fv( ADS. NEWS ,rV Ill'SlXISS IS SLOW, Al tfn ,,.it it PAYS IS KVI. THAT IT PAYS IS KVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS XEW BY READING THE COOS HAY TIMKS. ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME TENSELY 1 OLD :: :: :: :: :: TEnUSE. nv successful husi- DEXCE" ,,0lSi:S EVERYWHERE MEMBER OP ASSOCTATKD PRESS Established In 1878 us Tho Const Mntl. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. -uu of Time., cot aiu N 2U (au x. wa twit j 4 w i a.a F.SS I VOL. XXXI1" IB FROM SISTER 51 WEZLEB 1 II BE IMG MOURNED DEPARTED LjohnJosephson of Marsh- field Locates neiauve Thought Quake Victim IflBST TIME SINCE DISASTER IN 'FRISCO 1 Lives Within Block of Where Mrs. Josephson Stayed In Seattle a Year. ma letter from the grave came . iivo to Mrs. John Josephson of West Marshfleld yesterday apprising ter that her sister, lormeny miss v. Wheeler of the San Francisco quake as alive and well. Besides ills the letter urougnt mo uum toundlng news that the latter was liv my in Seattle within a block of whero Mrs. Josephson had resided for about a year until she returned to Marsh leld a few months ago. Mrs. Josephson was almost dum fonnded by the news. That sho Icould liae lled so near her sister and not met her or recognized her veins strange but as she had suppos ed her sister dead, she might have pased her often and not given any resemblance she might have noticed j second thought. It has been near- ijseveu jears since she had seen her aid her appearance has undoubtedly changed considerably. From the tone of Mrs. St 'vens' letter (for that is Miss Wheaier s tame now) she had evidently writ ten her sister preUousIy but the mis sive had probably gone astray as Mrs. Josephson h.ul not heard from ter. Mrs. Stevens, then Mrs. Sund erland, was in San Francisco at the time of the earthquake and after .le disaster relath es were unable to locate her and finally thought she most been numbered among the un known lctlms of the holocaust. Mrs. Josephson could not be seen Way but her son said that the whole family were greatly mystified and would write for more jinrtucul rsj toncernlnc his aunt. W F WIippIpp of Marshfleld was her father. QUAKE WASN'T HAD. I Cta Ilica Trembler Not So Severe As Reported. (By Associated Press.) XEW YORK, April 1G. The re- teat earthquakes at Costa Rica was 's serious than somn nf rim nnhiisii. fd reports indicated aer.nrrUnir tnnffl- jrfal advices received here. THE WHEAT MARKET. - '" Ass'idiired Press.) CHICAGO, April 15. Wheat 'wd, M.n Si.nnu- Tiiiv i na. Member $1.00.' "KlLANu, Anrll in. Wlipnfc unchanged. TACOMA. Anrll i-. -nn,. .. ALO.Vtt Till: WATER FRONT he Xann Smin, 1 . ... -. i "dock last night from San Fran- csco. The John A -i., .. , ,., !,' ,7,d eterdny with cargoes of -" ur ban Francisco. fresh Lmv,,,,,. r,TT,. . lrS Drnn. c,.. 'te VOII Crvnu. n. ..... 0Rn,J5,)Lr'n' S,ecI"l nu and' ul(niESTlM 1. . .. bnin iiiianilVI'J tames '"AUTIES by PHONE. CARD oi' THANKS "ttkito 1, na our ,.,... t0 the many kind frlo to ll?Whodlda,ln their power Pn ,. , . Jeath.. "ereavement in the I ,rp.f0ur Gloved Carroll Frlzeen. lGUST PRIZEEN, and family. &cl I d tIme- attend Iw" ', halljaturdny night, April 1C. tetljEKasles are requested to at Ipriim IU" Saturday night, Good ,m"slc and fine floor forEa- lh fo,, cus ,c anQ fine floor forE f'ulay night, April 1C C2,CanHe8 at Red AFTEflJ'PDGS" Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist Calls Pugilists To Testify. (Special to The Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., April 10. Ac cording to reports afloat here, all of the principals in the recent prize fight at Bandon will be required to appear before the Coos county grand jury here next week and exifaln why they are not subject to the Ore gon state law prohibiting prize fight ing. It was understood today that De puty Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist has had subpoenas Issued for Jess Day, of Marshfleld, Billy Thomas, Pud