'VsVHWOTMBOTMMIHMHR 'VWRT' -fWj mnepf . - . .... . --., ' . i' J THE-COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGONJHURSDAY, JANUARY 20, .19.10 EVENING EDITION You Need an Electric Iron BECAUSE IT SAVES YOU WORK,. MAKES YOUR CLOTHES LOOK NICER AND FREE PROM SMUT A ND DIRT. COME IN AND TRY. ONE., 1 WE AUK' HBR FR BUSINESS arsleU Qcclric Fbbre and Sapply Hme i4a bikawa:V orroMTK tombs' office. QACSGDO C wa o ggg r --- a-a-w--- ww y m ' -- ;--" I SPECIAL SALE LANTERNS L" ' THIS WHEKAT PIONEER HARDWARE CO. ' NO. 1 TUBULAR LANTERN OOo Special 50c ' NO. 1 COLD 1JLAST 85c Special 05c ir NO. 2 COLD BLAST $1.00 Special 85c ,: NO. 2 COLD BLAST COPPER FOUNT .. ..$1.75 Special $1.50 NO. 1 HOOD LANTERN $1.75 Special $1.50 NO. 1 DASH JiANTisiiN $1.00 Special 75c Li mt i: :': i I a a a a La-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-M Kaaaajaaamiaaaaaaaaajaaaaataaaamaaaaaaammaaaaaaaaaaa Kruse & Banks ohip Building Co. : Agents for San Francisco Standard, Marine, Stationary, HoLst and '. P,uniplng O WEATHER FORECAST. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight, east- erly winds. O LOCAL TEJ1PKHATURH RK- PORT. For twenty-four hours end- lng at 4:43 p. m., Jan. 19, by ' Mrs. E. Mingus, special govern- ment meteorological observer. Maximum 53 Minimum 35 At 4:43 p. m 47 Precipitation 42 Wind, Southwest; cloudy. tlon showed that thero was absolute ly no foundation for the story. Pugilist Coining Al Neill has wired John Hcrron that he and Joe McGinn, a 145-lb pugilist, will leave San Francisco on the M. F. Plant to day for Coos Bay. McGinn is to meet Jesse Day here Saturday night,' January 29. McGinn Is declared to be a very clever man, having recent ly put Kid George out in two rounds. He has been In training at 'Frisco and Day is now working hard to get ready for tho bout. 9SSWSM3CJ$00 V f T X I rersonai Ftotes C ,0t!5?!SfWfe&&Seix MARK GETTY of Empire, Is Marshfleld visitor. HENRY HIGGINS of Ten Mile, Is m Marshfleld on business. Hand Infected. Martin Russell of Libby, Is suffering from a sever ely Infected hand. ENGINES : MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES FROM 3 TO 125 II. f MARINE HOISTS FROM 5 TO 10 II. : PUMPING ENGINES.., 2 11. Information furnished by writing or inquiring nt ship yard NORTH BEND, ORXGON .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaroamaaaaataaaa: in iji i -yw""- lf w Puys Home. Hugh McLaln has purchased the Fisher Home, north I of tho Central school building. The I price paid was $3,000 and the salo was made through the Title Guaran tee and Abstract Company. If You Want a Steak That's Just Right Order it at tho Union Meat Market. We handle only the best and freshest of meats and you will certainly bo pleased If you place your order with us. Call and ece our holiday meats whether you buy or not. UNION MEAT MARKET PIIOKB 5JW MAKSHFIELD, ORB. Condor In Storm. Operator Shirley of the United Wireless' sta tion, last night picked up a message that tho Condor, a gasoline schooner, had Anally reached port after being buffeted about for two days by a gale between the Columbia River and Newport. M ACARON Hold Social. Last evening tho ladles of the Methodist church gave Iheir regular midwinter picnic at the parsonage. About sixty were pres ent and the affair proved a most de- 'llghtful one. Talks were made by F. E. Allen, Frank Sumner, Rev. H. I. Rutledge and others. ' NEW BOAT TO PLY WATERS OF SIUSLAW The Steamer Favorite Will Be Taken There. From .Coos Bay. Tho Florence West says: "The steamer Favorite which has been at Coos Bay for a year or two, past, is soon to be brought to the Sluslaw and go on the run between Florence and Mapleton. "The Favorite Is a flno lavgo steamer with two decks and two cab ins and can carry about 125 passen gers. "Captain Ludwig Christensen, who Is well and favorably known to tho people of this vicinity, will be in command of the craft and look after the. needs of tho passengers. "The Favorite formerly piled on the Coquille and went from there to Coos Bay. It Is the Intention 'to bring the boat here as soon as the weather Is favorable for the trip on tho ocean. This Is not the steamer Favorite which was taken away from here some twenty years ago, but Is a new er and much larger