Kjgrmpr HftNf" ' , THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1909 EVENING EDITION. n U i;, J' i Btf 1 m "ii COOS BAY TIMES An Independent Hepubllcan news paper published every evening except Bunday, and Weekly by Tlio Cons liny Times Publishing Co. Entered at the postoffice fit Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mail matter. M. C. MALQXKY Editor nnd Pub. DAN i;. MALOXEY Xews Kdltor SUJJSCRIPTIOX HATES. In Ailvnnco. DAILY. One year $5.00 BU, months $2.60 Less than 6 months, per month .60 WEEKLY. One year $1.50 Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, Moshfleld :: :: :: :: Oregon i c The Coos Day Times represents a consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall jind The Coos Bay Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos Bay and The Coos Bay Times Is Its immediate successor. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. Official Paper of Coos County. THE CITY COUNCIL AND KAILWAY FRANCHISES IN AND OUT of season The Times has preached the Importance o the city council guarding any railway franchises. For Its strlck adherence to this program, Interest ed parties have called It an obstruc tion but The Times has continued unwavering to this policy. It has pleaded that Coos Bay should profit by the experience of other cities In this particular. Now comes the Spolcane-Spokesman-neview and In a leading editorial' refers to condi tions in Seattle and Spokane endors ing the principles and policies which The TlmoB has pleaded should bo adopted ns standards of conduct for the local council. The Review says: "In mnny ways Seattle has been a badly-governed city. Big corpora tion and railroad Influences have openly controlled the politicians there, and through them exerted a powerful influence on the politics of this state. But public sentiment In Seattle, while eager to Invite new railroads, has long been considerate of the city's rights and needs and has hold the council to a protty rigid line in tho granting of railroad fran chises. All the terminal franchises grant ed thero to the four transcontinental railroads now entering the city over their own terminal tracks pontain common user clauses and require the roads to construct and maintain overhead crossings at such places nnd such times as the city author ities mny now or in the future de mand. The staff correspondent of The Spokesman-Review reports that un der these provisions the rallrond comnanles have already been called upon to expend hundreds of thou sands of dollars In overhead cross ings and will be compelled to spend othor sums ovontually running into millions of dollars. ThlB far-seeing policy hns been of Incalculable benefit to tho people of Seattle. With proper firmness In a city council It is an easy matter, when a railroad asks for valuablo right of way or terminal franchises, to write into those Instruments a provision like that lequlred at Seat tlo, which will bo of Inestimable scr vico to tho people In after years. It Is tho practice of railroads evo rywhoro to stnnd upon tho "condi tions of tho bond," and to exact from tho public a rigid compliance with tho terms of their franchises. They will opon no streets that they are not compelled to open, separate no grndes that it Is not to tholr finan cial Interest to sopnrate, build no vinductB whero tho cost can possibly bo thrown upon the people. It, therefore, becomos tho duty of a city council, when granting franchises to railroads, to look ahoad and provide for the protection of tho people with Intelligence and firmness." the state in the manner of advance ment of her school system and that outside of Portland the high schools of that county lead the state. The sefiool buildings ut Marshfield, Nor h Bend .and Bandon are finely equip ped, nnd everything possible has bpen provided for the convenience nnd sucoess of teachers and pupils, including departments for cooking and sowing, for girls, and great swimming tanks. This is something to be proud of, Indeed, and all the more so because Coos Is a county without a railroad connection it with any other region. A people who support their schools like this are going to do large and excellent things otherwise. Portland Journal THE 'DOCTRINE OF WORK. I PRESCRIBING the rockpile for a lad of 17 years, In Portland, Judge Bronaugh laid down a doc trine of reformation that beats all other expedients for completeness and effectiveness. Thero Is nothing that has the salutary results of healthy hard work, says an ex change. It takes the bumptiousness out of the youngster faster thai any thing we know of, and clenrs his dis ordered mind of absurd fancies quicker than anything else of a cor rective nature In the penal cata logue. One of the curses of tho day Is the Irresponsible leisure to which the young of all classes, boys and girls, arp Indulged; and that they should run up against the disciplinary qual ities of a good day's work once In a while will do them good. The can didate for the reform school has but little to fear; he knows he Is going to bo well cared for, in sickness and health, and that the state will have a keen eye for his comfort and safety