"TVVV tp.. fwe , J'hmiwwMw.uiiwu1pwliiiWM,WJIHJIlil,JtltJw,iU r, , .. - . - 3&&STZ Z" VTwl -JTT , .Mfen '-.-. .L Jl. ' ' 'J ' .""-' ""-.iw i ii ..,. i m .! Hilling H , iSfCM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSttFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1909 EVENING EDITION. - - . MM :mmmmmm:mmmmmmmn:m:mttmmmmmmty JUST OPENED I ffl WaV S -XJSlrt H I ' ffl C II 1 1 II ii vi 1 1 i -i - li" J I i Bn i w ' j - - , - v -i - fcH .'lgjaft; J. aerate 8 JSlMISL 1 : - J? R Jil2 fcr-I i ; CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, intended for publication in the society depart ment of The Times, must be sub mitted to the editor not later than 6 o'clock p. m. Friday of each week. Exceptions will be allowed only In cases where events occur later than tho time mentioned.) T1IK PRETTY MAID. "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" "I'm going to play bridge, kind sir," she said. "May I go with you, my pretty maid?" "Yes, if you wish to, sir," she said. you play for, my pretty "What do maid?" "Wo play for a prize, kind sir," she said. "Will you bo my prize, my pretty maid?'.' "Then you couldn't play with me, sir,' 'she said. "Then I won't play with you, my pretty maid." "I'd rather you wouldn't sir," she said. Mary Allen Avery. ECENT statistics indicate that the popularity of the widow is waning; but should this be the case, she can most certainly af ford to be generous, for her reputed charm has almost become proverbial. There are many instances of the second marriage of widows, and it is noticeable that the husband in such cases frequently happens to be the younger of tho two. This is not extraordinary, for" wo men Invariably remain young longer than men, and a woman who has en countered the exceedingly enlighten ing experience of married life knows exactly how to deal witlr a man. She is intuitive and can instantly diagnose his mood. If ho appears worried and disirait, she is tactfully quiet and sympathetic. She does not force his confidence, because she rea-l lizes quite well that he will probably tell her everything later on. A young man is naturally suscep tible, and he appreciates this seduc tive treatment. When necessary, a widow is more entertaining than a young girl. Her knowledge of life has made her in teresting; her experience has sharp ened her intellect, and she knows ex actly what to say upon each occasion. As a hostess sho Is usually perfect. Her previous knowledge of married life has necessitated the acquirement of culinary art, and sho realizes that a dainty, well-son ed dinner appeals to a man's soul quite as much as moro beauty of feature. Hut sho Is careful not to neglect her own appearance, for she under stands that men appreciate elegance" as a whole. Then with regard to tho caro of tho family exchequer, a widow's ex perience is Invaluable. At tho ex ponso of much suffering sho has learned the value of money. She knows how and whoro to buy, and gets good value for her expenditure; and this in Itself is a great considera tion for a young man. But perhaps unselfishness is the keynote of tho widow's success, Sho has learned that sho is not the all-: Important factor of tho marriage con tract. Sho recognizes that domestic art Is her sphere In life, and sho ap preciates tho dignity of her x)bItIon. In fact, sho la a "womanly" woman, and, ns a rulo, decidedly deserves lior popularity. Mrs. Honry Sengstackon was hos tess at ono of tho prettiest social ovonts of tho season Friday aftornoon when sho ontcrtalnod at cards. Tho decorations wero extensive, artistic and decidedly original, all savoring , with Mrs, J of tho Thanksgiving season. Great npplo boughs with tho riponed ap ples of various hues still clinging to thorn, pumpkins horo and thore, tho ohandollers hung with Ivy and with othor symbols of tho Thanksgiving scones of old about. Tho rooms wore resplendent undor tho shaded elec tric lights and tho soft glow of tho candles. Tho Thanksgiving idea was still further carried out In tho fa vors, which wero papar-macho tur- s??.'"z..v I fir J5V53 .rtfv&na. . -i fs&A-VSSKM A'KXaaanxSSaajei&S , keys filled with bon-bons, and in the score cards which wero embossed I with turkeys and to each was attach ed a miniature wish-bone. There were ten tables of bridge, all of the guests excepting Mrs. A. H. Powers, Mis. C. F. McCollum, Mrs. J. R. Smith and Mrs. T. H. Barry playing. The afternoon's play re sulted in Miss Laura Kruse winning tho first prize, Mrs. C. M. -Byler the second prize and Mrs. G. W. Tower receiving the consolation prize. Misses May and Kathleen Bennett, Miss Laura Kruse and Miss Gene vieve Sengstacken assisted In serving. Mrs. Sengstacken was assisted In receiving by