boat. W.. P. EVANS of North Bend, is a Marshfleld business visitor today. MRS. FRANK ROGERS of South Coos River, is visiting friends in Marshfleld. P. L. PHELAN, tho Myrtlo Point mill man, is in Marshfleld today on business. A. R, COX, who has been visiting his parents in South Marshfleld, has returned to Ten Mile. D. WOLCOTT Is assisting at tho Flanagan & Bennett bank In the absence of Malr Dano. KID FREEMAN, a well-known truck gardener of Bangor, was in Marsh fleld today on business. DR. and MRS. WM. HORSFALL will entertain at- cards Tuesday evening, February 1, in honor of the Bridge Club. QUEEN'S TASTE THE KIND THAT THEY ALL WANT 25c Per Package Soils Land. The Archer Land Company has sold two forty-acre-tracks of their holding at Eastslde to Minneapolis parties. Henry Seng stacken has been elected secretary of the company to fill the vacancy caused by G. W. Carleton's resignation. W. O. W. INSTALLATION. )ST Gold link cuff button with diamond setting. Reward for re turn to John Herron at the Bell Cord. ADDRESS WANTED Any person knowing tho address or where abouts of Russ Nasburg, late of Marshfleld, will confer a favor by addressing J. M. Upton, Marsh fleld, Oregon. I LOST On Sunday, between Central avenue and Hall avenue on Broad way, rosary beads. Return to Times for reward. ST Eagle watch fob. Times' ofllco for reward. Return R SALE New launch hull, 28 feet long, C ft. beam. Never had in englno In It. $200 less than cost price. At Allger's boat house, N'orth Bend. 'It SALE OR TRADE For real 'state, gentle team of horses, har ness and wagon, also ten liorse )o'er boiler and four horse en gine. P. o. Box 275, North Bend. OMS FOR RENT Newly fur- ilshed. Reasonable, phone 1G5-X ST Flat brown fur neck scarf ist week. Finder, please leave at rimes' office. 'Rumor AVreck. Last evening, somebody in North Bend started a rumcr that another vessel had been wrecked on the coast north of Ban don and that it was thought to be one of tho Simpson fleet. Investlga- Your Prescription Will receive the best attention at tho store that makes a specialty of Its precrlptlon department. The assort ment, care, skill and attention will be better. Here everything centers about this department. We aim to maintain a WANTED To buy from tho owner reputation for accuracy and rellabll a coup'lo of good lots not too far After that we want th,s tQ bQ out. State price and terms. Ad- , ....,, ,, . iknown as a store that fills prescrip- dress, "Buyer," Times. ! tions at lair prices. New Officers of Coos Bay Camp As sume Positions. At the regular Bession of Coos Bay Camp, No. 196, Woodmen of the World, held last evening, the newly elected officers were Installed by dis trict organizer, J. P. Smith. Coos Bay camp is forging ahead rapidly these days, "something do ing" .every meeting. New candidates are being Initiated Into the mysteries of Woodcraft at each camp session, and tho member ship has now passed the 200 mark. The officers for the ensuing term are as follows: Consul Comman'der J. Leo Brown. Adviser Lieutenant D. L. Dim mlck. Clerk W. U. Douglas. Banker Israel Lando. Escort Albert Abbott. Watchman H. J. Mohr. , Sentry David Mussen. Manager Hugh McLaln. F. E. ALLEN returned yesterday from a trip to Myrtle Point and other Coquille Valley points. He reports everything prosperous there. MI8SES THEA KRUSE and Ger trudo Mandigo and Mrs.' Warren Painter of North Bend, were guests of Marshfleld friends yes terday. WARNER OGREN and Jay Tower 'returned last evening from a 'few days hunt in the Sand Hills. 'Game wasn't very plentiful but they had a good time. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Salvator arrived in from the south last evening and will load with lumber at tho depot wlmrf for San Pedro. She was towed up by the Astoria. Clem Painter, Captain of the Flyer is taking an enforced vacation as a result of a carbuncle on his hand. Capt. Leneve of Coquille, is taking his jriace on tho Flyer. ' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The A. M. Baxter, which has been ready to sail for a few days, was towed to the lower bay this morning and will sail for San Pedro just as soon as the weather Is favorable. SAYS REFUND WILL COVER DIFFERENCES During year Thero Were 314 Births niul 103 Deaths