,v, THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1909 SVENING EDiTiOK TEXT OF MARSHFIELD STREET CAR FRANCHISES fiUncisb SOUGHT v J. M. BL.1KK FOIl COXSTKUCTION ASi OPERATION OF ELKCTIUO LIXB IX MARSHFIELD. Below Is given the full text oltbo Rtreet-car franchise Mch la sought Z j M. Blake. The city council has It under consideration. In Renting the franchise. Mr Blake laid special stress on the regulations iverning the water front lines In -relation to terminal service to bo dven other companies and also to the provision concerning any transfor .of the franchise The franchise as asked by Blake is as fallows': 4n ordinance granting to J i-i,. his heirs -and assigns Mr. M. the rIght to Install, -build, equip and operate a single and double track railway system upon certain streets, avenues and other public places in the city of Marshfleld, county of Coos, state of Oregon, and to con struct, maintain and use over-head -n-lres and underground conduits and conductors for conveying electricity therefor and erecting, maintaining and using poles for wires to bo used -In conveying electricity The City of Marshfleld does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby is gi anted to J. M. Blake, his -heirs, successors and assigns, the Tight to install, construct and oper ate single and double track railways In the City of Marshfleld, county of Coos and State of Oregon, for the carriage of passengers, express, bag gage, mail and freight; and to that end to lay down, build, construct, equip, maintain and operate a single or double track railway to be oper ated by electricity or other motive power, except steam, together with side tracks, switches, turn outs, crossings and connections over, along and upon the following nam ed streets, avenues and other public places In said City of Marshfleld and on and across all Intersecting streets, avenues and alleys necessary to com plete a continuous line: to-wlt: Front street, North; Front street, South; Broadway North; Broadway, South; and Kru-e avenue. East; ac cording to the piat and map of the City of Marshfleld, Coos county, Ore gon, prepared by H. G. Butler In March, 1909, and compiled from of ficial plats, with streets named In accordance with Ordinance No. 34S passed by the city council of said City of Marshfleld, January 20th, 1909. Section 2. Said grantee, his heirs and assigns, shall have the right to install, construct, maintain and operate the necessary tracks, passing tracks, curves and connections and to construct any and all other appur tenances proper and necessary to the operation and management of said railway, together with poles, over head wires and feed wires, and to construct proper and necessary con duits, tubes, manholes and surface plates and other connections on, over and beneath the surface of said streets, together with all proper and necessary equipment In the prem ises, but said poles shall not be less than 125 feet apart and shall not be maintained In the center of the street, or In a position to obstruct travel. There shall be left as near the "upper end of the poles erected under this ordinance as possible and prac ticable, room for the construction of a cross arm, which shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the City of Marshfleld to carry wires for city "business, such as for Are -and police alarm signals and a telephone sys tem for said departments. Section 3. The rails of said rail road shall be laid so that the tops are flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossing of all streets, It shall be the duty of said grahtee, his Tielrs and assigns to plank over the entire surface between the rails, and one plank outside the outflldo rails for the entire width of such Intersec tion. Such planks shall not be less than two Inches thick and shall pres ent an even surface at the top of the rail, and shall be securely splke'd and fastened In place and shall be kept and maintained In good and reason ably safe and proper condition 'by the grantee, his heirs and assigns. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the grantee, his heirs and assigns to All In all spaces enclosed between said rails and the outer edge of said tracks with road gravel or other suitable ballast, so that said gravel or other ballast when packed In Tlace shall be "flush -with the top of said rails and shall be so kept and maintained as nearly as practicable by the grantee, his heirs and as signs. The tracks herein authorized shall be of standard guage and laid as nearly as practicable In the middle of the street and If there should be two track3, the distance between them shall not be greater than Is necessary for the convenient and safo passing of cars thereon. Whenever the City of Marshfleld shall by ordinance change the grade of any street occupied by the tracks constructed Under this ordinance, said grante, his heirs and assigns, 3hnll at his or their cost and ex pense change th tracks to conform to said grade within sixi.y days aft er receiving" due notice to make such change and falling to do so, the city may make such change, and collect the cost of the same, with 10 per cent additional penalty