EXKESBi GOING & HARVEY COMPANY. House Furnishers. A Safe Place to Trade I The recent arrival of several carloads of house furnishings makes our stock very complete at this time. You are invited to inspect our line whether you buy or not Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters (Family Size) $J2and$J5 Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters (Family Size) $J2and$J5 Rare Bargains' ',j inOii Pairs of ! Lace Curtains i ;7qV JM fe.-T nr. .. 1 O vr ' ryaxAiirfc C feZBlSil J Room j ftWK9 for laI A vlu JT Hf vll J MffifMtfk Joi Stock SAVES J-3 w: Our Line of Leather Upholstered Rockers Are Simply Superb See the New Waxed Dull Finishes They're up to now PRICES TE (quality Satisfaction, or Money Back' PRICE OF PREFERRED STOCK Ob ME UNITED WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY: Note the steady and rapid ad vance In th3 price of stock since the organization of the company: per share February 23, 1907 $10.00 September 1, 1907 11.00 October 1, 1907 12.50 November 10, 1907 14.00 January 1, 1908 15.00 March 1, 1908 16.50 June 1, 1908 17.50 August 1, 3 908 18.50 October 1, 1908 20.00 December 15. 1908 22.50 February 15. 1909 25.00 May 1, 1909 30.00 August 1, 1909 $35.00 The pricfi will remain at $35.00 for a short time only. It's a chance of a lifetime to make a safe invest ment and 'urge profits, O. L. IIOPSON, Fiscnl Agent, Coos and Curry Counties, Box 323, Oillco Jn The "Clmncllei" Mnrsiiflcld. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, THE GARDEN CITY GLEANING AND PRESSING WORKS, REMOD ELING AND REPAIRING SOLICIT ED. FRENCH DRY CLEANING A SPECIALTY. OVER CLUB CIGAR STORE, FRONT ST., PHONE 200-Y. ifcj Don't Let Coffee Get the Best Of You But Get the Best 25c Pound or 5 Pounds fo$l at PEOPLE'S COOPERATIVE C0? 170 Broadway South YOUR FUEL BILL Weathered Wax Golden Polished . Fumed VERY LOWEST considered) w ith the Toast and Tea GOOD EVENING. Remember the power of in direct influences; those which distill from a life not from a sudden brilliant effort. The former never fail, the latter often. There is good done of which we can never predicate the when or where. It lies In the invisible influence on char acter which he alone can read who counted the seven thou sand nameless ones in Israel. F, W. Robertson. A man should not worry if his clothes are seedy, so long as his vermiform appendix Is not. As people get older and see real trouble, they wonder that they ever cried because rain fell on a picnic. "Remember, son," said Uncle Eben, "you mus have judgment as well as enthusiasm. Good intentions is responsible for some of the worst slngln' In the choir." Coffee -lapfe One Hundred New and Pretty Rugs now on display for the Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Room Size Rugs, $5 to $35 ONLY $1.20 EACH Solid Oak Dining Chairs $L20 Net IB I Mr i ONLY $1.20 EACH jn ? THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. Unto those who talk and talk This proverb should appeal: The steam that blows the whistle "Will never turn the wheel. . THE NEED OF THE HOUR. Great is our heritage of hope, and great The obligation of our civic fate. Fling forth the triple-colored flag to dare The bright untraveled highways of the air. Blow the undaunted bugle and et Let not the boast betray us to for- get, For there are high adventures for this hour, Tourneys to test the sinews of our power; For we must parry as the years increase The hazards of success, the risks of peace! What need we, then, to guard and keep us whole? What do we need to prop the state? We need The line audacities of honest deed; The homely, old integrities of soul; The swift temerities that take the part Of outcast right the wisdom of the heart. Brave hopes that Mammon can never detain, Nor sully with his galnless clutch for gain. We need the Cromwell fire to make us feel The public honor or the public trust To be things as sacred and august As some white altar where the an gels kneel; We need the faith to go a path un- trod, The power to be alone and vote with God. Edwin Markham. It is said that no man can tell a fib and keep-'his bJg-toe,jtill, If Solid Oak . Dining Chairs $L20 Net w KlimiSffi2eaElM the Coos Bay women will Induce their husbands to take off their shoes before they begin to question them, they can catch them in a falsehood every time. , Wnat will it prollt a mna to be have In all other partloulars, and then be feared because he talks too much? The man who boasts that he never did a foolish thing is as scarce as the man who admits that his wife Is boss at his house. The hands a man meets in the course of a day's Journey are held out in two ways; either begging or doubled into a fist. If a woman refuses to play on the piano, it was becauso she wasn't coaxed enough, not