at all times should he be sent to that Institution; but the rockpile Is a very grave and different matter; It Is coarse and hard and stern from the jump, and Its attendant officers are rarely given to gentle commls seratlon with the people placed In their charge; It Is sheer work, and the work has a tendency to open up the consciousness and permit the sinking of some very plain and wholesome suggestions upon the mind of tho delinquent. When a lad Is ready for tho reform school he Is primely ripe for the more convincing penalty of the rocknile. HARBOR II IS APPROVED PRO-THE WORK OF LOCAL PAPER. D COOS COUNTY SCHOOLS. COOS COUNTY has something be sides Us timber and coal and dairy lands and bay and harbor and prospocts to boast of, for Stato Superintendent Aokorman says that Coos comity stands at tho head of R. ALBERT SHAW, editor of the Revlow of Reviews, In a re cent address before the na tional conference of charities and corrections In Buffalo, N. Y., on "The Opportunity of tho Publicist For So cial Betterment" said: "It is as reasonable to expect of a newspaper that It shall be guided in its conduct by motives of the pub lic welfare as to expect of a physi cian that he shall not minister to spclal debasement by disseminating hprmful drugs. "When tho editor of a local news paper has a symmetrical and con structive idea of what human pro giess ought to mean for his town or his county he is In a fortunato posi tion. Ho can help to do a world of things for Improving tho schools and for making thorn minister to tho re finement and prosperity of town and country life. "He can use his paper In tho en deavor to bring local methods of dealing with poverty and crlmo up to the best standards. He can co oporate with every group and ngency that is making his region moro in telligent, more attractive, hotter gov erned and more obedient to tho law. "Thus he can make his paper an Institution and a vitalizing center for tho social upbuilding of the town In which ho lives an Institution which can supplement and co-ordinate tho work of tho churches, schools, tho agencies for charity and relief and all other Instrumentalities for social progress." PORTLAND VIEW OF THE POSED IIOXD ISSUE IJY PORT OF COOS HAY. ' The Poitland Oregonlan says: "Coos Bay cities and those of the surrounding -district will soon have the satisfaction of seeing the harbor at that point dredged out and made accessible to practically all deep-sea craft, for the enterprising citizens recently decided not to await the government's action, but to go ahead with their own improvements. In order to accomplish their ob ject the citizens have Incorporated the Port of Coos Bay and have open ed the sale of bonds for providing for funds to establish a first-class harbor at the Southern Oregon port; Sealed proposals for these bonds are to be received by J. C. Gray, treas urer of the Board of Commissioners of the port, and are to be received at the First National Bank of North Bend, November 9, Is named as the closing date when all bids must be on hand. The bonds to be Issued are of $1,000 each and are to bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent, and payable semi-annually at the United States National Bank of Port land, or the Hanover National Bank, of New York. Tho first 25 bonds are to be due In 20 years, and the next and final 25 are to be redeem able each succeeding year until the entire Issue shall have matured. In Issuing these bonds the citizens of Coos Bay realize that a good har bor means added opportunities in many lines, and they figure that in opening up transportation facilities by water they will enjoy increased traffic. The resources of Coos and Curry count'es are yet only partially devel oped, and the providing of transpor tation facilities by the water route means much to that section of the state. Coos Bay forms a natural harbor, but In its present state It Is unable to accommodate the heavier draft vessels. With a first-class har bor Coos Bay can accommodate some of the largest deep-sea craft, and this Is the object of the project ed work" gfltaifllX&rara m '"W "Wlff caaLatrizaxnaigs imaamj23S33smagra3CSB5tM! That Is the cubic contents of one of our dump wag ons. "It's the Size of the Load" that, has brought us so many wood customers. "ARE YOU READY? ko lay in your winter supply of wood or do you want to wait until the rainy season sets in before you order? IT MEANS 50c SAVED CULLLIXGS OF COQUILLE. Coos County Seat Xews TnUen From The Herald. A. R. Enyeart and wife are re joicing over the, birth of a daughter. Born In Coqullle, September 11, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas B. Hol loway, a daughter. J. M. Hodge of Flshtrap, has gone to Albany to be with his children while they attend school. He will be back In the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Muetzel of La keside, came over Saturday, the for mer going to Bandon on business, while tho latter went up the river to visit relatives and friends. Tho steamer Myrtle, belonging to Captain Panter and Engineer Kimo, of Myrtle Point, was brought to this city Monday and was Inspected by tho proper officials