In the manner prescribed by law. Section 5. At any time when the city paves or macadamizes or other wise Improves any street, or part of street, occupied by the tracks here in authorized, the grantee, his heirs and assigns, shall pave, macadamize or' otherwise Improve at his, or their own cost and expense and under the direction of the city council or other proper authority of tho city, all the space between the outer rails of the track and for one foot on the out side thereof. Such work shall be completed wlthlr thirty days after tho completion of tho work done on the same street by said city and shall be maintained in good repair by said grantee, his heirs and assigns. Should he or "they fall or omit to make such Improvements and keep tho same In good repair as herein required said city, without waiving any of the terms or conditions of this ordinance, may Improve such portions of the streets aforesaid or repair the same as the case may be and the cost thereof, with 10 per cent additional shall be charged against said graiitee, his heirs or as signs, to be recovered as provided by law. Section C. Whenever the right shall hereafter be granted by the City of Marshfleld to any person, as sociation of persons or to any cor poration to lay street or other rail way tracks across the tracks owned by said grantee his heirs or assigns, such person, association of persons or corporation shall be required to put In at his, their or Its own cost and expense, whatever appliances may bo necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the said gran tee, his heirs, or assigns. Section 7. Cars shall be run upon a regular time schedule every, day between the hours of seven o'clock A. M., and 9 o'clock P. M.f except In case of riot, acci dent, strikes, the act of God, judi cial Interference and defects or ob structions of bridges or streets over which the grantee, his heirs and as signs have no control. The city hereby reserves the right to make such regulations as to the speed of running cars on said rail ways, as the public safety and necessity demand. The rate of fare shall not exceed Ave cents for any passenger traveling In one general direction within the limits of the City of Marshfleld., Paid members of the police force and of the Are depart ment in uniform and mall carriers In the service of the United States while on duty shall be carried free upon the railways operated under this ordinance Members of tho police force on duty in plain clothes shall likewise be carried free under the rules of the grantee, his heirs or assigns oreretlng said railways;, excepting that for riding In or tho use of observation cars, funeral cars, party cars and other special cars for the carriage passengers, the grantee, his heirs or assigns may charge and collect such compensa tion, rates and fares as may be de sired, provided the same be Axed at a regular and uniform rate. Section 8. In moving mall, bag gage, express and freight over the line of said railways, the cars shall be so managed us not to stand upon the streets or to block traffic or travel upon the Streets except so far as may bo necessary In tho ordinary operation of the cars. Freight Bhall not be loaded or unloaded on said cars on the street. Tho grantee, his heirs or assigns, shall not build un der this ordinance any platform or other structure In any street or alley. The cars used therefor shall con form In general appearance to tho passenger car used upon said rail ways, except In the number and location of windows and shall bo painted nnd varnished In the same manner as said passenger coaches and shall not bo unsightly or offen sive; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the grantee, his heirs and assigns, from hauling, In cars suitable for the pur pose any coal, logs, lumber, live stock or other freight over any of the lines of railway aforesaid, except the line of rallruad located on Broad way, North, at such hours and under such rules and regulations as may be approved by said City of Marsh fleld. Section 9. The City, of Marhsfleld expressly reserves- the right and pow er to permit and allow any and eve ry railroad company which shall de sire to run Its freight or passenger cas or trains of cars Into or through the City of Marshfleld and any person, Arm or corporation who shall desire to receive any freight cars at any warehouse or factory In said City of Marshfleld to connect with the tracks of said grantee, his heirs or asslgnswlth proper spurs and switches and to require said grantee, his heirs and assigns to receive said cars or trains of cars and transport and switch the same on and over said tracks at such uniform and rea sonable rate, in such manner, at such times and under such regula tions as the said City of Marshfleld may by ordinance or resolution Ax and order. Section 10. The franchise and privileges herein granted shall con tinue for a period of 35 years from and after the date this ordinance soes Into effect, provided the gran tee, his heirs or assigns shall com mence the construction of said rail ways upon a graded street covered by this ordinance within four months after the lawful passage hereof; and