Mrs. M. C. Horton, and Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. Among those invited were the fol lowing: From Marshfield Mesdames E. Mlngus, G. A. Bennett, W. P. Mur phy, P. M. Wilbur, J. W. Bennett, Wm. Grimes, Ward Blake, W. C. Bradley, F. A. Golden, F. K. Gettins, Geo. Gettins, Wm. Horsfall Jr., M. C. Horton, J. W. Ingram, E. K. Jones, Dorsey M. Kreltzer, J. H. Flanagan, I. S. Kaufman, G. W. Kaufman, J. A. Matson, Arthur, McKeown, M. G. Maloney, J. T. McCormac, W. T. Merchant, H. H. McPherson, F. P. Norton, Eugene O'Connell, C. R. Peck, Colby Perry, Arthur Pollexfen, A. H. Powers, Nels Rasmussen, P. A. Sandberg, D. Y. Stafford, R. T. Street, D. W. Small, C. A. Sehlbrede, W. A. Toye, H. S. Tower, C. W. Tower, J. M. Upton. R. F. Williams, and Misses Kathleen and May Bennett and Eliz abeth Kaufman. From North Bend Mesdames C. M. Byler, W. P. Evans, C. F. Mc Collum, T. W. Ronnie, L. J. Simpson, J. R. Smith, C. S. Winsor and Miss Laura Kruse. From Empire Mrs. T. H. Barry, Mrs. R. E. Shine and Mrs. Morton Tower. J J J Mrs. Bradley will entertain the Ladles of the Progress Club at her apartments in the Williams building, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Cooa Bay people who visit In other cities, together with notices of Boclal affairs, are gladly received In tho social de partment Telephone 1331. No tices of club meetings will be pub lished and secretaries are kindly requested to furnish same. Miss Georglo Newmyer of Spok ane, Wash., is expected soon to visit with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Ingram. I Mrg, Wm. Lawlor was hostess Tuesday afternoon In honor of the 1 Biographic Club at one of the mo3t (delightful events of the week.. Greens . predominated in the decorations. The I afternoon was spent at cards, Mis. i F ,M. Parsons winning first prize, Miss Alice Butler second prize and Mrs. C. E. Nicholson receiving the consolation prize. Refreshments wero served, Mrs. Parsons assisting I Mrs. Lawlor. Among thoso invited I wero Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. J. W. I Bennett, Mis. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, ' Mrs. E. K. Jones, Miss Hutcheson, Miss Evelyn Anderson, Miss Alice Butler, Miss Maude Painter, Miss Stella O'Connell, Mrs. Otto Schetter, Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. E. W. Kam merer, Mrs. F. M. Pnrsons, Mrs. W. M. Blake, Miss Elizabeth Kaufman, Mrs. A. E. Neff, Mrs. J. T. Harrigan, Mrs. E. L. C. Fnrrin, Mrs. C. E. Nich olson, Mrs, J. E. Lyons, Mrs, W. F. Miller, Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. M. Roberts and Mrs. J. W. Flanagan. J Mrs. W. J. Butler entertained tho Evergreen Bridge Club at her homo last Saturday aftornoon. Tho piny resultod In Mrs. Fannlo Hazard win ning first prize and Mrs, Rolandson receiving tho consolation prize. Tho club Is meeting this afternoon E. Lyons, 4. 4. . Tho A. N. W. Club did not meet this week owing to Thanksgiving but will moot noxt Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fannlo Hazard. Tho an nual election of ofllcers will bo hold then. F. A. Haines and wife entertained tho Tuesday Evening Whist Club this week, their homo being prettily dec orated for tho occasion. Tho even ing's play resulted In Dr. House worth and Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzer car rying off the honors. Among their guests were Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Houseworth, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Selby, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crosth wait, Mr. and Airs. Dorsey Kreltzer, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Peck, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Warwick, Mrs. EfTie Farringer, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Miss Maude Painter and Mr. Conner of Deadwood, S. D. Tho club will meet a week from next Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kreltzer. Last Saturday, Miss Lillian Han son entertained a number of friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson, in Bay Park. The event was in honor of her twelfth birthday and the hours were from 1:30 to 5:30. Taffy pulling, music by Misses Clara Sergeant and Clara Matson, and various games made the afternoon go quickly, and after enjoying a four course lunch eon, the little folks -separated wish ing their hostess many more such happy anniversaries. .