Nosier and Arthur Fish and oth ers in connection with the event. The Oregon law makes prize fighting a serious offense and all connected with it are liable to a stiff sentence. While the jury last summer accepted the boxer's claim that they were merely giving a boxing exhibition and not a prize fight, Mr. Liljeqvist Is unders.ood to believe that the fact that Day put Thomas to' sleep for ten minutes with a knockout blow '!! convince the grand jury that the bout was something more than a scientific exhibition of the manly art. right mm: id frost damage Man Arrested in San Francisco on Charge of Murdering His Mother-in-law Claims An Alibi. (Ry Associated l'res.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 1G. Charles J. Wezler identified here yesterday as the man wanted at Gig TAFT INT! Harbor was to answer the charge of having murdered his mother-in-law Mrs. Henry Schutz, admitted ho was living in San Francisco under the name of Wezler, but denied he ever was near the scene of the crime of which he is accused. He claims he came here from Texas. Mrs. Lottie Freeman who identified Wezler yes terday denies any knowledge of the crime Wezler is accused of. 10 FORGET IT President Replies to Apology of Suffragists For Hiss ing Incident. (3y Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C. April 1G. Declaring he regretted the "hissing" incident at the suffrage convention Thursday evening not because of per sonal feeling but because it was used in an unfair way to embarass the leaders of the suffrage movement. President Taft this afternoon sent a lefer of reply to the apology sent him yesterday by tho suffragists. In his letter, he asked that the whole matter he forgotten as soon as possible. D STRIKE WITNESS ILL II SWOPE TRIAL I Street Car Company Makes Overtures to Men For This Purpose. fHv Associated Press.l PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 1C The street car company has submitt ed a new proposition for the men to return to work and the carmen who have been out nine weeks are meet ing this afternoon to decide upon the action. What terms tho company has submitted are not known posi tively but it is believed certain phases of the difflculty will bo sub mitted to arbitration and that the difflculty will be amicably adjusted. M. F. PLAIT II FROM 'FRISCO Steamship Arrives From South Late Last Evening After Rough Trip. The M. F. Plant arrived in at S:30 last evening from San Francisco. Wednesday night, she encountered rather a severe storm which gave most of the passengers a touch of sea sickness. The Plant will sail from here at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Among those arriving on the M. F. Plant were tho following: S. Yardstrom, J. C. Crane, J. M. Rodgers, J. A. Boyls, S .P. Shumate, Mrs. Shumate, Fletcher Homan, F. M. Johnson, A. Walker, Hugo Pillas, Mrs. F. Lipa, Mrs. F. Lipa. Miss Rita Lang, E. H. Morrissey, Claire Shu mate. F. Lipa, Sirs. C. A. Duke John Jensen, M. Brown. L. M. Smith. Mrs. D O'Donoghue, Miss O'Donoghue, Miss O'Connor, Mrs. A. O'Connor, J. W. Watson, W. C. Guerin, Mrs. Guerin, A. A. Tenney and E. J. Ston er. Take that watch o E. H. Morris sey, the watch doctor. Hearing of Dr. Hyde on Murder Charge at Kansas City Delayed. (Ry Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, April 10. .On account of Dr. G. T. Twyman, a state witness, being stricken with appen dicitis and it being Impossible to tell his exac. condition today, the Hyde Swope trial was continued until OS LEAGUE HILL SCORES Portland, San Francisco and ' Oakland Victorious In Yesterday's Games. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., April 1C The scores of yesterday's games in the Pacific Coast league were as follows: At Vernon R II E Vernon 5 9 u San Francisco S 10 2 At Sacramento R H E Portland G 11 1 Sacramento' 1 4 5 At Oakland RUE Oakland G 9 3 Los Angeles 4 G 0 RUI'DOi ON RAILWAY TRACK CROPS IN MIDDLE WEST Topeka, Kan., and Sioux City Iowa, Suffer From Belated Winter Weather. Richard McLay of Coos Bay Killed Near Tacoma, Wash. TACOMA, Wash., April 1G. Rich ard McLay, of Coos Bay, Ore., was struck by a Northern Pacific train while walking along the approach to the Black River Junctloln bridge, receiving injuries from which he died, at Auburn. The engineer did not see McLay on the track until It was too late to avoid striking him. McLay was a laborer and leaves a widow and four children at Coos Bay. LIVED AT REAA'ER HILL. McLay'.s Family Vow There Was Well Known Here. Richard McLay was formerly em ployed at the Beaver Hill Coal mine and his wife and family still resldo there. A brother was also identified with the Beaver Hill mine for years. No further particulars have been re ceived of the accident. CHURCH WORK IS DISCUSSED! Iphanrio rnnmr" bAbtb tbUiirt IS MIRACULOUS Ramona delayed. Owing to a delay In loading her freight, the Ramona will not sa.il from here for Portland until 4 o'clock Sunday morning. The passengers will go aboard tonight. FRUIT CROP AND' EARLY GARDENS HIT Colorado Growers by Use of Smudge Pots Keep Dam age to Minimum. (iiy Associated Press.) TOPEKA, Kan., April 1G. Snow fell hero early today but the tempera ture did not reach the freezing point. Fruit has advanced well and a freez would result In great damage. SNOW AT SIOUX CITY. Xoi'tlmcbtt'rii Iowa Fruit Crop Hnd ly Hit. 'By Associates Press.) SIOUX CITY, Iowa, April 1G. Thousands of fruit buds wero blast ed by a killing frost last night. Tho loss cannot be estlmnted. Snow is falling. MISSOURI ALSO HIT. Fruit and Vegetables Xear St. Joseph In Danger. (By Associated Press.) ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 1G. It was freezing cold Inst night nnd fear for fruit and early vegetables Is expressed. Annual District Convention of Epworth League in Ses sion Here Today. 1 1 Various phases of church work and particularly that in whicli the younger members are expected to take the leading part are being dis cussed at the Fifth annual conven tion of the Coos Sub-district of the Epworth League which is In session at the Marshfleld Methodist church. A T r ti A n V " r, ,,' , . ni -.. The meeting Is quite well attended, Pending a more detailed statement of the physician's Illness, tho Jury was held without being sworn. In event of Dr. Twyman's death before Monday the case will go to trial im mediately. If his Illness Is linger ing, the state may ask that the jury Bandon, Coquille, Myrtle Point, North Bend and Gardiner besides Marshfleld being represented. While there is a general program, it consists largely of subjects for a ' general discussion to bring out the trlane, rt tlincn npfl.nnt At tlif. Intel. be dismissed and the ca"se continued , ... ' . , , , . . ness session this afternoon, officers inaennitey. sue, a course ,,, be electefl and tho next e Qf opposed by the attorneys for Dr. ! chogen Hyde as tney are uesirous 01 an im mediate trial. An operation will be performed on Twyman today. His case is diagnosed as acute diverticul- I Last evening, a general social time was enjoyed at the Methodist church. It was largely a "Get a acquainted" meeting. A novel introduction .., rni., 11 . .,l,..lln .,.- . ."Oi ins. urn., hucuiuiiib iu !...,-.., Bphenie wnB carrIed out each wear. is more dangerous man appeuuicms. The operation was said to be successful. ALDRICH WON'T TALK. ing tags bearing their names. An address of welcome was delivered by Eric Bolt of Marshfleld and a re sponse by Rev. H. Plerson of North Bend. Thero wero other Informal talks. Refuses to Allinn or Deny Rumor 1 a meeting will be held this even- Tliat lie Will Quit Senate ing, a feature of which will bo an ad- (Bv Associated Press.) 