provided further that a continuous line of railway one mile In length upon graded streets in said City of Marshfleld shall be completed and In operation within twelve months after the commencement of said con struction by said grantee, his heirs or assigns; provided, further that all the lines of railway provided for by this ordanance shall be complet ed within eighteen months from the date of the passage of this ordin ance. In default whereof the pri vileges hereby granted may be for feited at the option of the city coun cil upon a resolution passed for that purpose. Section 11. The grantee, his heirs or assigns shall accept this or dinance, by writing properly sub scribed and flled In the office of the Recorder of the City of Marshfleld within 30 days after Its approval. He or they shall likewise execute and deliver to the City of Marshfleld within 30 days after work has been commenced upon the construction of said railway, a good and sufficient bond In the sum of Ave thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to save and hold the City of Marshfleld harmless from any and all damages or claims which may arise by rea son of the construction, maintenance and operation of said railway or any part thereof. Unless such accep tance and such bond bo so flled, tho rights herein conferred shall lapse. Section 12. This franchise is granted upon the express condition that the same shall be assigned by the grantee or hlB heirs within the time herein limited for tho com mencement of the construction of tho railway hereby authorized, to a public service corporation to be known as tho Union Traction and Terminal Company of Coos Bay to be organized under the laws of the State of Oregon with sufficient cap ital and an ample charter of pow ers to permit the carrying out of the full intention of tho City of Marshfleld to provide railroad trans portation service along tho water front of said City, which said service shall be furnished to any and all person or persons, Arm oi firms, cor poration or corporations, who may own or operate a railroad or rail roads outside the limits of said city and who may desire to enter or pass through said city with its cars or trains or cars. Before the grantee or his heirs shall sell, assign, set over or transfer this franchise or any of the rights herein granted, to such corporation he or they shall fllo with tho Recorder of the City of Marshfleld his statement In writing of his or their Intention so to do and such corporation shall fllo with the same officer of said City of Marshfleld a certified copy of Its articles of Incorporation, and such assignment shall not be offoctual un loss approved by resolution of tho council of said city. In tho event ORDINANCE DRAFTED I1V CITI ZENS COMMITTEE TO REGU IjATE STREET-CAR SERVICE IN THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. Below Is given the full text of the electric line franchise drafted by a special citizen's committee .compos ed of W. U. Douglas, Win. Grimes, C. W. Tower, Henry Sengstacken and R. F. Williams as one that would bo fair both to the city and to the person or company building the line. In submitting it to the council, the committee stated that they had been guided In drafting It by franchises of other cities of the northwest and that they had made It as simple as possible, leaving many things to be regulated from time to time as the city council might In the future deem necessary. Also that the fran chise was not drafted for any cer tain party or corporation. The full text of It Is as follows: An ordinance granting to a corporation, its successors and as signs, the right to construct, main tain and operate an electric street railway In the City of Marshfleld, Oregon; to construct, maintain and use poles, wires and underground conduits and conductors for tho con veying of electricity therefor. The City of Marshfleld does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby is granted, subject to the terms, conditions restrictions and provisions In this ordinance con tained, to , Its successors and assigns, the franchise, right and privilege to lay down, construct, re construct, maintain and equip a standard guage railway and operate the same upon with neces sary and convenient switches, cross overs, side-tracks and turn-outs; also the right to connect together at street Intersections by convenient curves and connections any line of railway in this ordinance enumerat ed or that may be hereafter con structed or acquired along or upon any of tho streets, avenues or public highways herein enumerated so as to conveniently operate cars there over. Section 2. Said Its successors or assigns, may only that tho same shall be approved, said Union Traction ond Terminal Com pany shall forthwith file a good and sufficient bond with said Recorder as required by section 11 of this or dinance. The failure to comply with the requirements of this section In all respects shall be deemed a waiver and abandonment of all the rights granted under this ordinance and all luch rights shall be forfeited and of no effect without further ac tion on tho part of the City of Marsh fleld. Before the .Union Traction