-She was the recipient of numerous presents. Among her guests were the follow ing: Cora Matson, Alice Matson, Clara Sergeant, Howard Kelley, Eu gene Kelly, Roy Green, Gertrude Gage, Lily Gibmark, Stella McNlb and Margaret O'Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of North Bend, entertained a number of friends at a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday evening. Two weddings solemnized In Marshfield Thanksgiving Day were of decided interest to Coquille Val ley folks, the contracting parties coming from that section. One of the couples was Prof. H. O. Anderson of Coquille, and Miss Elda Farlow who were married by the Rev. H. I. Rutledge. The second couple was Ralph Thompson and Miss Ina Black erby, both of Bandon. .. .5. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hayes of North Bend, entertained a few friends at a Thanksgiving dinner . Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Simpson and baby, Mrs. Brown, Carl Hayes, Miss Flossie, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. 4 3 Several dancing parties were given during the week that drew a large attendance and a good time is report ed by those in attendance. Wednes day evening, the Terpsichorean Club enjoyed ono of Its most delightful dances at the I. O. O. F. hall. Thurs day night, the members of the Marshfield Independent football team gave a dance In the Odd Fel lows' hall which vas largely attend ed. $ 4 Mrs. D. L. Avery and her sister, Mrs. John W. Weinberg of Illinois, who has been visiting her, left Frl day for Oakland, Cal., where they .will visit relatives for a whole. Mrs. Weinberg will visit at other south western points before returning east, j. .j. 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Worrell of North Bend, entertained as Thanks giving' guests Captain Olson of San Francisco, master of the schooner Advent, Mr. and Mrs. y. R. Simpson, and Hnllte Simpson. .j. 4. $, Miss Laura Kruso of North Bend, Is spending a fow days with Misses May and Kathleen Bennett. 4 4 4 Tuesday afternoon from 4 to C o'clock, Miss Florence Powers entor talned n number of her young friends at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, II. Powers, in honor of h'er twelfth birthday. Yellow and white prodomlnnted In tho decorations and following games, a delicious repast ! n 00 Largest Stock of Electric Fixtures and Supplies in Southern Oregon We Will Open Saturday Morning for Business WrRING DONE UNDER UNDERWRITERS RULES. NO DANGER OF FIRE WHEN WE Do YOUR WIRING. UMBRELLA REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. COME IN AND SEE OUR STOCK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY A LARGE STOCK OF PYROGRAPHIO GOODS EXPECTED EVERY DAY. ABOUT IT. STAiMPING DONE TO ORDER. ' FREE LESSONS. ASIC MARSHFIELD ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY HOUSE tmmmttttttttittttmtitttmnnnmmimitttmitmnmmttttiittu Tjftflgglg CHRISTMAS IS COMING A Few Suggestions From Our Jewelry Department for Your Xmas Shopping. Watches THE REST IVLYKES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Decorated China A COMPLETE LINE OF THE MOST ARTISTIC Jewelry RINGS, BROOCHES, SCARF PINS, DIAMONDS Cut Glass THE LARGEST LINE OF THE REST MAKES. Silverware STERLING AND PLATED BED ROCK PRICES AT Brass RUSSIAN JAPANESE SPUN BRASS. AND Our stock affords the largest assortment and va riety of presents in the county. We Handle the Goods. PREUSS DRUG CO. ----K-::-n-n--::--r.- 1 8 By Day and by $ Night an Electric S9 lg ;n Talks for You. iwraqurttafBiiasig Who D The North It is a thing of beau ty and brings trade every day. (Continued on Pago 8.) COOS BAY GAS & ELECTRIC CO. ------a-R-n-n-n- Satisfaction and Happiness When thoroughly satisfied most people are happy. We do not make any claims of dispensing happiness but we do claim to give satisfaction and that helps. Wfe try and have everyone of our customers thorough ly satisfied with their treatment here. Good Groceries, Fair Treatment, prompt delivery and reasonable prices are the Ingredients in our re cipe for satisfaction and success. Let us fill your next order and try it. No transaction Is closed until you are satisfied, CW.Wolcott FAMILY GROCER 1 a :': :: :: t 8 t :: :': i 1 1 a 1 a 1 :: t u n t a i u 1 a n a r 8 ) a it 1 a a 1 a iscovei Pole Has Not Been Settled Yet; But t It was discovered long ago That the Best Bargains in ITURE May be Found at C. A. Johnson's FRONT STREET - MARSHFIELD COME AND SEE FURN IniMaHBaaiBaBriBBBaBnEnBiarKBiBSKnHBBBBaaiBMil ---a-n---a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- DONT MISS THIS! -GRAN D Masquerade Ball and Cake Raffle Knights of Finland Hail, Saturday Evening, Nov. 27 3 CASH PRIZES TICKETS OXE DOLLAR including chance on TWO cakes one three feet high and one over two feet high. Cakes may be seen at the Bazar and at Lockhart & Parsons Drug Store. Don't miss it YOU WILL GET YOUR MOXEY'S WORTH. ! p 1 a 1 it 1 a 1 a 1 a t 1 a a a a 1 a a a a a 1 a a a ---8-a-8-a-H-H-a-a-n-a-H8-H-n-a-n-a--a--u--8-K- "T"'-' itinniillrtfilimiii