W-fr'4frv'fft(iW)dr&fetj- , THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 19 09-EVEN1NG EDITION. ., II U frti i v' 1j'1 ri.i II.mAm ITA: j lor your nouaay winea mc WE DELIVER UP TO 6:00 P- M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24th Tl ..., . 1 U ir none o WEINHARD BEER $1.25 per DOEN PjNTS WEINHARD BEER $2 per DOZEN QUARTS BUDWEISEfl, PAB.ST, BLUE RIBBON AND A. B. C, $2.50 PER DOZEN PINTS, $3.50 PER DOZEN QUARTS. 20c per dozen allowed on returned empty pint bottles. 40c per dozen allowed on returned empty quart bottles.-! SHERRY WINE, $1.50, $2.50 and $3.00 s PER GALLON. MUSCATEL WINE, $1.25, $2.00 and $2.60 PER GALLON. PORT WINE, $1.50 to $3.50 PER GALLON; CLARET WINE, 75c to .$L50,PER GALLON The above wines come bottled in quarts, priced from 50c to $1.00 per bottle. i ( CHAMPAGNES. , WE CARRY MUMM'S EXTRA DRY, WHITE SEAL, POMERY, BRUT OR LEE, IM PORTED. , v; SPARKLING Wife.- ' ' SPARKLING BURGUNDY, SPARKLING MOSELLE, SPARKLING SAUTER'ME; 7 PhdttB ii& Voiir ord COOS BAY LI er we will ie rest Irar 9 JLJLJLW 1 'AfL I h I do tli EA u3 91 ,jA ,, , ,.l,,,MMMMMtBgHBi33aBMiwwiWMWPM'"'w'''r'' " ' . . .. HER.E ARE SOilE SUGGESTIONS' FROM SANTA GLAUS: FOR BABY FOR SISTER FOR BROTHER MOTHER FATIIEB FOB YOUR FRIENDS Rattles.. .. 10c Handkerchiefs 10, 15, 25c Balls. . 5, 10, 25c Set of Dishes. Pacifiers Bolls .- . . . . Bubber Bulls Horns .'. . Bear Skin Coats . . . Beauty Pins Bell Toys Banks Battles viili Bings. Return Balls Whistles Ribbon... .' BagiBolls Teddy Bears ... Aluminum Cup. . . 10, 15, 20c Automobiles.. . ... 10, 25c Drums . ... 10, 25c Knives 75c Tool Chests. .. . 25c to $1.00 Magic Lanterns.. . 10c to $2.50 Trains .25c to $2.15 Banks 10c Dolls with Natural Hair and eye'- Mechanical Toys. 10c lashes $3.00, $1.50 Gun Bpats 5c Ribbon .5 and 10c Sido Combs v5 nnd 10c Back Combs... ,' 5c Gold Pins $2.15 Stationery. .. ... .10, 15, 20c Post Card Albums. 15c Kldbody Dolls 25, 50, 75c Rand-Painted Plates. . . . .35, 45, 75c Cups and Saucers. . . ...51 to $2.00 Stationery $1.7." mid $3.00 Ribbons'. . ', ...$3.00, $3.00 Handkerchiefs . . . 75c to $2.00 Hose . . . 10c to $1.25 Combs . 25c iip Water Sets. .$1.00 to $50.00 Guaranteed Knhcs ..$1.50, $3.50 safety Razors ..25c to $2.75 c.,,,,,,. Seto 25c up Shaving Brushes . . . 5c up a 25 50c Shaving Glasses... 25, 50c Ties 25c up Handkerchiefs.. .. $1.05 to $2.05 Sov ..50c to $7.00 Odds in Jap China $1.00 to $5.00 Odds in German China. $2.50 to $5.00 Shell China. s o Havlland China. 2oc Dmilton Jugs. co. 00c Dmiltou Plates. 25, 50c Chocolate Sets. 25, 50c Wlw Sets. 25, 50c Baskets. . ... 25c up Dolls, all kinds. . . . . .p, 10c Cups and Saucers 5c Mirrors ..5, 10, 15c Dressed Dolls... 25c Toy Pianos. . . ,15c to $1,25 Toy Dishes 20c Toy Beds ALT; PRICES THE LOWEST 15c to $2.75 Meclumical Boats , ..5c to 85c Donkey Engines, COOS BAY CA.8I-I STORK 20c Vases 25c up Stationery.'. ... . .$1.25, $1.50 Jugs $1.50 up Cuspidors... ... ..75c to $2.75 JnrWnfers 35c up Wlno Seti,. ... - . A... a,U. - 1-a. ( onn Qh Pun mill SnilPMS 35c to $1.50 Air Guns, 50c, 75c, $1, $l.-o, isi.ao cane nets p." "" ?"'' """ 7 $1.50 and $2.75 Dinbolo 25c to $2.50 Pie Places $1.50 up Set Clock Ornaments . . .20c to $2.50 Books Alger's nnd Henry's 25c Unibrellns $1.10 up Fish Rods r. ei o. ci m n.tnHn icm S1.30 Kitchen Sets $1.50 Lamps .,i., v "i v.. o ,.,, .xrr. ww oam nivn! vniT TTIK.PTlOPr.n ATTENTION. . owr.pfTT vnrni finnns wihtiK ti k jsrouiv i wuiruimvi n.m .. -- , Front Street, Ma: 75c up Toys of all kinds. $1.75 Books. 