and Ter minal Company, Its successors or as signs shall sell, arslgn, lease, set over or transfer this franchise or any of the rights to another corpora tion, the said Union Traction and Terminal Company, Its successors or assigns as well as the assignee cor poration shall comply with the re quirements governing tho assign ment of this franchise by the gran tee or his heirs and assigns to tho Union Traction and Terminal Company; but nothing herein contained shall affect the right of tho Union Traction and Ter minal Company, Its successors or as signs, to mortgage or bond the privi leges herein granted and the prop erty operating tho system without tho permission of the City of Marsh field or tho filing of such statements or copies of any articles of incorpora tion; but in case of sale on fore closure, the purchaser shall file with the Recorder a declaration of owner ship and give the bond as above re quired within three months after en tering into possession under such sale; otherwise this- franchlso to him, they or It shall be null and void. Section 13. Tho grantee, his heirs and assigns, Is hereby granted tho right to string telephone and telegraph wires on the poles erected under thlB ordinance to bo used In tho operation of Its cars. Section 14. The City of Marsh fleld reserves the right to provldo by ordinance proper penalties for the violation of any reasonable rate, rule or regulation which may bo Axed or adopted by It under tho re served powers contained In section 9 of this ordinance, or for tho re fusal of tho grantee, their successors or assigns, to, carry out or enforce any of tho conditions and provisions of this franchise. operate or propel over and upon the railways enumerated In this section, by means of overhead or under ground electrical power or storage batteries, and for the purpose of operating said railway and propel ling said cars and for conveying power and olectrlcal currents, may put up, erect, maintain and use poles and over-head wires, and lay down, . construct, maintain and use underground slots and conduits and underground wires, conductors and cables; provided however, that said , Its successors or assigns, may use and operate steam or other motive power In building, construct ing or repairing said railway. Section 3. The tracks of the rail way constructed under authority of this ordinance shall be laid as nearly as practicable in the centers of the streets and flush with the establish ed grades thereof given by the City Engineer so as to Interfere as little as possible with other public uses of the street. And said railway shall be constructed In such a manner as not to unnecessarily obstruct or In terfere with the use of the streets, alleys and highways of said city by the public; and said railway together with the poles, wires, conduits and other apparatus shall be erected, constructed and maintained in a good workmanlike manner, so that whenever or wherever electrical currents are used or employed In or about the use of the franchise by this ordinance granted, tho same shall be so constructed with such necessary appliances as will control and effectually contain such currents In their proper channels and on Us or their own wires, tracks and other structures, so as to prevent Injury to the property, pipes and other struc tures belonging to the City of Marsh field or any other person or persons, firm or corporation, wtthln said city; and shall operate said means and appliances and from time to time change and improve the same as may be necessary to accomplish said purpose, as Its or their charge or expense, and at Its or their risk. Section 4. Said railway shall bo constructed In the center of tho streets, except In the case of switches and turn-outs, except also, such curves .as are necessary for connecting up different streets, pro- ! vlded such curves, switches and turnouts are constructed so as not to Interfere with the safety, trhvel and convenience! of the public, more than Is necessary, and in no event shall there be more than two tracks along any one street, except, how ever, connections between said tracks; and If there shall be two tracks, tho distance between tho tracks from rail to rail shall not be more than six feet, nnd all the rails shall not bo less than sixty pound to tho lineal foot. Section 5. Any grade or grades of any street or streets which shall be changed after such tracks are laid down, the said , Its successors or assigns, shall chango said tracks so as to conform with the new grade, within a reasonable time thereafter, and will pay Into the, City Treasury such proportion of the cost of changing said grade, ex cavating, bridging or filling said street to said grado as the amount of' space used and occupied by Its tracks and ono foot on each side, shall bear to the whole of said im provement. Further that it will pave or cause to be paved In conformity with the ordinance requiring the whole of said street to be paved, that portion of tho street occupied by Its tracks, to-wlt, between raid tracks and one foot on each side thereof; provided, however, that such paving between said tracks shall be of such mate rial as by ordinance