wgjy,"i,"w'"; m , THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1909 EVENING EDITION ttmmmmiKmmmmmmmm:mm:mtmmmtimm 8 Advertisi ! Money Talks! Cash a C3 A When you have a good thing let the people know it. In yesterday's paper we told you of receiving 390 Suits H bought bv our eastern buyer for spot cash at 67 1-2 cents on the dollar. After being advertised less than one day 8 g we have, sold 12 of these suits. Why did we sell them? Because we advertised them. After seeing these suits S H and realizing they are so much better than were .ever sold at a sale, they went quickly. There is not a bad pattern; $t: tt not an old style. Every suit is this spring's style with a saving to you of from $4.00 to $8.00 on every suit, and a Xt H size for everyone, large or small. . . . s tt tt 8 tt H tt H tt tt 8 , Men's Corduroy Pants 200 pairs of corduroy pants came in this lot. $2.45 for sizes from 31 to 42 waist. This pant is made peg top with belt straps', shield pockets and cuffs. Every pair worth and sold elsewhere for not less than $4.00. Suits for Young Men Sizes 16 to 19. We guarantee to save you from $1.50 to $2.50 on every one of them. $7.35 for Young Men's suits always sold for $10.00. $8.85 for Young Men's Suits regular value $12.50. $9.85. for the best of Young Men's Suits, $15.00 values. Shoes for all the Family Men's, Boy's, Women's and- Children's. Seeing is believing!, " Every pair guar anteed. Why do we sell for less than other stores'? That is easy. CASH ONLY. We have no losses. Watch tomorrow's paper for prices on everything, with the Merchandise to make good every article advertised. Read! Listen! Read! Men's Suits, sizes 34 to 42 $11.85 for several styles of suits that never were offered for less- than $15.00. $12.85 for all kinds of $16.50 suits. $13.90 for the finest $18.00 value. $14.85 will buy a better' suit than any ever bought in Coos Bay for $20.00. $16,85 for fine worsted and silk mixed, never was offered for less than $22.50. $22.85 for the best of all wool and silk mixed, every one sold in the best stores for $27.50. $25.00 for the finest hand-tailored silk, lined in several different colors and every one worth $35.00 e Hub Clothing e Co. H OPPOSITE POSTOFFICt fftmmmmmmsnmsmmnu? MAIL ORDERS FILLED SATISFACTORILY OR MONEY REFUNDED MARSHFIELD, OREGON a::m:m:mrttmmttmmm:K:mm DEEP WATERWAY TOjULF 111 Government Engineers Report Adversely On Mississippi Project. ( By Assoclotcd Press ) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 10. Tho proposed fourteen feet water way project from St. Louis to the Kulf received a blow today when tho board of engineers reported to con gress that such a water way was npt desirable. Tho water way would cost $12S,000,000 for construction and $0,000,000 annually for Its maintenance, the engineers say. "CASTLKWOOP" at tho P. K. Have you found somothlng? To And Its owner try a Times' Want ad. At the Sanitary Market You can find in our refrlg orator thn LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINK of COOS COUNTY MEATS AXI r 1'OUlrilY. Wo are in a posi- tfoii to hamllo tho lurgest lines of meat becauso our refrig erator keeps nil tho (lies and foul substnnco from our ment and insures you tho most wholesome and sanitary meats. Wo aro In a position to glvo you meat nt n very small price ' becauso wo soil for cost. 1 Wo would he plonsed to havo you call niuj Inspect our shop. IIAIJj GAMErMIXUP. Easthlde Man Gives His Version of Sumner Gaines. EASTSIDE, Ore., June 10. Edit or Times: Inrogard to the ball game Sundny at Sumner, tho Sumner cor- respondant seems to havo forgotten i'le old saying: "Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone " But he, she or it, whosoever they may be, asserts that tho Eastside nine entered the field all smiles, which is true how over, but why Fhould tho Sumner nine, after going down tho line after the correct tlmo of 11 to 15 in favor of Fairvlew, ston in and share their mourning with us after we smiled alone? Wo are not going. to hide