because. she thinks she can't play. It is wonderful and terrible how , extravagant engaged folks a:e with love, and how economical they aro with it after marriage.. What has become of the old-fashioned man who quoted scriptures In his contentions with his wlfo to prove that ho was in tho right? It is hard to convince a high school student he will later encoun ter a lot of problems moredlfllcult than those of algebra or geonletry. No matter how harmonious thq family, there Is sure to bo a disa greement when jt comes to the ques tion of who shall 'drown the kittens. Tho preacher who suits every member of his congregation is as rare as gasoline launch that suits overy member of the family. "Those new neighbors of ours are very shiftless people," remarked a South Marshfleld woman to her hus band the other evening. "How do you -know?" ho asked. "Why, I've been over there half a dozen times to borrow and they never have anything." Perhaps one reason widows aro in greater demand with the men than NEW STOCK NOW ON DIS PLAYBUNGALOW EFFECTS SOLID OAK $335 Net Well Made and Strong $335 - Spins, is that a man .knows if he ! marries a Spin her favorite cat will) I always be asleep in his rocking chair when ho wants to sit in it. When people hear of a violent kin quarrel they look as though they never did anything of tho kind them selves. Pugilists aro anxious to find the weak spot that is said to be located on the side of Champion Johnson's head. Perhaps it is on the Inside. Subject of discussion at Saturday night's meeting of the Lancaster Lit erary society, "If a Woman Has 'Em, Should She Wear 'Em, or Shave?" "So many ahead of you," a sick man said to a neighbor, who recom mended a cure, "that I can't try your remedy for two or threo weeks." If you want to compliment a wom an with a grown family do not tell her she Is noted for being a kind, faithful, patient mother. Tell her sho looks young enough to bo tho sister of her children. Ono of tho president's admirers says he is closely pursuing most of Roosevelt's policies. It looks to tho innocent bystander as if tho most of Roosevelt's policies would mako their escape. "I don't know what these hero forest preserves aro," said Uncle Dan Campbell, "unless they'ro can ned huckleborrlcB." People too often think that there Is but ono kind of person in this world their k'lnd. TJiia vas woll illustrated tho other day when a West Marshfleld woman was fussing with her young son becauso the lat ter wanted to buy a shotgun. Sho thought sho clinched tho matter by saying, "I never wanted a shotgun," On the M'xfcan Border. Along tho southern border of Mexi co tho natives still prepare their Thanksgiving feast with tho priraltlvo tools of ancleut times. Beans and corn aro ground Into meal by tho la borious aboriginal method to- mako bread and frljolcs for the Tbanksglv liig dinner. n IIISIIIS n W&uf In ROCKERS $3.35 Net Comfortable and .Well Polished Net We Save You Money V EK3 k3 SECRET OF HAPPY MARRIAGES. Chicago Minister Shons Girl How to Choose a Proper Husband. CHICAGp, Nov. 2G. "Matrimo nial mishaps and how to avoid them" was the text of an address de livered before tho Kilo Association by the Rev. D. D. Vaughan, pastor of the South Halstead Street Institu tional church. About 200 young women listened to the discourse and went to their homes with some of the following epigrams ringing in their ears: If I were a girl I would shun a man who had sown his wild oats as I would poison. Marriage Is tho normal state, but It Is no longer tho necessary state. Tho only basis on which marriage should bo contracted Is on tho basis of love. Women often marry for a home, for money, or becauso they wish to show some other women they can marry that particular man. Learn to understand your hus bands men aro transparent. Pretty women aro not In demand, neat girls are. To hold tho lovo of your husbands keep fooling them. Mako them bo Heve you aro an angel as they sup posed you wore beforo tho wedding ceremony, moro than their children or parents. Women should lovo their hus bands, otherwise they will not bo ideally happy. Men do not object to their wiveB being clubwomen and interested In politics. They do object to college educations for their wives, becauso mon do not marry to bo instructed. "A man is never much good foj anything tho year before ho is mar ried. Beforo marriage the lovo for tho girl is so Intense that It makes him a fool. Aftor marriage it takes an other year for adjustment to tho new order of things." Mr. Vaughan said ho had received moro than 700 letters from all parts of the United States and Canada from men who wanted him to find wives for them and from women who were in search of husbands. Ho said he had paid no attention to these letters, jms-a. iLJii. tk. 6