50c up Stationery. $1.25 up Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, ...75c to $5.00' And other articles too numerous i , ,35c to $2".00' mention. COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tne postorllce at Ma?sh 4sld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall, matter. M. O. MALONEV Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEV News Editor Dedtrtod to tho service of the people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. An Indepeadbnt Republican news okper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by the Coos Boy Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, : A'- ;; Oregon tfpssbflold SUBSCRIPTION" RATES. In Advance. DAILY. One year $5.00 Blx months $2.60 Less than 6 months, per month .60 WEEKLY One year $1.50 OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSH FIELD. Official Paper of Coos County. NEWSPAPER AS SCHOOL BOOK pers correctly was a short time ago established and is declared to bo meeting with great success. Tho com so is conducted in con nection with the study of city gov ernment, such as has been found to be successful In the schools of Chi cago. As there is no text-book that can cover this study, the educators picked out tho dally nowspaper, from which the students aro expect ed to learn and digest all about the city. Speaking of this recently, one of the school officials said: "There Is no text-book for this work and naturally cannot be )ne. Tho material for this Is always cur rent, and such toxt-book as we have will bo the newspaper. One thing, of course, It has' already done is to teach the boys and girls to use news papers Intelligently. "Tho boys would open at the sporting pago and then read only headlines forward and back. TUo girls never read the papers at all They never knew tho most common events of dally happenings. Now' ono of our oxerclses Is for tho ctus sos to decide each day what was the most Important piece of news In tho COOS' win Her subject Mrs. Henry Sengstacken Author of Excellent Volume of Poetry. "A Legend of tho Coos" Is the title of Coos Bay's latest contribution to and her attempted elopement after she had been promised to Lahtonish, son and successor to Chief Dallobs of the tribe residing on the Bay pioper. The story of the tribal visit and the betrothal feast is told and of the meeting of the hunter1 bold fiom the Urtipqua who secretly had won Nesl ka's heart. Tho attempted flight, foiled by the mldnfgh't song of the white crowned sparrow, followed by Indian Justice and -a wedding In Which even force' could not victor over love are protrayed. But to tel the gist of the legend in proSe Is 111 fltting -whdn all Is so admirably told in verse and everyone Interested In Coos Bay should read Mrs. Sengstac- llteraturo and ono that promises to , ., .. ir TT c . 'ken's work and give her the honor win the author, Mrs. Henry Sengstac-. , Pocket Jlashliuhts at Tho Gunnery. nnr..