our score from any one, it is as oven a break as could he expected; further more, we understood as near as any one could, what we were going up against and have no reason to ask sympathy from any one, and in men tioning the Fairvlew boys as grey hounds nnd fleet on. foot and true at ftlin, according to the score there was ilfteon of them aimed at the ball and hit tho northwest wind instead, which makes us feel proud of our pltchor who glvep prowess of filling a position In bettor hall games than Jie is playing in today, and we did hot draw him out ,of Uncle Sam's Engineer Corps to meet defeat. Tho game ns It wi played; scored by SE: N T01KE RAGE San Francisco Democratic Club Names Him For Dis- trict Attorney. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, June 10. Francis J. Heney was nominated for district attorney by the-'San Francisco- Democratic club representing one faction of the local democracy. Heney accepted though he said he Is a Roosevelt republican. It Is expect ed that other organizations will nom inate Hepoy. t FIRE SALE OUH ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS THAT WAS ON THE SHELVES AT THE TIME OF THE .FUtE WILL BE SOLD AT A DISCOUNT. BRING your pocket-book and l ave will send you away , SATISFIELD WITH YOUR BARGAIN. Sale is Now On ANONA Cash Grocery I 7 T I ? at the Pioneer Hardware C Fre 6-------... ..i.. .-f-----I---'-- Innings: Fairvlew. Eastsldo , .11110 2 .500110 J. C STECKEL, Mgr. Sanitary Market NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby glvon that the partnership heretofore existing be tween tho undersigned under tho firm name and stylo of LnChnnco and Mc Keown, Is this dry dissolved by mu tual consent; II". J. McKeown having purchased tho business and nssets of said firm, will jmy all legal claims against tho same and nil debts ow ing .said flrpi aro to bo paid hjin, "Tho Chnndler" hotel will hereafter 1P under his sole management. Dated nt Mars! Hold, Orogon, Jiqio 9th, 1909. H. J. McKEOWN, E. D. LACHANCE. When You Are Looking for f Some Suitable Wedding Gift f J Don't forget the Carleton Jewelry Co. Our silverware is very complete in Sterling, Rogers and Community. AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT To increase our Cash Sales, for the next 30 days, we will give .away Absolutely with every cash purchase amounting to $5.00; one dish from- our immense stock of six dif ferent patterns of English China. You are not required to make a purchase of $5.00 at each sale; but are allowed to total your purchases. Be sure to ask for and save your cash slips. See our window for patterns of china "T given away Absolutely - - . JTVi 6 PIONEER HARDWARE C6 V. E. HAGUE, il'res. MARSHFIELD Carleton Jewelry Company, FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS HANK ULDG.,MARSHFIELD, ORE T f ' .!. a-tt-tt-tt-tt-n-B-a-a-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-w-tt-tt a-a-a-a-a-a- M. D. SUMNER, Vicc-Prc. 330 Front St." OREGON :: i a a tt t tt tt t tt i tt t tt tt 168 Central Ave. BETTER MKATS. BETTER PRICKS. BETTER SERVICE. Glvo Us Trial Order iintl Lot Us Convince Von. Tomorrow morning we will have ji full line of choice freh meats mid chickens. PROMPT FREE DELIVERY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. HOBSON'S MEAT MARKET Phone 248J Opposite Chandler Hotel United Wireless Telegraph Company OFFICE. IN MTHE CHANDLER' Messages Received For All Parte of the World, pnONB 860 If you aro interested In tho 7 PER CENT PBEF., PARTICIPATE ING, FULL-PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE STOCK III tho above Com puny, as nn investment, please' call on or write O. L. HOPSON, Fiscal Agt COOS AND CURRY COUNTIES, RO 323, MARSITFIELD, OREGOX. COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS; Cavanagh, Chapman (h Co. i General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Specialty Foot of Queen Avenue, Marshfield "CASTLKWOOD" xt th P. K. ---tt-tt-------tt-t: U ---tt-tt-U-8- -K-a-tJ-tt-tt-tt- inErr-r--r -r2tT- S23BUZkiiii