1 dress by Dr. Fletcher Homan, presl- WARWICK, R. I., April 10. dent of Willamette University at Sa- Senator Nelson Aldrlch who Is rest- lem. Tomorrow special services will Ing at his home at Warwick Neck ' be held at the chuich, the Rev. M. C. said today he did not care to affirm wire and Dr. Homan delivering the or deny the report that he would not sermons. be a candidate for reelection. s A A TOWED SOUTR Steamship Abandoned off Eu reka Now in Tow of The Hercules. (By Associated Press.) EUREKA. Calif., April 16. The Santa Clara abandoned oft'Humboldt bar Wednesday Is being towed to San Francisco today by the tug Her cules. Although badly waterlogged It Is believed that she can be saved. .- ,-,.... C.i.J Draughtsman's supplies Walker'8 Pretty stauanery, .. studio EASTSIDE IS A WINNER. J TORNADO RITS AVIATION FIELD Three Killed anil Three Hurt and Nine Flying Machines Are Ruined. (By Associated Press.) MOURMELON, France, April 15. A tornado struck the Aviation field at Camp De Chalens today. Three workmen were killed and three Injured. Henry Farman's shops were destroyed and nine ma chines wrecked. The loss is $30,-000. Survives Dynamite Explosion Which Killed Three Oth ers in Home. (By Associated Press.) NEGAUNEE, Mich, April 15. Frank Harrinan, a miner aged 31, placed a dynamite charge tinder tho bed where his wife and three-year old daughter were sleeping .another under one occupied by himself and his four yenr old son. The man, wo man and boy were killed. Tho lit tle girl was practically unharmed. The cause Is unknown. CLUB ELECTS EW OFFICERS SMUDGE POTS SAVE CROPS lit Thousands Labor to OlV.set Frost Colorado. (Bv Associated Press.) DENVER, Colo., April 1G. Re ports from the fruit raising districts of the Grand Valley and Montrose and Paonla where the fruit crops aro es timated at $8, 000, 000 this year aro that last night's frost was not serious Smudge pots operated by thousands of persons raised tho temperature 10 degrees. DAMAGE IS SMALL. Grand Valley In Colorado Escapes Easy. (Rv Associated Press ' GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., April 1G. A complete roll of tho Grand Valley damage from last night's cold snap shows It Is only four per cent. GrandUall Eagles Hall Saturday night, April 10. mm to BE CALLED SOON Organization of Coos Athletic Association Perfected Last Night. At a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce last evening, the organiza tion of the Coos Athletic Association was perfected with tho election of tho following officers: President A. II. Powers Secrotary Tom Bonnott Treasurer Dr. E. Mlngus Board of Managers Above named officers and Herman Hlllyer and Ar thur S. Hlanchard. Reports showed that about 120 had slcned the membership roll and It was decided to endeavor to in crease this number. Tho Plan as outlined last evening is to equip and maintain a complete gymnasium with a swimming pool, shower baths, In fact all tho appur tonces of an up to date athletic club. Many members have been pre viously connected with other athletic clubs, It la stated, and will bo ablo to give Instruction In boxing, wrestl ing, foncing, etc., without Incurring the expense for the time being of a high priced physical Instructor. Attorney Brandeis Wants Sec retary to Testify Before He Cross Examines. fBy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 1C Edward C. Finney, Assistant Secro tary of tho Interior, in his testimony at the Balllngor-Plnchot Invostllga tlon insisted Sec. Balllngor had acted in good faith In turning over tho Cunningham claims to Assistant Sec retary Pierce. The action of tho com mltteo on Brandeis' request that ho bo allowed to defor tho cross oxamln ntlon of Plorco and othor subordi nates until ho hnd tho opportunity to examine Secrotary Balllngor was postponed until later in tho day or perhaps until noxt session. FOOTBALL IS FATAL. Another West Point Cadet Succumbs To Injuries. CRT Associated Press 1 ANNAPOlTlS, Md April 1G. Mid shipman Earl Wilson who was Injur od Oct. 8 In a football gamo with Villanova died of his Injuries today. I can make your watch keep time. E. H. Morrissey. Take your SUNDAY DINNER it The CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE table for PARTIES by PHONE.