required, and the said , its successors or assigns, Bhall pay said money Into said city treasury on or befcro tho time tho money due' from tho prop erty holders upon the assessment for tho Improvement of said street shall become due and payable, and In the event that said street shall be Improved at tho expense of tho lty and not by assessment of tho property or propi-rty owners, thon In that event said money shall be come duo and payable as by ordin ance fixed. And tho said , its successors or assigns, shall keep the said portion of said street In re pair, under the supervision of the proper city officers. Section C. The right hereby granted to operate and propel cars by electricity over said track Is a right to operate such cars for the purpose of carrying passengers only, excopt as hereinafter, provided, and not otherwise. The cars used by -, its successors and assigns, upon the lines of railway authorized by this ordinance shall bo of approved construction for tho comfort, convenience and safety of the passengers a:id for the protec tion of the public, and the said , Its successors or assigns. ehall operate and run the same for the purpose of carrying passengers upon said railways after tho sanio ehall be completed as in this ordln pnee provided, every day from six o'clock A. M. to nine o'clock P. M'., and to-wlt., one car In each direc tion every sixty minutes during said day, except, , however, In caso of riots, strikes, accidents, the act of God, or judicial Interference, or whore prevented by defects or ob structions upon the streets or bridges herein mentioned, and any violation thereof shall be a sufficient cause for the council to annul tho franchise. Section 7. The City of Marshfleld expressly reserve? the right at all times during the life of this ordin ance to reasonably regulate the speed at which said cars of tho said , Its successors or assigns. shall be operated, and do make any and all reasonable and .necessary regulations for tho public safety, health and convenience, and no cars shall be allowed to stop or re main still upon any intersection of street or streets, but all stoppage (hereof must be on ono side of salcT Intersection, and such cars shall not remain still or standing thereon any greater length of time than Is ab solutely necessary for the getting on and off of passengers with safety thereto, except, however, In case of breakdowns, accidents or obstruc tions. Section 8. Tho , itl successors or assigns, Is hereby granted the right and privilege to propel and operate cars for the transportation of freight over such railway upon what Is now known as Broadway and Front street betweon tho hours of eleven o'clock P. M. and six o'clock A. M of each or any day and not otherwise, and any viola tion thereof shall bo deemed a for feiture of this franchise and tho council may proceed as In this or dinance set forth to annul and de termine the franchlso herein grant ed, and any and all rights there under. Section 9. This franchise Is granted solely with the complete and full understanding on tho part of tho- City of Marshfleld and the , Its successors and assigns, that tho said , Its successors and as signs, will upon request from any person, railroad or corporation, delivering to it or upon Its tracks, or any of Its tracks which may bo connected with the tracks laid upon Iho streets hereinbefore mentioned any car or cars for switching1 or transportation to any point along lts rlght of way or railway, It will ro colve tho same and transport or cause to bo transported or propelled to such point as shall be designated along' its tracks, with all possible dispatch and without unnecessary do lay at a reasonable and just com pensation; and Biich service and tho compensation charged, therefor must bo reasonable and uniform and of a like amount and manner to all per sons, corporations or railways, and any violation of this section, upon tho part of the said , Its successors or assigns, olther in re fusing to accept and deliver, or do laying unnecossarlly and unreason ably the delivery thereof of such cars, or exacting or charging un reasonable rates for such service, or discriminating In such service shall act as a forfeiture of this ordinance. Section 10, Nothing In this or dinance or any right, privileges or franchise granted by this ordlnancc shall bo construed to prevent l;he municipal authority of the City of Marshfleld from sewering, grading, paving, planking, macadamizing, Improving, altering or repairing any of the streets or bridges over which tho railways authorized by this or dinance aro constructed or operated,, but such work shall bo dono bo as to cause as little obstruction or hin drance as posslblo to tho passago of cars and tho operation of said rail way, and the owner or owners thoro of shall have tho privilege of raising or shifting tracks so as to avoid as much as possible obstruction of tho operation of cars during tho pro gress of such improvement. Section 11. If tho said , Its successors or assigns, shall fall to perform or comply with any of the conditions or regulations of Its part herein to b performed, such (Continued on Pago 7.) the said 'JX&JL