-m T 11.. MA. V..1. York high schools which tho fj nulilln lrnnwn HtHft nr tinthlnC . nbout but which has a great bear ing In tho education of tho pupil that of learning to read the nowspa- .U'TOMODIIiH FOU CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Magnos & Matson hnvo arranged eo automobile service to their store nil this week. Phone C8-J, and the auto will come. FOOTBALLS at Tho GUNNERY. ken, renown. She writes under her maiden name, Agnes Ruth Lockhart, and the first copies of tho book wero received hero yesterday, 'having been published by a San Francisco house. Tho book is dedicated to tho MIIllco ma Club of Marshfleld, an organiza tion bearing tho name of one of tho principal characters of the story. In verse, she tolls one of tho pret- that she deserves for It. A Belleville, 111., man who Is 97 years of age asserts that he never eats more than one pound of meatrln a year. That may be the average for a good many Coos Bayltes If the price goes much higher. When automobillng, It doesn't pay to he too particular. In California tlest legends not only of Oregon but I six people wero badly Injured be- of the west. In purest English and causo tho chauffeur tried to perfect verso, tho details of tho leg-! killing a dog. end are told, prettier far In poetry i than in prose In which some have heard bits of the loro which Mrs. Sengstacken has connected up Into a complete story. Tho legend deals with Nesika, the daughter of Mllllcomah, chief of tho Upper river, now known 'as North Coos River, although early named, Mf M'llltrtnmn rf M Illlonmnll V" I avoid FRESH Eastern OYSTERS for sale at tho COLD STORAGE Plant. Continuance performance com mencing $7:30 OPERA HOUSE TO NIGHT. Red AIR OUNS, nickel plated air rlvfcr Guns and B B Shot at MJLNER'S. AT THE THEATRE. Manager Butler's vaudeville made a decided hit at tho Masonic Opera House last night. There was a fair attendance and seldom if ever has a Marshfleld audience bestowed ap proval on an attraction the way It did Jast evening. The Chicago Newsboys Quartette and the acrobats were re peatedly encored and were generous in their responses. Manager Butler has decided to make i't a continuous sjOw each evening Instead of at tempting to give two performances. This will enable theatre goers to en ter a any time and see the whole performance. Illustrated songs and some moving pictures are other fea tures of the show. THE WHEAT MARKET. By Associated Press, CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Wheat clos ed as follows: December, 1.16; May, $1.11 1-8; July, ?1.02 1-8; September, 98 c. (By Associated Press.) TACOMA, Wash., 'Dec. 21. Blue stem wheat, 11.18; Club, J1.0S; Red Russian, $1.06. fBr Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Dec. 21. Track wheat prices: Club, $1.10; Blue stem, $1.20; Red Russian, $1.08; Turkey Red, $1.12; Forty-fold, $1.12; Valley, $1.10. BUYS TRACT . Ill EAS1SID TMI H. P. Campbell Pays $10,00 .'For Fred Timmermans Holdings There. Tt la nnnnunced that H. P. CD,'I bell, a recent arrival from Seatttel hni nm-nVinanri thn 2B lots la frl Tlmmorman's holdings In block 6 o Eastslde' for $10,000. The Pr!l makes a new hlKh record for Eas side realty. Mr. Campbell says i bought tho tract for a home, deal was negotiated by Stutsman Company. ' Wm,' Campbell, a son of H. ? p-iTTinhnii Tor.otitlv boucht tho M. Mangan property on South BroadwJ and also three lots on South Brow way near the city limits from I Smith and Frank Smith, Rnmo fnUza nrA now SO bUSy ffl hoi rii,.l:tmna hhnnnlnC that tBf have no time to worry over ' nknni.nn l.ttTvinlniv IntO til til uuuuvca u. uui'.e -- Halley's comet. . -.fit "The only way to reform toow .. , . .. t i 'Ma to e says tne Lancoin duui. -- It out." The very subb""--start thousands to kicking.