In County. The Coquille Sentinel says: The E. F. Morrisscv Exntntns Oo..,,no,ii v 4 .....v..,. DRY KINDLING WOOD For salo You can get no better service or cheap at CampbelUs Wood Yard, better drugs anywhere. " The matter No;fh Front street. rvR RENT Store in Coos Building. Apply at Woolen Mill Store. R SALE Plnno, couch and mis Ion chairs, cheap. Apply 547 outh 'Broadway. YOU WANT TO SELL? If you 'ant to sell your business of any Ind, or If you want to sell your "operty, and will make tho price eht, I would like to hear from ou. Give descrlntlon and Drice. ddress J. E. Smith, 513 Cham er of Commerce, Portland, Ore. 1 1 AVn UYTTI Formerly tho Garfleld LLUILI nUlEL only family hotel In town Opened under new management, "riiorouithly romodoled und refurnished, Rates 5oc ta $1 day or; $2 to $5 per week. Special rates by the month . Free tat . Hne Marine View. L. V. BRIDGES. Prop. Uso The Times' Want Ads. jCook With Gas Cook With Gas Cook With Gas of price you can easily determine for yourself. Brown Drug Co. GRADUATE CHEMISTS -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a SIXTY CENTS PER DOEN V PINTS for I "High Life"! A Steam Beer. 1.20 FOR FIVE so on .. in. i v - . "'" GALLON KEG I gnnunucK. ruuuujuur uruor to ? COOS BAY EAGLE BREWING 1 f COMPANY, ? PHONE 277 MARSHFIELD ? H-a-a-a-a-a-a--a--a-a-a "AX RAGS Wanted at ""The imes' office. HXITlTRi.:iiofl1is,e4l French or and polish and flno painting done PPly W. J. Scott, caro Times. 1 1UJXT- RreaUwntcr hotel. Ap 7 "obert Marsden, Br., at Coos y Liquor Company. XTEn1Inusc,vork b ho . eal Tho Times' Want Ads. a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n- .a Y ,X EVERYTHING FOR A BOAT a 1 l COOS BAY GAS & ELECTRIC CO! -- i !X I Is? i a a i AT year 1909, just closed, showed a marked Increase In the population of Coos county from the natural source. No statistics have been as yet complied which show the" in crease from other sources. During the year there were 314 births and but 1G3 deaths In the county, show ing a natural increase of 151. This shows an increase of over ninety-two per cent and had the population In creased In other ways in tho same proportion the population of tho county would be nearly double what It was at the beginning of the year. Following is a list showing the births and deaths for each month of the year: Month Births Deaths January 2G February 29 March 29 April ;...26 May .' ..25 Jung 24 July 29 August 38 September 24 October . . . .23 November 21 December 20 11 12 22 27 20 7 14 11 8 13 12 0 "DON RAMIRO" Perfection of Clear Hanava goods. Coos Bay Oil & ? Supply Co. Waterfront, Near Market St., y a-a-a-a-a.-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n You want to buy your grocorlos from us because you want the best. If you don't And it so, we want to return your money. as Contractor and Builder A 0 -jrt! Cornor Commercial and Second St F!ff '-en ' r' expfrimu lias tuiixht t nn,i i "1 I - mi r 'i i jrk i 1 I Pikci CuntilUM Will j L 813 South Kecc ' t 1 MAIWHFIELD, yJXA. NOTICE. All Coos County warrants drawn on the General Fund and endorsed prior to Soptmeber 1..1908, will bo paid on presentation at my office In Coquille, Orogon. No Interest will be allowed on any of those warrants after January 22, 1910. Dated this 19th day of January, 1910. T. M. DIMMICK, County Treasurer. FOR SALE TENTS, PACK SAD DLE.NEW AD SECOND-HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS. 180 HHOAinVAY, 2JMIANR STORE. Avenue 'Paving Contract -Q. W. Small Enters Protest. "The 'Commercial avenue property owners who are protesting against the cost of their paving seem to have forgotten tho fact that we stated ex plicitly that we would refund ten per cent to all property owners Who paid cash for their work," said E. F. Mor rissey of the Coos Bay Paving and Construction Company, this morning "The city engineer's estimate of th cost of the paving was $5,387.05 and the contract was awarded to us for ?5,C4C. Now ten per cent of tho contract Is ?5G4.G0, which deducted makes our contract. Price really $5, 081.40. ,sWe had to bid high on tho bonds. Wo have had to carry them and are just now able to place some of them at a discount. Tho cost of getting the bonds In shape to sell and the discount makes a loss to us, oven when we are allowed ton por cent to handle them;" ' Small .Maintains Claim. D. W. Small maintains that his Flanagan avenue contract provides that ho shall bo paid thlrty-flvo cents per yard for tho 8,700 yarde estimated instead of only thlrty-flvo cents per yard for tho dirt actually removed. Tho latter interpretation was placed on tho contract by City Attorney Goss at tho council meet ing tho other night. Mr. Small says other attorneys say otherwise. FLOUR 81.00 at HAINES. DON'T Send that ordor for seeds to Portland or San Francisco, but bring it to us. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Lockharts' Grocery RizALESTATETRANSPERS Dally Real Estate Reports Furnished By Title Guarantee nnd Abstract Co., Henry SengwtncUen. December 30, 1909. John K, Kollock et al, to H. P. Hunter; deed. Lots 1 to 4, blk 10 Misland Addition to North Bend. Consideration, flO. John Mlchaelbrlnk et ux, to A. IC Pidgeon; deed. NE& of SW&, sec 19, twp 24, R 11. Consideration. ?375. J. Nelson to Margaret E. Bridges; deed. Lot 5, blk N, Western Addi tion to Marshfleld. Consideration, $1.00. December 24, 1909. U. S. of A. to Joseph N. Weather by; patent. NEU, sec 32, twp 25, R 10. Joseph M Weatherby et ux, to "Al fred N. Ogle; deed. NE&, sec 32, twp 25, R 10. Consideration, $G40. Waldemar Seton et ux, to L. A. Burckhardt; deed. Parcel of land beginning 192. G ft N and 858 ft S of W. y4 corner of sec 12, twp 26, R 13. Consideration, $20,000. December 27, 1909. F. R. Grlflln, to Irving J. Luco; deed. Lot G, blk 6, Ocean View Ad dition to North Bend. Considera tion, $100. Stephen P. Keith et ux, to W. A, Gllmore; deed. Lot 10, blk 7, Seng--stacken Addition to Marshfleld. Con sideration, $1,000. John W. Cook, to Morris. Hovland; deed. Lot 15 and 1G, blk 14, plat A Bangor. Consideration, $10. G. P. Mulcahy et ux, to Lililcr Lemcke; deed. Lot 20, blk 11, Ed monston's Second Addition to Marsh fleld. Consideration, $1.Q0. H. M. Mercer, to C. L. Mercer; deed. Lot 21, blk 15, North Bend, Consideration, $10. December 28, 1909. C. A. Smith Fir Company, tov Smith-Powers Logging Company;: deed. Lot 7, sec 31, twp 25, R 12. Consideration, $10. Emma Nasburg, to J. Wm. HiH strom. Lot 11, blk 49, Nasburgs Addition to Marshfleld. Considera tion, $10. December 31, 1909.' Frank J. Hayes et ux, to Wm. TV Moffett et al; deed. S'fc of lot 2, bit S, North Marshfleld. Consideration, $1,900. , Levi Smith et ux, to Home Trust Company; deed. Lots 6 and. 7, blfc G, Marshfleld. Consideration, $500, Simpson Lumber Company, to B. F. Wyatt; deed. Lot 28, blk 44, North Bend. Consideration, $5.00. Chas. Lichtwerk et ux, to Bennett Trust Company; deed. Lot 8, bile 27, Clements Plat of Marshfleld. Con sideration, $10. Elmira Ferguson, to Joseph N. Pomlnvllle; deed. 9;16 'acres ot land beginning 28.47 chs N and G.10 chs E or SE cornor of NE Y , sec 11,.. twp 20, It 13, Consideration, $10. January 3 1910. W. C. Muslck et ux, to W. H. Nor ton; deed. Lots 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7,. blk G, Sumner. Consideration, $215 C. E. Lonnan et ux, to Coos Bar Timber Company; deed. E oC SW54 and SV& of SEV4, sec 20, twp 30, R 12; SVi of SW, NE& of SW, and SW of SE&, sec 1. twp 25, R 11; lot 7, sec 18, twp 24. R 10. .Consideration, $1.00. Marshfleld Land Company to Wm. Curtis; deed. Lots 3 and 4, blk 10, Bay Park. Consideration, $10. North Bend Iron Works, to Henry G. Kern; deed. 0.58 acres boglnnlng- 80 ft E of NE corner of blk 51, North Bend. Consideration, $5.00. John B. Goddard ot ux, to Anna. Hengea; deed. Lots 5, G and 7, bile 13, and lots 1, 2, 3, 20, 21 and 22, blk 15, Portlawn Addition to North Bend. Consideration, $10. January 4, 1910. Bennett Trust Company, to Geo. F. Winchester; deed. Lot 1, blkr 32, Bennett Addition to Marshfleld. Consideration, $500, January 5, 1910. B. C. Bradbury et ux, to H. P", Conloguo; deed. Lot 9 and N or lot 10, blk 40, Railroad Addition to Marshfleld. Consideration, $10. U. S. of A. to Geo. H. Webor; pat ent. SW'i, sec 34, twp 2G, R 14. MORRISSEY can MAKE that WATCH KEEP TIME. Bring it around to tho OARLETON Jewelry-Company. WE ARE STILL SELLING BEST THE .50 SUIT IN AMERICA. COME IN AND GET YOURS. 1 m A J3. J3LA J1L S JsL i m m ii i'llirnaiiiiiiViiiiii JiiiaiOlfc..-i.1.