yesterday. With a fow minor chnnges, among them tho enlarging of her wheel, she will be able to take the Coqullle-Myrtlo Point run while the Echo takes a rest and undergoes repairs. on every load purchased before Nov. 1st, because after that time we will be compelled to charge $2.50 per load on account of bad roads for making de liveries. Special price on 6 loads or more. C. A. Smith Lumber Manufacturing Co, Local Sales Office: Broad'y, Phone 1 90 J jsumm&swettimaffkffftwmi NORTH BEND NEWS E. R. Hodson of South Coos River, was a North Bend business visitor yesterday. Mrs. J. F. Hall and Miss Roxsle of West Marshfield, are visiting North Bend friends. Mrs. C. H. Walters and Mrs. Zugg of Marshfield, attended the W. C. T. U. meeting here yesterday. on "Distributing W. C. T. U. Litera ture." Ten new members were, se cured. The closing prayer was by Rev. J. C. Llninger. COUNTY DIVISION FIRST; DISCUSS SEAT LATER Mrs. J. V. Hodson and Miss Joella and Evan Hodson nre visiting at the David Wallace home on Ross' Inlet Miss Pearl Johnson Is entertain ing a few friends at her home on Sherman avenue today In honor of her birthday. Mrs. S. Bettes came down from Portland today to remain while her husband is engaged in revival work In this section. IUG ACHIEV :mexts of seyex days T HE FOLLOWING now records "In heavens, In tho waters, un der tho waters nnd on tho roof of tho earth" have been established within seven days: August 27 M. Henri Farman, long distance flying In heuvler-than-alr machine, 3 hours 14 minutes 2G 2-5 seconds, dlstanco of 11S.0G miles. August 2 S Glenn II. Curtis files 12 2-5 miles In ID minutes B0 3-5 seconds. ugust 30 Unltod States sub marine boat Narwhal breaks sub marine speed, records. 'Soptombor 1 Dr. Frodorlck Alb ert Cook of Brooklyn, N. Y., anuouue- Superlntendent McLeod at the county fnrm has garnered In his crop of wool. Sheep shearing was the order of the day last week. Mr. Mc Leod is well satisfied with losults. This gentleman Is planning to make the farm self supporting and he In sists that with a little help for one year he can put tho place In such a shapo that It will pay, as db the best mannged private fnrms. Mr. McLeod states that a few acres of strawberries could bo handled profit ably, which with tho dairy and gar den truck, as wellns homo raised feed for stock, tho county would have little to do but audit returns, ed discovery of North Polo, April 21, 19 OS. Septomber 2 Cunard liner Lusl tanla breaks trans-Atlantic records, covering dlstanco between Daunts Rock, out of Queenstown, and Am brose Chnnnel lightship In 1 days 11 hours 42 mlnutos, an average speed of 25. SH knots an hour. Soptember 4 Commander Peary cables that ho discovered the North Polo. April 0, 190S. Tho W. C. T. U. had ono of Its most interesting meetings this week. The meeting was opened by the president, next was a song, a scrlp turo reading by Mrs. R. G. Summer lln, a prayer by Rev. S. Bettes and later an Instructive talk by the latter Drain to Thresh Out Subject ut Big Picnic Saturday Several Towns Are Interested. DRAIN, Ore., Sept. 17. There will be a harvest picnic here next Saturday of all the people In this locality, to consider the question of the division of this portion of Dou glas county into a new county. The people of Florence are already mov ing for a division of the county In that direction, taking in Gardiner, and the people of Cottage Grove are moving for a new county to bo call ed Nesmlth, taking In a portion of this county. The question of a county seat does not enter into this move so far, it being simply a question of division for the present. BOILED Linseed oil 70c per pillon Shingle stain 7.e per gallon. Turpentine 73c tvv gallon. White lead 8c per pound the PIONEER HARDWARE CO. AT DAXCE SATURDAY night FIXXISII hall. Ladles free. at STAPLES WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT POLE Ashland Mhn, Well Known On Coos Bay, Asks What Kind of Nails Peary Used to Tack Up Flag. E. T. Staples, the jovial Ashland Elk who made many friends on Coos Bay during his trip here with tho Ashland B. P. O. E. team to put through one of the first classes in Marshfield, has butted Into the North Pole controversy. The members of the class that Mr. Staples helped put through will guarantee that hehas the nerve to go through with any thing he starts. But about the North Pole, the following dispatch, from Ashland tells the story: "Ex-President Staples of the Ash land Commercial Club, sent the fol lowing telegram to Herbert L. Brig- man, secretary of tho Peary Arctic Club, Sydney, Cape Breton: " 'Anent Peary's clean-cut, unfrllled narrative and nailing of the flag to the Pole, please publish whether tho nails were cut or wire. (Signed) "E. T. STAPLES.' "Oregon of course is interested particularly as to tho kind of wood comprising the Poler If Oregon pine, it will last many generations of explorers." SCHOOL Supplies at the HAY' CASH STORE. COOS FALL STYLES OF IMPORTED WOOLENS AT JENSEN'S TAILOR SHOP 365 Front Street Marshfield, Oregon where good clothes are made. Also pressing and repairing done by skilled tailors. Decoy at SflflHHHBMHHHHHIBHHIHWHHHIIMMBflHHHMnMaiW xJH UWL