Sho does not want or need your glances of pity a bit. Sho knows. Rather tell what a charming, patient, little woman she Is nuil treat her accordingly. Consideration Is tho magic key. Get it and you will be happy ever af ter, for It unlocks pleasant highways and bwnys. It Is so easy to say mean things. Thoro may be a little momentary satisfaction of temper, but nothing moro. It is always re-rettable. The A. X. W. club was entertain ed Thursday atternoon by Mrs. G. A. Bennett at her home In North Marshfield. Besides a good attend ance of tho members, Mrt. J. W. Bennett was a guest of the club. At the business session, it was decid ed to discharge the special commit .eo on "Cleanup Day,1' Tho commit tee reported that they had made a strenuous effort to completo the Cleanup Campaign" but that some citizens would not comply with the requests to remove unsightly debris Xo other business of Impor tance was brought up. Delici ous refreshments were served. The club will meet next Thursday with Mrs. W. F. Squire at Bunker Hill. Mrs Sarah A. Evans who has charge of the club department or tne jIn for.lnnd Journal writes as follows: j "When the cub women of Marsh field take hold of a thing there Is pretty sure to be something doing. Two enterprises of the past week have proven this to be true. Last Saturday was both cleaning up day and tag day. The former Is no new thing, as the Marshfield women have observed a cleaning up day -for sever al years, and have managed, no; on ly to get an immense amount of work done but a great amount of fun out of it as well. Tho A. X. W. club of Murehlleld, who seem to have had Jus work particularly in charge, probably had their arrangements all made for a cleaning up day before tho state d.ty was named, and anoth er ear will undoubtedly see all the owns adopting ihe wune day." : Miss Jessie Chaso entertained the Charity Bazaar at the home of Mrs. Christine Kruse in West Marshflld on Saturday of last week. After a busy session of sewing the hostess served a most delleluos luncheon Those present were: Mrs. Chris tine Kruse, Mrs. E. MIngus, Mrs. T. McCormae. Mrs. F. M. Fiiedberg, Mrs. 1 M. Wlllbur, Mrs. M. C. Mal oney. Misses Daisy "Rush. Charlotte Mureh. Elizabeth Kaufman, Mary Bennet. Laura Kruse, Kathleen Ben nett, Mamlo Mahoney, Geuivlove SengstacUen. 4 4 , Mis. W. ' 12. Dungan entertained with a sewing party on Thursday afternoon of this week. The lunch eon table was very artistically ar ranged with apple blossoms and but lerfies. Tiny butterfly brooches were favors. Mrs. Dungan's guests were, Mrs. K. Bargelt. Mrs, Evelyn Ramp, lMrs. W. F. Miller. Mrs. Evelyn Par sons, Mrs. E. G. Flanagan, Mrs. M. C. Mnlone.x, Mrs. J. H. Mllner. Tho beautiful America Club of North Bond met in tho Commerlcal club hall thero last Tuesday and dis cussed plans for tho Calico ball which it will give Saturday evening, Mrs. G. A. Bennett and Miss Kath leen Bennett will leave next month for San Francisco and other Califor nia points where they will spend several weeks with relatives and friends. Miss Bennett resigned her position as instructor of the Seventh Krade at the Central school building this week to be effective in the near future. Mrs. Hiram Wright entertained a few ladies at a .luncheon at her homo in South Marshfield Friday. The house was prettily decorated tor the occasion. Among her guests were Mesdames J. H. Mllner, W. E. Dungan, B. E. Schoomaker, A. L. i Houseworth and Dorsey Kreitzer. j : : j The social given by the Altar So- j ciotv of the North Bend Catholic church at Loggie's hall last Monday , evening was a great success. Nearly . 1 100 were In attendance and the even ing made a most enjoyable one. There was a large delegation from Marshfield. Music and cards were the principal diversions. At cards I the first prizes were won by Mr. Eh- and Mrs. Feeney, the consola- NobodyCares To be a victim of a quack whether a quack doctor or a quack posing is fl. clruKsIst. EVERYBODY RECOGNIZES the accuracy and ability exercised In compounding physician's prescriptions at Tlu- lihtil Pharmacy. That's why ve had to enlarge our prescription department. Bring us your pre scriptions and get tho best no matte.- who oar doctor is. We pay no commissions nor office rents. E. Don McCrory, R.. acific Logger Made by STILSOX, KKLLOGG S1I0E COMPANY, Tacoma, Washington, 'i the Ask for it and take nothing elaj THEY ARE VALUE RECEIVED 5S Cent i Phone 215 il Avenue. fc.wr-w.ncg?w;gjt..j ,l"JYrvrirr 'rn ijiVrTir fc,i.n- i. li nBStnxsst NORIS JENSEN Maker of Good Clothes 365 N Front Street, Marshfield, Oregon (We also do pressing and repairing) rirasB tiou prizes going to Charles Keane and Miss Winnifred Doyle. J- Next Monday evening, the ladies of St. Monica's Catholic church In Marshfield will give a social at the Redmen's hall. Cards and dancing will be the principal diversions. It Is expected that there will be a large attendance. Miss Elizabeth Donnelly left today with her hrother.Rev.Father E, Don nelly for Portland where she will vis it for a few weeks. :- : ; The Tuesday Night Whist club was entertained Wednesday evening by Mrs. Effle Farrlnger at her home on South Broadway. Tho house was prettily decorated for the occasion. Besides the regular mombers of the club, she had as guests Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Getting, M. H. Bllvens and wife. Miss Genlvleve Sengstacken, Louis II. Boll, C. F. McKnight and (Continued on Page mrrr-rr--w-rit.;jr OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT W. L. Campbell Company .COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS I 545 Broadway South H g : coes bay. mEmw. i'i 'i'i SAFE AND fP JJ" .j& nv11 r, 4 - ". da7v yv --iXVVX X s c f 'PRESENTED BY ''iii i-i-i iTi' 5" a re a a " COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS J!s AGCHTS COAL . COLONIZATION. MI.QY. FARM. FRUIT. MIHEMl T1PW& UlHUd. vnd Organizing or industrial COMPANIES A SPECIALTY- w c n n 2 g a r I r n O w If you desire absolute securitjl we can furnish It. We represent (our of the strongest Fire Insurance fon panics in the United States, and cte of tho leading Companies o( In land. Home of New York, capital .... ..-. $27,307,6121 Continental, X. Y . . $22,307,787 j Hartford of Hartford $23,035,7011 Connecticut $0,957,215.0(1 Llvernool. London & Globe ... $13,835,80! ii T tho United States. U. S. Capital! Look up their record. S. KaofiM Co. a n: m a n o P. What, to Eat Is a dally problem, but where I in, ,. ic cnivpri nt once when you niriR tn oider all your tabl wpfe from WOLCOTT5 OUK GOODS ABB FKES1I OUH QUALITIES AHE IGn OL'lt I'KICES MOST n-EMfifty.lltfiti Tljeso three cardinal principles c' this grocery store should make yo- f nt,.nn WeDlcaseot , mu. - , , ers and would line uu ujj. C. W. Wolcott THE GROCER. PHONE 97 J CO 3 o Ul STAFFORD'S Chocolates Theso delicious chocolates cannot be any better. Made In our own bright and sunny candy kitchen of tho highest grade Ingredients after a famous recipe by an expert in fancy candy making, they represent the nemo of perfection. Thoso who have tried them will not bo satisfied with any other. "Always Something Xow" at . , f: Kruse & Banks Ship Building Co. Agents for San Francisco Stnndnul Gas Kngiites, Marine, St) iiOKst niut i'lmipfng, ENGINES MAK1XF, AX1) STATIOXAHV KXGIXFS FHOJI 2 TO 12 Stationary, ii. TO 10 II. 2 II. a. or inniiirtii" nt cliin ,-.....i NOR.TH BEND. OREGON ::::::i tj:::::::::::t:::;::::::jstit:s!tiii!!ititfi;t?? MAUIXK HOISTS FHOM PUM1MXG KXGIXES Information furnished by writing :::::::::n:t::j::::rn:mwm tafyrd TWO STOHKS 230 Front St 1 10 Central Ate B-rl,ITili 11 IB AV 1 4 J kf r H &K ! auiiL musiuitidlLda jftjjBjn m!h-rH t Iii' i iiy n MIT, .il iu iiiuiiuiiiiiitui i and Building Works I r jLjffiy.1 n ji ixxrfAJkk H. H. WILSOX, Proprietor A CAHLOAD OF GRANITE AXI) MARBLE. Especially ordered for monuments to be finished by Memorial Day. is now on the wav. Pinnn .n.,- -j. i , . ..wvu miuuio just ttlTITea. I We Are Now Prepare n n oil iinja nf rtvinc. presslos !., i. f urn time to f rid of the clothes that you have 1 .u iw ...in moi.-n them loo' "'1 - i n fnncydyeli? an Kinas oi suiva and our prices are right. MARSHFIELD HAXD XSD SI LAUXDKV Phono 220-J Livery, Feed w Sale Stable a carry-" uigs at an noura - wishing to go In crowds. L. H. HEISNER . Tlhnflfl l AInrslifleld, Ore. phone FOR SAl-r.. ty T'o-!i' TiTrT.-nn.RD A-'y .. ., ivn irivn nnnnu r-HE.4P Fl; V.i 3C0XD-H mo nnnAnWAY. SEC